Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics: Recent advances and geological applications


Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics: Recent advances and geological applications
Convener: Martin Chadima | Co-conveners: Andrea Regina Biedermann, Juan José Villalaín
| Wed, 25 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST), 13:20–14:26 (CEST)
Room -2.31

Presentations: Wed, 25 May | Room -2.31

Chairpersons: Martin Chadima, Andrea Regina Biedermann
On-site presentation
Jiří Žák

Since the advent of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) method, magnetic fabric has become a widely used tool to unravel the internal architecture of granite plutons, with an impressive boom of AMS studies in the 1990s and 2000s. This "boom period" generated a large body of data and led to significant advances in our understanding of how the structural inventory of plutons records magma flow, emplacement, and regional deformation. On top of that, the AMS is capable of revealing an incredible level of detail, especially in combination with mathematical modeling, as to the type, kinematics, and intensity of finite strain. One of the most intriguing discoveries is the key role of AMS in decrypting multiple fabrics that may reflect heterogeneous superposition of intrusive processes by tectonic deformation. Despite a recent decline of interest in the AMS studies, a number of exciting issues still remain to be explored, namely how to use the magnetic anisotropy to interpret the spatio-temporal melt evolution in "fossil" magma chambers and its potential in recording the past motion of lithospheric plates.

How to cite: Žák, J.: Magnetic fabric of granite plutons: from anisotropy to processes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3174, 2022.

Virtual presentation
João Fontoura, Maria de Fátima Bitencourt, Jairo Savian, and Ricardo Trindade

The study of plutonic rocks is an important tool for unravelling the tectonic conditions of any area. The Arroio do Silva Pluton (ASP), in southernmost Brazil, comprises a syenite-monzonite-diorite association from Neoproterozoic post-collisional setting. Despite being well characterized with petrological and geochemical data, this association of rocks lacks a deeper understanding of its structural and geophysical aspects. ASP maps show four distinct neighbouring bodies, but concordant structural data suggest that they represent one single body in sub-surface. Regional structural analysis reveals a steeply-dipping, NW-striking magmatic foliation in three of the four ASP outcropping areas, with no indication of linear structure. Although foliation demonstrates a constant structural pattern for most areas on a regional scale, variations of the planar fabric are also observed, indicating a more complex internal geometry for the pluton. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM) are largely used in Earth Sciences to determine the magnetic fabric consistent with the macroscopic foliation and lineation. This work presents the results of AMS and AARM studies in a key outcrop of the ASP, aiming to compare structural and magnetic fabrics. The structures along the approximately 140m-long section were interpreted as a magmatic S-C pair. Heterogeneous progressive shearing along the NW-striking subvertical C-foliation leads to alternate zones where the S-foliation is intact and zones where it is progressively displaced. When not affected by C-planes, the S-foliation is sub-horizontal and marked by aligned 010 faces of K-feldspar. A total of 124 specimens (36 drills) were obtained from 7 sites distributed along the outcrop, located in one of the ASP central bodies. A magnetic mineralogy investigation was conducted by hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM acquisition curves. Magnetic susceptibility ranges from 0.4 to 13.3 x 10-3 SI. Shape parameter (T) ranges from -0.581 to 0.473, and anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.055 to 1.107. As positive values of T (triaxial/oblate) are associated with the sub-horizontal foliation, and negative values (triaxial/prolate) with foliation interpreted as C-planes, the structural interpretation of zones where shearing was not effective preserving foliation S is coherent when compared to the AMS scalar data. No solid-state deformation is observed in ASP, so P values are not expected to vary significantly. Hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM curves point to magnetite as the main magnetic carrier. Magnetic and magmatic foliations are predominantly concordant, with minor variations. Magnetic lineation plunges at shallow angles in both structures. In the portions where sub-horizontal foliation is dominant, lineation plunges NW, while in the regions where shear was effective, magnetic lineation plunges NNW-N. This leads to the interpretation of dextral kinematics. The field structural data, together with magnetic data, indicate that the ASP registers a local transcurrent dextral shearing in the magmatic stage. From the observation of similar magnetic mineralogy between the structures, together with the absence of solid-state deformation, it is proposed that the ASP records a late stage of the transpressive event, as described for older units of this area.

How to cite: Fontoura, J., Bitencourt, M. D. F., Savian, J., and Trindade, R.: Analysis of S-C magmatic structures through magnetic fabric investigation at the Arroio do Silva Pluton, southernmost Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12665, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Ana Gonçalves, Helena Sant'Ovaia, and Fernando Noronha

The Penedos-Borralha area is located inside the Galícia-Trás-os-Montes Zone where Silurian metasediments and Variscan granites outcrop. Three Variscan ductile deformation phases were recognized: D1 (360-337Ma); D2 (337-320Ma) and D3 (320-310Ma). D3implied a regional subvertical crenulation (N120ºE) and the deformation of syn-D3 granites (321–312Ma). This contribution results from a multidisciplinary approach (viz., fieldwork, petrography, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)) for the understanding of the magnetic anisotropy patterns of Penedos (PG, post-D3) and Borralha (BG, syn-D3). PG occurs as circumscribed outcrop in a triple point marked by the contact between BG, Borralha tonalite and metasediments. PG is a leucocratic, medium- to coarse-grained granite with garnet. BG occurs as a WNW-ESE outcrop and is composed of biotite-rich, medium- to coarse-grained porphyritic granite. At the outcrop scale, oriented patterns were not observed in PG; however, the BG exhibits K-feldspar megacrysts and phyllosilicates N120ºE oriented. The main mineralogical features observed in BG are quartz displaying strong undulose extinction and subgranulation, K-feldspar with poikilitic texture, plagioclase presenting curved twins and well-developed kinked phyllosilicates. In turn, PG presents quartz displaying slightly undulose extinction, slightly stretched plagioclase, euhedral garnet crystals and phyllosilicates occurring as clustered flakes. The petrofabric studies were obtained using AMS providing scalar (magnetic susceptibility, Km and paramagnetic anisotropy, Ppara) and directional (magnetic foliation, ⊥K3 and lineation, K1) parameters. The Kmindicated paramagnetic behaviour for both BG and PG (53.9 and 30.39µSI, respectively) classifying them as ilmenite-type granites.BG exhibits the highest Ppara values (4.4%), result of the strong K-feldspars and biotite alignment. In contrast, PG exhibits the lowest Ppara values (1.89%) compatible with the no-oriented patterns. The ⊥K3 in the PG are very heterogeneous ranging from NW-SE to E-W; generally, the ⊥K3 are subvertical in the E side, where the PG is intrusive in the metasediments and subhorizontal in the W side, where the PG cuts the BG. Concerning the K1 the PG display NNE-SSW to W-E azimuths with subhorizontal to intermediate dips. In the BG, the ⊥K3, essentially subhorizontal, tends to be parallel to the contacts with the regional rocks and the K1are strongly subhorizontal with azimuths ranging from WNW-ESE to ENE-WSW. Considering this multidisciplinary approach is clear that the petrofabric obtained for both granites resulted from distinct phenomena. The PG petrofabric was inherited from magmatic stages, where the K1 trajectories suggest the location of a feeder zone in the SE border and continuous magmatic flow to NW. The evidence of subvertical ⊥K3 in the E side of PG suggests a tongue-shaped intrusion thicker on this side. In contrast, the BG petrofabric was acquired in the subsolidus and resulted from tectonic processes. The obtained petrofabric agrees with the proposed classification of BG and PG as a syn-D3 and post-D3 granites, respectively. These analyses applied to two contrasting intrusions allowed us to verify that the AMS depend on several parameters and must be interpreted with caution.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by national funding awarded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., projects UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020.

How to cite: Gonçalves, A., Sant'Ovaia, H., and Noronha, F.: Petrofabric patterns of two contrasting plutons: example of Penedos and Borralha granites (Montalegre, Northern Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5153, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5153, 2022.

On-site presentation
Rasia Shajahan, Elena Zanella, Sara Mana, Andrew Harris, and Benjamin Van Wyk de Vries

Dykes and Sills are the primary subvolcanic bodies that transport magma from the deep-seated magma reservoir or from the shallow magma chamber. The mechanism of magma transport and emplacement in dyke swarms is significant, as their passage from magma chamber through the crust to the surface or near-surface settings can provide valuable information on source and how magma has interacted with crustal rocks.

Here, we are presenting the preliminary findings obtained from the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Palaeomagnetic analysis to study the magma transport mechanism and emplacement history of  Mount Calanna dyke swarms of Mount Etna. In order to find their magnetic fabrics, we systematically sampled 45 oriented hand samples from 11 dykes where at least two samples were collected from both dyke boundary and centre. Using the obtained AMS fabrics, we attempt to find the emplacement mechanisms of dykes in Mount Calanna and its relationship to Mount Etna.

AMS technique provides valuable information regarding the dyke emplacement such as whether the Mount Calanna dykes are feeders, and whether they are the result of polycentric, vertical or lateral magma flow. Based on the intersection of the AMS axis with the dyke plane, we were able to identify two classes, one where the dyke plane intersects with the maximum principal susceptibility axes (Kmax) and the other where the dyke plane intersects with the minimum principal susceptibility axes (Kmin). Nevertheless, the variation in the shape parameter from centre to boundary shows the effect of shear, magma viscosity and the host rock strength on magma emplacement. The Paleomagnetic techniques enable us to unravel the relative timing of the injection of the dykes and the possible tectonic control on their emplacement.

How to cite: Shajahan, R., Zanella, E., Mana, S., Harris, A., and Van Wyk de Vries, B.: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study of magma transport in Mount Calanna Dyke swarms of Mount Etna, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5353, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5353, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Andrea Regina Biedermann, Michele Pugnetti, Yi Zhou, and Josep M Parés

Magnetic anisotropy is a time-efficient and powerful tool to characterize the anisotropy of pore space in ferrofluid-impregnated rocks. Empirical correlations exist between magnetic pore fabrics and the shape preferred orientation of pores, as well as between magnetic pore fabrics and permeability anisotropy. Up to now, quantitative interpretation has been challenging, and one reason is the variability of ferrofluids and their properties that have been used in different studies. Namely, the susceptibility of the ferrofluid largely controls the degree of measured magnetic anisotropy. Being a colloidal solution of superparamagnetic particles, ferrofluid displays magnetic properties that are both frequency- and time-dependent. This in turn affects the quantitative interpretation of magnetic pore fabrics. This study sheds light on the magnetic properties of the ferrofluids used in pore fabric studies, with a particular focus on processes such as particle aggregation and sedimentation, and how these affect ferrofluid impregnation as well as the measured pore fabrics. Further, interactions between the ferrofluid and the rock that lead to changes in magnetic properties are studied. These results will form the basis for future quantitative interpretation of magnetic pore fabric studies in groundwater, CO2 or hydrocarbon applications.   

How to cite: Biedermann, A. R., Pugnetti, M., Zhou, Y., and Parés, J. M.: Characterizing ferrofluid properties for a more reliable and quantitative interpretation of magnetic pore fabric studies, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5251, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5251, 2022.

On-site presentation
Lot Koopmans and William McCarthy

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies have proven valuable in identifying subtle or cryptic petrofabrics, significantly broadening the scope of quantitative petrofabric analyses. An exciting development in magnetic anisotropy techniques is the ability to resolve an AMS response into an in-phase (ipAMS) and out-of-phase (opAMS) component using an AGICO KLY-5a Kappabridge. Because the opAMS response is produced by ferromagnetic minerals (whereas ipAMS is the result of the sum of all contributing components), it has the potential to record ferromagnetic sub-fabrics1. However, in natural rock specimens the origin of the opAMS response remains unclear  and previous research has published conflicting reports on exactly which magnetic populations contribute to the opAMS response1,2.

Our study attempts to understand the source of the opAMS signal in magnetite-rich mafic samples from the Younger Giant Dyke Complex in southern Greenland3.  We conduct magnetic characterisation experiments alongside AMS measurements on 22 samples, including temperature-susceptibility, magnetic saturation, hysteresis, and first-order reversal curve experiments. Our samples have absolute out-of-phase susceptibility values between 2x10-7 and 6.75x10-4 SI units, above the detection limit of the KLY-5a Kappabridge. Three distinct relationships are observed between ipAMS and opAMS responses; 1) a parallel ip/op response, suggesting the two AMS responses have an identical source, 2) perpendicular ip/op responses, suggesting a mineralogical control on the AMS response, and 3) ip/op responses at an oblique angle to each other, suggesting two distinct magnetic subfabrics. Surprisingly, 87% of our samples return a negative out-of-phase susceptibility, which is unexpected for ferromagnetic samples.

Magnetic characterisation experiments identify three magnetically distinct sample groups; A) relatively low coercivity, which we suggest represent a multi-domain (MD) dominated system, B) relatively high coercivity samples, which we interpret to have  a significant proportion of super-paramagnetic/single-domain (SPM/SD) magnetite as well as MD grains, and C) similar to B but with a smaller proportion of SPM/SD grains. Comparing ipAMS/opAMS Groups 1–3 to the magnetic characterisation Groups A–C, we find no consistent correlation between the rock’s magnetic mineralogy and the observed opAMS response. The difference in opAMS and ipAMS principal axes orientations therefore does not appear to be controlled by the varying proportion of MD or SPM/SD magnetite.

This result is surprising, as a correlation between ferromagnetic properties and opAMS is expected since opAMS is governed by ferromagnetic grains only. We propose three hypotheses which may explain our results; 1) there is an error in the way the data is processed using the standard software, causing negative susceptibility responses and apparent axes flipping, 2) SPM/SD magnetite may only carry an AMS signal in some of the samples, convoluting the interpretation of opAMS, or 3) viscous relaxation (caused by SPM/SD magnetite) may generate a much stronger opAMS response, resulting in a disproportionate influence on the opAMS signal whilst remaining masked in magnetic characterization experiments. Each hypothesis is assessed in our study and we recommend that further development is required before opAMS is routinely applied to petrofabric studies.


1Hrouda et al., 2017. GJI., 2Hrouda et al., 2020. PEPI., 3Koopmans et al., 2021. GEUS.

How to cite: Koopmans, L. and McCarthy, W.: Assessing the source of out-of-phase AMS in magnetite rich igneous rocks, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10591, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10591, 2022.

On-site presentation
Frantisek Hrouda, Josef Ježek, and Martin Chadima

 Out-of-phase component of AC magnetic susceptibility (opMS) in four single crystals of hematite from Minas Gerais, Brazil was investigated. The phase angle ranges from 1° to 6° along the c-axis and slightly exceeds 25° along the basal plane (in the standard field 400 A/m at the operating frequency 1220 Hz). The opMS in the basal plane shows strong field dependence and virtually no frequency dependence. Along the c-axis, opMS is at least three orders lower and increases with field only slowly; it is similar at the frequencies 976 Hz and 3,904 Hz, while it is clearly higher at 15,616 Hz. The opMS vs. T curve measured along basal plane drops acutely between 680 °C and 710 °C, evidently indicating the Curie (Néel) temperature of hematite. The same curve along c-axis passes more or less parallel to the abscissa in the entire temperature interval investigated.

Directional opMS was measured in 320 independent directions from which the opAMS tensor was calculated using standard linear technique. The minimum opAMS directions are parallel to the c-axis, while the maximum and intermediate opAMS directions lie within basal plane. The differences between measured values and those calculated from the opAMS tensor are relatively small in the vicinity of the maximum opAMS direction and very high in the vicinity of the minimum opAMS direction. All this indicates that the second rank tensor is not the best representative of the spatial variation of the directional opMS of hematite single crystals. In multi-crystal assemblages, however, summation of many oriented grains filters out the non-tensorial parts of the grain opAMS and the resultant opAMS is well represented by a tensor. This result is similar to that of in-phase magnetic susceptibility in hematite investigated in Hrouda et al. (2020).

How to cite: Hrouda, F., Ježek, J., and Chadima, M.: Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility in hematite, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4546, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4546, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Even S. Nikolaisen, Richard J. Harrison, Karl Fabian, and Suzanne A. McEnroe

Three-dimensional shapes of 68 magnetite grains in pyroxene and 234 magnetite grains in plagioclase, were obtained by “slice-and-view” focused-ion-beam nanotomography (FIB-nt) on mineral separates from the Bushveld Intrusive Complex, South Africa. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) determined the orientation of the magnetite inclusions relative to the crystallographic directions of their silicate hosts. For each particle, hysteresis loops in 20 equidistributed field directions were calculated by the finite-element micromagnetic code MERRILL. For each direction, the averages over the particle ensemble were compared to corresponding hysteresis loops measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) on silicate mineral separates from the same samples. FIB-nt combined with micromagnetic modelling allows to explore the mechanisms controlling the magnetic anisotropy for each individual particle and to analyze the combined effect for bulk magnetic properties. This combination is of interest for anyone who interprets magnetic anisotropy because it helps understanding how domain states and crystal alignment in natural samples influence the measured anisotropy. Our results demonstrate that natural particle shapes, their orientations and domain states control the anisotropy of magnetic remanence, coercivity and susceptibility in natural particles. We can show for our specific examples, how the connection between mineral texture and magnetic anisotropy depends on specific domain states. Our data explain why natural magnetite particles at the transition between single-domain and single or multiple vortex states do not always follow the relation between axis orientation and  magnetic anisotropy which is theoretically expected for simple particle shapes.

How to cite: Nikolaisen, E. S., Harrison, R. J., Fabian, K., and McEnroe, S. A.: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis parameters for natural magnetite particle assemblages: Micromagnetic analysis of focused-ion-beam nanotomography data with MERRILL, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8528, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8528, 2022.

On-site presentation
Liz van Grinsven, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Lennart de Groot

Absolute paleointensities are notoriously hard to obtain, because conventional thermal Thellier paleointensity experiments often have low success rates for volcanic samples. The thermal treatments necessary for these experiments potentially induce (magnetic) alteration in the samples, preventing a reliable paleointensity estimate. These heating steps can be avoided by pseudo-Thellier measurements, where samples are demagnetized and remagnetized with alternating fields. However, pseudo-Thellier experiments intrinsically produce relative paleointensities. Over the past years attempts were made to calibrate pseudo-Thellier results into absolute paleointensities for lavas by mapping laboratory induced ARMs to the thermally acquired NRMs. Naturally occurring volcanic rocks, however, are assemblages of minerals differing in grain size, shape, and chemistry. These different minerals all have their own characteristic mapping between ARMs and thermal NRMs. Here we show that it is possible to find these characteristic mappings by unmixing the NRM demagnetization and the ARM acquisition curves into end-members, with an iterative method of non-negative matrix factorization.  In turn, this end-member modelling approach allows for the calculation of absolute paleointensities from pseudo-Thellier measurements.


We tested our end-member model approach using a noise-free mathematical data set, yielding a perfect reconstruction of the paleointensities. When adding noise up to levels past what is expected in natural samples, the end-member model still produces the known paleointensities well. In addition, we made a synthetic dataset with natural volcanic samples from different volcanic locations that were given a magnetization by a known magnetic field in the lab. The applied fields ranged between 10-70 . The average absolute difference between the calculated paleointensity and the known lab-field is around  for the 2 to 4 end-member model, where the paleointensity of almost all flows can be retrieved within a deviation of ± . The average difference between calculated paleointensities for the 3 end-member model is -1.7 . The deviations between the paleointensities and the known lab-fields are therefore almost Gaussian distributed around the expected values.


To assess whether the end-members produced by our analysis have a physical meaning, we measured the Curie temperatures of our samples. These Curie measurements show that there is a relationship between the abundances of the end members of the 3 end-member model in the samples and their dominant Curie temperatures. This indicates that even whilst the spectrum of Curie temperatures and hence composition of iron-oxides in the sample set is continuous, the calculated end-members of the 3 end-member model are related to magnetic minerals present in the samples. Although the two datasets in our study show that there is potential for using this end-member modeling technique for finding absolute paleointensities from pseudo-Thellier data, these synthetic datasets cannot be directly related to natural samples. Therefore, it is necessary to compile a dataset of known paleointensities from different volcanic sites to find the universal end-members.

How to cite: van Grinsven, L., van Leeuwen, T., and de Groot, L.: End-Member Modelling Analysis (EMMA) of pseudo-Thellier style experiments to derive absolute paleointensities from lavas, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2437, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2437, 2022.

On-site presentation
David Cortés‐Ortuño, Karl Fabian, and Lennart de Groot

Micromagnetic Tomography is a technique that combines X-ray micro tomography and scanning magnetometry data to obtain magnetic information of individual grains embedded in a sample. Recovering magnetic signals of individual grains in rock samples and synthetic samples provides a new pathway to study the rock-magnetic properties of remanent magnetizations that are crucial to paleomagnetic studies. This is possible by numerically inverting the surface magnetic signal for the magnetic potential of individual magnetic grains via their spherical harmonic expansion [1]. Resulting magnetic moment solutions are uniquely determined as dipole and higher order multipole moments, which has been proved in [2]. Furthermore, the higher order multipole signals in the magnetic particles are an indication that the grains carry complex magnetic orderings, such as multi-domain or vortex configurations [3]. In this work we show that the magnetic moment information can be used to constrain the internal magnetic configuration of individual grains using micromagnetic modelling. We first review the multipole expansion method used in Micromagnetic Tomography [3]. Further, we show three dimensional micromagnetic modelling results to predict the multipole signal of magnetic particles in different local energy minimum magnetization states. We show that for certain grains it is possible to uniquely infer the magnetic configuration from the inverted magnetic multipole moments. This result is crucial to discriminate single-domain particles from grains in more complex configurations. Our investigation proves the feasibility to select statistical ensembles of magnetic grains based on their magnetization states, which opens new possibilities to characterize stable paleomagnetic recorders in natural samples. 

[1] L. V. de Groot, K. Fabian, A. Béguin, M. E. Kosters, D. Cortés-Ortuño, R. R. Fu, C. M. L. Jansen, R. J. Harrison, T. van Leeuwen, A. Barnhoorn. Micromagnetic tomography for paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126:e2021JB022364, 2021.
[2] K. Fabian and L. V. de Groot. A uniqueness theorem for tomography-assisted potential-field inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 216(2):760–766, 2018.
[3] D. Cortés‐Ortuño, K. Fabian and L. V. De Groot. Single particle multipole expansions from Micromagnetic Tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22:e2021GC009663, 2021.

How to cite: Cortés‐Ortuño, D., Fabian, K., and de Groot, L.: Micromagnetic modelling and single particle multipole expansions from Micromagnetic Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4519, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4519, 2022.

On-site presentation
Frenk Out, David Cortés-Ortuño, Karl Fabian, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Lennart de Groot

The recently developed Micromagnetic Tomography (MMT) technique allows precise recovery of magnetic moments of individual magnetic grains in a sample. By combining high resolution scanning magnetometry and micro X-ray computed tomography (MicroCT) MMT has the potential to become an important asset in rock-magnetic and paleointensity studies. However, uncertainties in magnetic moment solutions obtained through MMT are yet enigmatic, making a geologic application of MMT results uncertain. Therefore, we have made a first attempt in addressing those mathematical uncertainties surrounding MMT, by studying the effect of five parameters that directly influence the uncertainty of magnetic moment solutions: grain concentration of the sample, thickness of the sample, size of the sample's surface, noise level in the magnetic scan, and sampling interval of the magnetic scan. The effect of MicroCT errors are not included in this study, since those errors are better solved by improving the experimental routine than by mathematical corrections. We assess how well the magnetic moments are resolved as function of the aforementioned five parameters by setting up series of numerical models in which we assign dipole magnetizations to randomly placed grains. We perturb per model the surface magnetic field with different instrumental noise levels and sample these fields with a varying interval. The MMT inversion provides the magnetic moment per grain, and additionally produces the covariance matrix and standard deviations, which are used to define a statistical uncertainty ratio and signal strength ratio for each solution. We show that the magnetic moments of a majority of grains under realistic conditions are solved with very small uncertainties. However, increasing the grain density and sample thickness carry major challenges for the MMT inversions. Fortunately, we can use the newly defined signal strength ratio to extract grains with the most accurate solutions, even from these challenging models. Thereby we have developed an quantitative routine to individually select the most reliable grains from MMT results. This will ultimately enable determining paleodirections and paleointensities from large subsets of grains in a sample using MMT.

How to cite: Out, F., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Fabian, K., van Leeuwen, T., and de Groot, L.: Quantifying mathematical uncertainties in Micromagnetic Tomography results, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-931, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-931, 2022.

On-site presentation
Martin Chadima, Michaela Žatecká, Kristýna Kolaříková, Balazs Bradák, and Jaroslav Kadlec

In this contribution, we present a rock magnetic and magnetic fabric study of the Dejvice loess/paleosol sequence with an aim to demonstrate how rock magnetic methods can be very effective tools for detecting paleoenvironmental, pedogenic, and post-depositional processes. This study covers the 15-meter-long loess/paleosol section which was recently temporarily accessible during the underground construction works in the Vienna House Diplomat Hotel in Prague. The exposed part of the sequence contained at least four different paleosol horizons and covered the time interval from ca. 130 ky to recent. For the purpose of this study, 425 orientated samples (8 ccm) were collected evenly covering the studied section.

In general, loess sequences contain variable amount of detrital magnetic particles derided from the source material. In addition, in warmer interglacials periods, pedogenesis results in formation of paleosol horizons which are magnetic enhanced by the in-situ neo-formed nanoscale ferromagnetic particles.

The applied rock-magnetic techniques included measurements of (1) magnetic susceptibility (MS), (2) frequency-dependent susceptibility (kFD), (3) out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility (opMS), and (4) viscous magnetization (Mv). While MS very sensitively reflects the relative amount of all magnetic particles, the other methods (kFD, opMS, and Mv) mirror solely the contribution of the neo-form nanoscale particles. In addition to these rock magnetic parameters, (5) anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was measured in order to obtain magnetic fabric reflecting the preferred orientation of magnetic minerals. Magnetic fabric can be primarily interpreted in terms of paleotransport directions but it may also provide some evidences for post-depositional reworking and/or movements.

All paleosol horizons possess significantly higher values of MS, kFD, opMS and Mv. This indicates that the increased amount of magnetic particles in paleosols is exclusively due to the magnetic enhancement caused by the neo-formation of nanoscale particles during pedogenesis. In addition, the values of kFD, opMS, and Mv mutually intercorrelate very tightly. This indicates that all these independent methods are reliable proxies for the quantification of ultra-file particles in loess/paleosols horizons.

In addition of the paleotransport direction, the magnetic fabric reflects secondary sedimentary processes. This involves the displacement of clastic particles by flowing water and the redeposition of the material along the slope. The direction of movement of these sediments corresponds to the current geomorphology of the surroundings. We can conclude that the section was not deposited solely by the aeolian processes.

How to cite: Chadima, M., Žatecká, M., Kolaříková, K., Bradák, B., and Kadlec, J.: Magnetic fabric study of the Dejvice loess/paleosol sequence (Prague, Czech Republic), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7202, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7202, 2022.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Andrea Regina Biedermann, Martin Chadima
Virtual presentation
Emö Márton, Vlasta Ćosović, Gábor Imre, and Máté Velki

The Central and Southern Adriatic islands, situated offshore of the Split-Dubrovnik segment of the mainland, belong to the External Dinarides. Their dominant tectonic trend is W-E, significantly different from the general Dinaric NW-SE orientation. For this reason, they are often regarded as belonging to a distinct tectonic unit, and sometimes a vertical axis counterclockwise (CCW) rotation is invoked to explain the deviation from the general tectonic trend.

In this paper, new paleomagnetic results are presented from Late Jurassic through Paleocene shallow water limestones from the Central and Southern Adriatic islands. For the localities sampled for paleomagnetic investigation, the sedimentological properties and the stratigraphic ages, based on the foraminifera population, were checked by microscopy investigation. The paleomagnetic analysis was carried out on field oriented drill cores, according to standard laboratory processing. The results were evaluated statistically on locality level. Overall-mean paleomagnetic directions were computed for several age groups and the age of the acquisition of the remanence was estimated from between-locality fold tests for a number of age groups. Comparison with earlier published results from the Northern Adriatic islands and from Stable Adria lead to the conclusion that the Central and Southern Adriatic islands had not rotate with respect to the Northern ones and even more importantly, stable Adria and the offshore External Dinarides must have moved as an integrated unit, at least from the Albian on.

This work was financially supported by the National Development and Innovation Office of Hungary project K 128625.

How to cite: Márton, E., Ćosović, V., Imre, G., and Velki, M.: Central and Southern Adriatic islands: tectonic implications of new paleomagnetic results, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12396, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Lev Eppelbaum and Youri Katz

In the region under study, two main types of geodynamical processes are developed: (1) final collisional and (2) initial spreading. The geodynamic-paleomagnetic mapping makes it possible to reveal not only the multilevel structural heterogeneity but also display complex elements of the geodynamics of different ages inherent in the junction (transition) zones. Just for these complex regions, paleomagnetic mapping is especially important, since makes it possible to obtain significant information unattainable by any other geological-geophysical methods. The methodology of paleomagnetic mapping of the complex junction zones is based on the integration of the mapping techniques for both continental and oceanic platforms: paleomagnetic reconstructions, results of radiometric dating of magnetized rocks, biogeographical studies, satellite data examination, plate tectonic reconstructions, and utilization of results of various geophysical surveys. All these data are used for the integrated identification of mapped geological bodies and structures. For paleomagnetic mapping, two different reference areas were selected: spreading area with younger traps (Sea of Galilee, northern Israel), and collisional area with older traps (Makhtesh Ramon, southern Israel). The supplemented edition of the paleomagnetic map of the Sea of Galilee region (northern Israel) was extended to the south where the Belvoir uplift exists with the detailed reference well, and a complex of radiometric dating of the Cenozoic traps is developed. The map has been significantly detailed due to analyzing new data from structural, radiometric, and paleomagnetic researches, which has expanded the understanding of both the tectonic-structural peculiarities and development of this complex area (Eppelbaum et al., 2022). The subterrane Makhtesh Ramon (southern Israel), is collisionally joined with the Arabian-Nubian part of Gondwana. The Ramon subterrane contains various tectonic units formed during the pre-collisional, collisional, and post-collision stages of its paleogeodynamic evolution. In this paleomagnetic scheme and diagram of geodynamic reconstructions, not all subterrane, but the edge of its submerged part corresponds to erosion-tectonic depression, and includes outcrops of Lower Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, and Late Cenozoic (Eppelbaum and Katz, 2015). These rocks are penetrated by a variety of Mesozoic traps, whose radiometric age ranges from 165.7 to 93.8 Ma, and contain scattered ophiolite outcrops of the Sakharonim basalts. These ophiolites are associated with absorption of the Triassic-Jurassic crust of the Neotethys Ocean in Hauterivian and relate to the Levantine phase of tectogenesis. The pre-collision formations preceding this phase are represented by basalts dykes (Omolon and Gissar superzones) and laccolites of mainly alkalic olivine gabbro associated mostly with the Gissar superzone. Tectonic-paleomagnetic mapping as a new type of combined geological-geophysical survey contributed to an essential understanding of the junction zone of the Mesozoic Terrane Belt and the Dead Sea Transform.


Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2015. Eastern Mediterranean: Combined geological-geophysical zonation and paleogeodynamics of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic structural-sedimentation stages. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 65, 198-216.

Eppelbaum, L.V., Katz, Y.I. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2022. Advanced combined geophysical-geological mapping of the Sea of Galilee and its vicinity, In: (A. di Mauro, A. Scozzari, S. Soldovieri, Eds.), "Instrumentation and Measurement Technologies for Water Cycle Management", Springer, 1-23.

How to cite: Eppelbaum, L. and Katz, Y.: Geodynamic-paleomagnetic mapping of the heterogeneous geological structure of the junction zone of the Mesozoic Terrane Belt and the Dead Sea Transform, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1919, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1919, 2022.

On-site presentation
Qiang Fu, Maodu Yan, and Mark J.Dekkers

The Tibetan Plateau is composed of multiple accreted terranes, including (from south to north) the Tethyan Himalaya, the Lhasa, the Qiangtang, the Songpan-Ganzi and the Qaidam-Qilian terranes. The drift history of the Qiangtang Terrane and the timing of the Lhasa–Qiangtang collision are under debate. To contribute to this topic, we paleomagnetically investigate the Middle-Upper Jurassic limestones of the Yanshiping Group in the Zaduo area (32.5°N, 95.2°E), in the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane (Tibetan Plateau, China). A major challenge in paleomagnetism is the possibility of remagnetization that interferes with paleogeographic reconstructions. In this study, both thermal and alternating field demagnetizations were carried out to isolate the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM). Despite the positive reversals test, rock magnetic information points to a remagnetized ChRM that resides in stable single-domain (SSD) magnetite grains with cogenetic superparamagnetic (SP) particles. The co-occurreance of SSD and SP magnetites generates distinct rock-magnetic properties often refer to as the ‘remagnetized fingerprint’ in limestones. This remagnetization process is also manifested by the widespread occurrence of gypsum veinlets in the limestones. The site-mean direction of the 12 sites after tilt-correction is Ds = 30.6°, Is = 35.6°, κs = 182.9, α95 = 3.2°, corresponding to a palaeolatitude of ∼19.7°± 2.8°N for the study area. The corresponding palaeopole (59.8°N, 202.7°E with A95 = 2.8°) points to an NRM acquired after the India–Eurasia collision. The original sediments were likely anoxic because of the high organic carbon fluxes that prevailed during their deposition. After the India–Eurasia collision, it is envisaged that conditions became more oxic, giving rise to oxidation of iron sulphides to authigenic magnetite and the CRM acquisition. The Zaduo area in the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane has experienced ∼15.7° ± 3.2° (∼1740 ± 350 km) of latitudinal crustal shortening since the Eocene. In addition, the clockwise rotation responding to the India–Eurasia collision is also detected in the Zaduo area.

How to cite: Fu, Q., Yan, M., and J.Dekkers, M.: Remagnetization of the Jurassic limestones in the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane (Tibetan Plateau, China): Implications for the India-Eurasia collision, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2854, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2854, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Anna Chernova, Dmitry Metelkin, Boris Kochnev, Vasiliy Marusin, and Sergey Zakharov

We present the rock-magnetic results obtained from the sedimentary and magmatic rocks of the Igarka Uplift (northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform). This part of the study is an integral stage of paleomagnetic research that is extremely important for a better understanding of the Siberian geological history in the Neoproterozoic. The studied objects are located in the Lower Yenisei River near the Sukharikha River mouth and comprise red-colored siliciclastic rocks (sandstones, gravelites) of Gubinskaya (Cryogenian) and Izluchina (Ediacaran) formations  (Kochnev et al., 2020, 2021) and three dolerite sills intruded in the Gubinskaya formation.

We have analyzed the primary rock-magnetic parameters – magnetic susceptibility (K), anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and Koenigsberger ratio (Q). K in dolerites is 20–45*10-3 SI unit and NRM is 100–500 mA/m that is two orders of magnitude higher than in the sedimentary rocks studied. Q is low in both types of rocks (0.1–1) but noticeably rises to 2–3.7 in the baked contact rocks indicating an impact of chemical magnetization. Among the magnetic minerals, magnetite and hematite are identified according to the temperature demagnetization curves.

The AMS data (degree of anisotropy P, the AMS-ellipsoid shape and distribution of the axes) estimate preservation of the primary magnetic texture, the amount of deformation and cleavage in rocks, and suggest hydrodynamic conditions and paleoflow directions during accumulation of the sediments.

Most of the studied rocks have a low degree of anisotropy – less than 5%, mostly at 1–2%. Sedimentary rocks of the Gubinskaya Formation have the oblate form of the AMS ellipsoid. In the planar-bedded fine-grained sandstones, minimal axis (K3) is normal to the bedding planes that is typical for the calm or slow-current conditions. In the cross-bedded coarse-grained sandstones and gravelites  the maximum axis K1 is steeply inclined to the  bedding surfaces (50-70 degrees) that supports intense hydrodynamics. It should be noted that the anisotropy values do not exceed 1% in the coarse-grained rocks. As for the Izluchina Formation rocks the degree of anisotropy is higher (6–8%) and the orientation of the axes is rather related to the cleavage and the direction of stress.

In the dolerite sills, the degree of anisotropy is 3–6% that suggests weak deformation of the magnetic texture. Distribution of the ellipsoid axes is not in accordance to the shape and strike of the magmatic bodies and probably mirrors a stress impact. In the baked contact zone, AMS ellipsoid is flattened along the contact plane with the K3 being perpendicular to it.

So far, we can conclude that in the most cases the primary magnetic texture is preserved or slightly disturbed but further paleomagnetic studies will be carried out taking into account the data obtained.

This work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant no. 21-17-00052.

How to cite: Chernova, A., Metelkin, D., Kochnev, B., Marusin, V., and Zakharov, S.: Rock-magnetic characteristics of the Cryogenian–Ediacaran volcano-sedimentary section of the northwest Siberian Platform (Igarka Uplift), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7592, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7592, 2022.

On-site presentation
Leandro C. Gallo, Mathew Domeier, and Facundo Sapienza

Owing to the inherent axial symmetry of the Earth’s magnetic field, paleomagnetic data only directly record the latitudinal and azimuthal positions of crustal blocks in the past, and paleolongitude cannot be constrained. An ability to overcome this obstacle is thus of fundamental importance to paleogeographic reconstruction. Paleomagnetic Euler pole (PEP) analysis presents a unique means to recover such information, but prior implementations of the PEP method have incorporated subjective decisions into its execution, undercutting its fidelity and rigor. Here we introduce an optimization approach to PEP analysis that addresses some of these deficiencies---namely the objective identification of change-points and small-circle arcs that together approximate an apparent polar wander path. Equipped with a new analytical approach to PEP analysis we turn to consider its feasibility in terms of its potential in the context of the theoretical and practical limitations of paleomagnetic data. In this presentation, we will share some key insights that emerged through experimentation with randomly-drawn plate kinematic models.

How to cite: Gallo, L. C., Domeier, M., and Sapienza, F.: On the feasibility of Paleomagnetic Euler Pole Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8469, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8469, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Renata N. Tomezzoli, Guadalupe Arzadún, Natalia Fortunatti, Nora N. Cesaretti, María B. Febbo, Juan M. Calvagno, and Giselle Choque

At the east of the Ventana Ranges, Buenos Aires, Argentina, outcrops the Carboniferous-Permian Pillahuincó Group (Sauce Grande, Piedra Azul, Bonete and Tunas Formation). We carried out an Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) study on Sauce Grande, Piedra Azul and Bonete Formation that displays ellipsoids with constant Kmax axes trending NW-SE, parallel to the fold axes. The Kmin axes are orientated in the NE-SW quadrants, oscillating from horizontal (base of the sequence-western) to vertical (top of the sequence-eastern) positions, showing a change from tectonic to almost sedimentary fabric. This is in concordance with the type and direction of foliation measured in petrographic thin sections which is continuous and penetrative to the base and spaced and less developed to the top. We integrated this study with previous Tunas Formation results (Permian). Similar changes in the AMS pattern (tectonic to sedimentary fabric), as well as other characteristics such as the paleo-environmental and sharp curvature in the apparent polar wander path of Gondwana marks a new threshold in the evolution of the basin. Those changes along the Pillahuincó deposition indicate two different spasms in the tectonic deformation that according to the ages of the rocks are 300-290 Ma (Sauce Grande to Bonete Formation deposition) and 290-276 Ma (Tunas Formation deposition). This Carboniferous-Permian deformation is locally assigned to the San Rafael (Hercinian) orogenic phase, interpreted as the result of rearrangements of the microplates that collided previously with Gondwana, and latitudinal movements of Gondwana toward north and Laurentia toward south to reach the Triassic Pangea.  

How to cite: Tomezzoli, R. N., Arzadún, G., Fortunatti, N., Cesaretti, N. N., Febbo, M. B., Calvagno, J. M., and Choque, G.: Spasmodic deformation in the Southwest of the Gondwana boundary, Upper Paleozoic of Ventana ranges in Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8926, 2022.

On-site presentation
Maiia Anosova and Anton Latyshev

The research objects are magmatic bodies from the southern, central and northern parts of the Bashkirian megazone (the Southern Urals tectonic domain which extends from the south-east to the north-west for 300 km). Most of the studied intrusions have the Riphean age. In the Riphean the Bashkirian megazone (BM) was a part of the East European craton (2). The emplacement of most studied bodies is associated with the Mashak magmatic event (the Lower Riphean-Middle Riphean boundary), which marks the breakup of the super-continent Nuna (2). During the Late Paleozoic the rocks of the Bashkirian megazone were involved in the collision. During this process most of BM rocks was remagnetized.

Paleomagnetic analysis showed that the Late Paleozoic secondary remanence component present in 28 intrusive bodies from different parts of BM. In general, calculated paleomagnetic directions form a tight group in the geographic coordinate system, but the mean directions for some districts are statistically different. These differences may be related to: 1) local tectonic movements of the individual blocks within the Bashkirian megazone; 2) slightly different time of remagnetization; 3) insufficient averaging of secular variations of the geomagnetic field. To resolve this issue, further studies and more paleomagnetic data are required.

Given that paleomagnetic directions are more tightly grouped in a geographic coordinate system than in a stratigraphic coordinate system, the Late Paleozoic component is post-folding.

Distribution of this component does not reveal any regular features (for example, continuous trend from south to north, etc.) Thus, the differences of the mean paleomagnetic directions for various localities can not be explained by the migration of the remagnetization front. Also, the mean pole for all studied regions is close to the mean for 18 poles of Stable Europe with an age of 279-299 Ma (1).

We suggest that the component has a thermoviscous nature. Different minerals-carriers of magnetization show the same directions, evenly distributed over the magmatic rocks of the entire BM. Probably, the studied component of remanence was formed at the moment of partial stress relief at the final stage of collision and collapse of orogen in the Southern Urals. Also, this component could have formed during the exhumation of the BM to the surface at the time of formation of the South Ural thrust faults system.

Based on the obtained data, we can conclude that remagnetization in the Bashkirian megazone occurred approximately in the same time (279-299 Ma) and after the end of the main Late Paleozoic fold deformations in this area. By this time, the Bashkirian megazone was stable relative to the East European craton.


1."Global Paleomagnetic Database" (GPMDB, v. 4.6, 2005), Pisarevsky S.A.

2. Puchkov V.N., Bogdanova S.V, Ernst R.E., Kozlov V.I., Krasnobaev A.A., Söderlund U., Wingate M.T.D., Postnikov A.V., Sergeeva N.D. The ca. 1380 Ma Mashak igneous event of the Southern Urals // Lithos. - 2013. - V.174. – P. 109-124.

How to cite: Anosova, M. and Latyshev, A.: The origin of the Late Paleozoic remagnetization in the Bashkirian megazone(the Southern Urals)., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9766, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9766, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Olga Ageeva, Stuart Gilder, Gerlinde Habler, and Rainer Abart

Oriented needle shaped magnetite inclusions in plagioclase may give rise to magnetic anisotropy of individual plagioclase grains and, in case of preferred orientation of the plagioclase grains, contribute to magnetic anisotropy of the bulk-rock. Understanding how oriented magnetite inclusions generate magnetic fabrics in single grains of plagioclase is important for interpreting rock magnetic fabrics and for correcting paleomagnetic data. Plagioclase grains from oceanic gabbro dredged at the Mid Atlantic Ridge (11-17°N) were analyzed using optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), as well as alternating field demagnetization and anisotropy of magnetic remanence (AMR) measurements to investigate the influence of the shape orientation distribution of acicular magnetite inclusions on the magnetic properties of magnetite bearing plagioclase grains.

In pristine magmatic plagioclase, the needle elongation directions form a 30° wide girdle distribution parallel to the pl(010) plane. This girdle distribution is insensitive to twinning after the Albite, Pericline, Carlsbad and Manebach laws. The statistical maximum in the inclusion orientation lays in the pl(010) plane, closely parallel to the pl[001] direction. The overall shape orientation distribution of the magnetite inclusions produces a triaxial magnetic anisotropy ellipsoid with the minimum axis direction sub-perpendicular to the pl(010) plane and the maximum axis sub-parallel to the pl[001] direction.

The vector of natural remanent magnetization parallels the maximum AMR axis direction indicating that the magnetic anisotropy caused by the magnetite inclusion fabric controls the paleomagnetic signature. In hydrothermally modified plagioclase, most or all magnetite needles are oriented parallel to the pl[001] direction and a prolate rotational ellipsoid of remanent magnetization with the maximum remanent magnetization parallel to pl[001] should occur.

Plagioclase-hosted magnetite inclusions are particularly stable recorders of the paleomagnetic filed. The magnetic anisotropy arising from the anisotropic shape orientation distribution of the magnetite inclusions may, however, bias the magnetic record, an effect that needs to be accounted for in paleomagnetic reconstructions or for absolute paleointensity experiments.

This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): I 3998-N29, and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant no. 18-55-14003.

How to cite: Ageeva, O., Gilder, S., Habler, G., and Abart, R.: Ferromagnetism of magnetite-bearing plagioclase from oceanic gabbro, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13488, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13488, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Roman Grachev

In this study, we have carried out a laboratory simulation of the low-temperature oxidation (below Tc) of titanomagnetite carrying a primary thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) created in Blab=25-50 µT. The initial material was natural basalt P72/4 from the Red Sea rift zone containing unoxidized (degree of oxidation Z =0) titanomagnetite with ulvöspinel content x=0.5 (Fe2.5Ti0.5O4).

Cubic basaltic samples containing titanomagnetite were annealed in air in weak field Ban=50-100μT at temperature Tan=260 Cfor maximum time t=1300 hours. One group of samples were annealed in the magnetic field perpendicular (Ban⊥TRM) and other parallel (Ban∥TRM) to the primary TRM. Thellier's-Coe double-heating method in argon atmosphere were conducted using all samples with different Z.

As for Ban∥TRM, the calculated field value (Bcalc) obtained from Thellier-Coe’s procedure coincided with the laboratory field (Blab) for all annealing times except t=1300 hours. This result indicates the applicability of the Thellier-Coe method of paleointensity determination on basalt containing titanomagnetite of low and medium degrees of oxidation (Z<0.5).

However, inadequate results were obtained from samples annealed in a magnetic field perpendicular to primary TRM(Ban⊥TRM). In this case, the calculated value of the Bcalc field for t=12 hours are overestimated by ~40%, and for t=400 and 1300 hours is underestimated by ~20% relative to the TRM creation field.

We conclude that reliability of paleointensity data of oxidized titanomagnetite depends on the direction between magnetic field and TRM during the oxidation process.


How to cite: Grachev, R.: The effect of magnetic field direction during the low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite bearing TRM on paleointensity determinations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12194, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12194, 2022.