EGU23-10043, updated on 10 Jan 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Organic P in soil and its extraction by Mehlich 3 method.

Tõnis Tõnutare1, Tõnu Tõnutare1, Raimo Kõlli1, Kadri Krebstein, and Kersti Vennik2
Tõnis Tõnutare et al.
  • 1Estonian Univesrity of Life Sciences, Soil Science Chair, Tartu, Estonia
  • 2Estonian Military Academy, Tartu, Estonia

Phosphorus (P) is limiting plant nutrient in natural and agriculturally used soils. P is presented in soil composition of various inorganic (mineral) and organic compounds.  Organic P compounds are very strongly adsorbed on the mineral surfaces and are therefore not available to the plants. Desorption of P from mineral surfaces into soil solution would be more limited for organic P compounds compared to inorganic P compounds. It is suggested that organic P availability is limited mainly by the solubility of organic P compounds. Due to very few works on soil organic P there is not enough information about potential contribution to P availability in the soil–plant system.
The goal of this research was to investigate the correlation between soil organic phosphorus and fraction of organic phosphorus extracted by Mehlich 3 method. Also the impact of soil pH, organic carbon content and texture to this correlation is under interest. 

How to cite: Tõnutare, T., Tõnutare, T., Kõlli, R., Krebstein, K., and Vennik, K.: Organic P in soil and its extraction by Mehlich 3 method., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10043,, 2023.