Comparing 28 global P- and S- wave tomography models by Machine Learning analysis for the interpretation of the Earth’s mantle structures
- University of Houston, Earth and Atmospheric Science, Houston, United States of America (
Seismic velocity anomalies observed in the mantle can have several origins, the main contributions being anomalies of temperature and composition. The difference between P- and S-wave models has been used to separate thermal and compositional contributions in imaged seismic structures and identify large-scale compositional heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle. According to our two-step Machine Learning (ML) analysis of 28 P- and S-wave global tomographic models, P- and S-models differences are not intrinsic and can be reduced by changing the models in their respective null spaces. Because we find, P- and S-wave images of mantle structure are not necessarily distinct from each other, a purely thermal explanation for seismic structure is sufficient at present; significant mantle compositional heterogeneities do not need to be invoked. In this study, 28 commonly used tomographic models are examined, ranging from ray theory (e.g., UU-P07, MIT-P08) to Born scattering (e.g., DETOX) and full-waveform techniques (e.g., CSEM, GLAD). Combined Varimax Principal Component Analysis is used to reduce the dataset's dimensionality (by 82%) while preserving the relevant information of each tomographic model (94% of the original variance). Reduced-sized models are followed by a hierarchical clustering analysis (HC) using Ward’s method to categorize all the models into a hierarchy of groups based on their similarities. HC divided the set of tomographies into two main clusters: the first cluster, which we named "Pure P-wave", is composed of six P-wave models that only use longitudinal body wave phases (e.g., P, PP, Pdiff); the second cluster "Mixed" includes both P- and S-wave models; P-wave models in this cluster use inversion methods that include inputs from other geophysical and geological data sources, that cause them to be more similar to S-wave models than to pure P-wave models without a significant loss of fitness to P-wave data. Results suggest that the differences between some individual P-wave and S-wave models are smaller than the differences between grouping of models that are only P-wave or S-wave. These variable differences clearly convey that no consistent separation exists between the P- and S-wave models. We have also calculated the Distance Matrices along the Principal Components. Comparing clustering results with Distance Matrices shows that the differences between the "Pure P-wave" and "Mixed" clusters are mainly in the upper mantle. Accordingly, our results indicate that P-wave structures do not need to be very distinct from a thermal interpretation of S-wave structures and support a relatively “Homogenous” mantle.
How to cite: Rahimzadeh Bajgiran, M., Colli, L., and Wu, J.: Comparing 28 global P- and S- wave tomography models by Machine Learning analysis for the interpretation of the Earth’s mantle structures , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10123,, 2023.