EGU General Assembly 2023
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Developing the SwarmPAL Python package

Ashley Smith1, Constantinos Papadimitriou2, Georgios Balasis2, Sebastian Käki3, Theresa Hoppe3, and Heikki Vanhamäki4
Ashley Smith et al.
  • 1University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (
  • 2National Observatory of Athens, Greece
  • 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
  • 4University of Oulu, Finland

SwarmPAL is a new Python package under development with support from Swarm DISC (Data, Innovation, and Science Cluster). This project aims to provide the research community with a suite of tools to rapidly access, analyse, and visualise data from Swarm (and related data sources). By relying on the VirES system [1] for data access and other utilties, this greatly reduces the complexity required within SwarmPAL. By making use of HAPI [2], we can also connect to many other data sources to retrieve data from beyond Swarm. This is part of an overall strategy for integrating with the wider Python (and Jupyter) ecosystem, while being cognisant of the particular scientific landscape occupied by Swarm [3].

SwarmPAL is developed by researchers and research software engineers: this ensures a close fit between the development process and the needs of researchers, as well as fostering software skills within the research community. Through several other DISC activities we bring different research teams together, working on different areas of Swarm science, to collaboratively work on the SwarmPAL system. Namely, these activities currently include the TFA (time frequency analysis), and DSECS (dipolar spherical elementary current systems) toolboxes. These toolboxes provide tools to rapidly and configurably apply analyses to Swarm data, while the SwarmPAL package provides the home for these, together with all the maintenance and documentation that this implies. The development process is made with a strong focus on sustainability and open source [4].


How to cite: Smith, A., Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Käki, S., Hoppe, T., and Vanhamäki, H.: Developing the SwarmPAL Python package, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10157,, 2023.