Nonhydrostatic simulation of hyperpycnal river plumes on sloping continental shelves: Flow structures and nonhydrostatic effect
- 1National Taiwan University, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Taiwan (
- 2National Taiwan University, Ocean Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- 3National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Chemistry, Taipei, Taiwan
We use the SUNTANS model to simulate plunging hyperpycnal plumes on different shelf slopes in idealized domains. Our simulations reveal detailed three-dimensional flow structures in both transient and steady states. An important flow feature is the formation of the triangular suspended sediment concentration pattern at the surface, which results in a flow convergence upon plunging and closely relates to the plume’s three-dimensional flow structure. As the slope is steeper, the triangular pattern becomes shorter in the cross-shore distance, resulting in stronger flow convergence. We show that the nonhydrostatic effect is particularly important before plunging, where the plume is subject to a significant change in the vertical direction. Moreover, the great fluctuations of the velocity field from the hydrostatic calculation result in a much higher eddy diffusivity compared with the nonhydrostatic case, leading to slower sink of the plume while plunging during the transient state. We also conduct depth-integration analysis of both the cross- and along-shore momentum components to examine the bulk effect of the shelf slope, the three-dimensional flow structure, and the nonhydrostatic pressure. We find that the flow convergence due to plunging of the plume provides strong lateral transport of the cross-shore velocity component toward the central line, which leads to the difference between three- and two-dimensional plumes. The flow becomes divergent when the plume forms an undercurrent, in which the lateral transport becomes an important momentum sink.
How to cite: Chou, Y.-J. and Yeh, Y.-C.: Nonhydrostatic simulation of hyperpycnal river plumes on sloping continental shelves: Flow structures and nonhydrostatic effect, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10331,, 2023.