A Simple Approach for Disentangling Vortical and Wavy Motions of Oceanic Flows
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China (zyliu@xmu.edu.cn)
A long-standing challenge in dynamical oceanography is to distinguish nonlinearly intermingled dynamical regimes of oceanic flows. Conventional approaches focus on time-scale or space-scale decomposition. Here, we pursue a dynamics-based decomposition, where a mean flow is introduced to extend the classic theory of wavy and vortical modes. Mainly based on relative magnitudes of the relative vorticity and the modified horizontal divergence in spectral space, the full flow is decomposed into wavy and vortical motions. The proposed approach proves simple and efficient, and can be used particularly for online disentangling vortical and wavy motions of the simulated flows by ever-popular tide-resolving high-resolution numerical models. This dynamical approach, combined with conventional time-scale- or space-scale-based approaches, paves the way for online mixing parameterizations using model simulated vortical (for isopycnal mixing) and wavy (for diapycnal mixing) motions, and for understanding of multi-regime and multi-scale interactions of oceanic flows.
How to cite: Liu, Z., Wang, C., and Lin, H.: A Simple Approach for Disentangling Vortical and Wavy Motions of Oceanic Flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1042, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1042, 2023.