Sensitivity analysis of green roof design parameters in SWMM for its improved understanding of hydrological performance
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, 999077, China (
- 2Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, 999077, China
- 3Head of Innovation Urban Drainage, Krüger A/S, Gladsaxevej 363, Denmark
Improved understanding of dynamic hydrological performance of green roof (GR) design parameters towards different model responses is important for maximizing its target design goals at the unit-scale. Replication of an optimally designed GR unit at the catchment-scale significantly contributes to achieving its target design goals (i.e., surface runoff reduction, urban flood reduction, peak flow control, etc.). Moreover, adequate efforts are required to explore and provide appropriate knowledge about the categorization of influential and non-influential design parameters with their suitable design spaces to guide researchers, drainage engineers, and stormwater management practitioners for effective and efficient planning, designing and optimization of GR at catchment-scales.
This study employs a robust and comprehensive global sensitivity analysis (GSA) method known as the variogram analysis of response surfaces (VARS) for sensitivity analysis of GR design parameters. Firstly, a total of 13,999 sample points for 14 GR parameters of three layers (i.e., surface, soil and drainage mat) are generated by using the latin hypercube sampling technique and their factor spaces are decided based on design guidelines in current SWMM manuals. Following that, the PySWMM is used to simulate these design samples in a Monte-Carlo-type setting on a conceptual catchment of 0.01km2 (100m2 × 100m2) with 50% treatment area of GR, and the model responses (e.g., surface infiltration, surface outflow, storage volume, and peak flow) are estimated and applied for sensitivity analysis. Finally, VARS evaluates different sensitivity analysis metrics by using different model responses corresponding to their designed samples.
Overall, the senstivity analysis results demonstrate that 8 out of 14 design parameters are highly influential on different model responses, however, the parameters’ sensitivity varies towards different model responses under different perturbation scales and rainfall conditions. Moreover, the selection of an effective range of design space of design parameters is necessary as it has a higher influence on model responses, while the parameters’ rankings and contributions to total sensitivity indices change with the range of design spaces. Furthermore, this research also provides an opportunity through VARS directional variogram index (an integrated sensitivity index) to study and understand the underlying mechanisms of design parameters under different perturbation scales with no extra computational burden. Senstivity analysis results will be presented with insights and recommendations for other regions, which will be helpful for decision-makers for effective planning, designing and implementation of GR. The findings of this parametric study would be helpful for the calibration and optimization of design parameters of GR for different case studies.
How to cite: Tansar, H., Duan, H.-F., and Mark, O.: Sensitivity analysis of green roof design parameters in SWMM for its improved understanding of hydrological performance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10523,, 2023.