Quantum gravity gradiometer technology demonstration concept, and the pathway to future mass change science.
- 1The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Space Research, Austin, United States of America (srinivas@csr.utexas.edu)
- 2Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA
- 3NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
- 4GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
- 5German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing, Hanover, Germany
NASA/JPL and DLR/Airbus are conducting a joint study of a quantum gravity gradiometer (QGG) technology demonstration concept for advancing mass change measurements. The study outcomes also include near- and long-term science and technology roadmaps for this technology. Studies of gravity gradiometer concepts for mass change measurements have been reported in the literature for the past several years. These studies have considered various quantum metrological implementations, in standalone and constellation of satellite missions, as hybridization of the quantum methods with the conventional satellite-to-satellite tracking methods, and the infusion of quantum technologies in configurations other than a gradiometer to advance mass change measurements.
In this paper we report the results of work by the science sub-group of this study team. We report on the technical formulation of a science validation scheme for the tech-demo concept. The scheme includes the validation of the observable measurement model, and validation of its performance characteristics at various time-resolutions and accuracies targeted by the tech-demo. We present these results against a backdrop of the developments in the atomic, molecular and optical physics community that will lead to the desired highest precision measurements. A discussion of such results is expected to prompt a wider engagement with the scientific community on the long-term planning and deployment of this quantum technology to benefit mass change observations.
How to cite: Bettadpur, S., Chiow, S., Wiese, D., Lutchcke, S., Loomis, B., Flechtner, F., and Schubert, C.: Quantum gravity gradiometer technology demonstration concept, and the pathway to future mass change science. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10811, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10811, 2023.