EGU General Assembly 2023
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Progress and perspectives in hydrological modelling and forecasting across scales

Antara Dasgupta and the Joint Virtual Workshop ECMWF-CEMS-C3S-HEPEX-GFP Team
Antara Dasgupta and the Joint Virtual Workshop ECMWF-CEMS-C3S-HEPEX-GFP Team
  • A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

The last decades have seen unprecedented progress in ensemble hydro-meteorological modelling and forecasting on a range of temporal and spatial scales. Such progress also raises new challenges, especially with regards to connecting hydrology from global to local scales, as well as hydrological sciences research to operations. To discuss these challenges, the Joint Virtual Workshop "Connecting global to local hydrological modelling and forecasting: challenges and scientific advances” (29 June - 1 July 2021) was recently organized [*]. It brought together over one thousand people from around the world, including scientists, disaster managers and stakeholders operating at the local, national, continental and global scales. In this study, we summarise the state-of-the-art presented and discussed at the workshop. In particular, we provide an early career perspective on the insights and experiences shared during the workshop, highlighting recent advances and ongoing challenges in hydrological modelling and forecasting, as well as on the use of forecasts for decision-making from global to local scales. From the many topics covered during the workshop, which included hydrological model development (including Earth System modelling, machine learning applications and hybrid dynamic-statistical forecasting), skill assessment, uncertainty communication, forecasts for early action, co-production of services and incorporation of local knowledge, Earth Observations, and data assimilation, we focus on the contributions to science and operations from the hydrological forecasting community. Our analysis highlights the critical need to better connect hydrological services and impact models to societal needs and local decision-making through effective communication, capacity building and co-production. The core work of creating new methods and products and the move towards Earth System modelling need to be balanced by multidisciplinary collaborations that effectively bring tools to practice. We expect that research tackling these challenges will increase further in the next decade.

[*] Workshop organizers: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the Copernicus Emergency Management (CEMS) and Climate Change (C3S) Services, the Hydrological Ensemble Prediction EXperiment (HEPEX), and the Global Flood Partnership (GFP)

Joint Virtual Workshop ECMWF-CEMS-C3S-HEPEX-GFP Team:

Louise Arnal (University of Saskatchewan), Rebecca Emerton (ECMWF), Shaun Harrigan (ECMWF), Gwyneth Matthews (ECMWF, University of Reading), Ameer Muhammad (University of Manitoba), Karen O’Regan (ECMWF), Teresa Pérez-Ciria (Technical University of Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Emixi Valdez (Université Laval), Bart van Osnabrugge (University of Saskatchewan), Micha Werner (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education), Carlo Buontempo (ECMWF), Hannah Cloke (University of Reading), Florian Pappenberger (ECMWF), Ilias G. Pechlivanidis (SMHI), Christel Prudhomme (ECMWF), Maria-Helena Ramos (INRAE), Peter Salamon (Joint Research Centre)

How to cite: Dasgupta, A. and the Joint Virtual Workshop ECMWF-CEMS-C3S-HEPEX-GFP Team: Progress and perspectives in hydrological modelling and forecasting across scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11221,, 2023.

Supplementary materials

Supplementary material file