EGU General Assembly 2023
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Numerical and Analogue Modelling of Salt-Bearing Rifted Margins

Mahdi Bakhtbidar1, Jonas B. Ruh2, Pablo Santolaria Otín1, Pablo Martinez Granado1, and Oscar Gratacos Torra1
Mahdi Bakhtbidar et al.
  • 1Institut de Recerca Geomodels, Departament de Dinàmica de la Terra i de L’Oceà, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), C/Martí i Franquès s/n 08028 Barcelona, Spain (
  • 2Department of Earth Sciences, Geological Institute, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

Due to their high economic (natural resources) and scientific (e.g., global archive of climate changes) potential, rifted margins have been studied using different approaches including sequence stratigraphy, high-resolution mapping, structural analysis, or seismic imaging. Sandbox analogue modelers have also assessed rifted margins and tested the driving and controlling parameters that determine their structural styles and evolution. In this research, we present a series of physical analogue models aimed at testing the influence of downbuilding and dominant gliding instabilities on the evolution and configuration of salt-bearing rifted margins. Being aware of the limitations of this experimental technique we go a step further and use numerical modelling to implement parameters that are not easy to simulate using analogue modelling. Several numerical experiments have been defined to test the main governing mechanisms (differential loading vs dominant gliding) and different key parameters such as the rheology of salt and temperature.

Comparison of the two approaches yields valuable insights into the processes that control the evolution and structural styles of salt-bearing rifted margins as well as clarifies the limitations and complementarity between both techniques. Our models provide stratigraphic, structural and kinematic templates to better understand salt-bearing rifted margins worldwide.

How to cite: Bakhtbidar, M., B. Ruh, J., Santolaria Otín, P., Martinez Granado, P., and Gratacos Torra, O.: Numerical and Analogue Modelling of Salt-Bearing Rifted Margins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11554,, 2023.

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