EGU23-11899, updated on 20 Aug 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Glacial abrupt climate change as a multi-scalephenomenon resulting from monostable excitabledynamics

Keno Riechers1, Georg Gottwald2, and Niklas Boers1,3,4
Keno Riechers et al.
  • 1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Complexity Science, Potsdam, Germany
  • 2School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  • 3Earth System Modelling, School of Engineering & Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • 4Department of Mathematics and Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter, UK

During past glacial intervals the high northern latitude’s climate was punctuated by abrupt warming events which were accompanied by a sudden loss of sea ice, a reinvigoration of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and cooling of the Nordic Seas. Despite being considered the archetype of past abrupt climatic change, to date there is no consensus about the physical mechanism behind these so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events and the subsequent milder interstadial phase. Here, we propose an excitable model system to explain the DO cycles, in which interstadials are regarded as noise-induced state space excursions. Our model comprises the mutual multi-scale interactions between four dynamical variables representing Arctic atmospheric temperatures, Nordic Seas’ temperatures and sea ice cover, and AMOC. Crucially, the model’s atmosphere-ocean heat flux is moderated by the sea ice variable, which in turn is subject to large perturbations dynamically generated by fast evolving intermittent noise. If supercritical, these perturbations trigger interstadial-like state space excursions seizing all four model variables. As a physical source for such a driving noise process we propose convective events in the ocean or atmospheric blocking events. The key characteristics of DO cycles are reproduced by our model with remarkable resemblance to the proxy record; in particular, their shape, return time, as well as the dependence of the interstadial and stadial durations on the background temperatures are reproduced accurately. In contrast to the prevailing understanding that the DO variability showcases bistability in the underlying dynamics, we conclude that multi-scale, monostable excitable dynamics provides a promising alternative candidate to explain the millennial-scale climate variability associated with the DO events.

How to cite: Riechers, K., Gottwald, G., and Boers, N.: Glacial abrupt climate change as a multi-scalephenomenon resulting from monostable excitabledynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11899,, 2023.