EGU General Assembly 2023
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Development of an operational seasonal forecast in Colombia and Peru by mean of statistical downscaling of the SEAS5-Copernicus data

Gloria Rea, Daniele Galuzzo, and Marco Formenton
Gloria Rea et al.
  • Enel Global Trading S.p.A., Global Risk Management & Strategy, Rome, Italy (

Enel, as most of the Energy Players, has an important exposure on weather risk due to the indirect effect of the power demand and to the direct effects on renewable production. A large component of such risk comes from the hydroelectric production, this is especially true in Southern America where, in some countries, it can represent up to 70% of the total production. We present a practical development of an operational chain to extract information from the seasonal forecasts produced by SEAS5. It works on some catchments in Colombia and Peru with the aim to provide an ensemble forecast of monthly precipitations at a high resolution from the fields at low resolution provided by Copernicus. To produce the high-resolution fields of precipitations we developed a procedure based on Lorenz et al. (2021); for our scope, the biases of the SEAS5 forecasts are corrected following a reference climatology obtained from the SEAS5 hindcasts that is calibrated over the cumulative distribution function calculated be mean of historical measurements of the IDEAM weather stations. The method and preliminary results as well as the validation will be shown in this work.

How to cite: Rea, G., Galuzzo, D., and Formenton, M.: Development of an operational seasonal forecast in Colombia and Peru by mean of statistical downscaling of the SEAS5-Copernicus data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12395,, 2023.