EGU General Assembly 2023
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Occurrence of multilayer clouds and ice-crystal seeding during the Arctic Ocean 2018 and MOSAiC research campaign 

Peggy Achtert1, Matthias Tesche1, Gabriella Wallentin2, and Corinna Hoose2
Peggy Achtert et al.
  • 1Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany (
  • 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

Previous research on arctic clouds has focused on single-layer clouds. However, the occurrence of multi-layer clouds in the Arctic is of importance, since in such systems upper clouds can influence the phase of lower clouds. This is the case when ice crystals fall from above into supercooled liquid water clouds and trigger the formation of mixed-phase clouds.

The aim of our project is to investigate the occurrence of multi-layer clouds and seeding using the combination of radiosonde and cloud radar observations. The focus is on the MOSAiC campaign. In order to classify and interpret the results, previous measurements will be used as well.

During the Arctic Ocean 2018 campaign multi-layer clouds were observed 56% of the time and 48 % showed a likelihood of seeding. Previous satellite studies on multi-layer-clouds showed an occurrence of 11 %. During the MOSAiC campaign multi-layer clouds occurred around 50 % of the time and showed a latitude dependency, with more multi-layer clouds north of 84°N.

How to cite: Achtert, P., Tesche, M., Wallentin, G., and Hoose, C.: Occurrence of multilayer clouds and ice-crystal seeding during the Arctic Ocean 2018 and MOSAiC research campaign , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13388,, 2023.