EGU23-13983, updated on 15 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Investigation of Spatio-temporal Variation of Ammonia Concentrations in the Dominican Republic
Seda Tokgoz1, Carlos A. Sanlley2, and Burcak Kaynak1
Seda Tokgoz et al.
  • 1School of Civil Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (,
  • 22Departamento de Ingeniería, Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (

Ammonia (NH3) whose main source is agriculture is a reactive and alkaline gas pollutant. Apart from eutrophication and acidification, it contributes to the production of secondary inorganic aerosol. Therefore, it has a significant impact on the ecosystem, air quality. Agriculture, especially activities such as livestock management and fertilizer applications, accounts for 70% of global NH3 emissions, and it is one of the main industries in the Dominican Republic. Ground-based NH3 measurements are not regularly available in the Dominican Republic and globally. No study determined NH3 concentrations using ground-based measurements and satellite retrievals in the Dominican Republic. The aim of this study is to investigate the seasonal and spatial changes of NH3 via all available measurements to understand the source regions.

In this study, MetOp (A,B and C) Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) Level 2 NH3 retrievals are used to investigate the NH3 levels in the Dominican Republic. Spatially processed average NH3 retrievals are calculated for the interval between January 2020 and June 2022. Seasonal spatial distributions indicated highest NH3 levels in the fall season, and larger regions with high NH3 levels in the spring season. High average NH3 levels were observed in the northern Cibao region for all seasons. Monte Cristi, Santiago, Espaillat, La Vega, Monseñor Nouel were the main cities with high NH3 levels.

In addition to satellite retrievals, limited ground-level biweekly averaged NH3 measurements along with other air pollutants are available via published reports at seven different locations between August 2020 and June 2022. The highest average NH3 concentrations (≥ 56 ppb) are in the two locations at the capital city, Santo Domingo with high urbanization. The third highest location is in Santiago, where high values ​​are also observed in IASI NH3 retrievals. A location in Barahona (southwestern part) has the lowest average NH3 concentration. The spatio-temporal changes over sampling locations via both measurements are examined. Comparison of satellite retrievals with ground-based measurement is performed and correlations are estimated for seven different locations. In addition, average NH3 levels according to land cover will also be examined for three classes: urban, agricultural and forested areas. The results will provide information for future ground-based measurement studies and incorporate remote sensing measurements in assessment where only limited ground-level measurements are available. The findings of this study can also help to understand the role of NH3 for secondary inorganic aerosol formation.

Keywords: Ammonia, remote sensing, the Dominican Republic

How to cite: Tokgoz, S., Sanlley, C. A., and Kaynak, B.: Investigation of Spatio-temporal Variation of Ammonia Concentrations in the Dominican Republic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13983,, 2023.