EGU23-14289, updated on 14 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Developing Chorus Wave Model Using Van Allen Probe and Arase Data

Dedong Wang1, Yuri Shprits1,2,3, Ting Feng1,4, Thea Lepage1,5, Ingo Michaelis1, Yoshizumi Miyoshi6, Yoshiya Kasahara7, Atsushi Kumamoto8, Shoya Matsud7, Ayako Matsuoka9, Satoko Nakamura6, Iku Shinohara9, and Fuminori Tsuchiiya8
Dedong Wang et al.
  • 1GFZ, Section 2.7, Potsdam, Germany (
  • 2University of Potsdam, Germany
  • 3University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • 4Wuhan University, China
  • 5Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • 6Nagoya University, Japan
  • 7Kanazawa University, Japan
  • 8Tohoku University, Japan
  • 9ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Japan

Chorus waves play an important role in the dynamic evolution of energetic electrons in the Earth’s radiation belts and ring current. Due to the orbit limitation of Van Allen Probes, our previous chorus wave model developed using Van Allen Probe data is limited to low latitude. In this study, we extend the chorus wave model to higher latitudes by combining measurements from the Van Allen Probes and Arase satellite. As a first step, we intercalibrate chorus wave measurements by comparing statistical features of chorus wave observations from Van Allen Probes and Arase missions. We first investigate the measurements in the same latitude range during the two years of overlap between the Van Allen Probe data and the Arase data. We find that the statistical intensity of chorus waves from Van Allen Probes is stronger than those from Arase observations. After the intercalibration, we combine the chorus wave measurements from the two satellite missions and develop an analytical chorus wave model which covers all magnetic local time and extends to higher latitudes. This chorus wave model will be further used in radiation belt and ring current simulations.

How to cite: Wang, D., Shprits, Y., Feng, T., Lepage, T., Michaelis, I., Miyoshi, Y., Kasahara, Y., Kumamoto, A., Matsud, S., Matsuoka, A., Nakamura, S., Shinohara, I., and Tsuchiiya, F.: Developing Chorus Wave Model Using Van Allen Probe and Arase Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14289,, 2023.