EGU23-144, updated on 22 Feb 2023
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Calibration of an optical methane clumped isotope thermometer

Ivan Prokhorov1, Béla Tuzson1, Nico Kueter2, Malavika Sivan3, Maria Elena Popa3, Thomas Röckmann3, Lukas Emmenegger1, Stefano M. Bernasconi2, and Joachim Mohn1
Ivan Prokhorov et al.
  • 1Air Pollution and Environmental Technology, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - Empa, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland (
  • 2Geological Institute, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
  • 3Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU), Physics Department, Utrecht University, Utrecht 3584CC, The Netherlands

Methane clumped isotope thermometry relies on accurate measurements of relative abundances of the doubly-substituted isotopologues 12CH2D2 and 13CH3D. Calibration of the thermometer requires, regardless of the applied technique, i.e., laser absorption spectroscopy or high-resolution mass spectrometry, routine preparation of thermally re-equilibrated samples spanning the temperature and bulk isotopic composition (δ13C-, δD-CH4) range of the target applications.

Here we present a practical method for methane isotopologue re-equilibration over activated γ-Al2O3. We demonstrate complete and reproducible re-equilibration of clumped isotope signatures with minimal alteration of the bulk isotope composition, almost complete sample recovery, and no detectable formation of decomposition products. Samples spanning a range in δD-CH4 of 100 ‰ were equilibrated between 100 °C and 500 °C and used to calibrate a high-resolution quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer. In addition, we report on a comparison between the spectroscopic measurements carried out at Empa and an independently calibrated high-resolution mass spectrometric technique using a Thermo MAT253 Ultra at IMAU, Utrecht University.

This study is supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, H2020-INFRAIA-2020-1 (grant no. 101008004) and the Swiss National Science Foundation project no. 200021_200977.

How to cite: Prokhorov, I., Tuzson, B., Kueter, N., Sivan, M., Popa, M. E., Röckmann, T., Emmenegger, L., Bernasconi, S. M., and Mohn, J.: Calibration of an optical methane clumped isotope thermometer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-144,, 2023.