EGU General Assembly 2023
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Observation of the microseismic peak from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) measurements at the LSBB underground Laboratory

Olivier Sèbe1, Camille Jestin2, Amaury Vallage1, Stéphane Gaffet3, Daniel Boyer3, Alain Cavaillou3, Jean-Baptiste Decitre3, Charly Lallemand1, Vincent Lanticq2, and Olivier Rousseau1
Olivier Sèbe et al.
  • 1CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France (
  • 2FEBUS Optic, Pau, France
  • 3LSBB, Avignon Université, CNRS, Rustrel, France

Thanks to its ability to provide dense strain rate measurements along Optical Fiber (OF) cable, the Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technique spreads over different seismic and geophysical domains. They range from exploration geophysics (Mestayer et al. 2011, Daley et al. 2013), to underground structure imaging (e.g. Ajo-Franklin et al. 2019, Cheng et al. 2021) or seismic activity and background noise monitoring (Jousset et al 2018, Nayak et al. 2021). Beyond the advantage of its dense spatial sampling and given a better understanding of its instrument response (e.g. Lindsey et al. 2020), the detection performance of these new DAS measurements also depends on its ability to precisely characterize the amplitude and phase of the seismic background noise in different environments. According to recent offshore seismic noise studies (Ugalde et al. 2021, Lior et al. 2021, Guerin et al 2022), we propose a study based on DAS recordings of the seismic background noise in an on-land quiet environment.

In 2020, a temporary seismic experiment PREMISE (PREliminary MIga Seismic Experiment) was carried out on the site of the underground low noise Laboratory (LSBB, Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit) at Rustrel, France, in order to study the 3D seismic wave field properties in a pretty well-known underground geological structure. During this experiment, we deployed several kilometers of different OF in the LSBB galleries in order to create a multidirectional DAS array with a total fiber length of 10.5km and several ground-coupling conditions. We reprocessed two hours of “raw” DAS data, recorded with a FEBUS A1-R instrument, with different acquisition parameters to find the best configuration for enhancing the DAS measurement Signal to Noise Ratio. The power spectral density (PSD) of these reprocessed strain time-series reveals a peak in the background noise frequency range [0.08-0.25Hz] for gauge lengths of 90m and 150m. Independently, an estimation of the local strain field has been derived by a geodetic analysis (Spudich et al 1995) of the records from the LSBB broadband seismometers antenna. The comparison of the DAS and seismometers array-derived strain PSD shows a very good agreement with the secondary microseism peak in terms of frequency band, amplitude, and the wave field polarization, especially for DAS strain records processed with gauge-length of several tens of meters.

How to cite: Sèbe, O., Jestin, C., Vallage, A., Gaffet, S., Boyer, D., Cavaillou, A., Decitre, J.-B., Lallemand, C., Lanticq, V., and Rousseau, O.: Observation of the microseismic peak from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) measurements at the LSBB underground Laboratory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15325,, 2023.