EGU23-15842, updated on 12 Jan 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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The Poggio Baldi Natural Laboratory: an experimental and permanent monitoring site for the assessment of rockfall phenomena

Antonio Cosentino1,2, Giacomo Santicchia1, Giandomenico Mastrantoni1, Jagadish Kundu1, and Paolo Mazzanti1,2
Antonio Cosentino et al.
  • 1Università La Sapienza di Roma, Department of Earth Sciences, Italy (
  • 2NHAZCA s.r.l., Spin-off Sapienza University of Rome, Via Vittorio Bachelet, 12, 00185 Rome, Italy

In the last decades, technologies such as LiDAR, terrestrial and satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) and photogrammetry demonstrated a great potential for rock slope assessment. However, studies and applications are still limited for ArcSAR Interferometry, Gigapixel imaging, Acoustic sensing and PhotoMonitoring. With an aim to explore deeper potentials of all above mentioned techniques in monitoring rockfalls and the related debris talus, a permanent natural monitoring site was founded in Poggio Baldi landslide (Central Italy) with various remote monitoring instruments. In detail, the annual volume lost from the cliff is about 3x103 m3 due to frequent rockfalls (up to 84 in three days). Officially inaugurated in October 2021, the permanent Natural Laboratory of Poggio Baldi is completely energy independent and remotely controlled, thus allowing a continuous and efficient monitoring of the rock slope. It is equipped with optical tools (multi resolution cameras), 3D modelling tools (LiDAR and drone photogrammetry), radar tools (linear and arc GB-InSAR, and doppler radar), acoustic tools, seismic tools (sound level meter and geophone) and a weather station. Thanks to the Department of Earth Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome and NHAZCA SRL for the foundation, contribution, and continuous management of the site. The Poggio Baldi natural laboratory is now continuously monitoring the mass movement activities in a failed slope in Poggio Baldi. The goal is to understand the relationship between rockfalls, predisposing and triggering factors such as thermal, seismic, and meteorological stress that can provide critical information for setting up early warning systems. The acquired data are frequently analysed to assess and improve the prevailing facilities. Additionally, various tools, techniques and methodologies are being developed and implemented at the site to further enhance the capabilities of the monitoring activity. The laboratory is open to host third-party companies and research agencies for testing experimental instruments related to rock and slope deformation and associated risks.

How to cite: Cosentino, A., Santicchia, G., Mastrantoni, G., Kundu, J., and Mazzanti, P.: The Poggio Baldi Natural Laboratory: an experimental and permanent monitoring site for the assessment of rockfall phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15842,, 2023.