EGU23-1599, updated on 20 May 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Overview of the services provided to marine data producers by ODATIS, the French ocean data center

Sabine Schmidt1, Erwann Quimbert2, Marine Vernet2, Joël Sudre3, Caroline Mercier4, Dominique Obaton2, Jean-François Piollé2, Frédéric Merceur2, Gérald Dibarboure5, and Gilbert Maudire2
Sabine Schmidt et al.
  • 1CNRS - Universite de Bordeaux, UMR5805, Pessac, France (
  • 2Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne, Plouzané, France
  • 3UAR2013 CPST, La Seyne sur Mer, France
  • 4AKKODIS, Toulouse, France
  • 5CNES, Toulouse, France

The consequences of global change on the ocean are multiple such as increase in temperature and sea level, stronger storms, deoxygenation, impacts on ecosystems. But the detection of changes and impacts is still difficult because of the diversity and variability of marine environments. While there has been a clear increase in the number of marine and coastal observations, whether by in situ, laboratory or remote sensing measurements, each data is both costly to acquire and unique. The number and variety of data acquisition techniques require efficient methods of improving data availability via interoperable portals, which facilitate data sharing according to FAIR principles for producers and users. ODATIS, the ocean cluster of Data Terra, the French research infrastructure for Earth data, is the entry point to access all the French Ocean observation data (Ocean Data Information and Services ; The first challenge of ODATIS is to get data producers to share data. To that purpose, ODATIS offers several services to help them define Data Management Plan (DPM), implement the FAIR principles, make data more visible and accessible by being referenced in the ODATIS catalog, and better tracked and cited through a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). ODATIS also offers a service for publishing open scientific data on the sea, through SEANOE ( that provides a DOI that can be cited in scientific articles in a reliable and sustainable way. In parallel to the informatic development of the ocean cluster, further communication and training are needed to inform the research community of these new tools. Through technical workshops, Odatis offers data providers practical experience and support in implementing data access, visualization and processing services. Finally, ODATIS relies on scientific consortia in order to promote and develop innovative processing methods and products for remote, airborne, or in situ observations of the ocean and its interfaces (atmosphere, coastline, seafloor) with the other clusters of the RI Data Terra.

How to cite: Schmidt, S., Quimbert, E., Vernet, M., Sudre, J., Mercier, C., Obaton, D., Piollé, J.-F., Merceur, F., Dibarboure, G., and Maudire, G.: Overview of the services provided to marine data producers by ODATIS, the French ocean data center, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1599,, 2023.