Improvement and verification of urban extreme temperature predictions with satellite and ground observations in Austria (VERITAS-AT)
- Geosphere Austria (GSA), Graz, Austria (
Extreme temperatures, especially long-lasting heat and cold waves in urban areas, lead to thermal stress of the population and increase the number of weather-related health risks and deaths. The observed climate trend and the associated increase of extreme weather events are expected to continue in the future. Thus, the evaluation of urban thermal stress and the associated health effects becomes an important issue for urban planning and risk management. For Austrian cities, an information system for temperature warnings already exists (Weather warnings, ZAMG), which is based on the information of regional weather forecast models. However, this information does not have the required spatial resolution needed to resolve urban structure and thus to account for the urban heat island effect or cold stress situations in winter.
The aim of this project is to provide the basis for the improvement of extreme weather/thermal (dis)comfort warning systems in Austrian major cities by using high-resolution weather predictions (100 m). Therefore, the soil model SURFEX (developed by Météo France) coupled with the AROME numerical weather forecast model is applied to selected cities in Austria and used to determine the best model configuration to compute short-term forecasts (+60 hours). This method provides not a full dynamical model, but a way of pyhsical downscaling with height corrections and a high-resolution surface model.
In this project, land use parameterization will be updated and improved based on Pan-European High Resolution Layers (e.g. Urban Atlas) of the Copernicus Land Monitoring service in ECOCLIMAP (predefined land use classes for SURFEX). The model output will be verified with in-situ operational and crowd-sourced observations. Furthermore, the results will be compared to the micro-scale urban climate model MUKLIMO_3 from the German Weather Service (100 m) and various thermal infrared (TIR with 150 to 250 m) datasets. The novel modeling approach for simulating thermal stress in urban areas serves as the basis for improving the operational prediction system of extreme temperatures, for optimizing the future extreme weather warning system at the ZAMG, and for decision-making for the involved cities and their stakeholders.
How to cite: Oswald, S., Schneider, S., Zuvela-Aloise, M., Hahn, C., and Wastl, C.: Improvement and verification of urban extreme temperature predictions with satellite and ground observations in Austria (VERITAS-AT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-164,, 2023.