EGU General Assembly 2023
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A parameter space for evaluating oceanic convection regimes

Alexandre Legay, Bruno Deremble, Thierry Penduff, and Pierre Brasseur
Alexandre Legay et al.
  • Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE), Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble, France

Oceanic convection, parameterized through vertical mixing schemes, is still not well captured by ocean general circulation models. A preliminary step necessary to improve these schemes is to evaluate and compare how the models behave for different forcing regimes. Literature often proposes single-case comparison (either on a specific location or a specific time or with a specific metrics). The goal of our work is to propose a more systematic framework allowing evaluations and comparisons over a larger range of forcing regimes. For doing so, we define a parameter space which has been derived thanks to a theoretical 1D model of the mixed-layer depth (MLD) evolution. This parameter space is formed by two dimensionless numbers : λs which describes the relative contribution of the buoyancy flux and the wind in the surface layer, and the Richardson number Rh which characterizes the stability of the water column at the mixed layer base. In this presentation, I will highlight the key features of this parameter space and I will illustrate its physical robustness with an ensemble of 1D simulations. These simulations were conducted by applying a 10 years JRA55-do 1.4.0 atmospheric forcing within a 1D standalone code making use of the NEMO Turbulent Kinetic Energy + Enhanced Vertical Diffusivity (TKE + EVD) scheme. Then, I will present a test case to study the impact of the horizontal resolution on the convection regimes for a TKE + EVD scheme in 1D, 1°, 1/12° and 1/60° realistic NEMO simulations. I will define convective regimes by sorting the values according to the normalized evolution of the mixed layer depth dt MLD / MLD and I will show that these regimes are almost kept in the parameter space between 1D and 1° but become generally less convective / more restratifiying when increasing the resolution, highlighting the restratification processes by lateral fluxes. Moreover, I will show that the dynamics in the Mediterranean is much more affected by the increase of resolution than the Labrador sea, suggesting that it involves more intense lateral restratification processes.

How to cite: Legay, A., Deremble, B., Penduff, T., and Brasseur, P.: A parameter space for evaluating oceanic convection regimes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-187,, 2023.