EGU23-2348, updated on 22 Feb 2023
EGU General Assembly 2023
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The Interdisciplinary Approach of Physics and Its Role in Environmental Protection

Gabriela Tudor
Gabriela Tudor
  • "Calistrat Hogaș" National College of Tecuci, Romania (


Physics is by definition a scientific research method of natural phenomena, being a practical science par excellence. In this paper, I present the important role Physics plays in environmental protection and its relationship with other real sciences, based on the projects and extracurricular activities carried out with my students. Although it is considered to be dethroned lately, Physics remains at the core of the Earth sciences. The main challange of this century is to make the transition to a development model that protects the environment, where economic and social considerations are in balance with the concern for limiting climate change and the sustainable use of natural resources. In the current high school curriculum the topics related to climate change, environment and sustainability are not prioritized in a single course, but they are approached horizontally, in various disciplines. For the full understanding of the complex environmental issues and for their effective and systematically approach, Physics must be combined with the other Natural Sciences, using Applied Mathematics and Informatics as a basic tool for theoretical modeling, simulations and data processing. The theoretical profile of my college allows the innovative approach in teaching and learning Physics, in a STEM context, using Inquiry Based Learning, in everyday teaching, or in extracurricular activities. Motivated students are eager and encouraged to expand some topics, approaching them from an interdisciplinary point of view and  working individualy, or in small groups. They are thus coordinated to take the first steps in scientific research, focusing on the applications of different phenomena, which will guide them in the professional orientation. Such projects as – „Biophysics, Bionics and Humanoid Robotics”, „From the Big Bang Theory to the Expansion of the Universe”, „Seismicity on Earth”, „Incursion into the World of Astrophysics”, „Radiation Sourses, Detection and Biological Effects”, „Motor Driven by Light”, „The Efficiency of a Solar Panel”, „Alternative Forms of Energy and Smart Sustainable Houses”, „Electromagnetic Pollution and Its Impact on Living Organisms”, „Uncontrolled Use of Chemical Fertilizers”,  “Water, Non-Polluting Source of Energy”, are some of the topics carried out with my students. Some practical projects like “The Model of an Engine Used in a Nuclear-Powered Rocket”, “Engine Models”, are made in collaboration with the robotic team, using the 3D printer, capitalizing their IT and ICT knowledge. The ecological activities, carried out within the programs  as YRE - Young Reporters for the Environment, LeAF – Learning About Forests, are usually included in the Eco-School magazine. Through this wide range of projects I succeeded to value the creativity, imagination, investigative capacity and practical skills, creating team spirit, giving to my students the unique opportunity to assume resposabilities  and also detect viable solutions for maintaining an optimal living environment.


Key words:  physics, natural sciences, interdisciplinarity, sustainability, environment protection



How to cite: Tudor, G.: The Interdisciplinary Approach of Physics and Its Role in Environmental Protection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2348,, 2023.