EGU General Assembly 2023
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Analyzing the behavioural changes of various fluvial geomorphological parameters using multi-temporal satellite images for the Godavari River, India

Thallam Prashanth and Sayantan Ganguly
Thallam Prashanth and Sayantan Ganguly
  • Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Civil, India (

Fluvial geomorphology is the study of various landforms while analyzing the changes that are happening on the earth surface due to climate change and anthropogenic activities. Fluvial geomorphological parameters change due to natural processes like erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments. It also changes due to manmade activities such as the construction of dams, canals, irrigation projects, etc. In this regard, the present study aims to analyze the changes in various fluvial geomorphological parameters of the Godavari River basin such as sinuosity index, braiding index, channel length index, channel count index, etc. using the Landsat images at a frequency of every 2 years from 2000 to 2022, along the length of the channel in the Godavari River, India. The second objective of this study is to perform a river bank stability analysis by using the Automatic Water Extraction Index (AWEI) at different time scales. Thirdly, we aim to quantify length, areal and relief parameters using ALOS PALSAR Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for different sub-basins of the Godavari. Due to the changes in the geomorphology, cross-section of the river is altered; the silt content increases near the hydraulic structures, the velocity of the water changes, the sinuosity (meandering) increases and it tends to the formation of oxbow lakes. This analysis helps to investigate the performance of the sub-basins of Godavari River and how much sensitive they are to erosion. An economical river bank stabilization technique can be suggested based on the rate of river bank shift and type of soil information obtained from Food and Agricultural Organization.

How to cite: Prashanth, T. and Ganguly, S.: Analyzing the behavioural changes of various fluvial geomorphological parameters using multi-temporal satellite images for the Godavari River, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-300,, 2023.

Supplementary materials

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