EGU General Assembly 2023
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Shedding light on the organic matter black box: Using fluorescence spectroscopy to understanding microbial sources and pathways TLF

Natasha Harris1,2,4, Gareth Old2, Mike Bowes2, Peter Scarlet2, David Nicholls2, Linda Armstrong2, Daniel Read2, Ben Marchant3, and James Sorensen4
Natasha Harris et al.
  • 1University of Surrey, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Guildford, United Kingdom of Great Britain – England, Scotland, Wales (
  • 2UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • 3British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • 4British Geological Survey, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain

The river Thames catchment  passes through rural and urban centres covering many different environments and land uses. Therefore, it is exposed to a range of stresses from sewage pollution to run off from agriculture. As such, UKCEH has been conducting water quality monitoring of the Thames since 1997, which later expanded into the Thames Initiative. The Thames Initiative collects a wide range of chemical and biological data, at 19 sites across the Upper Thames Catchment and its tributaries. For 18 months, in 2012-13, fluorescence spectroscopy and PARAFAC analysis was used to identify 4 components of fluorescent organic matter (FOM). This research focusses on the role of the fourth component, C4, which represents a tryptophan like FOM(TLF). The study is looking at the peak’s temporal variability at all 19 sites within the Thames catchment, alongside nutrient and biological data. This will enable greater understanding TLF’s sources and pathways by analysing TLF’s interaction with other nutrients and pollutants.  There is robust research linking TLF to sewerage pollution and more widely anthropogenic activity. However, the understanding of TLF as a product of insitu production from microorganisms is still in relative infancy, particularly when looking for evidence in the field at a catchment level. In this study multiple variate linear modelling using forward stepwise regression techniques have been applied to the data at each site to investigate the sources of C4 across the catchment to understand both catchment and instream processes. The possible predictors available to each model were dissolved potassium (DK), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved calcium (DCa), total bacterial counts(TBC) and chlorophyll a. The models used between 2-3 predictors (σ=2.53, μ =0.678). DK was the most common (18 models),  followed by TBC (11 models), then DCa and TDN (both 8 models) and finally chlorophyll a (2 Models). These results suggest a dominant source of C4 across the catchment is from the wastewater as dissolved potassium is a sewerage indicator.  Secondly the occurrence of TDN or dissolved  calcium suggest a more dominate baseflow path of the fluorescence at these sites, as found in previous analysis of these sites.  However, most novelty is the regular occurrence of TBC in the models. This suggests  the C4 component has a bacteriological element as well, which means it is likely there is an important contribution of TLF by insitu-production from microorganisms.

How to cite: Harris, N., Old, G., Bowes, M., Scarlet, P., Nicholls, D., Armstrong, L., Read, D., Marchant, B., and Sorensen, J.: Shedding light on the organic matter black box: Using fluorescence spectroscopy to understanding microbial sources and pathways TLF, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3184,, 2023.