Report on selected measurements in the canopy of a Rambouillet forest site during the ACROSS field campaign
- 1CNRS, LPC2E, Orléans, France (
- 2CNRS, ICARE, Orléans, France
In this contribution we report on a subset of ground-based measurements performed by LPC2E and ICARE at a forest site of Rambouillet during June-July of 2022 in the frame of the project ACROSS (Atmospheric ChemistRy Of the Suburban foreSt). In particular, we present the following time-concentration profiles:
- OH and sum of peroxy radicals (CIMS , LPC2E);
- gaseous H2SO4 (CIMS, LPC2E);
- large number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their oxidation products, including N-containing oxygenated organic molecules (OOMs) (Orbitrap High Resolution CIMS, LPC2E);
- directly emitted VOCs and their oxidation products measured by GC-MS/FID (ICARE)
- NO and NO2 (ICARE)
Based on a first analysis of this reduced data-set some preliminary conclusions are made about an influence of VOCs emissions and NOx variability on the composition of OOMs oxidation products, HONO formation and oxidation capacity in the forest canopy.
How to cite: Kukui, A., Xue, C., Houny, J., Mcgillen, M., Bachelier, F., Grosselin, B., Daële, V., and Mellouki, W.: Report on selected measurements in the canopy of a Rambouillet forest site during the ACROSS field campaign, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3467,, 2023.