Climate Data Record Derived from Hyperspectral Sounders on AQUA, S-NPP and NOAA 20
- NASA Langley Research Center, Science Directorate, Hampton, United States of America (
Climate products are typically derived by performing spatial and temporal averaging of level-2 products. It is a time-consuming process to generate level-2 data products since modern hyperspectral satellite sensors have millions of observations each day with thousands of spectral channels for each observation. Additionally, differences in level-2 retrieval algorithms for different satellite sensors can lead to errors in the climate products. We have developed a Climate Fingerprinting Sounder Product (ClimFiSP), which is derived from spatiotemporally averaged level-1 hyperspectral radiances directly. The ClimFiSP algorithm uses consistent radiative kernels and a robust spectral fingerprinting method. It provides accurate data climate data fusion products from multiple satellite sensors. It eliminates or reduces the errors due to inconsistent L2 algorithms. We have applied this method to both AIRS and CrIS (on SNPP and on NOAA 20) data and generated two decades climate data records for atmospheric temperature, water vapor, cloud, trace gases, and surface skin temperature. The ClimFiSP are being transitioned to NASA data centers for routine generations level-3 products.
How to cite: Liu, X., Wu, W., lei, L., Xiong, X., and yang, Q.: Climate Data Record Derived from Hyperspectral Sounders on AQUA, S-NPP and NOAA 20, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3666,, 2023.