EGU General Assembly 2023
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A key for education towards the Agenda 2030 Goals: the integration among geosciences, biology and chemistry.

Ilaria Furfori1,2
Ilaria Furfori
  • 1Liceo scientifico “G.Marconi”, Carrara (MS), Italy (
  • 2PhD Course in Geoscience and Environment, Earth Science Department, University of Pisa

One of the three main thematic groups of Civic Education, introduced in Italian schools since September 2020, is "Sustainable development, environmental education, knowledge and protection of heritage and the territory". This thematic group allows me to develop the issues related to geosciences in the 2030 Agenda with an interdisciplinary approach in upper secondary school, an aspect that I am facing during my PhD.

One of the activities that I will propose to a class according to a horizontal approach will be centered on GOAL 15 and is entitled "Integrating geodiversity and biodiversity towards the Agenda 2030 goal 15 -Life on Earth": the path will take about 6 hours and one or two educational outings in the area. In these lessons students will explore the differences between two natural environments i.e. mountain and coastal, appropriate sites nearby my school are the: Botanical Garden of the Apuan Alps  “Pellegrini - Ansaldi” and Massaciuccoli lake. The classes involved could be third or second classes and the degree of in-depth study of the disciplines will be declined accordingly. The activities will directly involve the students using brainstorming and laboratory activities (geological maps of the study areas will be used and rock samples will be investigated), the educational outings will be useful precisely to verify in the field whether there is a correlation between geodiversity and biodiversity. The theme of desertification as a consequence of both biological and geological environmental impoverishment will also be addressed to make people reflect on how this has an impact on the people involved and on the impacts that desertification has on the other SDGs.

Within the poster I will present one of the projects that I intend to propose to schools as part of my PhD which concerns precisely identifying points of integration between the different subjects that make up the subject of teaching, i.e. the Natural Sciences with the aim of making students more aware of Earth Sciences issues.

How to cite: Furfori, I.: A key for education towards the Agenda 2030 Goals: the integration among geosciences, biology and chemistry., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3694,, 2023.