EGU23-3846, updated on 21 Aug 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Downwelling dense mantle residues and hotspot magmatism

Jordan J.J. Phethean1, Martha Papadopoulou2, Alex L. Peace3, and Jeroen van Hunen4
Jordan J.J. Phethean et al.
  • 1School of Built and Natural Environment, University of Derby, Derby, UK (
  • 2School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
  • 3School of Earth, Environment and Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
  • 4Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham, Durham, UK

The geodynamic origin of melting anomalies found at the surface, often referred to as hotspots, is classically attributed to mantle plume processes. The coincidence of hotspots and regions of relatively thin lithosphere, however, questions the necessity for mantle plumes in driving hotspot magmatism, especially as the ability of mantle plumes to thin strong mantle lithosphere is disputed. Here, we propose a new mechanism for the self-sustained generation of magmatism at hotspots where the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary occurs at < ~100 km. By considering the effects of both chemical and thermal density changes during partial melting of the mantle (using appropriate latent heat and depth-dependent thermal expansivity parameters), we find that mantle residues experience an overall instantaneous increase in density when melting occurs at < ~3 GPa. This controversial finding is due to thermal contraction of material during melting, which outweighs chemical buoyancy effects when melting at shallow pressures (where thermal expansivity is high, at ~4.91 x 10-5 K-1). These dense mantle residues have a tendency to sink beneath melting regions, driving the return flow of fertile mantle into the melting region and locally increasing magmatic production. This mechanism presents an alternative to the upwelling of hot mantle plumes for the generation of excess melt at hotspots and the genesis of large igneous provinces during continental breakup. We model the development of magma-rich margins using geodynamic numerical models and find a close match between modelled volcanic crustal thicknesses and real-world observations. “Hot”-spots and large igneous provinces, therefore, may not require the elevated temperatures commonly invoked to account for excess melting.

How to cite: Phethean, J. J. J., Papadopoulou, M., Peace, A. L., and van Hunen, J.: Downwelling dense mantle residues and hotspot magmatism, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3846,, 2023.

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