EGU General Assembly 2023
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ModE-RA - the Modern Era Reanalysis

Jörg Franke1,2, Valler Veronika1,2, Ralf Hand1,2, Eric Samakinwa1,2, Angela-Maria Burgdorf1,2, Elin Lundstad1,2, Yuri Brugnara1,2, Laura Hövel1,2, and Stefan Brönnimann1,2
Jörg Franke et al.
  • 1University of Bern, Institute of Geography, Bern, Switzerland (
  • 2University of Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, Bern, Switzerland (

The Modern Era Reanalysis (ModE-RA) extends current re-analysis back until the year 1420 CE at monthly resolution. It combines our understanding of physics coming from an ensemble of atmospheric model simulations with all available direct and indirect climate observations of monthly to annual resolution. A 20-member ensemble of atmospheric model simulations (ModE-Sim) driven by an ensemble of external forcings and an ensemble of new sea surface temperature reconstructions serves as a prior estimate of the possible climate states at each assimilation time step. After the entire simulations were completed, we assimilated multiple data sources using an offline Kalman filtering technique. We include up to ~100000 monthly to annual observations per year. These consist of thousands of existing and newly digitised instrumental measurements of temperature, precipitation, wet days per months, and pressure, including measurements made on ships over the ocean and in harbours. Earliest instrumental station data go back to the year 1658. Additionally, we collected and digitised climate information from historical documents, including phenological data. These are especially valuable for the autumn, winter and spring season and go back to the year 1420. Finally, we assimilate annually resolved climate proxies. The vast majority are tree-ring observations, which represent growing season conditions on the continents. In otherwise data sparse regions, we supplemented ice and coral data at high latitudes and the tropical oceans, respectively. ModE-RA offers especially  insides into interannual to multidecadal variability such as phases of accelerated warming, monsoon strength or subtropical droughts as well as rare events such as volcanic eruptions. 

How to cite: Franke, J., Veronika, V., Hand, R., Samakinwa, E., Burgdorf, A.-M., Lundstad, E., Brugnara, Y., Hövel, L., and Brönnimann, S.: ModE-RA - the Modern Era Reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-386,, 2023.