EGU General Assembly 2023
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Influence of the Asthenosphere on Earth Dynamics and Evolution

Mark Richards, Lawrence Cathles, Willy Fjeldskaar, Adrian Lenardic, Barbara Romanowicz, and Johnny Seales
Mark Richards et al.
  • University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, WA, United States of America (

The existence of a thin, weak asthenospheric layer beneath Earth’s lithospheric plates is consistent with existing geological and geophysical constraints, including Pleistocene glacio-isostatic adjustment, modeling of gravity anomalies, studies of seismic anisotropy, and post-seismic rebound. Mantle convection models suggest that a pronounced weak zone beneath the upper thermal boundary layer (lithosphere) may be essential to the plate tectonic style of convection found on Earth. The asthenosphere is likely related to partial melting and the presence of water in the sub-lithospheric mantle, further implying that the long-term evolution of the Earth, including the apparently early onset and persistence of plate tectonics, may be controlled by thermal regulation and volatile recycling that maintain a geotherm that approaches the wet mantle solidus at asthenospheric depths.

How to cite: Richards, M., Cathles, L., Fjeldskaar, W., Lenardic, A., Romanowicz, B., and Seales, J.: Influence of the Asthenosphere on Earth Dynamics and Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4053,, 2023.