How marine insurance causes damage with insurers aiding and abetting it!
- MUMBAI, India (
Marine insurers: cargo, shipping (hull and P&I) while insuring their insureds, aid and abet ocean biodiversity damage and climate change. In the process they are also a threat to the related planetary boundaries.
While marine insurance is a direct threat to the well-being of our oceans, insurers of land-based assets - with multiple forms of discharges - also critically and adversely impact the oceans need to be taken into account.
The author will highlight an overview on what these damages are, the possible corrective actions required, seek the insights from the participants and ideally agree upon a plan of action to mitigate this threat.
How to cite: Gupta, P.: How marine insurance causes damage with insurers aiding and abetting it!, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4214,, 2023.