EGU General Assembly 2023
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Geography in Ukraine, at school, in the heart

Valentina Kitchenko
Valentina Kitchenko
  • Ukraine (

The importance of geographical science in the life of each of us is difficult to overestimate. She is everywhere. Every child is a discoverer of this beautiful world from birth. Our task as teachers is to direct, suggest, give the right guidelines.

The study of the geography subject starts from the 5th grade and continues until the 11th. Not only children, but also adults have reconsidered the importance of knowledge about their region. This did not happen due to pleasant events. But the Ukrainian people wholeheartedly not only relearn, but also understand the laws of geography.

Our school is located in a picturesque corner of Ukraine, in the Poltava region. A river flows on the territory of the institution, a forest is nearby, and there are many flowers in the spring. Physical geography is studied by seeing, feeling nature and beauty.

Every year, in addition to geography lessons, children participate in competitions, writing scientific papers on current topics. For example, the student's recent topic was "Gastronomic tourism in the Poltava region". And it is not surprising. The region has its own culinary traditions, it is the unique code of the nation.

Today, geography lessons, like all other classes at our institution, are held online. This requires constant improvement and a modern approach to teaching the subject.

It is nice to note that after finishing school, children make the choice to connect their future profession with geography. These are geography teachers, tourism workers, and surveyors.

I also graduated from Anton Makarenko Poltava Lyceum and chose the profession of geography teacher.

To update the content of geography teaching, the institution cooperates with the university where geography teachers are trained. At one time, I also graduated from Poltava National Pedagogical University named after Korolenko. It is nice to continue to receive inspiration for work and new modern geographical knowledge.

It is the students who make us go forward and improve. A geography lesson should always be interesting, open children's minds to the understanding and beauty of this world.

The opportunity to participate in the GIFT 2023 Workshop on «The key role of geosciences for the global challenge of sustainable development: the Agenda 2030» is a difficult challenge for me, but a great opportunity at the same time.

How to cite: Kitchenko, V.: Geography in Ukraine, at school, in the heart, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4287,, 2023.