EGU General Assembly 2023
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İs it science fiction movie or reality of the future ?

Ayca Akin
Ayca Akin
  • Türkiye ( Turkish National Education Ministry, Van Ataturk Anadolu Lisesi , Van / Turkey

Global warming, which is the agenda issue of the global challenge of sustainable development, will become the big problem of today's younger generation. Recently various studies have been carried out on this subject in many fields such as energy, transportation, agriculture and architecture. As a biology teacher, this situation of the future generation, causes me concern as global warming will be the main focus of their lives. For this reason, I believe that raising student awareness about global warming is a priority.


In my opinion, the first step of this awareness is to make students pay attention to this extremely important topic. I usually use ‘research-review educational method’ in my biology lessons for raising awareness by giving a real situation and problem that the students must solve. By doing this, they should be able to grasp the subject and working together in teams, acquire important problem-solving skills, which will enable them to come up with creative ideas which can then be evaluated.


Our story starts with the question 'What challenges life in Antarctica other than the cold?' continues with the next question ‘what kind of life will we expect in the future?’ and concludes with a global warming awareness survey. Based on the living conditions of Antarctica, I carry out a study by drawing attention to what they know about this subject and what they could do if they were in such a situation. I am planning to present some processes from student's work in my poster. As a result, children’s imagination and awareness can be the science fiction movie for today but maybe it is a reality of the future.

How to cite: Akin, A.: İs it science fiction movie or reality of the future ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4480,, 2023.