EGU General Assembly 2023
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Accurate information is power

Ruzhica Jagurinoska
Ruzhica Jagurinoska
  • VET school, agriculture, North Macedonia (


As secondary High school,, Orde Copela ”- Prilep, from Macedonia, we are part of The Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program since 2008.  This worldwide science and education program with Pedosphere protocols was the base for my  program that additionally increases my students' knowledge about soil, named Pedosphere.  It was approved by center for secondary vocational education of Macedonia and is applied in my school as an additional subject. For two years I and my students have gain, networked and let data be compared with other countries in GLOBE program all around the world. Responsible research was the goal and that led to the awareness of the harm that climate change develop for the soil.

Soil is not an isolated element, it’s a dynamic living system.

We walk on the soil, we live on the soil and we feed from the soil, but soil importance  is often taken for granted. For agriculture production in my country, soil is the most important medium.  On the world level, the health of the soil is under great pressure by climate change extremes. Deforestation, erosion, overgrazed grasslands, pollution, population growth, migration and urbanization are additional massive stress factors. Soil as a part of pedosphere forms very slowly, for decades and even centuries, and requires regeneration longer than one human lifetime. It is imperative that our students recognize soil not just as a dirt, but as a resource of global priority for sustainable agriculture and food production.

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” said Mahatma Gandhi.

We started there, by improving our knowledge about soil and it’s properties and increasing awareness about soil importance. Making continuous measurements of soil temperatures , structure, consistency, fertility, pH environment, taking soil samples by ,,Star method’’ by GLOBE protocols for water content in the soil, and entry data into the GLOBE network is wonderful experience for the students that increase their knowledge and awareness.  Presenting protocols for data collecting and comparing them with others schools around the globe encourages students understanding  climate change and it’s effect of soil health. Continuous research and collecting data about soil characteristics and soil degradation on their own, augment students awareness about achieved data results, gain knowledge and eagerness for next research.

I am sure that this can be one good way to protect and rebuild our soil systems.

How to cite: Jagurinoska, R.: Accurate information is power, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4986,, 2023.