EGU General Assembly 2023
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Combining low level labelling with 15N and 15N site preference to distinguish N2O production by nitrification and fungal denitrification

Lena Rohe and Reinhard Well
Lena Rohe and Reinhard Well
  • Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, Braunschweig, Germany (

Isotopocules of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O), i.e. δ18O, average δ15N (δ15Nbulk), and 15N site preference (SP) values were used to distinguish between N2O production pathways in soil. However, as many N2O production pathways coexist and N2O can be reduced to N2, it is not possible to distinguish pathways based only on the natural abundance of N2O. This applies especially to nitrification and fungal denitrification, where the specific high SP values overlap. Combining 15N tracer approaches and natural abundance approaches (especially using SP values) could serve to disentangle such pathways, but with the disadvantage that both approaches have to be carried out as parallel experiments.

With this contribution, we present an experimental concept based on the theory, that low level labelling with 15N of N2O precursors may allow both, a clear distinction of nitrate or ammonium (NO3- or NH4+, respectively) derived N2O fluxes by 15N tracing, and the use of SP values of N2O as additional constraint. This could potentially expand possibilities to evaluate and validate current natural abundance isotopocule mapping approaches.

We will present first results of three experiments to investigate the impact of low labelled precursors on SP values of N2O produced. Each experiment included treatments with unlabeled and low labelled 15N precursors to test if low labelling with 15N affects N2O isotopocules. In one incubation experiment (i) various levels of 15N labelling of NO3- (between 0.6 and 5 at% 15N) were used for incubations with Pseudomonas aureofaciens. In another experiment (ii) two pure bacterial (P. aureofaciens and Paracoccus denitrificans) and one pure fungal culture (Fusarium oxysporum) known to be capable of reducing NO3- or NO2-, respectively, were used. In all experiments, isotopocules of N2O were unaffected by N2O reduction as this reduction step could be excluded with selected species. To further investigate isotopocules of N2O affected by co-occuring processes as well as N2O reduction a third incubation experiment with two repacked soils was conducted. For this approach, nitrification and/or denitrification was induced by applying NH4SO4 and KNO3 as N2O precursors, either unlabeled in one treatment or with 15N labelled KNO3 (max. 1.1 at% 15N) in another treatment, both under dry (40% water filled pore space (WFPS)) or wet (80% WFPS) soil conditions.

Based on the results presented, we will be able to give an outlook whether this method can be used to distinguish between nitrification and fungal denitrification.

How to cite: Rohe, L. and Well, R.: Combining low level labelling with 15N and 15N site preference to distinguish N2O production by nitrification and fungal denitrification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4990,, 2023.