EGU General Assembly 2023
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Long-term impact of land-use change on soil organic carbon in German agriculture

David Emde, Axel Don, Christopher Poeplau, and Florian Schneider
David Emde et al.
  • Thünen Institute for Climate-Smart Agriculture, Braunschweig, Germany (

Land-use change and land management practices alter soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in agricultural systems. Changing natural vegetation to agriculture in particular has resulted in a loss of approximately 5% of the current global terrestrial carbon stock. However, this carbon loss is reversible. Increasing the area of grassland is, therefore, an increasingly discussed climate change mitigation option since grasslands often store similar SOC stocks to natural vegetation. However, the time it takes for cropland to return to its pre-cropland carbon state after conversion to grassland is far from certain. Using soil and land-use history data gathered during the German Soil Inventory as well as from historical land use maps, this study therein aims to answer two questions: i) how does land-use change affect SOC stocks in agricultural systems; and ii) how long does it take for agricultural lands to reach a new SOC equilibrium following land-use change. By substituting space for time and accounting for differences in site properties via stratification, our results challenge the established “slow in, fast out” paradigm. At a national scale, topsoil SOC is lost relatively slowly when grassland is converted to cropland, and gained relatively quickly when cropland is returned to grassland. Further, neither direction of SOC change agreed with the 20 years’ timescales on which current emission reporting and climate mitigation policy is based, and SOC stocks were influenced by land-use changes for more than 100 years.

How to cite: Emde, D., Don, A., Poeplau, C., and Schneider, F.: Long-term impact of land-use change on soil organic carbon in German agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5703,, 2023.