EGU General Assembly 2023
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TEMPLINK: a project of modeling soil temperature explained using comic strips and fiber-art

Șerban Raul-David1 and Șerban Mihaela2
Șerban Raul-David and Șerban Mihaela
  • 1Institute for Alpine Environment, Eurac Research, Bolzano 39100, Italy
  • 2Applied Geomorphology and Interdisciplinary Research Centre, Department of Geography, West University of Timișoara, 300223 Timișoara, Romania

TEMPLINK stands for “Modelling ground surface TEMPerature LINKed to remote sensing land surface temperature in mountain environments”, a Marie-Curie Seal of Excellence project ( The TEMPLINK project aims to develop a model to predict the soil subsurface temperature from satellite thermal images based on numerical modeling. Improving the monitoring of soil subsurface temperature is important for multiple geosciences and agricultural applications, being essential for understanding the climate change impacts on various environments. The model will be generated in the Mazia Valley, North-eastern Italian Alps, part of the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network.

For explaining the project main idea and workflow to kids and youth, a cartoon booklet was prepared. The comic strips are available on Academia online: They can also be distributed during science fairs and dedicated activities with schools such as orientation weeks, school visits, GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Days, or Research Open Days. To reach a broader audience was created a fiber-art object representing a 3D model of the Mazia Valley, a typical glaciated alpine valley. Every landcover type of this valley is represented with a different string color and texture. Because the project uses remote sensing data a satellite was made from rope and hang above the 3D model. The fiber-art object is accompanied by a flyer that better explains this blend of science and art. The fiber-art object aims to advertise science through art and can be displayed in art galleries, tourist info centers, or during workshops and conferences. All these outreach materials help to disseminate the TEMPLINK project to a wide audience of different backgrounds, ages, and interests.

How to cite: Raul-David, Ș. and Mihaela, Ș.: TEMPLINK: a project of modeling soil temperature explained using comic strips and fiber-art, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5945,, 2023.