EGU23-6357, updated on 11 Jun 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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PANAME: a portal laboratory for city's environmental data

Vincent Douet1, Sophie Bouffiès-Cloché1, Joanne Dumont1, Martial Haeffelin2, Jean-Charles Dupoont2, Simone Kotthaus2, Valéry Masson3, Aude Lemonsu3, Valerie Gros4, Christopher Cantrell5, Vincent Michoud5, and Sébastien Payan6
Vincent Douet et al.
  • 2IPSL
  • 3Metéo France
  • 4LSCE
  • 5LISA
  • 6ERIS - CNRS - IPSL - Sorbonne Universite

The urban is at the heart of many disciplinary projects covering very broad scientific areas. Acquired data or simulations are often accessible (when they are) via targeted thematic portals. However, the need for transdisciplinarity has been essential for several years to answer specific scientific questions or societal demands. For this, the crossing of human sciences data, health, air quality, land use, emissions inventories, biodiversity, etc., would allow new innovative studies in connection with the city.

PANAME (PAris region urbaN Atmospheric observations and models for Multidisciplinary rEsearch) developed by AERIS was designed as the first brick of a data portal that can promote the discovery, access, cross-referencing and representation of urban data from various sectors with air quality and urban heat islands as a starting point. The portal and future developments will be discussed in this presentation.

How to cite: Douet, V., Bouffiès-Cloché, S., Dumont, J., Haeffelin, M., Dupoont, J.-C., Kotthaus, S., Masson, V., Lemonsu, A., Gros, V., Cantrell, C., Michoud, V., and Payan, S.: PANAME: a portal laboratory for city's environmental data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6357,, 2023.