EGU General Assembly 2023
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Reducing environmental impact at NERSC (Bergen, Norway).

Julien Brajard and Christine Due Sivertsen
Julien Brajard and Christine Due Sivertsen
  • NERSC, Bergen, Norway (

NERSC is a non-profit research foundation established in Bergen (Norway) in 1986. Besides cutting-edge research in climate science, the NERSC has for a long time been very attentive to the working conditions, diversity, inclusion, and environmental impact of its activities.

In this poster, we will present the different efforts taken at the NERSC initiative to take the path of reducing its environmental impact, especially the GHG footprint, of its activities. We have divided the analysis into big compartments including the travels, the numerical computations, the field campaigns, and the premises. For each compartment, we are in the process to assess the GHG emissions, and some actions have already been taken to already minimize the impacts, for example, a travel policy, and opportunity campaigns.

In addition to the details of the work done by NERSC for reducing GHG emissions, we will reflect on challenges and problems encountered while taking those actions, some being general to the scientific or geoscience field (e.g., travel injunction), others being specific to NERSC (fundings, geographic location, low-carbon electricity).

Finally, we will draw perspective to the experience, and try to bring recommendations into the debate, such as a better inclusion of climate impact in the European research calls.

How to cite: Brajard, J. and Sivertsen, C. D.: Reducing environmental impact at NERSC (Bergen, Norway)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7601,, 2023.

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