- ONERA, Chatillon, France (francoise.liorzou@onera.fr)
The 2017-2027 Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space has identified the Targeted Mass Change Observable as one of 5 Designated Mission. In Europe, ESA has proposed to Ministerial Counsel of November 2019 to begin a Phase A on the Next Generation Gravity Mission.
These missions will continue the observation provided by GRACE and GRACE-FO. In these missions and the future concepts, the accelerometer provides either the gravity signal in a gradiometer configuration (GOCE type mission), or the non-gravitational acceleration to be suppressed to the ranging measurement between two satellites (GRACE-type mission).
ONERA has procured the accelerometer for all the previous gravity missions (GRACE, GOCE, GRACE-FO) and works to improve the scientific return of the instruments for the future missions.
In a frame of a pre-development contract with ESA to increase TRL, Onera is developing its new accelerometer MicroSTAR, a high accuracy accelerometer with 3 sensitive linear acceleration measurements as well as 3 angular acceleration measurements for the attitude control or reconstruction.
In parallel, a miniaturized version of MicroSTAR with low accuracy, CubeSTAR accelerometer, is developed with internal funding. CubeSTAR is adapted for constellation or nanosat.
An other way is to improve the low-frequency noise of the accelerometer, by hybridization of electrostatic accelerometer with cold atom interferometer.
The presentation will detail these developments.
How to cite: Liorzou, F., Lebat, V., Christophe, B., Boulanger, D., Rodrigues, M., Zahzam, N., Bidel, Y., and Bresson, A.: ONERA accelerometers for future gravity mission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8155, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8155, 2023.