EGU General Assembly 2023
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Effects over infrastructures induced by abnormally high water levels due to the change of irrigation techniques: the case of the Lliria-Casinos aquifer (Spain)

Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri, María-Elena Rodrigo-Clavero, and Claudia-Patricia Romero-Hernández
Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri et al.
  • Instituto de Ingeniería del Agua y Medio Ambiente, Universitat Politècnica de València (IIAMA-UPV)

During June and July 2022, the urban area of the city of Bétera suffered the effects of flooding caused by rises in the water table that left certain infrastructures in the center of the municipality out of operation. This work summarizes the results obtained by analyzing all the existing hydrogeological information as well as the data obtained from the recently installed municipal piezometric control network.

The municipality of Bétera is located on the LLiria-Casinos aquifer, in the eastern central area of the Júcar River Basin. The analysis carried out confirms that the infiltration excess from irrigation activities may be an important factor in the general water balance. Besides, the spring upwellings are also important. In the scientific literature consulted, a reduction in the corresponding flow is reported, which should have been justified based on a decrease in the piezometric levels. However, the most recent observations available indicate precisely the opposite effect. Water levels have increased, especially in the vicinity of the center of the city center of Bétera itself.

These results are an example of how changing from traditional flooding irrigation techniques to modern drip irrigation methods can unexpectedly alter hydrogeological conditions, even affecting the foundations of buildings and leaving both public and private parking lots out of service, causing the corresponding social alarm.

How to cite: Rodrigo-Ilarri, J., Rodrigo-Clavero, M.-E., and Romero-Hernández, C.-P.: Effects over infrastructures induced by abnormally high water levels due to the change of irrigation techniques: the case of the Lliria-Casinos aquifer (Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9087,, 2023.