EGU General Assembly 2023
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Ecogaming for circular economy

Crina Elefteriu
Crina Elefteriu
  • Colegiul Tehnic de Cai Ferate Unirea, Pascani, Romania (

The basis for our current „Ecogames in my curriculum” Erasmus+ project is teaching students the benefits of circular economy and how to use it.

The circular economy aims to minimize waste and pollution by using resources in a more efficient and sustainable way. This approach can help to reduce the negative environmental impacts of economic activity and improve economic efficiency. 

During our first LTT in Romania we taught students how to implement circular economy to support sustainable development. These are some examples of how we played to learn circular economy:

  • For reducing waste (one of the key principles of a circular economy is to minimize waste by keeping resources in use for as long as possible), we organized a Circular Economy Fair where our students sold various objects crafted through strategies such as reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling.
  • For promoting resource efficiency, our students created a wind turbine, they also taught the foreign students invited to the workshop how to create a photovoltaic panel by using resources more efficiently and minimizing waste. Both activities involved strategies such as designing products and systems that use fewer resources and are easier to repair or recycle.
  • For supporting economic growth, our students presented their eco business plans since a circular economy can provide economic benefits by creating new business opportunities and promoting innovation. Our students focused on how this can help to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.
  • For improving environmental sustainability, we invited our foreign guests to plant an oak for each country involved in the project. By conserving natural resources we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus lowering the environmental impacts of economic activity by minimizing waste and pollution.
  • For enhancing social welfare, we proposed a food waste lesson followed by a gardening workshop. We organized a lesson with Romanian and foreign students promoting changes in consumer behaviour to reduce food waste requires, by using better food storage and preservation techniques, and improved food recovery and donation programs. Food waste is a major problem in developed countries, not only a financial burden, but it also has a negative environmental impact. After the lesson, each team received a gardening kit with researched seeds donated by the Seeds Bank from Suceava.

            Moreover, by reducing the amount of resources and materials that need to be produced, circular economy initiatives can help to reduce the cost of resources and services, making them more accessible to those with limited incomes. Finally, circular economy initiatives can also help to promote social inclusion by creating a more equitable access to resources and services, which can help to reduce poverty and inequality.

How to cite: Elefteriu, C.: Ecogaming for circular economy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9099,, 2023.