Lessons from Red Cross Red Crescent Anticipatory Action
- German Red Cross, Germany (arielle.tozierdelapoterie@germanredcross.de)
The Red Cross Red Cresent is among the organizations with the longest and most extensive experience with forecast-based action. We present the findings of recently-published research based on interviews with 139 stakeholders involved in Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) AA programs in 18 countries. We find that the organizaitonal benefits of forecast-based ation include capacity building, more proactive operations, and expedited humanitarian response. Forecast-based action can also help to overcome common challenges in climate services by providing a framework and decision-making and resources for early action. Despite these benefits, AA practitioners struggle with challenges common to climate services, development, and humanitarian aid, including local project ownership, capacity and infrastructure, integration with existing systems, data availability, forecast uncertainty, and monitoring and evaluation. We conclude that forecast-based action systems can only be sustainble if they address these perennial challenges and focus on building capacity and ownership. Furthermore, donors can play a major role in facilitating these shifts by providing funding designed to support long-term multi-stakeholder processes.
How to cite: Tozier, A., Castro Jr., E., Rahaman, H., Heinrich, D., Clatworthy, Y., and Mundorega, L.: Lessons from Red Cross Red Crescent Anticipatory Action, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9345, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9345, 2023.