EGU23-9658, updated on 13 Apr 2023
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Renewable energy forecasting: results of the Smart4RES project and future research directions.

Georges Kariniotakis1, Simon Camal1, and the Smart4RES Team*
Georges Kariniotakis and Simon Camal and the Smart4RES Team
  • 1MINES Paris, Centre of Processes, renewable energies and energy systems (PERSEE), Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France (
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

The European Horizon 2020 project Smart4RES (, which started in 2019 and runs until April 2023, aims at improving modelling and forecasting of weather variables necessary to optimize the integration of weather-dependent renewable energy (RES) production (i.e. wind, solar) into power systems and electricity markets. It gathers experts from several disciplines ranging from meteorology, data science, power systems a.o. It aims to contribute to the pathway towards energy systems with very high RES penetrations by 2030 and beyond.

This presentation has a double objective:

(1) To present a comprehensive overview in terms of KPI improvements of the final results obtained by the project. These results cover thematic objectives including:

  • Improvement of weather and RES forecasting;
  • Streamlined extraction of optimal value from the data through data sharing, data market places, and novel business models for the data;
  • New data-driven optimization and decision-aid tools for market and grid management applications;
  • Validation of new models in living labs and assessment of forecasting value vs costly remedies to hedge uncertainties (i.e. storage). 

The results obtained are numerous. Without being exhaustive, they include: improved forecasting of weather variables with focus on extreme situations and also through innovative measuring settings (i.e. a network of sky cameras); A seamless approach to couple outputs from different ensemble numerical weather prediction (NWP) models with different temporal resolutions; Advances from ultra-high resolution NWPs based on Large Eddy Simulation; Approaches for RES production forecasting aiming at efficiently combining highly dimensionally input (various types of satellite images, NWPs, spatially distributed measurements etc.); Seamless probabilistic RES forecasting covering multiple time frames and data inputs; Resilient energy forecasting. In the front of applications methods are proposed to optimally use forecasts for the management of storage systems coupled with renewables, for the optimal trading of renewables in multiple markets and for grid management optimization and dynamic security assessment. Prescriptive analytics and explainable AI methods are proposed to optimize decision making.  A cost benefit analysis is performed to assess the contribution of different types of data in forecasting problems.

(2) To present hierarchized proposals for future research directions. An international workshop is organized by the project (14/04/2023), where experts are invited to assess where RES predictability stands today and propose research directions for the future. In this presentation we will present the conclusions of this workshop. This will be a useful insight for academics, industrials as well as policy makers in the field.

Smart4RES Team:

Simon Camal, Georges Kariniotakis, Dennis van der Meer, Konstantinos Parginos, Luka Santosuosso, Akylas Stratigakos [MINES Paris, PSL University, Centre PERSEE, France]; Gregor Giebel, Tuhfe Göçmen, Liyang Han [DTU, Denmark]; Pierre Pinson [Imperial College, UK]; Ricardo Bessa; Carla Goncalves, Rui Sousa [INESC TEC, Portugal]; Ivana Aleksovska, Bastien Alonzo, Marie Cassas, Quentin Libois, Marie-Adèle Magnaldo, Laure Raynaud [Meteo France, France]; Gerwin van Dalum, Gerrit Deen, Daan Houf, Remco Verzijlbergh [Whiffle, The Netherlands]; Matthias Lange, Björn Witha [Energy and Meteo Systems, Germany]; Niklas Blum, Jorge Lezaca, Bijan Nouri, Stefan Wilbert [DLR, Germany]; Maria Ines Marques, Catarina Mendes Martins, Manuel Silva [EDP, Portugal]; Wouter De Boer, Marcel Eijgelaar, Ganesh Sauba [DNV, The Netherlands]; John Karakitsios, Theodoros Konstantinou, Dimitrios Lagos, George Sideratos [NTUA/ICCS, Greece]; Theodora Anastopoulou, Efrosini Korka, Christos Vitellas [DEDDIE, Greece]; Stephanie Petit, Clementine Coujard [Dowel Innovation, France];

How to cite: Kariniotakis, G. and Camal, S. and the Smart4RES Team: Renewable energy forecasting: results of the Smart4RES project and future research directions., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9658,, 2023.