BG3.14 | Advances in Understanding Water - Carbon Dynamics and Their Feedbacks With Our Climate System
Advances in Understanding Water - Carbon Dynamics and Their Feedbacks With Our Climate System
Co-organized by CL3/HS13
Convener: Vincent Humphrey | Co-conveners: Nina Raoult, Julia K. Green, Zheng Fu, Mallory Barnes, Kim Novick
| Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.95
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 14:00
A wide range of processes influence the response of the vegetation, soils, and terrestrial carbon fluxes to changes in land and atmospheric moisture availability. Such responses also occur over a wide range of time scales, ranging from extreme events like floods, droughts or heatwaves, to long-term shifts in background climate. In addition, the vegetation and soils regulate land-atmosphere moisture and energy fluxes, which in turn feed back to the broader climate system.

Advances in remote sensing, experimental studies, and the growing number of in situ measurements and ecosystem trait databases can now be combined with machine learning, statistical approaches and/or mechanistic models, to understand how plants, soils, and ecosystems respond to climate variability. Combining these data in innovative ways will help to evaluate and improve models of plant-stress and carbon exchange, and in-turn climate projections.

Contributions might include, for example, regional to global evaluations of the vegetation and ecosystem response to various environmental stressors (e.g. soil moisture, temperature, etc.) and climatic variability, using in-situ and/or satellite observations to evaluate or improve the representation of water-carbon interactions and biological processes in models, new representations of plant and ecosystem response to land and atmospheric moisture stress (e.g. through plant hydraulics, optimality approaches, etc.), and improvements in our understanding of how soils and plant-stress regulate surface fluxes and boundary layer processes.

Solicited authors:
Charlotte Grossiord, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
René Orth, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany

Orals: Mon, 24 Apr | Room 2.95

Chairpersons: Nina Raoult, Vincent Humphrey, Julia K. Green
On-site presentation
Rene Orth, Jasper M.C. Denissen, Wantong Li, and Sungmin Oh

The ongoing and projected climate change involves changes in temperatures and precipitation in many regions. These changes in turn affect terrestrial ecosystems that require sufficient water and energy to provide essential services such as food security and the uptake of human-caused CO2 emissions.

This presentation will introduce the concept of ecosystem water and energy limitation, and identify areas where each limitation prevails. These areas are characterised by different sensitivities of evapotranspiration and vegetation productivity to long-term changes in temperature and precipitation. A special focus will be on the global trends of ecosystem water limitation through time, where our results show increased water sensitivity across recent and future decades in many regions. This implies an increasing ecosystem vulnerability to water availability which can lead to reductions in vegetation carbon uptake in the future, consequently amplifying climate change. In this context, near-surface soil moisture is found to be the most relevant water reservoir for vegetation functioning, while deeper soil moisture is less relevant for the investigated multi-decadal time periods.

The presentation will also illustrate that the increasing water limitation can affect the consequences of droughts in related regions. These ecosystems become more vulnerable to droughts such that disruptions in vegetation functioning are more pronounced. Also evaporative cooling will decrease more strongly which promotes hotter temperatures during drought. At the same time, decreased vegetation productivity could lead to reduced availability of fuel for wildfires.

These analyses are based on (i) observation-based data including reanalyses, satellite-based datasets and gridded data derived from upscaling in-situ observations, and (ii) simulations from land surface and Earth system models. Building upon this, the presentation will discuss the related model performance as well as opportunities for model development to more accurately capture and predict ecosystem water limitation. 

How to cite: Orth, R., Denissen, J. M. C., Li, W., and Oh, S.: Increasing water limitation of global ecosystems in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1422,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rafael Rosolem, Daniel Power, Miguel Rico-Ramirez, Pierre Gentine, David McJannet, Humberto da Rocha, Martin Schrön, and Corinna Rebmann

Knowledge of fluxes of water vapor and carbon at the land surface are paramount to our understanding of the Earth system. Large-scale network initiatives such as the Fluxnet allow us to better understand the environmental controls on the evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity. An important aspect of such initiatives is that its large number of sites allow for localized knowledge to be upscaled to a region or even globally. This can be either done by employing physics-based global land models or empirically, via data-driven approaches. Particularly, we have seen a significant increase of data-driven approaches with the use of machine learning techniques more recently. Here, we use a similar structure employed in the FLUXCOM initiative to focus particularly on the role of soil moisture information in predicting evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity at several flux sites encompassing a wide range of hydroclimates and biomes around the globe. Our analyses employ a machine learning method to a predictive model of evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity, while focusing primarily on how changes in the way soil moisture is incorporated into the methodology affects such predictions. First, we evaluate the predictive power of this model when soil moisture is directly estimated via observations against more indirect estimates via bucket-type models. Secondly, we evaluate the role of the spatial resolution of different soil moisture estimates in predicting both fluxes. We do this by using three sets of direct estimates covering distinct spatial footprints co-located at all flux sites: (1) point-scale time-domain reflectometers, (2) field-scale cosmic-ray neutron sensors, and (3) regional-scale satellite remote sensing products. In this talk, we summarize which hydroclimatic regions benefit from having direct estimate of soil moisture for evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity, while also providing some insights on the possible role of spatial scale mismatches between the fluxes and soil moisture.

How to cite: Rosolem, R., Power, D., Rico-Ramirez, M., Gentine, P., McJannet, D., da Rocha, H., Schrön, M., and Rebmann, C.: Using machine learning to quantify multi-scale soil moisture controls on water and carbon fluxes at the land surface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12444,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bethan L. Harris, Christopher M. Taylor, Tristan Quaife, and Phil P. Harris

The response of vegetation productivity to water availability provides a key link between the carbon and water cycles. Correctly representing this response in Earth System Models (ESMs) is essential for accurate modelling of the terrestrial carbon cycle and the evolution of the climate system. To investigate how well models capture this relationship at intraseasonal timescales, we use global datasets based on satellite observations to assess the land surface response to intraseasonal precipitation events, and evaluate the performance of CMIP6 ESMs in representing this response in the recent historical period. Whereas models are able to capture the observed surface soil moisture (SSM) response with reasonable agreement, there are large inter-model discrepancies in the response of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), both in magnitude and timing, even in regions where land cover is similar between models. In particular, ACCESS-ESM and NorESM produce much lower-amplitude GPP responses to rainfall than UKESM and CNRM-ESM. All the models studied are able to represent that the regional amplitude of the GPP response is positively correlated with the amplitude of the SSM response, and negatively correlated with the amplitude of the vapour pressure deficit (VPD) response. All models except NorESM also capture that stronger SSM responses are associated with faster GPP responses. However, the models differ in their sensitivity to these drivers, and can produce very different GPP responses from similar variations in SSM and VPD, particularly in climatologically dry regions. This highlights the need for a better understanding of the uncertainties in the representation of water-vegetation relationships in ESMs, such as the effect of atmospheric vapour pressure deficit on stomatal conductance and the control of soil moisture stress on GPP.

How to cite: L. Harris, B., M. Taylor, C., Quaife, T., and P. Harris, P.: Contrasting responses of vegetation to intraseasonal rainfall in Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8013,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andrew Feldman, Benjamin Poulter, Joanna Joiner, Mitra Asadollahi, Joel Biederman, Abhishek Chatterjee, Pierre Gentine, Alexandra Konings, William Smith, and Lixin Wang

Rain events are becoming less frequent, but stronger in many global locations under a changing climate. These intra-seasonal rainfall features have received less attention than changes in mean temperature and total annual rainfall in their influence on the global carbon cycle. Field rainfall manipulation experiments consistently show non-negligible changes to annual photosynthesis in response to rainfall frequency alterations while holding total annual rainfall constant. However, field and modeling experiments show little consensus on the sign and magnitude of change of annual photosynthesis due to changing storm frequency and magnitude. In this study, we ask: based on satellite observations, how is global photosynthesis changing due to shifts in storm frequency and magnitude? What are the soil-plant-atmosphere drivers of the response?

Using several global satellite-based photosynthesis proxies, we find that the annual photosynthesis response to storm frequency is as high in magnitude and global spatial extent as its response to total annual rainfall. The satellite-based photosynthesis proxies and field tower sites indicate that years with fewer, stronger storms tend to show decreased photosynthesis in humid ecosystems and increased photosynthesis in drylands. The absolute magnitudes of annual photosynthesis trends show 10-20% per century changes due to rainfall frequency trends over nearly half of vegetated surfaces, which is consistent with the magnitude and extent of total annual rainfall trend effects. The contrasting responses observed in humid locations and drylands are shown to be driven by patterns of plant pulse response, soil texture, and mean atmospheric aridity response to rain frequency. Ultimately, our results indicate that intra-seasonal rainfall variability drives global photosynthesis interannual variability similarly to interannual rainfall variability.

How to cite: Feldman, A., Poulter, B., Joiner, J., Asadollahi, M., Biederman, J., Chatterjee, A., Gentine, P., Konings, A., Smith, W., and Wang, L.: Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Storm Frequency and Magnitude, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3651,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yitong Yao, Yujie Wang, Yi Yin, and Christian Frankenberg

Drought legacy effects refer to the lasting impacts on the carbon cycle from droughts, being a prime uncertainty in predicting future land carbon sink in a changing climate. While previous studies have been focusing on the drought legacy effects on tree growth using tree ring chronologies, the rapid developments of site and satellite observations over the past decades provide us new opportunities to investigate the effects with improved temporal and spatial coverage. For example, retrievals of canopy structure, photosynthesis, evapotranspiration, and vegetation water content would allow for evaluating the differences in recovery processes in magnitude, timing and duration of the legacy effects. Potential asynchrony and divergence among these multiple legacy indicators result in large uncertainties in understanding the full range of vegetation responses to drought. To address this issue, this study aims to leverage the development of a new generation Earth system model (CliMA) in combination with site and satellite observations to understand the various legacy effects on carbon sink responses from site to regional scales. Through investigating the temporal and spatial patterns of legacy effects, our work will gain a comprehensive understanding of drought related carbon cycle feedback and benefit science-based decision making facing changing climate, especially extreme events. 

How to cite: Yao, Y., Wang, Y., Yin, Y., and Frankenberg, C.: Understanding vegetation drought legacy effects on carbon cycling using observations from multiple platforms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10949,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Chenwei Xiao, Sönke Zaehle, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Hui Yang, Christiane Schmullius, and Ana Bastos

Drought events are projected to become more severe and frequent across many regions in the future, but their impacts will likely differ among ecosystems depending on the capability of ecosystem to maintain functioning during droughts, i.e., the ecosystem resistance. Different plant species have diverse strategies to cope with drought. As a result, responses of different vegetation types have been found to be divergent for similar levels of drought severity. However, it remains unclear whether such divergence is also caused by different drought duration, climatological settings, or co-occurring compound events, etc.

Here, we evaluate vegetation resistance using different proxies for vegetation condition, namely the Vegetation Optical Depth (SMOS L-VOD) data from ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) passive L-band mission and EVI and kNDVI from NASA MODIS. L-VOD has the advantage over more commonly used vegetation indices (such as kNDVI, EVI) in that it provides more information on vegetation structure and biomass and suffers from less saturation over dense forests compared (Wigneron et al., 2020). We apply a linear autoregressive model accounting for drought, temperature and memory effects to characterize ecosystem resistance by their sensitivity to drought duration and temperature anomalies. We analyze how ecosystem resistance varies with land cover across the globe and investigate the modulation effect of forest management and irrigation. Furthermore, estimates of ecosystem resistance obtained from a similar methodology are compared between L-VOD, kNDVI and EVI.

We find that regions with higher forest fraction show stronger ecosystem resistance to extreme droughts than cropland for all three vegetation proxies. L-VOD indicates that primary forests tend to be more resistant to drought events than secondary forests, but this phenomenon cannot be detected in EVI and kNDVI. This is possibly related to their saturation in dense forests. In tropical evergreen deciduous forests, old-growth trees tend to be more resistant to drought than young trees from L-VOD and kNDVI. Irrigation increases the drought resistance of cropland substantially.

These results suggest that ecosystem resistance can be better monitored using L-VOD in dense forests and highlight the role of forest cover, forest management and irrigation in determining ecosystem resistance to droughts.


Wigneron, J.-P., Fan, L., Ciais, P., Bastos, A., Brandt, M., Chave, J., Saatchi, S., Baccini, A., and Fensholt, R.: Tropical forests did not recover from the strong 2015–2016 El Niño event, Science Advances, 6, eaay4603,, 2020.

How to cite: Xiao, C., Zaehle, S., Wigneron, J.-P., Yang, H., Schmullius, C., and Bastos, A.: Land-cover and management modulation of ecosystem resistance to drought stress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3554,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Samuli Junttila, Adrià Descals, Iolanda Filella, Josep Peñuelas, Martin Brandt, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, and Mikko Vastaranta

Plant water stress due to climate change is posing a threat to various ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, food and wood production, and climate regulation. To address this issue, methods are needed to assess and monitor plant water stress at various spatial and temporal scales. Passive microwave emission observations from satellites have proven useful in monitoring changes in vegetation water content and assessing plant water stress at a low spatial resolution (> 9 km). In this study, we used vegetation optical depth (VOD) and measurements of hydraulic vulnerability to create a novel model for assessing ecosystem-level water stress. We used L-band VOD and global measurements of xylem water potential at 88% loss of stem hydraulic conductivity (P88) from the TRY database (including 1103 measurements of P88 from 463 species and nine different vegetation biomes) to create a linear regression model between L-band VOD and biome-level P88. We used monthly mean values of L-band VOD and calculated ratios of yearly minimum and maximum VOD (L-VODmin/max) for each pixel to describe average variability in ecosystem-level water content. The developed L-VODmin/max metric explained 75% of the variation in P88 at the biome level (R2=0.75) indicating that the novel L-VODmin/max metric is capable of capturing changes in plant water status. We then used the L-VODmin/max metric and daily climate data from the ERA5 to see if water stress has increased over time in the world's forests that are more water limited (aridity index below 1.5). For these areas, we found a positive trend in maximum daily vapour pressure deficit, which correlated negatively (p<0.05) with L-VODmin/max trend for the same time period further confirming that L-VODmin/max is capable of explaining differences in plant water status. Additionally, we examined the trend in L-VODmin/max for global forests for the same 2011-2020 period and found a significant negative trend (increasing water stress, p<0.05) for forests in central Africa, southeast Asia, and eastern Australia, and a positive trend (decreasing water stress) for boreal forests in North America and rainforests in Indonesia. Further studies are required to confirm our results suggesting that some of the world's largest carbon sinks are experiencing rapid changes in water stress as a result of climate change.

How to cite: Junttila, S., Descals, A., Filella, I., Peñuelas, J., Brandt, M., Wigneron, J.-P., and Vastaranta, M.: Vegetation optical depth reveals changes in ecosystem-level water stress for global forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11564,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Arpita Verma, Louis Francois, Ingrid Jacquemin, Benjamin Lanssens, Alain Hambuckers, Alessandro Ugolotti, Merja Tölle, and Eric Hallot

Vegetation is a key driver for carbon uptake from the atmosphere to the land. Yet episodes of plant stress and mortality associated with drought and heat waves due to persistent lack of precipitation have been reported over the last decades and are expected to increase under ongoing climate change. It is presumed that climate-related vegetation stress results in progressively worsening plant health and rising mortality. However, the mechanisms driving such mortality are still up for debate because of the complex interconnections between the processes and the factors. Monitoring plant stress and mortality at the ecosystem level remains challenging to quantify since long-term, tree-individual, reliable observations are uncertain. For this reason, here we adapted a satellite-model approach to work on regional forests, before up scaling the results to the global forest.

In Belgium, the Wallonia region is covered by 30% forests which are the highest among all the three regions. While with the consecutive recent extreme events especially the droughts and heat waves of 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022 caused water stress and bark beetle attack. According to the 35 years (1985-2022), land use land cover change extracted by LANDSAT 5,7, and 8 satellites, there is no significant change in forest land in Wallonia, Belgium. Meanwhile, in the current years 2021-2022, there is a decrease in the tree canopy with intensive forest management due to tree plant stress. On the other hand, in Wallonia, the forest is distributed in a significant patch of broadleaves, coniferous leaves, and mixed forest. However, we found that consecutive drought events cause water stress on specific plant species like Norway spruce which are in vulnerable states. For example: in a mixed forest when bark beetle or Scolytinae attacked the spruce tree it is more attracted to the other trees and in this consequence tree species –like  birch and oak –are now also in premature death or deteriorating tree health. In this study, we are using a high spatial resolution (25cm) remote sensing images using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques to find out pixel-based individual plant stress or mortality. In addition, the high-resolution tree mortality extracted data will be used to calibrate CARAIB dynamic vegetation model and analyze the impact of extreme events on trees during the recent past and the future (until 2070). In conclusion, from this study, we plan to improve our model regarding the implementation of plant traits and species mortality aspects towards a better prediction of forest tree species' vulnerability to future extreme weather events.

How to cite: Verma, A., Francois, L., Jacquemin, I., Lanssens, B., Hambuckers, A., Ugolotti, A., Tölle, M., and Hallot, E.: Reducing uncertainty in extreme weather vegetation stress modeling using satellite-model approach at high resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15565,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Simone Fatichi, Athanasios Paschalis, Sara Bonetti, Gabriele Manoli, and Christoforos Pappas

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) is the variable linking assimilation and storage of carbon in plants with the release of water through transpiration. In this study, we combine multiple datasets including global scale leaf-level gas exchange measurements, tree-ring isotopes, flux-tower observations, and remote sensing products with mechanistic terrestrial biosphere modeling to evaluate whether WUE depends on precipitation or aridity levels and how changes in vapor pressure deficit affect ecosystem scale WUE and intrinsic water use efficiency (IWUE). A constrained range of WUE values across ecosystems and climates are observed with few noticeable exceptions. Observations and model simulations converge towards a weak WUE dependency on precipitation or aridity conditions.

Numerical simulations with a mechanistic model reveal two distinct signatures of VPD on site level WUE and IWUE, with high VPD resulting in increased IWUE, but decreased WUE. Relations with soil moisture are instead more complex and non-monotonic. Multiple data sources in combination with mechanistic modeling offer new insights on WUE variability across spatial and temporal scales and provide reference WUE values for future comparisons.

How to cite: Fatichi, S., Paschalis, A., Bonetti, S., Manoli, G., and Pappas, C.: A review of Water Use Efficiency across space and time, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12507,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Vincent Humphrey, Nina Raoult, Mallory Barnes
On-site presentation
Charlotte Grossiord

Recent decades have been characterized by increasing temperatures worldwide, resulting in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Heat and VPD have been identified as increasingly important drivers of plant functioning in terrestrial biomes and are significant contributors to recent drought-induced tree mortality. Despite this, few studies have isolated the physiological response of plants to high VPD, heat, and soil drought, thus limiting our understanding and ability to predict future impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. I will present diverse experimental approaches to disentangle atmospheric and soil drivers of plant functions across scales. I will further discuss recent findings suggesting that high temperature and VPD can lead to a cascade of impacts, including reduced photosynthesis, foliar overheating, and higher risks of hydraulic failure, independently of soil moisture changes.

How to cite: Grossiord, C.: Disentangling the impact of co-varying changes in soil moisture, vapor pressure deficit, and temperature on plant carbon and water relations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1952,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Victor Flo, Jaideep Joshi, Manon Sabot, David Sandoval, and Iain Colin Prentice

Accurate estimation of stomatal regulation is crucial for understanding how plants respond to changing environmental conditions, particularly under climate change. While stomatal optimization models have made significant progress in predicting instantaneous plants' carbon and water exchange, they often do not account for biochemical acclimation to drought over long time scales. In this study, we investigated the impact of incorporating photosynthetic acclimation on the accuracy of six stomatal optimization models in predicting carbon and water exchange in terrestrial C3 plants. By introducing the cost of maintaining a certain level of photosynthetic capacity into the stomatal optimization process, we incorporated photosynthetic acclimation to the previous seven days of environmental conditions. Using experimental data from 37 plant species, we found that accounting for photosynthetic acclimation improved the prediction of carbon assimilation in most of the tested models. Additionally, we found that non-stomatal mechanisms significantly contributed to photosynthesis limitation under drought conditions compared to well-watered conditions in all tested models. The hydraulic impairment functions of the stomatal models were unable to accurately account for drought effects on photosynthesis, indicating the need to consider photosynthetic acclimation to improve estimates of carbon assimilation under drought conditions.

How to cite: Flo, V., Joshi, J., Sabot, M., Sandoval, D., and Prentice, I. C.: Improving stomatal optimization models for accurate prediction of photosynthesis under drought conditions., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2596,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Athanasios Paschalis, Simone Fatichi, Manon Sabot, and Martin de Kauwe

 The dynamics of the ascent of water from the soil to the leaves of vascular plants determine ecosystem responses to environmental forcing and their recovery from periods of water stress. Recently several models that describe the dynamics of plant hydraulics have been proposed. In this study we introduce four different configurations of a plant hydraulics model in an existing terrestrial biosphere model T&C. The model configurations in increasing order of complexity introduce the basics of the cohesion-tension theory, plant water storage dynamics and long-term damage and repair of the plant's water conducting system. Using the model configurations at six case studies spanning semi-arid to tropical ecosystems we quantify how plant hydraulics can modulate overall ecosystem responses to environmental forcing. As droughts develop, models with plant hydraulics predict a slower onset of plant water stress and can reproduce diurnal patterns of water and carbon fluxes that models that incorporate empirical stomatal conductance only cannot capture. However, when the complex variability of the environmental forcing (i.e., observed hourly meteorological forcing driving the models) is considered, plant hydraulics alone cannot significantly improve model performance. Models that only have simple empirical stomatal conductance models can adequately capture most of the variability of the observed ecosystem responses without explicitly simulating plant hydraulics. Most of the time, the gain from introducing plant hydraulics in ecosystem modelling is limited compared to the possible model improvements from correct representation of other processes such as plant phenology. Nevertheless, during periods of water stress, only models that explicitly simulate plant hydraulics can reproduce observed ecosystem responses to stress and the dynamics of ecosystem recovery. Finally, sensitivity analyses highlight that accurately modelling plant hydraulics relies on good knowledge of plant hydraulics traits, particularly at the leaf level, as stomata are usually the hydraulic bottleneck in the water flow from the soil to the atmosphere.

How to cite: Paschalis, A., Fatichi, S., Sabot, M., and de Kauwe, M.: When do plant hydraulics matter in ecosystem modelling?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7820,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Wantong Li, Mirco Migliavacca, Alexandra G. Konings, Gregory Duveiller, Markus Reichstein, and René Orth

Terrestrial vegetation is a key component of the Earth system as it mediates the exchange of carbon, water and energy between the land and the atmosphere. Thereby, the vegetation affects the climate through changes in its structure (such as leaf area index, LAI) and its physiology (such as stomatal conductance); However, their relative contributions and respective processes on the land-atmosphere coupling are not yet understood. For instance, increased LAI, referred to as structural changes, promotes transpiration and vegetation productivity, and increases the surface albedo in most cases. In contrast, decreased surface conductance, referred to as physiological changes, could reduce transpiration and productivity. Therefore, the overall feedback of vegetation to climate change via water, carbon and energy exchange will depend on the relative importance of structural and physiological responses. Here we study to what extent dynamic changes in global vegetation structure and physiology modulate land-atmosphere coupling using satellite remote-sensing, data-driven, and earth system modelled vegetation data, as well ashydro-meteorological reanalysis. The land-atmosphere coupling is quantified through the correlation between soil moisture and lagged vapor pressure deficit determined with a moving time window. We employ random forests to quantify vegetation physiology by accounting for functional variability (e.g. GPP and ET) explained by hydro-meteorological data but not by the vegetation structure. Then using an explainable machine learning approach (SHAP), we determine the contributions of vegetation structure and physiology where we find overall larger contributions of structure on regulating land-atmosphere coupling during the growing season. The relative importance of vegetation structure differs across ecosystems, with stronger contributions in dry ecosystems. Furthermore, we analyze the variations of the relevance of vegetation structure over time and in particular during warm and dry periods. The results are partially backed up by using in-situ measurements of physiological traits to interpret the large-scale observed physiological patterns.

How to cite: Li, W., Migliavacca, M., Konings, A. G., Duveiller, G., Reichstein, M., and Orth, R.: Disentangling the influence of vegetation structure and physiology on land-atmosphere coupling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10417,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yujie Wang, Renato Braghiere, Anthony Bloom, and Christian Frankenberg

Recent progress in satellite observations has provided unprecedented opportunities to monitor vegetation activity at global scale. However, a major challenge in fully utilizing remotely sensed data to constrain land surface models (LSMs) lies in inconsistencies between simulated and observed quantities. For example, gross primary productivity (GPP) and transpiration (T) that traditional LSMs simulate are not directly measurable from space, although they can be inferred from spaceborne observations using assumptions that are inconsistent with those LSMs. In comparison, canopy reflectance and fluorescence spectra that satellites can detect are not modeled by traditional LSMs. To bridge these quantities, we presented an overview of the next generation land model developed within the Climate Modeling Alliance (CliMA), and simulated global GPP, T, and hyperspectral canopy radiative transfer (RT; 400--2500 nm for reflectance, 640--850 nm for fluorescence) at hourly time step and 1 degree spatially resolution using CliMA Land. CliMA Land predicts vegetation indices and outgoing radiances, including solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and near infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) for any given sun-sensor geometry. The modeled spatial patterns of CliMA Land GPP, T, SIF, NDVI, EVI, and NIRv correlate significantly with existing data-driven products (mean R2 = 0.777 for 9 products). CliMA Land would be also useful in high temporal resolution simulations, e.g., providing insights into when GPP, SIF, and NIRv diverge.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Braghiere, R., Bloom, A., and Frankenberg, C.: Modeling global vegetation processes and hyperspectral canopy radiative transfer using CliMA Land, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8747,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Salvador Aljazairi, M.-Teresa Sebastià, Daniel Agea, Enrique P. Sánchez-Cañete, Andrew Kowalski, Regino Zamora, and Penelope Serrano-Ortiz

Alpine ecosystems have a high ecological value, high biodiversity, and provide important ecosystem services. However, alpine communities are highly vulnerable to climate changes. Changes in biodiversity and its distribution will affect the goods and services that these ecosystems provide. Also, it can affect climate regulation by altering the exchanges of greenhouse gases (GHG) and the cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), in feedback processes. Due to their ecological importance and vulnerability, alpine meadows deserve special attention. In this regard, the main objective of the IBERALP project is the analysis of the interactions between components of biodiversity, mainly plant and soil microbial diversity, and their relationship with GHG fluxes; and how these interactions are affected by climate change.


IBERALP is focused on the alpine communities of five Iberian mountain National Parks: Picos de Europa, Ordesa and Monte Perdido, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Sierra Nevada, and Sierra de Guadarrama. In each National Park, we selected two different altitudes and two different alpine community types based on soil conditions (mesic and xeric). Here we study leaf physiological and fluorescence parameters assimilation, respiration, the quantum yield of photosystem II (PhiPSII), maximum quantum efficiency (Fv`/Fm`) and photochemical quenching (qP) in two representative plant species (a legume (Trifolium repens) and a grass (Nardus strita)) present in each National Park. In addition, we recorded altitude and humidity soil condition using a portable photosyntheic system (Li-cor 6800; Li-Cor Inc.) with an integrated fluorescence chamber head.


Multiple factors affect the ability of plants to assimilate CO2 and photoprotect themselves from solar radiation excess, so there was no common pattern for all Parks. However, in general, plants at higher altitudes showed a greater photosynthetic and photoprotection capacity against high irradiances compare to those at lower altitudes. Similar behaviour was found in mesic versus xeric communities. Exceptions were found, such as, for example, in Picos de Europa National Park, where the intense fog and grazing (with continuous contribution of N to the soil) modified these patterns of photosynthesis and photoprotection. 

This work was supported by the OAPN through the project PN2021-2820s (IBERALP).

How to cite: Aljazairi, S., Sebastià, M.-T., Agea, D., Sánchez-Cañete, E. P., Kowalski, A., Zamora, R., and Serrano-Ortiz, P.: Variability of the photosynthetic and fluorescence response of high mountain plants to climate change., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14027,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Alexandre Lhosmot, Adrien Jacotot, Marc Steinmann, Laure Gandois, Philippe Binet, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Sébastien Gogo, Daniel Gilbert, Jean-Sébastien Moquet, Sarah Coffinet, Anne Boetsch, Christophe Loup, Fatima Laggoun-Défarge, and Guillaume Bertrand

Peatlands cover only 3 % of emerged lands, but their carbon stock represents about 30 % of the global soil organic carbon. Climate change and local anthropogenic disturbances deeply affect the hydrological functioning of peatlands. This may trigger carbon fluxes to surface waters and the atmosphere, thus leading to a positive feedback for global warming. It is therefore crucial to better estimate carbon fluxes between peatlands and the atmosphere and to delineate their major controlling constraints. To achieve this goal, we studied the functioning of a temperate mid-mountain peatland located in the French Jura Mountains, named the Frasne peatland.

The methane (CH4) dynamics of the Frasne peatland appear to be constrained by a range of hydrological, physical, biogeochemical, and biotic factors. From a hydrological point of view, the system is fed by local rainwater and injection of carbonated groundwater at the bottom of the peatland, which provides a major input of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the system. Values of the δ13CDIC were high (even reaching positive values up to 8.1 ‰) compared to the expected values in a limestone and C3 plant-dominated area such as the Jura Mountains, supporting biotic CH4 production within the peatland. Consistently, high-frequency eddy-covariance monitoring during 2.5 years allowed us to show that the site acted as a source of CH4 to the atmosphere (23.9 ± 0.6 g C m-2 year-1) with interannual, seasonal, and diurnal time scale dynamics. In particular, we found an outstanding diurnal cycle for CH4 with the highest fluxes at night and lower ones at mid-day. In addition, the mid-day fluxes were negative in spring, highlighting larger oxidative processes than CH4 production attributed to photosynthesis activity (i.e., soil oxygen penetration and endosymbiotic methanotrophs of Sphagnum). The range of CH4 emissions was also controlled by the interannual variation in precipitation amounts and by the seasonal temperature variation.

This conceptual production-emission model highlights that water-carbon interactions in the peatland depend on local biotic and abiotic factors but also on hydrological processes at the watershed scale. This also highlights the need to further constrain carbon transfers between the production and the emission zones (i.e., peatland-atmosphere interface and surface water exports). For this purpose, we will soon carry out a field campaign to measure the concentrations and isotopic values of dissolved gases in peat pore water along with an upstream downstream and a vertical gradient.

How to cite: Lhosmot, A., Jacotot, A., Steinmann, M., Gandois, L., Binet, P., Toussaint, M.-L., Gogo, S., Gilbert, D., Moquet, J.-S., Coffinet, S., Boetsch, A., Loup, C., Laggoun-Défarge, F., and Bertrand, G.: Peatlands methane origin and fluxes to the atmosphere: towards an integrative conceptual model of a temperate French peatland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13093,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mathieu Javaux, Andrea Cecere, Louis Delval, Fabian Wankmüller, and Andrea Carminati

In drying soils, root water uptake is limited by the low soil hydraulic conductance. The magnitude of this conductance drop and its temporal dynamics are function of soil texture, soil water status, root hydraulic architecture, atmospheric demand and canopy conductance.  Under dry climates, in order to survive, plants can adapt their carbon allocation by maximizing their root:shoot surface ratio, thereby decreasing their transpiration surface while increasing their root surface.

Thanks to a simple soil-plant hydraulic model, we show that soil hydraulic conductivity controls the minimum root:shoot surface ratio. A meta-analysis of shoot:root surface ratio is combined with a database of soil hydraulic properties to demonstrate how the minimum root:shoot surface value changes with soil conductivity across soil textural classes for dry biomes. We discuss the mechanisms by which plants can control their carbon allocation in such conditions and investigate the sensitivity of this minimum root:shoot surface ratio to future shifts in evaporative demand.

How to cite: Javaux, M., Cecere, A., Delval, L., Wankmüller, F., and Carminati, A.: Soil hydraulic conductivity defines minimum Root:Shoot surface ratio in moisture-limited environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15472,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yunfei Wang, Yijian Zeng, Fakhereh (Sarah) Alidoost, Zengjing Song, Danyang Yu, Enting Tang, Qianqian Han, Retsios Bas, Girgi Serkan, Christiaan van der Tol, and Zhongbo (Bob) Su

High-quality and long-term measurements of water, energy, and carbon fluxes between the land and atmosphere are critical for eco-hydrological monitoring and land surface model (LSM) benchmarking. Eddy Covariance has become the most widely used method for theory development and LSM evaluation. On the other hand, flux tower data as measured (even after site post-processing and gap-filling based on empirical formulation) cannot be used directly for validating LSMs, and most of time, lacking physically-consistent measurement across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) (e.g., other than surface fluxes, lacking the measurement of soil moisture, soil water potential, leaf water potential, fluorescence, and reflectance). Here we present high-quality and long-term fluxes and corresponding above/below-ground hydrological, physiological, photosynthetic data derived from the STEMMUS-SCOPE model simulations for PLUMBER2 project with 170 FLUXNET sites. Fluxes data from PLUMBER2 and SM data from FLUXNET2015 are used to further validate the effectiveness of the STEMMUS-SCOPE dataset. Results show that the simulated fluxes and SM dataset have reasonable agreements with the in-situ measurements, using the available global input/forcing datasets without any model tunning. This dataset adds to the existing ecosystem flux and SM network to help increase our understanding of ecosystem responses to extreme events.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Zeng, Y., Alidoost, F. (., Song, Z., Yu, D., Tang, E., Han, Q., Bas, R., Serkan, G., van der Tol, C., and Su, Z. (.: STEMMUS-SCOPE for PLUMBER2: Understanding Water-Energy-Carbon Fluxes with a Physically Consistent Dataset Across the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere (SPAC) Continuum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16633,, 2023.

Posters on site: Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Vincent Humphrey, Nina Raoult, Mallory Barnes
Fei Kan, Xu Lian, Jiangpeng Cui, Anping Chen, Jiafu Mao, Mingzhu He, Hao Xu, and Shilong Piao

Satellite-based land surface temperature (Ts) with continuous global coverage is increasingly used as a complementary measure for air temperature (Ta), yet whether they observe similar decadal trends remains unknown. Here, we systematically analyzed the trend of the difference between satellite-based Ts and station-based Ta (Ts–Ta) over 2003–2018. We found the global land warming rate based on Ts was on average 56.7% slower than that on Ta (Ts–Ta trend: -0.0166℃ yr-1, p<0.01) during daytime of boreal summer. This slower Ts-based warming was attributed to recent Earth greening, which effectively cooled canopy surface through higher evapotranspiration and turbulent heat transfer. However, Ts showed faster warming than Ta during boreal summer nighttime (0.0159℃ yr-1, p<0.01) and boreal winter daytime (0.011℃ yr-1, p=0.14), when vegetation activity is limited by temperature and radiation. Our results indicate potential biases when using Ts in assessments of atmospheric warming and the vegetation-air temperature feedbacks.

How to cite: Kan, F., Lian, X., Cui, J., Chen, A., Mao, J., He, M., Xu, H., and Piao, S.: Discrepant decadal trends in global land-surface and air temperatures controlled by vegetation biophysical feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3491,, 2023.

Xin Yu, René Orth, Markus Reichstein, Michael Bahn, Ulisse Gomarasca, Mirco Migliavacca, Dario Papale, Christian Reimers, and Ana Bastos

The frequency, intensity, and duration of drought are expected to increase in many regions under climate change. A large number of studies have shown that droughts influence terrestrial ecosystems. Yet, assessments of drought impacts on ecosystem carbon cycling usually focus on instantaneous effects during drought, while legacy effects following drought can be important as well. 

Here, we provide the first synthesis about drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity (GPP) based on 90 long-term (>=7 years) eddy covariance sites across the globe. We predict the ‘potential’ GPP in the 2 years following drought (considered legacy years) based on a random forest model trained by data in non-legacy time periods. Legacy effects are inferred based on the difference between actual and ‘potential’ GPP in legacy periods. Results show widespread drought legacy effects on GPP across the globe. The change in GPP due to legacy effects is of the same order of magnitude as instantaneous effects. Furthermore, using the unconditional dependence test on many different potential factors, we find legacy effects unconditionally depend on aridity, instantaneous impact intensity, and species richness in forests. The conditional dependence test further reveals aridity primarily modulates legacy effects in forests.  These findings highlight the significance of drought legacy effects on ecosystem carbon cycling across the globe. We find a dominant role of climatic controls on drought legacy effects, while species diversity effects did not explain variability in drought legacy effects. 

How to cite: Yu, X., Orth, R., Reichstein, M., Bahn, M., Gomarasca, U., Migliavacca, M., Papale, D., Reimers, C., and Bastos, A.: Significant drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity detected in terrestrial ecosystems across the globe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4622,, 2023.

Francesco Giardina, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Benjamin D. Stocker, Jiangong Liu, and Pierre Gentine

Energy partitioning between surface latent (LE) and sensible (H) heat fluxes is a key factor in the development of the boundary layer and the regulation of the hydrological cycle. Climate factors and surface cover are commonly considered the major controlling effects on energy partitioning. However, the influence of other drivers such as water table depth and groundwater convergence has rarely been considered.

Here, we use an extensive dataset of eddy covariance and global remote-sensing data to show that not only climate, but also water table depth and plant functional type (PFT) play an important role in energy partitioning across different biomes. Our findings illuminate the understanding of plant water stress in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Giardina, F., Seneviratne, S. I., Stocker, B. D., Liu, J., and Gentine, P.: The role of water table depth and plant functional type in energy partitioning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12846,, 2023.

Alisa Krasnova, Peng Zhao, Anne Klosterhalfen, Jinshu Chi, Tim Schacherl, Mats B. Nilsson, and Matthias Peichl

Ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) is a key characteristic that describes the coupling of carbon and water exchange and can be used as an indicator of a forest's adaptability to varying climatic conditions. Mixed forests, characterized by the coexistence of two or more dominant tree species, may potentially exhibit higher productivity and greater resistance to extreme weather events due to possible niche differentiation among dominant species, leading to more efficient nutrient utilization. However, the increased productivity may also result in higher evapotranspiration demand, resulting in lower WUE compared to monospecific forests. 
In this study, we aim to assess the variation in WUE of mixed and monospecific boreal forests in response to different environmental factors using eddy-covariance measurements. The two study sites are represented by forest stands of similar age, growing under the same climatic conditions and located in close proximity (~10km distance) in Northern Sweden. The Rosinedalsheden site is a ~100-year-old monospecific pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest stand with sandy soils. The Svartberget site is a mixed ~110-year-old forest featuring pine (Pinus sylvestris, 61%), spruce (Picea abies, 34%), and birch (Betula sp., 5%) species, with soils dominated by till and sorted sediments. Our study spans a period of seven years (2014-2020) and covers a wide range of weather conditions, including the 2018 heatwave.

How to cite: Krasnova, A., Zhao, P., Klosterhalfen, A., Chi, J., Schacherl, T., B. Nilsson, M., and Peichl, M.: Water use efficiency differs for mixed and monospecific boreal forests in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11271,, 2023.

Xianfeng Liu, Gaopeng Sun, Zheng Fu, Philippe Ciais, Xiaoming Feng, Jing Li, and Bojie Fu

Vegetation response to soil and atmospheric drought has raised extensively controversy, however, the relative contributions of soil drought, atmospheric drought and their compound drought on global vegetation growth remain unclear. Combining the changes in soil moisture (SM), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and vegetation growth (NDVI) during 1982-2015, here we evaluated the trends of these three drought types and quantified their impacts on global NDVI. We found that global VPD has increased 0.22±0.05 kPa·decade-1 during 1982-2015, and this trend was doubled after 1996 (0.32±0.16 kPa·decade-1) than before 1996 (0.16±0.15 kPa·decade-1). Regions with large increase in VPD trend generally accompanied with decreasing trend in SM, leading to a widespread increasing trend in compound drought across 37.62% land areas. We further found compound drought dominated the vegetation browning since late 1990s. Earth system models agree with the dominant role of compound drought on vegetation growth, but their negative magnitudes are considerably underestimated, with half of the observed results (34.48%). Our results provided the evidence of compound drought induced global vegetation browning, highlighting the importance of correctly simulating the ecosystem-scale response to the under-appreciated exposure to compound drought as it will increase with climate change.

How to cite: Liu, X., Sun, G., Fu, Z., Ciais, P., Feng, X., Li, J., and Fu, B.: Compound drought slow down the greening of the Earth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4319,, 2023.

Rachel Green and Kelly Caylor

Expanding access to remotely sensed Earth observations provides us with an opportunity to examine the underlying spatiotemporal coupling between vegetation, both natural and managed, and the hydroclimate. Applying approximately 20 years of satellite records, we demonstrate a method to quantify the sensitivity and stability of land-atmosphere interactions. Here we evaluate the predictability of vegetation via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) across croplands, shrublands, grasslands, and woodlands of East Africa as it relates to fluctuations in precipitation, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and land surfaced temperature. In this study, we detect the strength of state dependency among these variables at the dekadal (10-day) to monthly scale using a data-driven approach known as Empirical Dynamic Modeling (EDM). There is notable spatial variability in NDVI predictability, with equatorial areas generally expressing the poorest skill, which can be attributed to the inconsistent rainfall seasonality and high aridity. Woodlands exhibit strong predictability throughout the region while vegetation response to environmental drivers in grasslands is less reliable. Our results suggest water availability, uptake and storage are important factors influencing the NDVI cycle. For a one-month lead time, high predictive skill can be retrieved from the time series, though skill weakens by a four- to sixth-month lead, at which point the overall seasonality appears to play a dominant role. One contribution to highlight is the advancement in our understanding of the relationship between vegetation and land surface temperature, which is particularly valuable in drought-prone East Africa. In this presentation, we introduce an application of EDM for biogeosciences, assess how historical seasonal information of the hydroclimate and vegetation across various land use and land covers can inform future environmental patterns, and identify critical areas of inquiry with a changing climate and extending agricultural production.

How to cite: Green, R. and Caylor, K.: Measuring the Sensitivity and Stability of Vegetation in Response to the Hydroclimate Across East Africa with an Empirical Dynamic Modeling Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9480,, 2023.

Fakhereh Alidoost, Yang Liu, Bart Schilperoort, Zhongbo Su, and Yijian Zeng

Climate extremes like droughts and heatwaves impact how water, energy, and carbon move through ecosystems. Soil-water-plant-energy interactions can be represented by SCOPE (vegetation photosynthesis model) and STEMMUS (soil water and heat model). SCOPE simulates the radiative transfer of incident light and thermal and fluorescence radiation emitted by soil and plants, temperatures of leaves and soil in the sun and shade, photosynthesis and turbulent heat exchange whereas STEMMUS traces soil moisture and soil heat dynamics and root water uptake.  

The integrated model, “STEMMUS-SCOPE”, thus links vegetation dynamics to soil moisture and soil temperature variability. This helps to simulate evaporation, transpiration and carbon fluxes better, especially under water stress conditions. With STEMMUS-SCOPE, we can model variables like moisture levels in deeper soil (root-zone-soil moisture) and the amount of carbon that is stored underground (carbon sequestration) at a global scale.  

However, applying STEMMUS-SCOPE across ecosystems at a global scale faces numerical problems and computational challenges, such as numerical convergency of the model, optimization issues in calibration, and expensive computational cost. To overcome the challenges, we are developing tools for efficient computing and data handling within the context of EcoExtreML project. The project aims to improve the coupling of STEMMUS and SCOPE models, approximate the integrated model by a machine learning approach, and estimate uncertain model states and parameters using data assimilation techniques. The results of STEMMUS-SCOPE are currently prepared for 170 flux tower sites representing 1040 site-years of data with a half-hour time step across most of the world’s climate zones and representative biomes. 

In this talk, we will give you an overview of STEMMUS-SCOPE, show how the model can be used, and introduce EcoExtreML project. 




STEMMUS–SCOPE : Integrated modeling of canopy photosynthesis, fluorescence, and the transfer of energy, mass, and momentum in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum (STEMMUS–SCOPE v1.0.0),  

EcoExtreML project: Accelerating process understanding for ecosystem functioning under extreme climates with Physics-aware machine learning,,  

How to cite: Alidoost, F., Liu, Y., Schilperoort, B., Su, Z., and Zeng, Y.: Accelerating the understanding of plant response to drought stress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6416,, 2023.

Nicola Durighetto, Anna Carozzani, Paolo Peruzzo, and Gianluca Botter

Headwater streams as hotspots of carbon dioxide evasion from surface water, and therefore represent a key component of the global carbon cycle. The gas transfer velocity at the water-air interface, k, modulates gas emissions from rivers and streams and is physically related to the energy dissipated by the flow field, ε. Here, we developed mathematical tools for quantifying the fraction of carbon emissions that can be related to localized height drops in the riverbed (e.g. in steps or step-pool formations, which constitute localized energy losses). Direct measures of stream CO2 outgassing in an Italian headwater catchment and numerical simulations are also part of the study. Our results show that high energy heterogeneous streams are characterized by significantly higher gas transfer velocities than that of an homogeneous stream. The empirical data also suggests the presence of a pronounced heterogeneity of outgassing along a river network. In particular, in many settings the total gas evasion may be dominated by localized gas emissions in correspondence of hydraulic discontinuities. These results offer a clue for the interpretation of empirical data about stream outgassing in heterogeneous reaches, and provides insight into the development of more advanced models for the large-scale estimation of CO2 outgassing from mountain rivers.

How to cite: Durighetto, N., Carozzani, A., Peruzzo, P., and Botter, G.: The role of stream heterogeneity in gas emissions from headwater streams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6909,, 2023.

Zakia Tebetyo, Samantha Richardson, Leigh Madden, Mark Lorch, and Nicole Pamme

Development of a portable, distance-based paper analytical sensor
for carbonate detection.


Zakia Tebetyo1, Samantha Richardson1, Leigh Madden2, Mark Lorch1, Nicole Pamme1,3

1Schoolof Natural Sciences, University of Hull.

2 Centre for Biomedicine, Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, UK

3Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden

In this study we transferred a laboratory-based titration reaction for carbonate determination onto a portable paper-based analytical device (PAD). The carbonate quantity can be read out by measuring the distance of a colour change along a paper-based reaction channel. Device dimensions and detection reagent constituents were optimized to enable detection of carbonate ions in the range of 0 – 1000 mg L-1. The PAD featured a reaction channel in hydrophilic filter paper defined by a hydrophobic wax barrier. The detection reagent consisted of citric acid/citrate buffer (0.5 M, pH 2.5), bromocresol green (BCG) indicator (0.10% w/v) and PDADMAC (5.0 % v/v) dissolved in 20% ethanol. The base of the device was sealed with tape to prevent reagents leaking. Sixty microlitres of carbonate sample were added to the base of the channel and the liquid was allowed to wick up the channel. Colour development occurred as the carbonate ions reacted with the hydronium ions in the detection reagent resulting in a colour change of the BCG indicator from yellow to blue.

To optimise the reaction channel, two dimensions were compared, 1 mm x 30 mm and 2 mm x 30 mm. The device with the wider channel gave a higher colour intensity between carbonate concentrations 0 – 200 mg L-1. In this range the sensor gave a linear response. The effect of filter paper pore size was investigated to study wicking time. Whatman 4 paper (pore size 23 µm) had a six times faster wicking rate of 7 min compared to Whatman 1 (11 µm) with 42 min. Reproducibility studies (100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 1000 ppm carbonate, n = 6) gave a maximum RSD of 2.4% showing consistency across the range of samples tested. Interference tests were conducted with 500 ppm  with additional environmentally occurring ions, i.e. 250 ppm , 250 ppm  or 50 ppm of  (F=1.924<Fcrit=3.411, no significant difference). There was no significant interference found from these ions.

Future work will focus on packaging and sealing the devices for on-site use, benchmarking with real environmental samples and in-the-field use with by minimally trained personnel.

How to cite: Tebetyo, Z., Richardson, S., Madden, L., Lorch, M., and Pamme, N.: Development of a portable, distance-based paper analytical sensor for carbonate detection., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16495,, 2023.

Boris Tupek, Aleksi Lehtonen, Alla Yurova, Rose Abramoff, Stefano Manzoni, Bertrand Guenet, Samuli Launiainen, Mikko Peltoniemi, Kari Minkkinen, and Raisa Mäkipää

The lack of consensus of functional dependency of soil respiration on moisture among the Earth system models (ESMs) contributes significantly to uncertainties in their projections.

Based on data of soil organic C stocks and CO2 emissions from the boreal ecotone between mineral soil forests and adjacent peatlands with organic soils in Finland, we derived the field-based moisture response of respiration in a maximum range of moisture conditions (extending from xeric and mesic forests to water saturated mires). Using Bayesian data assimilation technique, we coupled Yasso07 soil carbon model with the heuristic bell shape moisture function, approximating the enzyme and oxygen limitations. As expected, the Yasso07 model fitted with the revised moisture modifier on data from catena of organic-mineral soils outperformed the previous model version in peatlands.

Unlike the most found optimum of decomposition in ESM in mid- or high- moisture levels, our optimum or the highest rate of decomposition correspond to well-drained conditions of mineral soils.

We speculated that the reason for the shift in the moisture optimum of the functional form was its accounting for long-term processes leading to a larger C mineralization in mineral soils related to extreme events, such as prolonged elevated moisture or rewetting after droughts, which enhance microbial access to previously protected or labile C pools and may not be detected in short-term incubation studies.

Although, the moisture modifier derived here improved the match between the modelled and measured SOCs of peatlands, a shift in consensus from current decomposition rate modifiers used in ESMs requires further evaluation before it can be largely applied for the landscape level semiempirical processed-based modelling of the mineral and organic soil C stocks and CO2 emissions.

How to cite: Tupek, B., Lehtonen, A., Yurova, A., Abramoff, R., Manzoni, S., Guenet, B., Launiainen, S., Peltoniemi, M., Minkkinen, K., and Mäkipää, R.: Shifting consensus in moisture modifier of decomposition towards the optimum in well-drained mineral soils instead of mid- or high- moisture levels of organic soils in boreal forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13448,, 2023.

Stan Schymanski, Milan Milenovic, and Gitanjali Thakur

Plant leaves absorb solar radiation and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere while releasing water vapour, oxygen and heat to the atmosphere. The leaf-atmosphere interface is hence the primary determinant of water-carbon interactions, where stomata control transpiration according to soil water availability, but at the cost of reducing carbon uptake by photosynthesis. It has been proposed that stomata not only respond to water stress, but function in a way to maximise a plant's long-term carbon gain by dynamically economising plant available water according to varying environmental conditions (Cowan and Farquhar, 1977). While the search for the relevant costs of stomatal opening focuses more and more on the costs of the infrastructure needed to supply water to the leaves, the consequences of opening stomata in the presence of leaf-atmosphere feedbacks, potentially resulting in a cooling and humidification of the air at the diurnal scale, hence reducing evaporative demand (Cowan, 1978), and/or depletion of atmospheric CO2, hence reducing CO2 uptake, have so far not been considered in stomatal optimality modelling. It has been shown that optimal response of vegetation to even small long-term variations in atmospheric CO2 can lead to substantial changes in land-atmosphere exchange (Schymanski et al., 2015), while the effect of trends in atmospheric vapour pressure concentration and temperature has also been documented widely. However, little research has been conducted on the optimal behaviour of plants in the presence of land-atmosphere feedbacks.

Here we present a theoretical analysis and preliminary experimental results of (optimal) stomatal control in the presence of leaf-atmosphere coupling. The coupling strength is represented theoretically by adding an additional control volume representing the leaf boundary layer or canopy air space, and experimentally by varying the flow rate of dry and CO2-rich air into a leaf cuvette. We discuss the positive and negative effects of a de-coupled canopy air space for leaf gas and energy exchange, and present experimental and mathematical methods to put them into relation to each other.


Cowan, I. R.: Water use in higher plants, in: Water: planets, plants and people, edited by: McIntyre, A. K., Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 71–107, 1978.

Cowan, I. R. and Farquhar, G. D.: Stomatal Function in Relation to Leaf Metabolism and Environment, in: Integration of activity in the higher plant, edited by: Jennings, D. H., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 471–505, 1977.

Schymanski, S. J., Roderick, M. L., and Sivapalan, M.: Using an optimality model to understand medium and long-term responses of vegetation water use to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, AoB Plants, 7, plv060,, 2015.

How to cite: Schymanski, S., Milenovic, M., and Thakur, G.: Optimal stomatal control in the presence of leaf-atmosphere coupling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11630,, 2023.

Ruben Puga Freitas, Alice Claude, Alice Maison, Luis Leitao, Anne Repellin, Paul Nadam, Carmen Kalalian, Christophe Boissard, Valérie Gros, Karine Sartelet, Andrée Tuzet, and Juliette Leymarie

Urban trees emit a wide range of biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (bVOC). Some of these bVOC, like isoprene can react with atmospheric oxidants to form secondary compounds, such as ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosols (SOA), which have impacts on air quality and climate. In addition, isoprene emissions are strongly influenced by environmental factors and urban sites are known as stressful environment, characterized for example by water scarcity. However, little is known on the contribution of urban trees to air quality, notably during drought periods. In a semi-controlled experiment, fourteen young plane trees (Platanus x hispanica, known as a strong isoprene emitter) were grown in containers, in an urban site (at Vitry-sur-Seine, near Paris), since 2020. In June 2022, half the trees were subjected to drought by total rainfall exclusion and by withholding watering. A comprehensive characterization of tree response to drought, including plant morphology (leaf density and area), water status (i.e., leaf water potential, δ13C isotopic composition) and physiology (stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis, leaf pigment contents, stress molecular markers, chlorophyll fluorescence) analyses, was undertaken along with the characterization of bVOC emissions by an original leaf scale method (portable GC-MS coupled to a leaf chamber). All together, these parameters provided relevant information on the relation between bVOC emissions and plant morphology, its water use efficiency and photosynthetic energy conversion.

Shortly after the onset of drought, the isoprene emissions of the plane trees remained unchanged even though typical responses to drought stress were observed, such as partial stomatal closure leading to a decrease in carbon assimilation. With the progression of drought stress, progressive leaf shedding occurred. When almost completely defoliated, the trees emitted lower amounts of isoprene emissions likely due to disruption of the photosynthetic energy conversion process. Despite the moderate decrease in absolute isoprene emissions rates (as expressed per dry leaf mass) induced by the drought treatment on plane trees with nearly zero gas exchange, total emissions were strongly affected because defoliation significantly reduced the total leaf area. We emphasize that this phenomenon should be taken into account in atmospheric models especially in species highly subjected to drought induced defoliation. Here, a simple parameterisation of this effect on plane tree-bVOC emissions is proposed.

How to cite: Puga Freitas, R., Claude, A., Maison, A., Leitao, L., Repellin, A., Nadam, P., Kalalian, C., Boissard, C., Gros, V., Sartelet, K., Tuzet, A., and Leymarie, J.: Drought effect on urban plane tree ecophysiology and its isoprene emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13401,, 2023.

Prajwal Khanal, Anne Hoek van Dijke, Yijan Zeng, and René Orth

Soil water availability is a critical requirement for vegetation functioning in a water-limited regime. Vegetation takes up water from varying soil depths depending on their rooting location and soil moisture availability. The uptake depth varies spatially across climate regimes and vegetation types and temporally between seasons. Yet, a scientific consensus on the global relevance of near-surface and sub-surface soil moisture for vegetation functioning is still lacking and is the focus of this study. 

In particular, we calculate the correlation between the Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation (NIRv) with both satellite-derived near-surface soil moisture from ESA-CCI and terrestrial water storage from GRACE. This is done globally and with monthly data during the growing season at each grid cell and accounting for the confounding effects of temperature and radiation. We analyze how these correlations vary spatially across varying vegetation types and climatic regimes, and temporally between all growing season months and particularly dry months. Finally, we repeat the analyses using Sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) data instead of NIRv. 

We find that NIRv and SIF correlate more strongly with near-surface soil moisture compared to terrestrial water storage in semi-arid regions with low tree cover. This suggests that the vegetation preferentially takes up water from near-surface soil moisture whenever available to meet its transpiration demand.   In contrast, in regions with more tree cover and in drier regions, the correlation with terrestrial water storage is comparable to or even higher than with near-surface soil moisture. This indicates that trees can make use of their deep rooting systems to access deeper soil moisture resources, similar to vegetation in arid regions. In particularly dry months, correlations with near-surface soil moisture increase while this is even more the case with terrestrial water storage, highlighting the relevance of deeper water resources during rain-scarce periods.

Overall, while direct observations of sub-surface soil moisture are scarce, this study employs different satellite-based data streams in order to estimate the relevance of near-surface versus sub-surface soil moisture for vegetation functioning. This can inform the representation of vegetation-water interactions in land surface models to support more accurate climate change projections.


How to cite: Khanal, P., van Dijke, A. H., Zeng, Y., and Orth, R.: Near-surface vs. sub-surface soil moisture impacts on vegetation functioning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7670,, 2023.