NH1.3 | Advances in pluvial and fluvial flood forecasting and assessment and flood risk management
Advances in pluvial and fluvial flood forecasting and assessment and flood risk management
Convener: Dhruvesh Patel | Co-conveners: Cristina Prieto, Benjamin Dewals
| Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall NH
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Wed, 14:00
Flood is the foremost natural hazard around the world that affects human life and property (directly and indirectly). In the current era, many hydrologic and hydraulic modelling techniques are available for flood risk assessment and management, as well as for flood risk prevention and preparedness. Such techniques provide a platform for the scientific community to explore the causes of floods and to build up efficient methods for flood mitigation.
This session invites in-depth and applied research work carried out through flood modelling including hydrological modelling, flood hydrodynamic modelling, flood inundation mapping, flood hazard mapping, risk assessment, flood policy, and flood mitigation strategy. It also welcomes studies dealing with various uncertainties associated with different stages of modelling and exploring modern techniques for model calibration and validation. In addition, real-time flood inundation mapping is an important aspect for evacuating people from low-lying areas and reducing death tolls. Real-time data information through UAV-based flood inundation mapping and analysis of associated uncertainty in real-time aerial surveying are also welcome.

NB: please, see also the special issue recently released in NHESS linked with this session ( https://nhess.copernicus.org/articles/special_issue1218.html)

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Cristina Prieto, Benjamin Dewals
Oral Presentataion
Virtual presentation
Md Adilur Rahim, Rubayet Bin Mostafiz, and Carol Friedland

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) introduced Risk Rating 2.0, a new risk-based premium approach, on October 1, 2021, for new policies and on April 1, 2022, for existing policies. Risk rating 2.0 considers the geographic attributes (e.g. distance to the lake, river, coast), building attributes (e.g. foundation type, first-floor height), and policy attributes (e.g. coverage and deductible limit) by coverage (i.e., building and contents) and perils (i.e., pluvial and fluvial flooding, storm surge, tsunami, great lake, and coastal erosion) to estimate risk premiums. In this review study, we conduct exploratory data analysis and visualization of the rating factors released by FEMA to better understand the risk premium. The associated rating factors are multiplied and summed by coverage to get the initial premium without fees for each structure. As the rating factors are multiplicative, lower factors contribute to lower risk premiums. The rating factors decrease with increasing distance from flood sources.

The states in the USA are categorized into five segments (e.g. Gulf coast states are categorized as segment 1). A base rate is applied to each state by single-family home indicator and perils for levee and non-levee protected areas. The factors are then distributed by territory where each HUC12 is assigned a factor by peril. Inland flood from pluvial and fluvial sources is applicable for all the states where single-family homes are not levee protected. The effect of the inland flood is considered for structures in segment 1 where the distance to the river is less than 13,500 meters. Storm Surge flooding is considered within 11,000 meters of the Gulf coast for non-barrier islands. Tsunami flooding is considered for structures located in coastal CA, OR, WA, AK, AS, GU/MP, and HI. Great Lake flooding is considered for structures located within 8,500 meters of the Great Lake. Coastal erosion is considered for structures located within 100 meters of the coastline.   

The elevation of a structure is an important indicator for estimating risk premium. The higher the elevation of the structure relative to flood sources, the lower the risk factors. The occupancy affects the premium where single-family home masonry structure has a lower rating factor than frame structure. A higher floor of interest has lower factors, lowering the premium for all perils except coastal erosion. The foundation type also affects the factors where Slab foundation has lower factors than Crawlspace foundation, hence lower risk premium. Another addition is elevating the machinery and equipment above the first floor which reduces the initial premium without fees by 5%.  

Individual and community level flood mitigation reduces risk rating 2 insurance premium. Elevating first-floor height (FFH) to 1, 2, and 3 feet above ground reduces the initial premium without fees by 10, 19, and 27.1 percent, respectively, compared to FFH of 0 feet. Community Rating System (CRS) discount reduces the initial premium without fees between 5% to 45% based on CRS class. The information presented in this study will help homeowners, community developers, and government agencies to understand the effect of each attribute on risk premiums.

How to cite: Rahim, M. A., Mostafiz, R. B., and Friedland, C.: Disseminating Flood Risk Information in the USA through Risk Rating 2.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16893, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16893, 2023.

On-site presentation
Youtong Rong, Paul Bates, and Jeffrey Neal

Remote sensing technology and the resulting high resolution geospatial data now allow for a detailed description of urban landscape, advancing the development of raster-based flood models. Previous studies have highlighted the critical role of finely resolved and accurate terrain data (5m or less) in capturing flow patterns in urban areas. However, using a uniform fine grid resolution over a rectangular domain generally results in dense grids and leads to large computational costs. The small cell size is often an overspecification for rural regions where the flow processes are changing much less rapidly. Unstructured grid models resolve this issue and trade off more complex programming and slower operation against being able to represent a given problem with fewer computational elements. An alternative solution has been recently proposed to apply the non-uniform structured grid, with fine grids covering only the regions where this detail is a necessity, for example to capture the preferential flow paths influenced by small-scale topographic features or man-made structures (river channels, buildings, roads, defences, etc.). Without this, the smoothing effect of mesh coarsening upon input topographical data in urban areas leads to a uncertain prediction of the inundation extent and the timing of inundation due to the simplified wetting process. Flow connectivity formed by the river channels and the road network, which has a strong control on urban floodplain hydraulics, is also better represented by mixing grid resolutions. Considering the large consequences in terms of economic losses caused by urban flooding, here we develop a GPU-accelerated non-uniform sub-/super-grid channel model (river channels with width below or above the fine grid resolution) for accurate and efficient urban flood modelling. Urban areas and the river channel network are forced to keep fine resolution, while a coarse representation, depending on the terrain gradient, is allowed for rural regions. This model allows the utilization of available sub-/super-grid scale bathymetric information for 1D in-channel flow representation, and a 2D model for floodplain with variable grid resolution, minimising the computational costs and below water line data requirements in the river channel. Three tests are set up to validate the model performance, and the results show that modelling the urban area with fine resolution improved the model reliability and accuracy, and reduces computational cost in rural areas where a coarse grid may be used.

How to cite: Rong, Y., Bates, P., and Neal, J.: Accelerating urban flood modelling using a GPU-parallel non-uniform structured grid and sub-grid approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3239, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3239, 2023.

On-site presentation
Paolo Tamagnone, Guy Schumann, and Ben Suttor

Are your properties located far enough from rivers, sea shorelines or water bodies? If the answer is yes, this does not mean that they are fully safe from flooding.

In an era governed by continuous climate instability and unstoppable expansion of cities, the exacerbation of hydrometeorological events is increasing the occurrence of pluvial floods. Pluvial flooding is induced by the combination of two factors: extreme precipitations and the incapability of the ground/drainage systems to effectively handle excessive rainwater.

In an urban environment, the runoff generated by localized and intense rainstorms may quickly inundate streets and buildings undermining the safety of people and assets. The characteristic of being hardly predictable has inspired the definition of pluvial flood as an ‘invisible hazard’ and the related damages and losses are increasingly weighing on the budget of municipalities and private citizens.

Looking at the upsetting climate projections, experts are resolute in developing comprehensive methodologies and strategies for flood risk assessment and management.

In this work, we present the attempt of accomplishing a high-resolution pluvial flood risk assessment at the city scale. The city of Differdange (Luxembourg's third largest city) is used as case study in which the extreme rainfall-related impacts and hazards are analyzed through the implementation of a fully coupled 1D/2D dual drainage model. This type of hydrodynamic model closely mimics the complexity of an urban landscape allowing to simulate all hydraulic phenomena occurring both on the surface and through the sewer network. Despite the digital accuracy of these models, they are rarely implemented due to the vast amount of detailed information required; which are often unavailable.

The implementation of the hydraulic model follows two main steps: the bi-dimensional discretization of the surface and the 1D modelling of the whole drainage network.

Nowadays, many countries provide open-access high-resolution digital elevation models of their territories (50 cm for Luxembourg) and up-to-date cadastral planimetries from which essential information for the 2D component are extrapolated. Ground data is enriched by land use/cover and soil maps for the estimation of roughness and infiltration parameters.

The drainage network contemplates all pipes carrying rainwater, meaning the newer storm-water system and the old combined sewer network. The geometric specifications required are size, shape, elevation, material of pipes, manholes and tanks. Important infrastructures, such as flooding barriers, have been systematically added to the model.


The fully-distributed hydrological engine allows operating the rainfall-runoff transformation on each cell of the domain and the exchange of water between the surface and drainage network occurs through the nodes of the network (storm drains and manholes).

The model’s outcomes allow for assessing the level of hazard to which each building is exposed, identifying the critical nodes within the drainage network, and proposing mitigation strategies.

Furthermore, these insights may help authorities to improve their warning systems and emergency plans.

How to cite: Tamagnone, P., Schumann, G., and Suttor, B.: Pluvial flooding in urbanscapes: a full-coupled flood modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12397, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12397, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giacomo Fagugli, Flavio Pignone, Alessandro Masoero, Simone Gabellani, Umberto Morra di Cella, Lauro Rossi, and Federico Munaretto

Mozambique is one of the countries in Africa most seriously affected by tropical cyclones, which bring heavy rains and flooding causing severe damage and often exacerbating human-driven emergencies. Coastal cities, like Pemba (Cabo Delgado), are exposed to cyclone-triggered urban flooding events. 

In the framework of the ECHO funded project “REDE-EDUCAMA Disaster Reduction and Education in Cabo Delgado and Manica)”, an innovative (open-source) hydraulic modelling tool was adapted to recreate flooding scenarios caused by heavy rainfall in the peninsula of Pemba (85 square kilometres) with the aim of identify the area most prone to pluvial flooding and implementing an operational tool to inform Disaster Risk Management Authorities (DRMA) with reliable forecasts to issue timely early warnings (EWs) in case of cyclones and heavy rain affecting this area. For improving the sustainability of the tool, the operational chain implemented in co-operation with local authorities, is based on the use of open-source free software and models. The hydrodynamic model of rainfall-runoff (Broich et al., 2019), available in Telemac-2D and adapted to deal with time-variant grid-based rainfall input, was used.  

A preliminary collection of available data was carried out for the definition of the inputs needed to feed the model: a topographical base-map and precipitation. The map was derived integrating the results of a high-resolution drone survey (performed together with local authorities on 14 km2) with the Copernicus DSM satellite product (30m), to ensure the hydrological continuity needed.  

Concerning the rainfall input, the historical precipitation data series from the Pemba weather station, provided by INAM Cabo Delgado was analysed to identify the maximum rainfall depth for certain hourly intervals (24, 48 and 72 hours). Following this analysis,  33 rainfall events (hyetographs), different in timing and intensity, were generated and used to feed the ponding model, to produce 33 urban flooding scenarios. For warning purposes, 2 representation modalities of the outputs were investigated: a 200-metre grid aggregation (selecting medium-high percentiles) and a neighborhood-scale aggregation (selecting high percentiles and using the neighborhood map provided by the Municipality of Pemba). 

Modelled inundation maps were shared and commented with the local community in Pemba, with the dual objective of receiving feedback and increasing flood risk awareness. 

The full pluvial flooding forecasting chain for the Pemba urban area was then operationally implemented by connecting the flooding scenarios with the operational weather forecasts, by means of FloodPROOFS open-source modelling system (https://github.com/c-hydro). Daily forecasts of rainfall over Pemba are extracted from freely available global models (GFS 0.25), considering a set of pixels surrounding Pemba to account for uncertainty. A tailored tool connects the forecast rainfall with the most similar rainfall scenario, activating the corresponding urban flooding scenario, was developed. Operational forecasts are made available to DRMA officers through the www.myDEWETRA.world EW platform. 

The application in Pemba demonstrated the goodness of the approach based on innovation and co-operation with local authorities, enabling the replication on other cities of the country. 

How to cite: Fagugli, G., Pignone, F., Masoero, A., Gabellani, S., Morra di Cella, U., Rossi, L., and Munaretto, F.: City of Pemba: development of an automatic prediction tools for pluvial hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7583, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7583, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jesna, Bhallamudi Sm, and Sudheer Kp

Flooding is one of the most prevalent and disruptive natural hazards that affect livelihoods worldwide, especially in lower-income countries where proper drainage and flood protection measures tend to be less developed. Floods have become more frequent and intense over the recent decades and are expected to worsen their negative impacts in the future. Managing flood risk requires the evaluation of potential flood hazards and their consequences. Hydrodynamic models are generally employed to predict flood hazards (inundation extent, depth, velocity, etc.). One of the major concerns in flood hazard mapping is selecting an appropriate model structure. This study examines the flood predictions by a one-dimensional (1-D) hydrodynamic model for two geomorphologically distinct river reaches, the Adyar River, Chennai, India, and the Brazos River, Texas, USA. The results are compared against the simulation results of a two-dimensional (2-D) hydrodynamic model. An open-source model, HEC-RAS, with both 1-D and 2-D modeling capabilities, is employed for flood inundation modeling. The inundation patterns predicted by the 1-D model are found to vary significantly in the case of the Brazos River compared to those for the Adyar river. The study suggests that the simulations of flood inundation extent and maximum flow depth are influenced by the 1-D modeling assumptions on flood plains in river reaches characterized by wide flood plains with complex local terrain variations. The 1-D model simulations are also found sensitive to the magnitude of the flood event with respect to the hydraulic capacity of the reach.

How to cite: Jesna, , Sm, B., and Kp, S.: Investigating the potential of a 1-D hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modeling and hazard mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-362, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-362, 2023.

On-site presentation
Luciano Pavesi, Elena Volpi, and Aldo Fiori

Flood mapping is an essential step in flood risk assessment to reduce losses. Through flood mapping, we can detect vulnerable areas, assess flood impacts and create mitigation plans.
From the literature, we have two consolidated approaches to delineating flood maps. The first one is the hydrologic-hydraulic approach. Its strength relies on the possibility of simulating scenarios for different probabilities of occurrence (return period scenarios), considering the physics of the phenomenon. At the same time, the weaknesses of this approach regard the required amount of input data and high computational costs. The second approach is the geomorphological one, which allows to delineate flood-prone areas directly from some topographic features derived from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), i.e. elevation, distance to the channel, etc.. Thanks to the limited request of input data and its rapidity in terms of computational efficiency, this approach is particularly appealing for large scale analyses. However, the geomorphological approach does not allow for the delineation of flood maps for different return period scenarios; further, the output is strongly linked to the quality of the input DTM.
Here we propose a model that combines the two approaches to enable preliminary mapping of flood areas for different scenarios at the regional scale; the model is named RESCUE, laRgE SCale inUndation model. RESCUE takes advantage from coupling geomorphological analysis and simplified hydrologic-hydraulic modeling, providing simple and reliable large scales inundation estimates. Like geomorphological models, it requires few data in input and has a high computational efficiency; while like hydrological-hydraulic models, it is physically-based and linked to a return period scenario.
Noteworthy, RESCUE allows for parameter uncertainty estimation through Monte-Carlo analysis, leading to a probabilistic assessment of flooded areas. Here, we show the potentialities and limitations through two examples: The Paglia-Chiani River system, and Central Apennines District (Central Italy).

How to cite: Pavesi, L., Volpi, E., and Fiori, A.: RESCUE a new physically-based large scale flood model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1316, 2023.

On-site presentation
Okan Özcan and Orkan Özcan

Accurate extraction of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) is critical for many flood-sensitive rivers regarding landform change monitoring, hydraulic modeling, sediment transport tracking, and evaluation of river channel morphodynamics. Multi-temporal repeat monitoring of flood-vulnerable rivers is crucial due to rapid alteration of morphological properties of in-channel landforms. Thus, in this study the three-dimensional (3D) DEMs of the study region were acquired by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based surveys in order for continuous tracking of stream channel morphology for the rivers sensitive to floods. Repeated high-resolution topography of the Bogacay basin, Antalya, Turkey was obtained in this study by means of UAV-based Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. The acquired topography during two consecutive years allows analysis of the relations between the main geomorphic processes related to landform alterations and their role in sediment transfer. In conjunction with the flood simulation, the scour depths at bridge piles after a probable flood (Q500) were predicted by HEC-RAS software. The flood analysis was conducted for a maximum runoff of 2560 m3/s with a calculated return period of 500 years (Q500). The results of HEC-RAS flood and scour analyses indicated that a maximum scour depth of 2.49 m could be expected during a probable flood with a maximum water depth of 8.2 m measured from the scoured depth. This water level corresponded to a 0.46 m of submersion of the bridge deck since the pier height was 5.25 m and the maximum flood velocity was predicted as 5.7 m/s. The results indicated that the alterations in the river channel after an expected flood event, allowed reliable evaluation of riverbed morphodynamics, while verifying that UAV-SfM and Dem of Difference (DoD) are useful tools in geomorphological dynamic mapping and in change monitoring studies.

How to cite: Özcan, O. and Özcan, O.: UAV-based monitoring of river bed morphodynamics for multi-hazard vulnerability assessment of bridges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1858, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1858, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sara Rrokaj, Benedetta Corti, Giorgio Cancelliere, Alice Costa, Anna Giovannini, Daniela Molinari, Charlie Dayane Paz Idarraga, Alessio Radice, and Ana Maria Rotaru

As a consequence of climate change and rapid urbanization, floods have increased both in terms of intensity and frequency, impacting especially the less developed countries of the World, and particularly sub-Saharan Africa. In such contexts, reliable flood risk assessments are of primary importance to support local authorities and stakeholders in emergency management and planning, and in the definition of effective risk mitigation measures. Still, their implementation is often hampered by lack of suitable data and resources. The present study has the main objectives of presenting challenges and identified solutions of performing flood hazard and risk analysis for the Megaruma and Muaguide rivers in Cabo Delgado, the northern province of Mozambique and also the poorest one. The downstream paths of the rivers cross the districts of Mecufi and Metuge, rural areas covered by fields cultivated by inhabitants who live on subsistence agriculture. During the wet season, some of the villages are completely isolated, with no access to adequate health services due to the floods that periodically affect the local population and their activities. As for many developing countries, data scarcity was the first limiting factor for quantitative analysis; therefore, much effort was primarily invested into data research. The hydrologic and hydraulic modelling to determine the flood hazard in the areas rely on free or at least cheap, global data (rainfall, terrain elevation and soil cover), meeting the second requirement of low available budget. On the contrary, an intensive field survey was required to collect data on the vulnerability of exposed assets at the base of damage assessment. Particular attention was also paid in the choice of free softwares and modelling tools. The resulting approach and methods can be easily exported to similar contexts, enabling robust flood risk analyses in the support of sustainable development.

How to cite: Rrokaj, S., Corti, B., Cancelliere, G., Costa, A., Giovannini, A., Molinari, D., Paz Idarraga, C. D., Radice, A., and Rotaru, A. M.: Challenges for flood hazard and risk assessment in Mozambique: the case of Megaruma and Muaguide rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11448, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11448, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giorgia Dalla Santa, Lorenzo Picco, Francesca Ceccato, Simonetta Cola, and Paolo Simonini

Levees are linear structures that can be thousands of kilometers long and play a very important role in flood protection. They are usually monitored by traditional direct survey techniques, such as CPTU or coring, or piezometers, which provide high accuracy, but are localized and performed in predetermined locations.

As a result, long distances between investigated sections limit the detailed analysis of the entire structure. In addition, predetermined locations may not cover areas of actual potential weakness.

Recently, new survey technologies from aerial media (drones) have been successfully applied to obtain a first level of levee investigation in order to identify the location of possible weak areas or potential locations of levee failure, so as to plan further local investigations in those areas.

Usually, levee failures are localized in the presence of:

(i) concrete structures passing the levee;

(ii) large trees, which can be dangerous because their roots are a preferred route for water infiltration and, therefore, potential seepage pipes. In addition, at higher erosion levels of the river bank, large trees can promote bank collapse due to their weight;

(iii) sandy soils, which are characterized by high permeability. From previous experience, we have noticed that levee failures have occurred at sections previously vegetated by reeds. Reed canes usually grow on sandy soils and, in addition, are characterized by very deep and large roots, possible routes of localized infiltration through the body of the levee. From these observations comes the idea of using reedbeds as indicators of sandy soils and possible weak levee sections;

(iv) sections where unfavorable conditions of the levee body, such as soils with high permeability or the presence of animal burrows crossing the levee or obstructed drains, prevent proper drainage and bring the phreatic surface close to the levee surface.

Thus, the idea is to test different innovative UAV-supported survey approaches on the same test area, in combination with local on-site surveys, to compare and combine the obtained results. Firstly, we would test the possibility of using vegetation maps as an indicator of weak sections of the embankment. Up to now, a first drone survey data has been performed and the obtained RGB orthophotos have been elaborated to determine the Green Red Vegetation Index (GRVI), in order to acquire a vegetation cover map of the embankment. The obtained data have been calibrated with on-site surveys conducted by vegetation experts. To facilitate the identification of reedbeds, the campaign has been carried out in winter, when reedbeds are yellowish in color, unlike short grass. In areas identified as reedbed vegetated, the soil has been sampled by coring and fully classified in the geotechnical laboratory to check if reedbed can effectively be an indicator of sandy soils. Further characterization may be carried out in order to investigate the relationship between reedbeds and soil characteristics.

The final aim is to develop an innovative method of low-cost aerial monitoring of levee structures that can provide an initial state of information and identify areas in need of further direct investigation in order to define the necessary maintenance works, decreasing associated risks.

How to cite: Dalla Santa, G., Picco, L., Ceccato, F., Cola, S., and Simonini, P.: Thermal imaging and vegetation detection through UAV survey for large scale hazard monitoring of river levee, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14829, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Trashi Namgyal, Mohit Prakash Mohanty, and Dev Anand Thakur

On a global scale, the frequency and magnitude of flooding are getting worse. Although hydrologists around the globe have developed sophisticated flood models, their performance, especially over mountainous regions, is not comprehensively understood. The situation is challenging for flood-affected low-income nations, as sufficient resources are needed to procure commercial flood models with appropriate technical know-how. For instance, Bhutan, a mountain-dominated landscape in Asia, has been experiencing unprecedented flooding due to its fragile topography and climate change impacts. Unfortunately, a comprehensive data-driven modeling approach to determining flood hazard zones is missing in this region. The present study quantifies flood risks while considering a robust hydrodynamic flood model over Bhutan’s Chamkhar Chu River basin, a severely flood-prone area. The recently released open-source HEC-RAS v6.3 by the U.S. Army corps of Engineers, whose efficacy for flood inundation modeling is less explored, is considered to derive a set of flood risk maps. The coupled 1D-2D flood model setup is developed to simulate various flooding scenarios corresponding to design discharge and rainfalls for 50-yr, 100-yr, and 200-yrs. A corrected high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the ALOS-PALSAR product was utilized to reduce uncertainties in the final flood risk values. The simulated flood hazard maps for the settlements along the Chamkhar chu river are quantified in terms of flood depth, velocity, and a product of depth and velocity. A set of performance statistics are derived from testing the model performance while comparing the simulated inundation maps with the past inundation maps from MODIS satellite imagery. It was noticed that a significant portion of the central region is at a potential threat of very high flood risk as the simulated depth exceeds 3 m and velocities surpassing over 1.6 m/s. Such research will assist flood management agencies in prioritizing affordable structural and non-structural flood mitigation measures for the public that will reduce the impact of flood hazards in the future. Given the efficient computational performance of HEC-RAS v6.3 over a sensitive terrain, the study encourages the adoption of the model for accurately identifying flood risks over global mountainous regions for effective flood management.

How to cite: Namgyal, T., Mohanty, M. P., and Thakur, D. A.: How fitting are open-source flood models in capturing flood risks over mountainous regions: A prudent analysis over Chamkar Chu Basin, Bhutan using HEC-RAS v6.3, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11334, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11334, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Cristina Prieto, Benjamin Dewals
Posters on site
Matej Vojtek and Jana Vojteková

Integrated flood risk assessment is based on a multidimensional definition of flood risk, i.e. the extent of flood losses depends not only on the flood hazard itself, but also on the vulnerability of the social, economic, and environmental system to flooding. This study aims at the riverine flood risk mapping and assessment in municipalities of Slovakia. The riverine flood risk index (RFRI) was determined for 2,927 municipalities of Slovakia as a synthesis of the riverine flood hazard index (RFHI) and the riverine flood vulnerability index (RFVI) using the spatial multi-criteria analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The RFHI was calculated based on eight indicators representing the riverine flood potential: number of flood events, slope, curvature, average annual maximum 5-day rainfall, river density, lithological rock types, soil texture, and land cover. Moreover, the RFVI was calculated based on seven indicators representing the social and economic vulnerability of municipalities: population density of urban areas of municipalities, share of population included in the age category 65+ from the total population of municipality, share of unemployed persons from the total number of economically active population in municipality, share of the Roma ethnicity from the total population of municipality, number of buildings within 100 m from a river, length of roads within 100 m from a river, and number of bridges in a municipality. The result of the Pearson correlation between individual indicators and the number of flood events in municipalities was used to determine the importance of indicators, which was subsequently used for assigning the indicator weights applying the rank sum method. The RFHI and RFVI for each municipality were calculated as the aggregation of the respective weighted indicators. The multiplication of the RFHI and RFVI resulted in the final RFRI. Based on the results obtained, the very high and high classes of RFHI contained 839 municipalities, which are located mostly in northern and eastern Slovakia and partly also in western and central Slovakia. The very high and high classes of RFVI included 817 municipalities, mainly, in northern and central Slovakia and partly also in western and eastern Slovakia. The highest RFRI values were recorded mostly by the municipalities in northern, central, and eastern Slovakia and partly also in western Slovakia. The very high and high risk of riverine flooding was recorded in 700 municipalities, i.e. these municipalities are included in the very high and high classes of RFRI. The results achieved in this study are useful, on one hand, for local self-governments and actors responsible for flood risk management, but more importantly for cyclic updating of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment in Slovakia under the EU Floods Directive. This work was supported by the VEGA agency under the grant number 1/0103/22 through the project entitled "Spatio-temporal Changes and Prediction of Flood Risk in Municipalities of Slovakia".

How to cite: Vojtek, M. and Vojteková, J.: Riverine flood risk in municipalities of Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2133, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2133, 2023.

Franziska Tügel, Lizanne Eckmann, Lennart Steffen, Reinhard Hinkelmann, and Eva Paton

Flash floods are among the most dangerous natural hazards and the associated risks are likely to increase due to climate change and increased urbanization. Observations of the last decades and projections of the future climate show an increase in the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfalls for many land surfaces. In July 2021, many European countries have been severely affected by large-scale heavy rainfalls. In Germany, the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate have been particularly affected with at least 180 fatalities, hundreds of injuries, lots of heavily damaged buildings, and extensive infrastructural damages. The modeling of flash floods is essential for effective risk management to produce hazard and risk maps, investigate the effects of land use changes, and plan mitigation measures.

This works aims to investigate the flash flood event in the Wesselbach catchment in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), which was generated by an extreme, short rainfall event of 118 mm within less than two hours in the late evening of 13th July 2021. The catchment is part of the city of Hagen, and the considered model domain of approximately 3 km² is characterized by steep slopes, a main soil type of silty loam, and a main land use type of forest, with settlements along the main watercourse in the downstream half of the domain. Large portions of coniferous areas in the catchment have exhibited decreasing vitality since 2018, up to complete dead or cleared areas. The in-house robust shallow water model hms++ is used to simulate the flash flood event using the measured rainfall data of a nearby rainfall gauge as input. Spatially distributed Manning’s roughness coefficients are used to account for the different land use types. Infiltration is neglected as the soils in that area show limited infiltration capacity, and the worst-case is considered that the soils are already saturated. Building heights have been included in the digital elevation model.

The results include the temporal development of flooding areas, spatial distributions of maximum water depths, and flow velocities in the Wesselbach catchment as well as hydrographs at different cross-sections of the main water course. Furthermore, the effects of forest damage on the discharge behavior and flooding areas will be investigated. Later on, structural mitigation measures will be included in the model to study their effectiveness for different heavy rainfall events.

How to cite: Tügel, F., Eckmann, L., Steffen, L., Hinkelmann, R., and Paton, E.: Hydrodynamic simulations of the flash flood event in July 2021 in the Wesselbach catchment in Germany, and the effects of land use changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13130, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13130, 2023.

Shengnan Fu, Heng Lyu, Ze Wang, and Xin Hao

Flood susceptibility assessment for identifying flood-prone areas plays a significant role in flood hazard mitigation. Machine learning is an optional assessment method because of its high objectivity and computational efficiency, but how to get enough and accurate information of historical flood locations to train the machine learning models has been a key problem. In recent years, news media data from both news websites and social media authentication accounts has emerged as a promising source for natural science studies. However, the application of news media data in urban flood susceptibility assessment is still inadequate. This study proposed an approach of three tasks to use news media data on this topic. Firstly, flood locations were extracted from news media data based on a named entity recognition (NER) model. Then, a frequency or distance-based data quality control method was employed to improve the representativeness of the extracted flooded locations. Finally, flood conditioning factors with information of historical flood locations were input into a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for flood susceptibility assessment. We took the central city of Dalian, China, as a case study. The results show that there was no significant difference of a T-test between the distributions of most flood conditioning factors at the flood locations from the news media data and the official planning report. In the obtained flood susceptibility map, the high flood susceptibility areas got a recall of 90% compared with the high flood hazard areas in the planning report. Performing data quality control in the frequency-based method can improve the precision of the flood susceptibility map by up to 5%, while the distance-based method is ineffective. This study provides an example and offers the value of applying new data sources and modern deep learning techniques for urban flood management. 

How to cite: Fu, S., Lyu, H., Wang, Z., and Hao, X.: Extracting flood locations from news media data by the named entity recognition (NER) model to assess urban flood susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3286, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3286, 2023.

Omar Seleem, Georgy Ayzel, Axel Bronstert, and Maik Heistermann

Hydrodynamic models are considered the best representation of the physical process of runoff generation and concentration. However, they are computationally expensive. Data-driven models are raising as a potential alternative to surrogate them but the models’ transferability in space is still a major challenge. This study compared the performance of random forest (RF) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) based on the U-Net architecture for predicting urban pluvial floodwater depth, the models’ transferability in space and whether using transfer learning techniques could improve the models’ performance outside the training domains. The results showed that RF models were better for predictions among the training domains, though this may be due to overfitting. The CNN models had a better potential to generalize beyond the training domains and were able to benefit from transfer learning techniques to improve their performance outside the training domains than RF models.

How to cite: Seleem, O., Ayzel, G., Bronstert, A., and Heistermann, M.: Transferability of data-driven models to predict urban pluvial floodwater depth in Berlin, Germany., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6693, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6693, 2023.

Thomas Skaugen, Zelalem Mengistu, Ivar Peerebom, and Wai Wong

In this study the Prediction in Ungauged Basins has been taken very literally in that we present a system that enables setting up a rainfall-runoff model, the Distance Distribution Dynamics (DDD) model for any catchment in Norway. The system can be used in operational flood forecasting since hydrological simulation results for an arbitrary catchment are obtained in a few minutes. A GIS map tool is used to calculate catchment boundaries, a hypsographic curve and other catchment characteristics such as vegetation and mean annual discharge needed to estimate DDD model parameters. Derived terrain information and catchment boundaries are furthermore used to extract meteorological information from gridded (1 x 1 km) maps for both historical and forecast periods. The historical period may be of such length (>30 years, daily resolution) that the mean annual flood can be reasonably estimated and compared to forecasted runoff values for hazard assessments. In this way a flood forecaster is no longer limited to only be looking at hydrological simulation results from calibrated models set up for a few gauged catchments. Rather, she can set up a model for ungauged catchments where the forecasted precipitation is the most intense or where vulnerable infrastructure is located. The relative comparison between simulated forecasted runoff and simulated mean annual flood is of value for hazard assessments. Regarding absolute values, the DDD model has been tested for prediction in ungauged basins for 25 gauged catchments and obtains an average Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) of 0.77. The mean annual flood is, however underestimated by 40 %. Better results are expected when improved gridded meteorology and estimates of mean annual discharge are available. Future developments include higher temporal and spatial resolutions so that flood forecasting and flood estimation can be carried out for smaller and faster responding ungauged catchments.

How to cite: Skaugen, T., Mengistu, Z., Peerebom, I., and Wong, W.: Flood forecasting for everywhere-PUB in flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12263, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12263, 2023.

Pallavi Gavali, Srujan Gavhale, Mohamed Niyaz, Sahidul Islam, Sumita kedia, Sagar Pokale, Arun Dwivedi, Gouri Kadam, Akshara Kaginalkar, Manoj Khare, and Abhinav Wadhwa

Meteorology and Hydrological extreme events, such as heavy rainfall and associated Flooding is one of the increasing disasters in India for last two decades. Due to heavy reservoir discharge, Impact of rapid Urbanization, unauthorized encroachments across riverbanks extreme flood events are likely to be more common and severe in the future, potentially impacting millions of people.

Pune one the fastest growing megacities in India facing frequent riverine flooding and associated disaster causing huge property losses in millions and causalities. The city is located at the leeward side of Sahyadri mountain range, with 7 reservoirs on the upstream side of the catchment, which control the flows in the rivers impacting the downstream Urban catchment. The reservoirs spillway discharges causes riverine flooding along with contribution from free catchment runoff, which usually occur concurrently. Estimation of reservoir inflows and subsequent spillway discharges is needed for integrated reservoir operations to execute effective flood control measures. To understand these severe flood disasters associated with reservoir operation ensemble multi model simulations were carried for Pune catchment for flood mitigation.

In current study, coupled meteorology model WRF with integrated high resolution (10m) hydrology model HEC-HMS and Hydraulic Model HEC-RAS was developed. High resolution CartoSAT, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and generated 1m DTM was used to develop both hydraulic and hydrology models. The geometric data for dam structures and gates/spillways have been incorporated in developed models. Gates were operated based on reservoir rule curves for spillway discharge and riverine flood simulations. Spatially distributed high-resolution WRF (1.5 Km) forecasted (72 Hrs.) gridded rainfall data with temporal resolution of 15 mins has been used for forecasting the flood condition in the city. 3D buildings have been incorporated in the terrain to recognize water depth and flooding in the city, which can be visualized through 2-dimensional Rasmapper and 3-dimensional viewer.  The performance of the models has been validated on the basis of statistical error functions (NSE, RSR, PBIAS and R2). Pune flood disaster events for the year 2019 and 2022 were simulated by developed flood forecasting system with reservoir operations. The model output (water level, spread and discharge) were validated using observed flood data from Pune Municipal corporation and dam discharges from water Resource department.

The developed multi-model flood forecasting framework will help the reservoir authorities to perform reservoir operations effectively in future to minimize the downstream flood conditions. Also the disaster management authorities will plan flood mitigation plans with sufficient lead time.

How to cite: Gavali, P., Gavhale, S., Niyaz, M., Islam, S., kedia, S., Pokale, S., Dwivedi, A., Kadam, G., Kaginalkar, A., Khare, M., and Wadhwa, A.: Integrated Reservoir Operations using coupled Hydro-Met Multi-Model system for flood forecasting and mitigations for Pune, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15342, 2023.

Alexandre Bredimas and Tristan Cambonie

Fast-flood prediction challenges both scientists and stakeholders. Flood evolution is extremely sensitive to input data regarding rain forecasts and the actual status of infrastructures and soil. Accurate and quick modelling is critical to the responsiveness and decision-making of all stakeholders for an optimal allocation of the resources required to limit the damages to the infrastructure and the risk to the population.

BlueMapping develop a decision-support tool called MICA. MICA is a cellular automata model building on previous academic models, especially CADDIES, with tailored adaptations.

The code of MICA has been industrialised into a high-performance calculation algorithm based on parallel computing using GPUs. It has been deployed on the Amazon Web Services cloud. It provides an efficient, scalable and flexible solution for pluvial flood prediction.

MICA's potential will be illustrated with the test case of fast-flood inundations that hit the watershed of Cannes and Antibes (South of France) in October 2015. The code runs in a few minutes on this 149 km2 watershed. The result will be benchmarked with a standard model and the actual maximum depth measurements.

How to cite: Bredimas, A. and Cambonie, T.: MICA: A fast and flexible solution for real-time flood mapping – An application on 2015 Cannes Antibes flood, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16719, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16719, 2023.

Posters virtual: Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall NH

Chairpersons: Cristina Prieto, Benjamin Dewals, Dhruvesh Patel
Posters virtual
Emmanuelle Itam, Thomas Boidot-Doremieux, and Mohammad Ali Iravani

Today, there is no doubt climate change leads to more frequent and severe climate extremes in the future. Like other extreme climate events, fluvial flooding, which is already the most damaging climate extreme in France, will be more frequent, endangering the entire economy and financial system. As essential economic actors, financial institutions must be prepared to face higher resulting economic impacts caused by extreme fluvial floods, even in the close future. However, it is still difficult to analyze and quantify this physical risk and its resulting direct losses, particularly in the building sector. In this context, the necessity to integrate flood-related risks into financial risks (credit, market, and liquidity risks) can be done through the quantification of predicted climate-related damages.

In this study, we emphasize the results of the application of a new framework to calculate the direct damages from fluvial flooding on residential buildings and its future worsening due to climate change. The originality of our work is to develop a frequency analysis of the prediction of flood damages at the building scale by combining specific depth-damage functions (Grelot and Richert, 2019) and fine-resolution hazard maps for river flooding.

We calculate damages on buildings located in the center of Paris (close to Seine river) for different fluvial flood frequencies. The damage modeling is performed using national depth-damage functions that give relationships between flood depth, flood duration, and subsequent damage. The latter concerns the cost of repair or replacement of each elementary component of the buildings that will be damaged or destroyed depending on the flooding scenario. We consider three different types of buildings collective buildings, multi-storey individuals, and single-storey individuals. The water depths due to flooding defines exposed areas of buildings and are based on data extracted from maps provided by the Joint Research Centre (Alfieri et al., 2015). Those maps depict flood-prone areas for river flood events for six different flood frequencies (from 1-in-10-years to 1-in-500-years) and are based on the high-emissions “RCP8.5” global warming scenario.

For each return period, we detect the impacted buildings by crossing the building map created from the French National Building Database with the corresponding fluvial flood map. Total damages are then computed as the sum of damages predicted for each building type associated with the closest water depth value.

By using the expected annual damage (EAD) methodology, we have investigated the effects of climate change caused by decreasing the return period (increasing the frequency of events). The results show that an increase in the frequency of occurrence of flooding due to climate change (decreasing the return period) led to increasing in the value of annual damage.


Alfieri, L., Feyen, L., Dottori, F. and Bianchi, A., 2015. Ensemble flood risk assessment in Europe under high end climate scenarios. Global Environmental Change, 35, pp.199-212.

Grelot, F. and Richert, C., 2019. Floodam: Modelling Flood Damage functions of buildings. Manual for floodam v1. 0.0 (Doctoral dissertation, irstea).

How to cite: Itam, E., Boidot-Doremieux, T., and Iravani, M. A.: Assessment of future fluvial floods damages on buildings based on different climate scenarios: a case study in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-832, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-832, 2023.

Amina Khatun, Chandranath Chatterjee, and Bhabagrahi Sahoo

Flood is one of the most devastating natural disasters accounting for the loss of life and property of millions of people every year. Since 2000s, floods have become more frequent in some parts of the world, especially in the tropical region. In India, many frequent extreme floods are found to occur recently. While the structural measures of flood management are not always feasible, the non-structural measures, such as flood forecasting plays a vital role in developing early flood warning systems. In the present study, a novel deep learning model, namely Smoothing-based Long Short-Term Memory (Smooth-LSTM) model is developed for daily streamflow forecasting at the head of the delta region in the Mahanadi River basin, eastern India. This modelling framework integrates smoothing filters and the traditional LSTM networks to predict the daily streamflow foreacasts up to 5-days lead-time. This model follows a sequence-to-single output approach, with the time-lagged streamflows as the only input variable. The Smooth-LSTM model is able to predict the streamflows reasonably well with a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.87–0.82 up to a lead-time of 5-days. The overall model performance is found to be satisfactory with the ability to capture the observed streamflows within the 90% uncertainty bands.

How to cite: Khatun, A., Chatterjee, C., and Sahoo, B.: Daily Streamflow Forecasting in the Mahanadi River Basin using a Novel Deep Learning-based Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4812, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4812, 2023.