HS2.1.2 | Advances in African hydrology and climate: monitoring, modelling, water management, food and water security
Advances in African hydrology and climate: monitoring, modelling, water management, food and water security
Convener: Meron Teferi Taye | Co-conveners: Fiachra O'Loughlin, Peter Burek
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
PICO spot 3b
Thu, 08:30
The African continent is experiencing various impacts of climate induced sequential droughts, floods, heatwaves, and alteration between two extremes. These changes are causing water and food insecurity in the region. The advances seen in hydrological models in better reproductions of observed variables such as streamflow and water availability are improving predictions of socio-economic risks of floods, droughts, and water stress. However, in data-sparse regions the use of hydroclimatic models for disaster risk reductions still requires improvement.

This session aims to bring together communities working on different strands of African hydrology, climate risks, water and food security, and environmental risks. We welcome both fundamental and applied research in the areas of hydrological process understanding, monitoring, drought/flood forecasting and mapping, seasonal forecasting, water resources management, climate impact assessment and societal implications. Interdisciplinary studies that combine the physical drivers of water-related risks and their socio-economic impacts in Africa are encouraged. Case studies showcasing practical innovative solutions relevant for decision making under large uncertainty are welcomed.

PICO: Thu, 27 Apr | PICO spot 3b

Chairpersons: Meron Teferi Taye, Fiachra O'Loughlin
On-site presentation
Serena Ceola, Johanna Mård, and Giuliano Di Baldassarre

Droughts are increasing in frequency and intensity in many African countries. Their occurrences severely affect agricultural production and thus potentially contribute to human displacement. Yet, the way in which droughts influence patterns of human settlements remain poorly understood. Here we show that drought occurrences across Africa are often associated with (other things being equal) human displacements towards rivers and cities. Our results show that 73-81% of African countries exhibit larger human mobility towards water bodies and urban areas during drought conditions, as compared to non-drought periods. This may result into increasing floodplain population, and thus into potentially larger flood losses, or overcrowding urban areas. As such, our results shed light on the interplay between hydrologic extremes and society, bolstering the analysis on the spatiotemporal dynamics of drought risks in a warming world.

How to cite: Ceola, S., Mård, J., and Di Baldassarre, G.: Droughts influence patterns of human settlements in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11856, 2023.

On-site presentation
Timothy Dube, Abel Ramoelo, Cletah Shoko, Mazvimavi Dominic, Maria P. Gonzalez-Dugo, Hector Nieto, and Ana Andreu

Semiarid regions shaped as a mosaic of savanna-type rangelands, croplands, and other uses such as livelihoods, or natural reserves, cover large areas in Southern Africa. They constitute an essential example of multiple uses of natural resources, combining a high environmental value with great importance in the rural economy and development. These systems are water-limited and highly sensitive to changes in climate, environmental conditions, and land management practices. Although the vegetation of these areas is adapted to variable climatic conditions and dry periods, the increase in drought intensity, duration, and frequency precipitate their degradation. 


In Southern Africa, recurrent droughts have strained rainfed agriculture and pasture production, decimating livestock and wildlife. During 2015 and 2016, South African savannas were subjected to a severe drought associated with a strong El Niño event. Open-source satellite time series provide vital information to assess water availability and long-term drought, to help design early warning and conservation strategies. 


In this work, we applied the TSEB (Two Source Energy Balance) model integrating MODIS-derived products (1 km) from 2000 to 2021 over the Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa. The model was previously validated over the Skukuza experimental site with good agreement. ET followed precipitation rates, although some years with low precipitation maintained average ET values. This may be caused by the ability of the trees to reach groundwater (deep fractured aquifers and alluvial aquifers can be found in the KNP). During some years (e.g., 2004, 2009), annual total ET was much higher than mean annual values. This may be caused by an extreme annual evaporative atmospheric demand and relatively high precipitation. The anomalies of the ratio of ET to reference ET were used as an indicator of agricultural drought on annual scales, and 2002/2003, 2007/2008 and 2015/2016 years stood out for their negative values. The approach helped to model drought over Kruger Park in the long term, providing an insight into the characteristics of the events.

Acknowledgment: This work has been carried out through the project "DroughT impACt on the vegeTation of South African semIarid mosaiC landscapes: Implications on grass-crop-lands primary production" funded by the European Space Agency in the framework of the "EO AFRICA R&D Facility".

How to cite: Dube, T., Ramoelo, A., Shoko, C., Dominic, M., Gonzalez-Dugo, M. P., Nieto, H., and Andreu, A.: Drought monitoring over the Kruger National Park (2000-2020) integrating remote sensing data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6608, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6608, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mike Hobbins, Olena Boiko, Candida Dewes, Andrew Hoell, Greg Husak, Harikishan Jayanthi, Tamuka Magadzire, Amy McNally, Daniel Sarmiento, Gabriel Senay, and Will Turner

Data-sparse hydroclimates across the globe are often the most vulnerable to climate shocks and their populations to food insecurity. Drought monitoring and famine early warning in these regions have for too long relied on poor parameterizations of atmospheric evaporative demand (E0)—no less than the demand side of drought and of consumptive use by agriculture—either relying on physically poor process representations of E0 or on climatological mean estimates. However, by exploiting the advent of long-term, spatially distributed, and accurate reanalyses of the land-atmosphere system and its drivers we can put new data to use to save livelihoods and lives by improving drought monitoring, famine early warning, and multi-scale agricultural risk assessment.

Here we describe one such effort—to create a daily, long-term, accurate, global operational dataset of E0. Funded by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and its partners, we have developed a nearly 42-year long, daily, 0.125-degree, global dataset of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration as a fully physical metric of E0. This new E0 dataset is driven by the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)—an accurate, fine-resolution land-surface/atmosphere reanalysis. We verified the accuracy of the dataset against (i) point-estimates of E0 derived by Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) initiative in Southern Africa, a region with sparse ground-truth data and significant humanitarian need, and (ii) on a spatially distributed basis against E0 derived from other reanalyses (Global Data Assimilation System and Princeton Global Forcing) that, although global, are otherwise unsuitable for operational food-security decision-making.

We summarize the various uses to which the new E0 dataset is already being put in support of food-security monitoring and decision-making in food-insecure countries within the FEWS NET framework: to provide input data for a global implementation of the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI), which examines anomalies in E0 to permit early warning and ongoing monitoring of agricultural flash drought and hydrologic drought, both crucial drivers of food insecurity; and to diagnose the anomalies in E0 that lead to or signal drought into the relative contributions from its drivers, examining canonical droughts across Africa (e.g., the 2015 drought in Malawi, and the 2016 Horn of Africa drought, and the current multi-year East African drought). We also present use-cases that verify the operational applicability of the new E0 dataset in long-established drought, famine, crop- and pastoral-stress metrics, and in predictability assessments of drought forecasts. Driven by this new dataset, these analyses should significantly contribute to a more holistic understanding of drought and food-security across the African continent and the rest of the world.

How to cite: Hobbins, M., Boiko, O., Dewes, C., Hoell, A., Husak, G., Jayanthi, H., Magadzire, T., McNally, A., Sarmiento, D., Senay, G., and Turner, W.: A new global reference evapotranspiration reanalysis: global opportunities in operational drought monitoring and famine early warning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16989, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16989, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Climate variability, droughts, and temporal yield stability in Ethiopia
Joseph Menesch, Katharina Waha, Cecile Godde, William Venables, Delphine Renard, Anthony Richardson, and Oceane Cobelli
Virtual presentation
Mosisa Tujuba Wakjira, Nadav Peleg, Johan Six, and Peter Molnar

In this study, the spatio-temporal changes in Rainwater Productivity (RP) and its sensitivity to the changes in precipitation and temperature predicted by climate models in various climatic zones across the rainfed agricultural areas of Ethiopia were analyzed. First, the future precipitation, air temperature, and shortwave radiation from multiple GCM projections were downscaled to a 0.05°x0.05° grid resolution, considering three shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5) and three future periods: 2020-2049, 2045-2074, and 2070-2099 using the present climate (1981-2010) as a reference. Next, the reference potential evapotranspiration was computed using the FAO Penman-Monteith and the actual evapotranspiration was simulated using a daily soil water balance model. Then, the relative crop yield (i.e., the ratio of the actual and water-limited potential yield) was determined as a function of the evaporative stress index and crop yield response factor (Ky) for the two growing seasons -- the main (meher) growing season (May-Sep) and the shorter (belg) growing season (Feb-May) for the present and future climates. The computed relative yield was used as a proxy for RP, under the assumption that effective rainfall is the limiting factor for crop yield. Finally, the sensitivity of RP to projected changes in precipitation and temperature was analyzed based on the one-at-a-time (OAT) approach for warmer and drier versus warmer and wetter climate scenarios.

The results show that under the present climate, the median RP (percent of the potential RP) during the Meher and Belg seasons ranges from about 52% and 34% in semi-arid climates to 93% and 45% in humid climates. The projected Meher RP in the future shows either a slight change or a decrease by up to 10% across the majority of the RFA regions under all SSPs and future periods. Conversely, the Belg season RP is likely to increase by up to 15% across the major Belg-producing regions by the end of the century. The observed changes are the combined effects of the nearly consistent but spatially variable increase in precipitation (for example up to 30% under SSP5-8.5 in the 2080s) and rising temperature (up to 5°C under SSP5-8.5 in the 2080s) over the RFA region. The OAT sensitivity analysis reveals that RP under warmer and drier climates is strongly sensitive to precipitation. However, under warmer and wetter conditions the climate sensitivity of RP is determined by the rainfall regime, i.e, in the areas with unimodal rainfall regimes, changes in RP are dominated by the changes in precipitation while in areas with strongly erratic or bimodal rainfall distribution, temperature, or both precipitation and temperature control the changes in RP. Such analyses are useful for assessing the future climate risks to crop yield due to water stress associated with the expected increases in atmospheric evaporative demand, identifying vulnerable areas across the RFA region as well as possibilities for agricultural expansion.      

How to cite: Wakjira, M. T., Peleg, N., Six, J., and Molnar, P.: Climate change impacts on rainwater productivity across agricultural landscapes of Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2819, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2819, 2023.

On-site presentation
Moctar Dembélé, Elga Salvadore, Sander Zwart, Natalie Ceperley, Grégoire Mariéthoz, and Bettina Schaefli

Water accounting frameworks assess water availability and consumption of various users and are key tools to inform decision and policy making for integrated water resources management. This study presents a modelling framework that integrates a spatially explicit hydrological model and climate change scenarios with the Water Accounting Plus (WA+) tool to anticipate future water resource challenges and provide mitigation measures. The fully distributed mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM), spatially calibrated with multiple satellite remote sensing products, is used to predict water fluxes, stocks and flows in the transboundary Volta River basin (VRB) in West Africa. The mHM model is forced with a large ensemble of climate change projection data from eleven general circulation models (GCMs) downscaled by four regional climate models (RCMs) under the representative concentration pathway RCP8.5, obtained from CORDEX-Africa. Outputs from mHM are used as inputs to the WA+ framework to report on the state and trends of water resources over the historical baseline period 1991-2020 and the near-term future 2021-2050. The basin-scale WA+ reporting is reinforced with a multi-scale summary of water accounts across spatial domains including four climatic zones, four sub-basins and the six riparian countries.

The long-term multi-model ensemble mean of the net inflow to the basin is found to be 419 km3/year with an inter-annual variability of 11%, and is projected to slightly increase in the near-term future (2021-2050), due to the increase in rainfall, thereby highlighting the need for adaptation strategies to optimize the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus in the VRB.

How to cite: Dembélé, M., Salvadore, E., Zwart, S., Ceperley, N., Mariéthoz, G., and Schaefli, B.: Multiscale water accounting under climate change in a transboundary West African basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8955, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8955, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Ishita Jalan, Fabian Merk, Ye Tuo, and Markus Disse

West Africa has a complex climate regime. It affects hydrological predictivity in the region where the majority population depends on agriculture. With a warming planet, the challenge is further exacerbated by frequent hydroclimatic extremes. To achieve secured livelihoods and resilience, hydrological understanding is a key. However, there is an elemental challenge of missing measured weather data. Weather variables that are drivers of the water and energy balance are necessary for the setup of robust hydrological models. We focus on the Ouémé River Basin in Benin, which lacks spatially representative in-situ temperature observations. To fill this gap, the study evaluates global earth datasets in the form of reanalysis products that are emerging useful for hydrological modeling. We perform an intercomparison of five temperature reanalysis datasets for the basin using the hydrological model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). These datasets are CFSR, CPC, ERA5, EWEMBI, and PGFv3, available at a daily temporal resolution. We test their performance on the simulation of hydrological processes in the Ouémé basin.

To evaluate each temperature data, a multi-site calibration is performed in SWAT using daily discharge time series. Validation is carried out as a two-fold process. The first is point validation performed using discharge data at five gauge sites and the second is spatial validation on the sub-catchment level conducted using satellite-derived actual evapotranspiration (AET) data from GLEAM v3.5b. This multi-gauge and multi-variable approach is used to minimize uncertainties associated with the application of SWAT.

This study is one of a kind for the basin, testing the datasets for their hydrological performance and overcoming a major gap toward achieving robust models. Temperature reanalysis products provide high temporal resolution, long time series, and spatially representative datasets. However, the response to input data errors can vary significantly given the non-linear interaction of parameters in a hydrological model. Therefore, hydrological evaluation is an important step before reanalysis data can be used for modeling and decision-making. We also demonstrate the significance of testing multiple water fluxes to assess the performance of climate datasets. A higher variation in performance for temperature datasets is observed for AET than for the streamflow component. It is an important outcome to determine the most suitable temperature product for the Ouémé basin.

How to cite: Jalan, I., Merk, F., Tuo, Y., and Disse, M.: Hydrological performance evaluation of temperature reanalysis products for the Ouémé River Basin in West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-601, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-601, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kimberly Slinski, Gabriel Senay, James Rowland, Mike Budde, Shrad Shukla, Amy McNally, Alkhalil Adoum, Erwann Fillol, Bamba Ndiaye, and Cherif Assane Diallo

Rangeland water is critical to food security early warning systems in Africa.  Rangelands feed more than half of Africa’s livestock, providing a source of income to 268 million pastoralists and agropastoralists. Rangeland ponds are a vital source of water for pastoral livestock, directly contributing to household food security and health.  However, rangeland areas of the Sahel and East Africa are water-limited, drought prone, and very food insecure.  In December 2022, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) identified >35 million extremely food insecure people in the countries located in the Sahel and East Africa. 


The NASA-funded “Earth Observation-Based Monitoring and Forecasting of Rangeland Water Resources” (Rangelands Monitoring and Forecasting System) project partners with FEWS NET to develop new capabilities for monitoring and forecasting water availability in African rangeland ponds.  FEWS NET partner, the U.S. Geological Survey, maintains the Water Point Viewer (https://earlywarning.usgs.gov/fews/software-tools/25), an interactive map that monitors the relative depth and area of 338 water points across arid and semi-arid regions of the Sahel and East Africa, from Senegal to Somalia.  The Rangelands Monitoring and Forecasting System project aims to significantly expand and improve the existing FEWS NET Water Point Viewer by increasing the locations monitored, developing new time series of water point surface area using high-resolution satellite data, improving overall model physics, and developing new forecasting capabilities.  These advanced data streams aim to improve pastoral resilience to climate shocks by increasing the capacity of stakeholders to plan for and respond to drought emergencies.


In this presentation, we introduce the Rangelands Monitoring and Forecasting System project and present first results from the 2022 field season.  During the 2022 West African rainy season, Action Contre la Faim collected water level observations from staff gauges installed in twelve ephemeral ponds located along transhumance corridors in Senegal.  Over the same period, the surface water extent of each pond was estimated using Sentinel 1 synthetic aperture radar, Sentinel 2 multispectral data, and Landsat multispectral data.  Additionally, the FEWS NET Water Point Viewer simulated water levels in nearby ponds.  The observed water levels were compared to the modeled surface water levels and the satellite data-based surface water extents to understand how well the FEWS NET Water Point Viewer and remotely sensed data streams capture the seasonal variation of water availability in the ponds.


This presentation: 1) presents the comparison results and discusses the accuracy of the model- and satellite-based estimates of water availability; 2) discusses the limitations of using remotely sensed estimates of water availability in the West Africa Sahelian region; and 3) presents lessons learned from conducting a field campaign in rural areas of West Africa.  The results from the first year of the project will inform the development of the next generation of the FEWS NET Water Point Viewer and new satellite-based remote sensing data streams for monitoring water availability in pastoral regions.

How to cite: Slinski, K., Senay, G., Rowland, J., Budde, M., Shukla, S., McNally, A., Adoum, A., Fillol, E., Ndiaye, B., and Assane Diallo, C.: In Situ and Earth Observation-Based Monitoring of Water Availability in Rangeland Areas of the Sahel and East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17140, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17140, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Addis Alaminie, Giriraj Amarnath, Suman Padhee, Surajit Ghosh, Seifu Tilahun, Muluneh Mekonnen, Getachew Assefa, Abdulkarim Seid, Fasikaw Zimale, and Mark Jury

Abstract:  Flood-attributed damages to infrastructure and public safety are expected to escalate in the future due to climate change, land use change, and associated hydrologic changes. In recent years, the reliability of flood forecasts has increased due to the availability of meteorological and hydrological data and advancements in flood prediction science. However, there is limited effort to apply emerging advanced hydrological models for flood prediction in poorly gauged watersheds. The overall objective of this study is to demonstrate applicability of climate model products to generate reliable flood predictions for data-limited and flood-prone areas. In this study, the most recent high-resolution climate models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) were evaluated to assess the impacts of projected climate change on the flood-prone areas of the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia. The ensemble means of the top five CMIP6 climate model forcing data were used to calibrate and validate a free open-source, spatially distributed hydrological model known as Wflow_sbm. Model-independent multi-algorithm optimization and parameter estimation tool is implemented for calibration and validation of Wflow. In terms of simulating runoff and flood events, application of Wflow_sbm to the Lake Tana basin provided promising results. This study serves as a major step towards the development and implementation of climate model product-driven hydrological model to assess flooding damages of future climate projections within the poorly gauged Lake Tana basin.

How to cite: Alaminie, A., Amarnath, G., Padhee, S., Ghosh, S., Tilahun, S., Mekonnen, M., Assefa, G., Seid, A., Zimale, F., and Jury, M.: Application of Advanced Wflow_sbm Model with the CMIP6 climate projection for flood prediction in the data-scarce: Lake-Tana Basin, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1113, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1113, 2023.

On-site presentation
Justin Sheffield, John Kimball, Jinyang Du, and Koen Verbist

The African Flood and Drought Monitor (AFDM) is a satellite-model based system for monitoring and forecasting flood and drought conditions for the African continent. It has been running operationally since 2008 in various forms, providing useful information on flood and drought risks to a variety of end-users, as well as information for a wide range of water-related applications, including food and energy security, health risks, and migration. This paper provides an overview of the latest version of the system, which incorporates updated versions of hydrological models and meteorological data at high resolution, as well as the state-of-the-art short-term and seasonal forecast models. We also describe the tailoring of the AFDM to national systems across southern Africa and the process of co-design of these systems with national agencies and end-users. The system has been evaluated on several time scales, historically and for short-term (flood) and seasonal (drought) forecasts. Predictability is discussed with respect to end-users needs, especially at the community scale, and how more recent approaches to predict at the community scale are being incorporated into these monitoring systems, using high-performance computing, machine learning and data assimilation.

How to cite: Sheffield, J., Kimball, J., Du, J., and Verbist, K.: Approaches to community–scale drought and flood early warning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16309, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16309, 2023.

On-site presentation
Awad Mohammed Ali, Lieke Melsen, and Ryan Teuling

The filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) started in 2020, posing additional challenges for downstream water management in Sudan, which is already struggling to cope with the effects of climate change. This is also the case for many transboundary rivers that observe a lack of cooperation and transparency during the filling and operation of new dams. Without information about water supply from neighbouring countries, it is risky to manage downstream dams as usual and operation information is needed to apply modifications. This study aims to test the applicability of using lumped hydrological modelling coupled with remote sensing data in retrieving reservoir filling strategies in regions with limited data availability. Firstly, five rainfall products (namely; ARC2, CHIRPS, ERA5, GPCC, and PERSIANN-CDR) were evaluated against historical measured rainfall at ten stations. Secondly, to account for input uncertainty, the best three performing rainfall products were forced in the conceptual hydrological model HBV-light with potential evapotranspiration and temperature data from ERA5. The model was calibrated during the period 2006 - 2019 and validated during the period 1991 - 1996. Thirdly, the parameter sets that obtained very good performance (NSE > 0.75) were utilized to predict the inflow of GERD during the operation period (2020 - 2022). Then, from the water balance of GERD, the daily storage was estimated and compared with the storage derived from Landsat observations to evaluate the performance of the selected rainfall products. Finally, three years of GERD filling strategies were retrieved using the best-performing simulation of CHIRPS with RMSE of 1.7 billion cubic meters (BCM) and NSE of 0.77 when compared with Landsat-derived reservoir storage. It was found that GERD stored 14% of the monthly inflow of July 2020, 41% of July 2021, and 37% and 32% of July and August 2022, respectively. Annually, GERD retained 5.2% and 7.4% of the annual inflow in the first two filling phases and between 12.9% and 13.7% in the third phase. The results also revealed that the retrieval of filling strategies is more influenced by input uncertainty than parameter uncertainty. The retrieved daily change in GERD storage with the measured outflow to Sudan allowed further interpretation of the downstream impacts of GERD. The findings of this study provide systematic steps to retrieve filling strategies for data-scarce regions, which can serve as a base for future development in the field. Locally, the analysis contributes significantly to the future water management of the Roseires and Sennar dams in Sudan. 

How to cite: Mohammed Ali, A., Melsen, L., and Teuling, R.: Inferring reservoir filling strategies under limited data availability using hydrological modelling and Earth observation: the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2056, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2056, 2023.

On-site presentation
Axel Bronstert, Lucy Mtilatila, and Klaus Vormoor

The study investigates the sensitivity of water resources, droughts and hydropower generation to climate change in the Lake Malawi and Shire River basins, covering three different aspects:

  • Analysis of the variability and trends of meteorological and hydrological droughts based on observational data from 1970 to 2013;
  • Drought analysis for future conditions and investigation of potential changes in water balance and various drought indicators;
  • Hydrological simulation and sensitivity analysis of the Lake Malawi water balance and water level, as well as its discharge and associated hydropower generation in the Shire River.

The key findings of these analyses are:

  • Between 1970 and 2013, meteorological droughts have increased in intensity and duration. This can be attributed to a decrease in precipitation and an increase in temperatures and evaporation.
  • The hydrological system of Lake Malawi reacts to meteorological droughts with a time lag (up to 24 months), so that hydrological droughts can be predicted up to 10 months in advance by meteorological drought parameters. Hydrological droughts are characterized by water levels below 474.1 m asl in Lake Malawi.
  • Despite all the differences and uncertainties in climate projections, they agree that meteorological droughts will continue to increase in the future, in the form of increasing drought intensities DI (+25% to +50% for 2021-2050 and +131% to +388% for 2071-2100) and increasing drought months DM (3-5 and 7-8 more drought months per year, respectively).
  • The water level in Lake Malawi, as a residual of the catchment water balance, is very sensitive to changes in precipitation and evaporation. Outflow from the lake is a direct function of lake water level, and the combination of projected precipitation decline and temperature increase ultimately leads to significantly reduced flow in the Shire River and a decline in annual hydropower production of between 1% and 2.5% (2021-2050) and 5% and 24% (2071-2100). Sometimes, individual projections even suggest that the outflow from Lake Malawi would temporarily dry up and the power supply in the country would be interrupted.

It is shown that failure to meet the 1.5°C global temperature increase target will have a severe impact on droughts and water resources in Malawi. This in turn has implications for hydropower production, as a result of which the achievement of most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be at risk.

How to cite: Bronstert, A., Mtilatila, L., and Vormoor, K.: Impacts of climate change on hydrological extremes and hydropower production in tropical Africa: catchments of Lake Malawi and the Shire River in Malawi, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12047, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Hamza Kunhu Bangalath, Jerry Raj, and Georgiy Stenchikov

African Easterly Waves (AEWs) are the most important precipitation-producing dynamic systems in tropical Africa and Atlantic, where dust in the atmosphere is abundant. But the past studies lack consensus on the sign and magnitude of the dust radiative forcing impact on AEWs primarily because of the disagreement in calculating dust solar radiation absorption. The incapability of coarse-resolution models to represent various dust-AEW interactions is another source of uncertainty. The present study uses a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model, HiRAM, to investigate the sensitivity of AEWs to the dust direct radiative forcing when dust shortwave absorption varies within the observed limits. Global simulations are conducted with the 25 km grid spacing to adequately simulate AEWs and associated circulation features. Four 10-year experiments are conducted: One control experiment without dust and three others with dust assuming dust is an inefficient, standard, and very efficient shortwave absorber. The results show that AEWs are highly sensitive to dust shortwave absorption. As dust shortwave absorption increases, AEW activity intensifies and broadens the wave track shifting it southward. The 6-9 day waves are more sensitive to dust shortwave absorption than the 3-5 day waves, where the response in the former has a stark land-sea contrast. The sensitivity of AEW to dust solar radiation absorption arises from a combination of energy conversion mechanisms. Although baroclinic energy conversion dominates the energy cycle, the responses to dust shortwave heating in barotropic and generation terms are comparable to that in baroclinic conversion.


How to cite: Bangalath, H. K., Raj, J., and Stenchikov, G.: Sensitivity of African Easterly Waves to Dust Direct Radiative Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4000, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4000, 2023.
