HS2.2.5 | Role of subsurface runoff, soil moisture and surface-subsurface feedback in hydrology: Closing gaps in observations, models and system understanding
Role of subsurface runoff, soil moisture and surface-subsurface feedback in hydrology: Closing gaps in observations, models and system understanding
Convener: Peter Chifflard | Co-conveners: Theresa Blume, Hugo Delottier, Anke Hildebrandt, Katya Dimitrova Petrova, Oliver S. Schilling, Qi Tang
| Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:55 (CEST)
Room B
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 10:45
A multitude of processes contribute to the hydrologic function of catchments. Traditionally, catchment hydrology has been centered around surface runoff, which is readily observable. At the same time, belowground processes, including subsurface runoff, as well as feedbacks to the surface and the specific role of soil moisture in shaping these fluxes is still underexplored. This session is dedicated specifically to
• identify and model subsurface runoff generation at the catchment scale
• improve and validate representation of feedbacks between surface and subsurface processes in models
• how soil moisture measurements across scales are used to improve process understanding, models and hydrological theory

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room B

Chairpersons: Peter Chifflard, Anke Hildebrandt, Katya Dimitrova Petrova
On-site presentation
Sara Modanesi, Gabriëlle J. M De Lannoy, Michel Bechtold, Luca Brocca, Jacopo Dari, Louise Busschaert, Martina Natali, and Christian Massari

Soil moisture is an essential climate variable and the main driver for water exchanges between the land surface and the atmosphere. An accurate knowledge of the soil moisture conditions is also crucial to estimate the amount of water needed or used for agricultural purposes.

As human demand for water is increasing along with extreme drought events, an optimal agricultural management is paramount to cope with a drier and warmer future, e.g. in Mediterranean regions. Thus, the knowledge of soil moisture is central for monitoring agricultural drought, optimizing agricultural water uses (i.e., irrigation) and improving the water cycle and land-atmosphere processes understanding. Nevertheless, the point-based nature and limited spatial coverage of in situ soil moisture observations in conjunction with the poor parameterization of human processes in earth system models (i.e., unmodelled or wrongly modelled irrigation), undermine the ability to accurately monitor and forecast drought events as well as the capacity to safely manage water resources.

Remote sensing observations offer a unique opportunity to fill these gaps as they can directly observe the processes of the plant-soil continuum. Here we provide insights on the value of satellite-based soil moisture and soil moisture-related measurements (i.e, radar backscatter) for land surface models and for agricultural drought research. We will show the utility of both classical coarse-scale and new high resolution observations for a number of applications that span from irrigation estimation, crop yield analysis, improvement of water cycle processes to estimation of small scale soil moisture variability across agricultural and mountaineous European pilot sites.

How to cite: Modanesi, S., De Lannoy, G. J. M., Bechtold, M., Brocca, L., Dari, J., Busschaert, L., Natali, M., and Massari, C.: Combining land surface modelling and Earth observations: the key role of soil moisture data to improve estimates of agricultural water uses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2784, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tailin Li, Massimiliano Schiavo, and David Zumr

Accurate measurements and estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture are essential for efficient crop management and understanding of hydrological processes in agricultural catchments. In this study, we used satellite imagery for a small catchment (Nučice, Czech Republic) to retrieve vegetative indices (VIs, including NDVI, SAVI and EVI), hence to analyse their spatial and temporal variability. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between vegetative indices (VIs), measured evapotranspiration (ET), and soil water storage (SWS). Also, for each variable, we aggregated weekly data at the seasonal temporal resolution, being able to study the trends of each variable’s statistical moments. Moreover, we employed the Normalized Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NNSE) index to study the error and the bias between normalized variables within the same seasonality. We found linear relationships between VIs, ET, and SWS when they exceeded a certain threshold. We were able to estimate the ET by exploiting its linear relationships with VIs and SWS, thus bridging the measurement gap. Our results suggest ET prediction based on VIs can be used during the growing season but may give inaccurate results after harvest (when VIs have low values). SWS can provide a reasonable estimate of the ET when no vegetation is present. Furthermore, the good correspondence between the seasonal NNSE indices and the trends of statistical moments of ET, VIs, and SWS suggest that subsurface processes might be inferred from seasonal vegetation cover. Therefore, this allows us to anticipate the likelihood of seasonal correlations across surrogate variables, further studying the spatial variations of SWS throughout the catchment in connection to ET and VIs.

This research has been supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Grant No. SGS20/156/OHK1/3T/11 and TUdi project, EU Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No 101000224.


How to cite: Li, T., Schiavo, M., and Zumr, D.: Mutual relationships between evapotranspiration and soil water storage in a small agricultural catchment and their consistency from a statistical viewpoint, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3298, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3298, 2023.

On-site presentation
Daniele Penna, Catalina Segura, Marco Borga, Christophe Hissler, Jerome Latron, Pilar Llorens, Chiara Marchina, Nuria Martìnez-Carreras, and Giulia Zuecco

Comparative analysis of the hydrological response at the catchment scale across different climates is critical to understand possible similarities in runoff generation processes. In this work, we relied on high-resolution soil moisture measurements in three European forested catchments to characterize hydrological responses during different wetness conditions. The study sites include Ressi, Italy (2.4 ha), Weierbach, Luxembourg (42 ha), and Can Vila, Spain (56 ha). We analyzed the seasonal variability in the difference between soil moisture at a relatively shallow (10–15 cm) and deep (45–60 cm) location within soil profiles in each catchment in the period 2017–2021, which included a wide range of meteorological conditions. We found contrasting soil moisture patterns across the investigated catchments. In the most humid site, Ressi, which receives over 2000 mm of precipitation per year, we often found similar soil moisture at the two soil depths, and soil moisture at the shallow depth was rarely higher than that at the deeper layer, suggesting very frequent vertical connectivity in this site. In Weierbach, which receives around 1000 mm of precipitation per year, soil moisture in the shallow sensor was consistently higher than in the deeper soil except during wet conditions when water content was similar across the entire soil profile. During dry conditions, evaporation of shallow water resulted in consistently higher soil moisture in the deeper layers. We infer that in Weierbach vertical connectivity between deep and shallow soil layers develops only during wet conditions. Despite similar total precipitation amount between Can Vila and Weierbach, soil moisture patterns were very different. In Can Vila, soil moisture was consistently higher in the deeper layer compared to the shallow one irrespectively of the season. This difference could be driven by very high evaporation of shallow water or a significant contribution of groundwater that promotes vertical connectivity. Our approach provides a relatively simple and inexpensive method to assess differences in hydrological behavior solely based on soil moisture data, opening the possibility for further analysis and comparisons across multiple catchments.

How to cite: Penna, D., Segura, C., Borga, M., Hissler, C., Latron, J., Llorens, P., Marchina, C., Martìnez-Carreras, N., and Zuecco, G.: Soil moisture response as a tool to understand hydrological processes across forested catchments in different climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11410, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11410, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lena M. Scheiffele, Matthias Munz, Till Francke, Gabriele Baroni, and Sascha E. Oswald

Root-zone soil moisture is decisive in partitioning the water fluxes at the land surface, e.g. between evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge. Field-scale estimates of these time variant recharge rates can be derived from 1D soil hydrologic models, if the soil moisture product represents the respective scales and dynamics, and lateral fluxes can be neglected. Measured soil moisture time series can be used to calibrate these models by optimizing soil hydrologic properties (SHPs) and in this way increase confidence in simulated downward flux from a soil column (potential groundwater recharge). To obtain indirectly and non-invasively measure soil moisture at the field scale, Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) has gained increasing attention in the last years. However, the variable penetration depth of the sensor and its decreasing sensitivity with depth and distance from the sensor complicate the interpretation of the soil moisture product and limit direct comparison to simulated soil moisture.

Within this study a two-layered Hydrus-1D model (up to 1.5 m depth) has been set up at an agricultural field site for one cropping season and calibrated using different soil moisture products to derive potential groundwater recharge estimates. While the use of point soil moisture sensor network data (SN) in the optimization is straightforward, different options to use CRNS data are evaluated: i) the COSMIC operator (simulates neutron count rates) ii) weighting simulated soil moisture according to CRNS vertical sensitivity, iii) applying a soil moisture profile correction on measured CRNS soil moisture before comparison.

Optimizing the SHPs did result in very good model performance for the SN as well as for the CRNS options (KGE > 0.86). While the SN delivers information down to a depth of 90 cm, using CRNS data that considers the vertical sensitivity (option i) and ii)) can result in difficulties informing the bottom layer of the model, which shows in optimized SHPs hitting the previously determined parameter bounds. Compared to that, using CRNS option (iii) leads to slightly reduced performance measures in the optimization but better informs the SHPs of the bottom layer when averaging modeled soil moisture over a fixed depth. For the successful optimizations, regardless of the method, recharge rates vary little and are comparable to independently estimated water flux at the field site.

Results of the study confirm the ability of the profile correction to increase CRNS information content to the main rooting zone and the validity of assuming a fixed integration depth, although this is expected to vary between field sites. This encourages also the use of CRNS soil moisture for non-experts of the method for soil hydrologic and landscape models as well as water balance calculations targeting downward fluxes.

How to cite: Scheiffele, L. M., Munz, M., Francke, T., Baroni, G., and Oswald, S. E.: Constraining groundwater recharge estimates at the field scale using soil hydrologic modelling and measured root zone soil moisture: how to deal with the vertical sensitivity of cosmic-ray measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15330, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15330, 2023.

On-site presentation
Markus Weiler, Hannes Leistert, Max Schmit, and Andreas Steinbrich

Local heavy precipitation regularly causes great damage resulting from flash floods in smaller catchments. Appropriate discharge records are usually unavailable to derive an extreme value statistics and regionalization approaches predicting peak discharge from discharge records of larger basins cannot include the small-scale effects and local processes. In addition, forecasting flash floods from rainfall forecast requires to identify the initial soil moisture conditions under which a catchment is most prone to trigger flash floods. In this respect, soil moisture affects runoff at the local scale during runoff generation (infiltration), but also at the catchment scale during runoff concentration with possible infiltration of overland flow (run-on infiltration) along the flow path.

Our proposed framework to study the role of soil moisture on flash floods includes three steps: (1) to validate long-term hydrological simulations with in-situ soil moisture data to derive typical probability distributions of initial soil moisture depending on soil properties, vegetation and land cover, groundwater influences, etc; (2) to derive the sensitivity of runoff generation to soil moisture at the local and catchment scale by combining different probabilities for rainfall amount, duration and initial soil moisture resulting in the same joint probability and (3) to include the effect of soil moisture on run-on infiltration by linking a distributed hydrological and 2D-hydraulic model to simulate runoff hydrographs with and without run-on infiltration. The final set of simulations with the distributed, process-based rainfall-runoff model RoGeR for different temporal (event to long-term) and spatial scale (plots to submeter scale) allows us for a given catchment to derive the role of soil moisture on different hydrological processes (runoff generation and runoff concentration). We developed a spatial explicit method, which combines the joint probability of soil moisture and rainfall for runoff formation with hydraulic assumptions to determine runoff concentration and thus the corresponding hydrographs and the specific conditions in a catchment that can trigger flash floods. These simulations are compared in different test catchments with discharge records to validate out model chain. Finally, a comparison among different catchments with different characteristics (soil, geology, land-use, geomorphology, etc) enables us to derive a flood generation soil moisture sensitivity which should help to improve hydrological models to include all relevant processes and to focus our future in-situ soil moisture observations in the sensitive catchments to allow for a better prediction of flash floods by including observed soil moisture instead of simulated values. 

How to cite: Weiler, M., Leistert, H., Schmit, M., and Steinbrich, A.: Linking in-situ and simulated soil moisture data for flood prediction: the advantage of joint probabilities of initial soil moisture and rainfall characteristic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16866, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16866, 2023.

On-site presentation
Erwin Zehe, Svenja Hoffmeister, and Ralf Loritz

Soil moisture measurements are very popular. Yet they provide a very incomplete picture about the state of the partially saturated zone and the capillary binding of soil water. Here we propose that the free energy of the soil water stock offers a superior perspective on storage dynamics, as it combines soil water content, gravity potential and matric potential data. Based on this new state variable, we show that the partially saturated zone is characterized by a system-specific balance of storage and release corresponding to local state of minimum free energy. The latter depends on the soil water retention curve and topography/depth to groundwater. In the absence of an external rainfall or radiative forcing, the system will thus naturally relax back to and persist in this equilibrium. Hydrological systems are however not isolated, they are frequently forced out of their equilibrium either by rainfall or by radiation driven evaporation. Here we show that the corresponding storage dynamics manifests as deviations of the free energy from and relaxations back the local equilibrium and that the latter separates two different regimes, which are either associated with a storage excess and overshoot of potential energy or a storage deficit and overshoot of capillary binding energy. We demonstrate that these pseudo oscillations are distinctly different in different hydrological landscapes. As the free energy state of the soil water stock, the storage equilibrium and the ranges of both storage regimes depend jointly on depth to groundwater and the soil water retention curve, we combine both controls into a hydrological system characteristics we call the ‘energy state function’ of the soil. We show that the latter allows an insightful inter-comparison of storage dynamics with in different hydrological landscapes, and a priory estimate of depth to groundwater, based on available soil moisture and matric potential data. Finally, we demonstrate a threshold-like relation between the free energy of soil water in the riparian zone and streamflow generation, where the tipping points coincides with the transition from a storage deficit to a storage excess.

How to cite: Zehe, E., Hoffmeister, S., and Loritz, R.: Free energy of soil water – a superior perspective on storage dynamics and its sensitivity to soil hydraulic properties and topography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6735, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6735, 2023.

On-site presentation
Michel Bechtold, Louise Busschaert, Shannon de Roos, Zdenko Heyvaert, Sujay Kumar, Jonas Mortelmans, Samuel Scherrer, Maxime Van den Bossche, Dirk Raes, Elias Fereres, Margarita Garcia-Vila, Pasquale Steduto, Theodore Hsiao, Maher Salman, and Gabrielle De Lannoy

Recently, the FAO crop model AquaCrop v7.0 has been released as open-source code along with the standard graphical user interface for single field applications, and Linux, Windows, and Mac stand-alone executables for plugin into regional or climate simulations (https://www.fao.org/aquacrop/en/). In addition, AquaCrop v7.0 has been coupled as the first crop model into NASA’s Land Information System (LIS) to support regional modeling and data assimilation (DA) using spatially complete re-analysis meteorological forcings, and to produce spatio-temporally complete geolocated NetCDF output for the first time. This presentation explores the potential of soil moisture updating for improving crop growth model estimates of AquaCrop.

Our DA setup uses the one-dimensional ensemble Kalman filter to assimilate the SMAP Level-2 surface soil moisture retrieval product from April 2015 through 2021 on a quarter-degree regular model grid over Europe. Prior to assimilation, a climatological rescaling is applied to remove the observation-minus-forecast bias. A preliminary evaluation against in-situ data of the International Soil Moisture Network indicates that topsoil (0-30 cm) soil moisture estimates of AquaCrop are improved through the DA compared to the model-only estimates. Our results show that the adjusted soil moisture strongly modulates biomass accumulation during the main growing period from April to June, particularly over moisture-limited areas. The impact on biomass will be further evaluated with the Copernicus Global Land Service dry matter productivity product as the observational reference.

How to cite: Bechtold, M., Busschaert, L., de Roos, S., Heyvaert, Z., Kumar, S., Mortelmans, J., Scherrer, S., Van den Bossche, M., Raes, D., Fereres, E., Garcia-Vila, M., Steduto, P., Hsiao, T., Salman, M., and De Lannoy, G.: Assimilation of SMAP surface soil moisture retrievals into the FAO crop growth model AquaCrop v7.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8754, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8754, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fay Böhmer, Tunde Olarinoye, Wolfgang Korres, Kasjen Kramer, Stephan Dietrich, Matthias Zink, Irene Himmelbauer, Lukas Schremmer, Ivana Petrakovic, Daniel Aberer, Roberto Sabia, Raffaele Crapolicchio, Philippe Goryl, Klaus Scipal, and Wouter Dorigo

Soil moisture is recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV), because it is crucial to assess water availability for plants and hence food production. Having long time series of freely available and interoperable soil moisture data with global coverage enables scientists, farmers and decision makers to detect trends, assess the impacts of climate change and develop adaptation strategies.

The collection, harmonization and archiving of in situ soil moisture data was the motivation to establish the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) at the Vienna University of Technology in 2009 as a community effort. Based on several project funding periods by the European Space Agency (ESA), the ISMN became an essential means for validating and improving global land surface satellite products, climate and hydrological models.

Permanent funding for the ISMN operations was secured through the German Government (Ministry of Digital and Transport) and therefore the ISMN has successfully migrated at the end of 2022 to its new host the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) and the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). Furthermore, the ISMN was recognized by WMO in their latest State of Global Water Resources report.

To improve the data service delivery, ISMN users can now benefit from a newly developed dataviewer which features functionalities such as data archives and advanced filter options (e.g. for climate and landcover types, for data quality) developed in synergies with the ESA project Fiducial Reference Measurements for Soil Moisture (FRM4SM). This presentation aims at showcasing these latest upgrades as well as new network contributions to the ISMN.

How to cite: Böhmer, F., Olarinoye, T., Korres, W., Kramer, K., Dietrich, S., Zink, M., Himmelbauer, I., Schremmer, L., Petrakovic, I., Aberer, D., Sabia, R., Crapolicchio, R., Goryl, P., Scipal, K., and Dorigo, W.: The International Soil Moisture Network - a global interoperable data center for in situ soil moisture observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4973, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4973, 2023.

On-site presentation
Izabela Bujak, Ilja van Meerveld, Andrea Rinaldo, and Jana von Freyberg

Many headwater streams are non-perennial. The flowing stream network dynamically expands and contracts during and after rainfall events, resulting in temporal changes in the flowing stream drainage density (DD). This dynamic behavior has consequences for solute transport and the organisms that live in the streams. Therefore, it is important to understand the hydrological processes responsible for these changes in DD to better predict the impacts of climate change on riverine ecosystems. However, until now, our knowledge of event-scale DD dynamics is limited because experimental data remain sparse.

We monitored DD in two 5-ha catchments in the Swiss Alpine foothills from June to October 2021. We installed a dense wireless sensor network to monitor the water levels in the streams and groundwater, soil moisture, and precipitation. In addition, we did multiple mapping surveys during different hydrological conditions and developed a simple model to calculate DD from these measurements at a 10-min resolution. We used these data to explore how short-term changes in DD relate to water storage in the catchments.

Our surveys showed that during the wet 2021 summer, DD varied considerably both in space and time, ranging from 2.7 to 32.2 and 7.8 to 14.6 km/km2 for the flatter and steeper catchment, respectively. The model provided reliable estimates of DD variations at 10-min resolution for both catchments (accuracies >0.94). In the flatter catchment, the relations between DD and either discharge or groundwater became steeper when DD was larger than 20 km/km2.DD increased rapidly with wetter conditions when the groundwater levels rose to 20 cm from the surface and streamflow was initiated in multiple shallow-incised channels. From analyzing multiple consecutive rainfall events, we found that the discharge-DD relationship was counterclockwise when conditions were dry. This is likely caused by the streamflow coming from nearby the outlet where the topographic wetness index is high. Surface flow in the upstream tributaries emerges only once the maximum subsurface transport capacity is exceeded, causing a rapid increase in DD. After the rainfall ends, discharge recedes quickly, whereas DD remains high due to ongoing groundwater seepage at the channel heads. For events with wetter conditions, there was no hysteresis, likely because the maximum subsurface transport capacity is exceeded faster throughout the catchment. Such threshold behavior and hysteresis were also not observed for the steep catchment, where multiple groundwater springs were flowing throughout the study period, resulting in much smaller DD variations.

How to cite: Bujak, I., van Meerveld, I., Rinaldo, A., and von Freyberg, J.: Short-Term Dynamics of the Flowing Stream Drainage Density, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11145, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11145, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Theresa Blume, Qi Tang, Oliver S. Schilling
On-site presentation
Ingo Heidbüchel, Jie Yang, and Jan H. Fleckenstein

Whether subsurface flow is relatively young or old when it passes by the catchment outlet is a strong indicator of weathering processes, nutrient availability, pollution susceptibility and the hydrologic response of a catchment. It depends not only on individual catchment, climate, event and vegetation properties, it is also the result of a multitude of interactions between different processes and catchment states within the hydrologic system.

In order to begin to disentangle the cause-effect chains (or better even: webs), we employed the physically-based, spatially explicit 3D model HydroGeoSphere in a virtual catchment running 100 scenarios with different combinations of catchment, climate and vegetation properties. One result showed, e.g., that streamflow in forested areas appeared to become older on average compared to a non-vegetated site. Upon closer inspection, this was not necessarily only caused by subsurface runoff becoming slower/older due to lower hydraulic conductivities of drier soils when there was active root water uptake. Another component of this increase in stream water age was the different partitioning of precipitation into subsurface runoff and groundwater flow. Relatively more water was transported in the slower groundwater domain and less within the soil at the bedrock-soil interface.

This is to show that, in order to make meaningful predictions about the age of hydrologic fluxes, it may not be the best approach to single out specific catchment and climate properties. Instead, it can be extremely helpful to look at the individual properties and the processes they control, their potential interactions and interdependencies, in a bottom-up approach within the framework of a hydrologic model.

How to cite: Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., and Fleckenstein, J. H.: Modeling the age of subsurface runoff at the catchment scale – what makes it younger or older?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17088, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17088, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kuanhung Chen and Cheinway Hwang

Calibration of subsurface runoff models in a catchment scale requires lots of observation sites/wells due to their scale difference. An observation site could fail to receive the required data due to variations in flow paths in rainfall events.  Therefore, establishing an effective monitoring site for subsurface runoff is a challenging task in hydrology studies. An alternative choice of monitoring equipment for subsurface runoff is using a terrestrial gravimeter. A terrestrial gravimeter has a broader sensible region than a monitoring well or several ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) profiles. In addition, it takes the water(mass) itself as a tracer rather than using biogeochemical proxies and thus the quantity of runoff is estimated through observed gravity changes accordingly. Due to such advantages, in this presentation, we demonstrate the possibility of using gravimetry to monitor subsurface runoff in Taiwan. In one of the study sites at a proximal fan, our studies cover hourly, daily, weekly and monthly time spans, which encounter different intensities of rainfall over 1.5 years. The infiltration coefficient and percolation rate over 30 m length around our study site were determined in a severe rain event. In another study where we placed an absolute gravimeter in land subsidence regions, we estimated water storage changes at different sites after a wet season and rank their capability for being an artificial recharge pond. This presentation demonstrates the possibility of terrain gravimetry used in calibrating subsurface runoff models. We can picture that when quantum gravimeters are well-developed, high-temporal gravity measurements can assist to build a more accurate subsurface runoff model.

How to cite: Chen, K. and Hwang, C.: Monitoring of subsurface runoff using absolute gravimetry in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12302, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jared van Rooyen, Andrew Watson, Yuliya Vystavna, and Jodie Miller

Understanding the way in which a water budget is distributed within a hydrological system is imperative in the prediction of the systems behaviour when this water budget has changed. A complex interaction of variable flow rates, residence times and reactive transport, controls the available streamflow of a river system not only over seasonal changes, but under longer term climate fluctuations as well. Hydrological modelling techniques have been instrumental in predicting these changes by monitoring/simulating rainfall, river and groundwater contributions but are dependent on robust data collection through the maintenance of old infrastructure and the creation of new infrastructure. South Africa is a pertinent example of the decline of gauging infrastructure and a prime use case for novel stable isotope techniques as an accessory to traditional hydrological modelling in semi-gauged watersheds. Furthermore, to constrain contributions in modified systems, that include reservoirs and land use changes, isotopes present an opportunity to assess unpredictable water mobilisation in the streamflow system. In this study, stable isotope measurements of rainwater, groundwater and stream water (δ2H and δ18O), together with a tertiary mixing model were used to develop an isotope-enabled version of the JAMS/J2000 rainfall-runoff model, named J2000iso. The application was applied to the upper Berg River catchment, a catchment impacted by recent drought, but important for regional water supply. Compared to the base version, the J2000iso had 13% more simulated interflow, with 56% less variance in the ensemble results and less overall process uncertainty. The J2000iso was also more robust than the base version during a subsequent validation. The isotope-enabled models provided a means to constrain the proportion of surface runoff, interflow and baseflow considering the streamflow signal changes due to upstream reservoir operations. As many catchments in South Africa are still ungauged or impacted by upstream reservoirs, the J2000iso model provides a means to simulate hydrological processes, given the appropriate collection of isotope and auxiliary data.

How to cite: van Rooyen, J., Watson, A., Vystavna, Y., and Miller, J.: Stable isotopes as a tool for improving rainfall-runoff modelling in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11353, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11353, 2023.

On-site presentation
Natalie Ceperley, Anthony Michelon, Harsh Beria, Joshua Larsen, Torsten Vennemann, and Bettina Schaefli

We measured a combination of natural tracers of water at a high frequency, including stable isotope compositions (δ2H, δ17O, δ18O), electrical conductivity, and water and soil temperature to characterize hydrological processes in a snow-dominated Alpine catchment and to understand the diversity of streamflow sources and flow paths. Previous work metabarcoding eDNA from stream samples led us to suppose that subsurface connectivity was a primary driver of genetic richness in the water of an alpine catchment, however our process understanding was limited.   By diving into temperature measurements in soil and water, electrical conductivity, and stable isotopes, we start to weave together the complexity of this subsurface connectivity.  Of particular interest in this alpine catchment is the seasonality of connectivity, which is mainly, in different forms, in melt periods occurring in spring and during rain-fed runoff events in summer and rain-on-snow events in winter.   This is dramatically different than in non-mountain, low-elevation environments where connectivity is observed in the cold or winter season.  In this presentation, we will compare and contrast what we learn from each tracer and highlight findings that could only be learned by bringing them all together.  We will reveal how these tracers inform our understanding of the timing of snow presence and melt, the existence of sub-snowpack local flow, the magnitude of subsurface exchange, and the mixing of snowmelt with groundwater. These insights into the details of streamflow generation in such a dynamic environment were only possible due to the intense, year-round field work.

How to cite: Ceperley, N., Michelon, A., Beria, H., Larsen, J., Vennemann, T., and Schaefli, B.: When four or more (tracers) are better than one and why you should ski (to sample), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12171, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12171, 2023.

On-site presentation
John Molson, Oleksandra Pedchenko, Madiha Khadhraoui, Richard Fortier, and Jean-Michel Lemieux

Numerical simulations of coupled groundwater flow, heat and mass transport have been carried out for better understanding of cryo-hydrogeological system behavior under climate change.

Simulations are based on conceptual models of two well-monitored field sites at Umiujaq and Salluit, in Nunavik, (northern Quebec), Canada. The Umiujaq site contains discontinuous permafrost as discrete mounds within a marine silt bounded by unconfined and confined sand aquifers, while the Salluit site includes a bedrock river-talik system within continuous permafrost.

All simulations are run with the finite element HEATFLOW/SMOKER code which includes density-dependent groundwater flow, advective-conductive heat transport and advective-dispersive microparticle transport. Water-ice phase change, latent heat, ice-fraction dependent relative permeability and temperature-dependent thermal parameters are integrated in the solution. The thermal-hydraulic system is driven by ground surface recharge/discharge conditions which depend on the thermal state of the shallow subsurface (frozen or thawed), and by coupling with air-ground temperature gradients. Microparticle transport includes thaw-dependent particle suspension and velocity-dependent downgradient retention in heterogeneous porous media.

At the Umiujaq site, the two-dimensional vertical-plane simulations through a permafrost mound show how supra- and sub-permafrost groundwater flow can affect permafrost thaw which can lead to the release of microparticles, contributing to increased groundwater turbidity. At the Salluit site, supported by cross-sections of electrical resistivity tomography, the simulated 3D river-talik system follows the river meanders and responds dynamically to seasonal changes in air temperature and groundwater pumping.  The groundwater pumping rate needs to be managed for sustainable use, especially in winter when the talik is hydraulically disconnected from the river bed.

How to cite: Molson, J., Pedchenko, O., Khadhraoui, M., Fortier, R., and Lemieux, J.-M.: Numerical modelling of integrated processes in cryo-hydrogeological systems: Applications in Nunavik, Quebec, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10678, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10678, 2023.

On-site presentation
Antoine Di Ciacca, Scott Wilson, and Thomas Wöhling

Braided rivers are an important source of groundwater recharge in New Zealand. They consist of multiple temporary channels in a gravel environment and, as a consequence, their interactions with groundwater are complex and highly variable in space and time at different scales. Recently, the gravels of the contemporary braidplain of these rivers have been described and referred to as the ‘braidplain aquifer’. It is within this aquifer that hyporheic and parafluvial flows occur. In these systems, the groundwater recharge to the deeper regional aquifer is actually the water exchange between the braidplain and the regional aquifers. Some of these braided rivers are perched above the regional water level in their main losing section, which means that an unsaturated zone exists between the braidplain and regional aquifer. This complexity calls for the use of 3D fully integrated hydrological models to represent groundwater – surface water interactions in these environments. However, these complex models are very computationally intensive, which strongly limits their use in parameter inference and uncertainty quantification schemes as well as their applicability to regional scale problems.

We present a modelling framework that includes a 3D fully coupled HydroGeoSphere (HGS) model and several 2D cross-sectional HYDRUS-2D models (with 1, 2 and 3 layers). This framework aims at simplifying the model while ensuring the appropriate simulation of the groundwater recharge. We demonstrate our modelling approach on the relatively small Selwyn River. Piezometric data and groundwater recharge estimates derived from satellite photography were available for this river. First, stochastic simulations were performed using the 2D cross-sectional models and compared to observations in order to explore the validity of different subsurface conceptualizations and parameter values. Second, the selected conceptualization and parameter values were used to parameterize the 3D fully coupled HGS model. Third, the groundwater recharge simulated by the 3D and the 2D models were compared. Our results demonstrate that the observations can only be reproduced with a minimum of 3 distinct layers, with a lower permeability layer in the middle. Furthermore, this modelling exercise revealed the primary importance of the width and thickness of the braidplain aquifer as they determine the infiltration front width and the pressure head applied to the braidplain aquifer bottom, respectively. This shows that the properties, dimensions and water level in the subsurface are controlling the groundwater recharge from the perched braided river rather than the river characteristics. Moreover, we show that a 2D cross-sectional model can effectively replace the 3D fully coupled model to simulate groundwater recharge from the perched braided river and that this reduces the model run time by 3 orders of magnitude. Finally, some analytical equations, which can be easily implemented in regional groundwater models, were tested as a further simplification of the 2D model.

How to cite: Di Ciacca, A., Wilson, S., and Wöhling, T.: Model simplification to simulate groundwater recharge from perched gravel-bed braided rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9868, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9868, 2023.

On-site presentation
Anner Paldor, Ryan S. Frederiks, Rachel Housego, Britt Raubenheimer, Steve Elgar, Nina Stark, and Holly A. Michael

Coastal aquifers supply freshwater to nearly half of the world's population, and their importance for sustainable development in coastal areas is immense. Due to the proximity to the ocean, salinization is typically the biggest risk for coastal groundwater resources. Furthermore, the interactions between groundwater and surface water during coastal flooding often result in surface instabilities arising from elevated groundwater heads. Here, integrated hydrologic modeling is used to examine the effect of groundwater-surface water interactions on the salinity distribution in aquifers and on the stability of beach surfaces. The processes considered include multi-scale fluctuations in sea level (tides, storm surges, and glacial cycles). Results show that modern salt distributions may change even if the current conditions remain stable, when considering short- and long-term cyclical processes that aquifers are likely still responding to. It is also found that during coastal flooding, critical hydraulic gradients may develop, potentially destabilizing the beach surface. The distribution of these critical gradients depends on beach topography, with a non-trivial relationship between surface elevation and the location of critical gradients. These results mean that the interactions between groundwater and surface water likely play a pivotal role in the hydrologic state of coastal systems, with important implications for water resources management and for natural hazard mitigation.

How to cite: Paldor, A., Frederiks, R. S., Housego, R., Raubenheimer, B., Elgar, S., Stark, N., and Michael, H. A.: Harnessing integrated hydrologic modeling to analyze the coastal impacts of groundwater-surface water interactions on beach surface stability and freshwater availability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3658, 2023.

On-site presentation
Arkadiusz Głogowski, Wiesław Fiałkiewicz, Oliver Schilling, and Philip Brunner

For water managers, extreme weather events such as droughts and heavy rainfall can pose severe challenges. Both sudden and longer term surpluses or shortages of water are operationally challenging to deal with. Investigating the effects of extreme hydrological events at the catchment scale requires the development of hydrological models capable of simulating such events. The present study is focused on developing such a model for an agricultural catchment using the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological flow model (ISSHM) HydroGeoSphere. For robust simulation of the impact of heavy rainfall and drought events on water availability and crops, an accurate representation of the spatially highly variable soil hydraulic properties has been identified as crucial. To identify effective soil hydraulic properties at the catchment scale, we propose a method combining real time observations of soil moisture, groundwater levels and catchment outflow with an ISSHM of the catchment via pilot point-based model inversion. The applicability of the method is demonstrated on a 17 km2 tributary agricultural catchment of the Odra River located 20 km north of Wrocław, Poland. The validation data for the approach consist of soil samples analysed both before and after the vegetation period.

How to cite: Głogowski, A., Fiałkiewicz, W., Schilling, O., and Brunner, P.: Inverse identification of soil properties at catchment scale via pilot point calibration of an integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8815, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8815, 2023.

On-site presentation
Raphael Schneider, Saskia Noordujin, Hafsa Mahmood, Simon Stisen, and Anker Lajer Højberg

Agricultural areas are often artificially drained, especially in temperate and flat landscapes. This also applies to Denmark, where approximately half of the agricultural area is artificially drained, mostly with tile drains. The generated drain flow has significant impacts on various aspects of the hydrologic cycle such as groundwater recharge, flow paths and transport times. Consequently, drain flow is a major control on the transport of nutrients such as nitrogen. Yet, detailed knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of drain flow is inadequate due to insufficient observations of drain flow, lacking knowledge of drain infrastructure and issues of scale and hydrogeologic heterogeneity.

The objective was to improve the simulation of both the spatial and temporal variability of drain flow in a large-scale hydrological model used to map nitrate transport. This model is a physically-based, distributed groundwater-surface water model of all of Denmark. It is a major challenge to simulate drain flow distribution in space and time with the national model due to its coarse horizontal resolution (500m or 100m), and the lack of drain flow observations at relevant scale. Hence, to achieve the objective, we gathered existing field-scale drain flow observations from all over Denmark. For these drain catchments, fine-scale (10m) physically based hydrological models were setup and calibrated against the drain flow observations. After successful calibration, the resulting simulated distributions of drain fraction (drain flow relative to precipitation) were regionalized to applicable areas across all of Denmark. The regionalization was performed using decision tree machine learning algorithms, and a set of topographic and geologic covariates available nationally at fine resolution. An analysis of spatial transferability of the machine learning algorithm allowed to limit predictions to applicable areas. Finally, these estimates of drain fraction are used in the calibration of the large-scale national hydrologic model, amongst other objective functions such as streamflow and groundwater heads.

How to cite: Schneider, R., Noordujin, S., Mahmood, H., Stisen, S., and Højberg, A. L.: Improving drain flow simulations in a national hydrologic model with machine learning estimates of drain fraction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11474, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11474, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Peter Chifflard, Theresa Blume, Anke Hildebrandt
Jonas Pyschik and Markus Weiler

Preferential flow in soils and hillslopes may transport water faster than the soil matrix. These features activate quickly during precipitation events, increase infiltration and vertical pathways can play an important role in runoff generation. However, preferential pathways are difficult to identify as common techniques (e.g. piezometer, soil moisture sensors, hillslope trenches) do not sufficiently represent the spatial scale and frequency of these features and other approaches (e.g. dye patterns) are labour intensive and heavily invasive.

Here, we present a method to derive locations of preferential flow only by using vertical stable water isotope profiles in soils. In four catchments, we each drilled 120 soil cores (1-3m) and analysed the stable isotope composition of the soil water in 10-20cm increments to derive depth profiles. Visually selecting profiles with similar isotopic seasonality patterns not influenced by preferential flow, we determined a reference isotope profile for each catchment using a LOESS regression. These represent a soil profile only influenced by vertical matrix infiltration. To account for differences in soil conductivity and porosity, the reference profiles were scaled by depths to each profile. Locations where the measured profile deviates significantly from the reference, we assume an influence of vertical or lateral preferential flow.

With this method we found evidence for preferential flowpaths in all catchments. Especially in the alpine catchment with highly heterogeneous soils many profiles showed distinct preferential flow features. There, some profiles also indicate multiple, vertically independent pathways. The depth at which these pathways occurred were highly variable, even at neighbouring profiles.

Overall our results demonstrate the feasibility to assess preferential flow only using soil water isotope profiles while also underlining the large spatial and vertical variability of preferential flowpaths at the hillslope and catchment scale.

How to cite: Pyschik, J. and Weiler, M.: Detecting the occurrence of preferential flow in soils with stable water isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-348, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-348, 2023.

Hatice Türk, Markus Hrachowitz, Karsten Schulz, Christine Stumpp, Michael Stockinger, Peter Strauss, and Günter Blöschl


Determining the processes that drive streamflow generation and catchment-scale transport of nutrients and pollutants by water is one of the challenges of modern hydrology. In the last decades, substantial knowledge has been gained from high-frequency and high-resolution measurements of tracers to track water movements within a hydrological system. For example, the stable isotopes of oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (d2H) have been widely used to disentangle the contributions of different runoff generation mechanisms by modeling water travel and residence times. However, quantifying the effects of catchment internal factors for similar or different transit time distributions, particularly in characteristically complex and heterogeneous catchments, remains a challenge. Here we test different shapes for age selection functions (StorAge Selection) of individual distinct storage components (e.g., the root zone, groundwater) of the agricultural Hydrological Open Air Laboratory (HOAL) catchment in Petzenkirchen, Austria. The HOAL has a variety of runoff generation mechanisms, including overland flow, wetlands, and tile drains, as well as high-resolution tracer and hydrological data that allows for broad storage-discharge relationship testing. The main goal of this study is to estimate the transit time distributions associated with varying fluxes from these components (e.g., overland flow, groundwater recharge) to learn about catchment internal streamflow generation processes. Water flow is modeled with a water age balance model and are replaced by selecting the appropriate transfer functions. Testing different age selection functions for various storage components of the catchment will provide a better understanding of catchment dynamics under different environmental conditions, allowing for better calibration of catchment-scale water and nutrient transport models.



How to cite: Türk, H., Hrachowitz, M., Schulz, K., Stumpp, C., Stockinger, M., Strauss, P., and Blöschl, G.: Tracking water movement through a small agricultural catchment using StorAge Selection functions  and hydrologic modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5130, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5130, 2023.

Alexey Kuleshov, Anne Hartmann, Theresa Blume, and Maria-Luisa Hopp

Subsurface stormflow (SSF) can be a major streamflow generation process in small catchments. It is known that SSF generated on the hillslopes of the catchment may change both in its chemical and quantitative composition on the way to the stream. This occurs primarily due to processes in the riparian zone. The riparian zone plays the role of a "reactor" where mixing, storage, and biogeochemical transformation of the hillslope SSF composition occurs.  However, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of this “gatekeeper function” of the riparian zone, controlling the timing and spatial patterns of connectivity and the chemistry of the water being transferred from the hillslopes into the stream.
In our study we aim to investigate the SSF signal transformation in the riparian zone. We installed three “dual-use trenches” per catchment in four different catchments located in Germany and Austria. With this novel dual-use trench approach we are able to measure hillslope SSF as well as inject tracer into the riparian zone. We measure response dynamics, timing, flow volumes and chemistry at the upslope side of the trench. We will identify tracers or tracer combinations that characterize SSF and can be used to identify hillslope SSF in riparian zone groundwater and stream flow. The inter-comparison of the four different catchments allows us to evaluate the influence of landscape and climate characteristics. We then use tracer injections at the downslope side of the dual-use trench in combination with an array of shallow groundwater observation wells downslope of the trench to investigate the physical and chemical transformation of hillslope SSF in the riparian zone. This array of wells extends both upstream and downstream of the trench, enabling us to trace the transformation of the uninterrupted physical and chemical signal of SSF on the adjacent hillslopes on its passage to the stream and to evaluate the influence of parafluvial flow.
Here, we present first data on tracer concentrations in hillslope SSF and riparian zone groundwater from our test catchments. Ultimately, we aim to develop a conceptual matrix, by which it will be possible to estimate the degree of SSF transformation in the riparian zone, depending on watershed characteristics (topography, soil depth and soil hydraulic properties) and hydrological conditions (antecedent wetness of the watershed and seasonal dynamics).

How to cite: Kuleshov, A., Hartmann, A., Blume, T., and Hopp, M.-L.: The riparian zone as a gatekeeper for subsurface stormflow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6635, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6635, 2023.

Tamara Leins, Francesca Pianosi, and Andreas Hartmann

In addition to overland flow, subsurface stormflow (SSF) can play a major role for runoff generation during certain events. Even though SSF is a well-recognised process, there is a lack of systematic studies on SSF, partly because it is very difficult to quantify. In hydrological modelling, this can lead to an unclear distinction of SSF from other processes. If parameters that describe SSF processes or thresholds are implemented in hydrological models, they are often used as fitting parameters and can contribute to overall model uncertainty. So far, there has been no systematic benchmarking of SSF routines in hydrological models.

This presentation discusses how we plan to address this research gap. In order to address the inconsistency of SSF representation in hydrological models, different existing lumped hydrological models will be set up for four study sites located in the Alps, Ore Mountains, Black Forest and Sauerland. In a first step, different models will be calibrated using only basic data like discharge observations, climate data and readily available geodata. Differences in SSF simulations will be detected and quantified and the models will be benchmarked regarding the simulation of SSF dynamics and associated uncertainties. In a next step, we will include new experimental data on SSF derived at the four study sites in the calibration of the lumped hydrological models by a multi-objective calibration and evaluation framework. In order to consider SSF observations collected at scales different than the scale of model application, new SSF metrics will be developed. Testing different combinations of these metrics for model calibration it will be possible to state which SSF proxies can lead to the most productive improvement of SSF simulations.

Identifying current weaknesses in SSF representation of current models, and providing directions for improving them by including the most beneficial SSF metrics, this project will show potential for the improvement of SSF simulations through SSF data collection. In a final application of the most reliable SSF simulations to all study sites, we will show the impact of extreme wet or extreme dry conditions on SSF occurrence and SSF volumes.

How to cite: Leins, T., Pianosi, F., and Hartmann, A.: Towards a robust parameterization of subsurface stormflow in hydrological models at the catchment scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7917, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7917, 2023.

Natasha Gariremo, Luisa Hopp, and Theresa Blume

Subsurface stormflow (SSF) generated on hillslopes is an important hydrological process in headwater catchments. Tracing SSF flow paths and ultimately quantifying its contribution to streamflow is challenging as the signal can undergo various transformations from the hillslope. The riparian zone specifically, can act as a mixing and storage zone and may change strongly the physical and chemical signals of hillslope SSF before it reaches the stream. As a consequence, SSF may not be recognized as streamflow contribution. Thus, the relevance of this process for streamflow generation is currently not fully understood. In addition, studies often focus on quantifying SSF generation at the hillslope scale. Therefore, there is a lack of data to fully understand SSF characteristics at the catchment scale.

The aim of this study is to characterize the hillslope-stream connectivity at the reach to catchment scale, using physical as well as chemical information. To deal with the challenges associated with measuring the SSF signal, this study implements a novel multi-method experimental design that will create a unique along-stream data set of hillslope contributions to streamflow in four test catchments in Germany and Austria. A combination of extensive salt dilution gauging along streams, water level measurements in-stream and in near-stream groundwater, longitudinal Radon profiles in streamwater and regular sampling of near-stream groundwater and streamwater for hydrochemical analyses will allow to evaluate the spatial variability of SSF inputs to the stream and to quantify the along-stream attenuation of the SSF signal.

Here, we present the study outline as well as first data of water chemistry in near-stream groundwater and streamwater and will characterize the longitudinal patterns of a range of hydrochemical tracers along the streams in the four test catchments. The data set we will collect will be used to simplify and minimize future experimental effort and to identify simple proxies for regionalization. Ultimately, we aim to develop a framework to determine the likelihood of hillslope-stream connectivity at the catchment scale, as influenced by landscape and climate characteristics.

How to cite: Gariremo, N., Hopp, L., and Blume, T.: Tracing Longitudinal Patterns of Subsurface Hillslope-Stream Connections Across Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8875, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8875, 2023.

Claudio Paniconi, Claire Lauvernet, and Christine Rivard

In this study we push the limits of a physics-based detailed model of surface water/groundwater interactions, CATHY, in order to explore numerical issues related to discretization, coupling, and scale effects. Regardless of the spatial scale of the model domain (field, hillslope, catchment, ...), the processes that are simulated by integrated models such as CATHY are characterized by different dynamic time scales across subsystems and thus require appropriate time stepping schemes. Accurate tracking (in a mass balance sense) of complex exchange fluxes is also a challenge. At larger spatial scales, concerns related to aspect ratio and mesh distortion can influence and constrain grid discretization choices. Across the land surface boundary, different options for representing boundary conditions can lead to widely varying model behaviors. Finally, model performance assessments can be highly sensitive to the response variables of interest. We will illustrate some of these challenges via test case simulations of a long (13 km) transect and a small (0.3 ha) hillslope.

How to cite: Paniconi, C., Lauvernet, C., and Rivard, C.: Grid resolution, time discretization, boundary condition, and other challenges in coupled surface/subsurface hydrological modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10152, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10152, 2023.

Theresa Blume, Daniel Rasche, Andreas Güntner, and Markus Morgner

Soil moisture is most often measured in-situ only to depths of about 50 cm. This is due to either the larger effort or challenges in installation or at some sites due to the presence of weathered bedrock. It is furthermore often assumed that with the top 50 cm of the soil we already capture the main part of the root zone and thus the major processes of infiltration, evaporation and transpiration should all be reflected in these soil moisture observations. However, due to lack of data we cannot be sure that this is really the case.

In this study we are reviewing soil moisture dynamics measured in the field at depths ranging between 70 and 450 cm. This includes more than 100 sensors at depth >70 cm and more than 60 at depth >100 cm. These sensors are installed in sandy soil in 14 different forest stands of the TERENO observatory in north-eastern Germany. We examine both seasonal and event responses. We furthermore compare the responses in the unsaturated zone also to the responses observed in shallow and deep groundwater. Using simple uncalibrated 1D Hydrus simulations we then put our observations into the context of those simulated by the model under pure matrix flow conditions, thus ignoring any preferential flow. The above described setup allows us to investigate the effects of infiltration, percolation, preferential flow, deep drainage, and transpiration at depths usually not accounted for in standard monitoring networks.

How to cite: Blume, T., Rasche, D., Güntner, A., and Morgner, M.: Drained, dampened, delayed: Deep soil moisture dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12690, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12690, 2023.

Luca Furnari, Alessio De Rango, Giuseppe Mendicino, Gianluca Botter, and Alfonso Senatore

One of the main constraints to the operational use of Integrated Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Modelling (ISSHM) is the computational cost of such a complex approach. The growth of High-Performance Computing (HPC) has continuously pushed forward this limit, targeting the objective of "hyper-resolution" modelling. The Extended Cellular Automata (XCA) paradigm allows easy parallelization of numerical code and can be used in different HPC systems. Moreover, XCA have other unique features, like asynchronism, that can further break down the elapsed time.

HydroCAL is an integrated surface-subsurface Cellular Automata Layer hydrological model built by coupling a diffusive-like 2D water surface routing module and a 3D subsurface routing module based on the variably saturated Richards' equation. The model was implemented by adopting the parallel scientific software library Open Computing Abstraction Layer (OpenCAL), which allows researchers to exploit different parallelization techniques, hardware architectures and XCA-specific features.

Here we extend the HydroCAL model's capabilities, including groundwater and evapotranspiration modules that significantly contribute to the baseflow generation and river reach activation/deactivation dynamics, allowing continuous simulations beyond the storm-event scale. The enhanced model is used at ultra-high resolution (100 m) in a small steep-orography headwater Mediterranean catchment characterized by high hydrogeological heterogeneity. A multivariate calibration and validation approach is adopted over long-term simulations, using the observed active stream network dynamics and the recorded streamflow at the catchment outlet.

The results show that HydroCAL can adequately reproduce the hydrological response, simulating several multipeak events and reproducing the recession phases. Moreover, groundwater behaviour contributes to the simulation of the complex river network activation and deactivation dynamics. Overall, the HydroCAL model implementation upon the XCA paradigm allows highly detailed coupled simulations for long periods with reasonable computational times.

How to cite: Furnari, L., De Rango, A., Mendicino, G., Botter, G., and Senatore, A.: HydroCAL: An Integrated Surface-Subsurface Cellular Automata Hydrological Model to simulate streamflow and river network dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13461, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13461, 2023.

Christina Fasching and Peter Chifflard

Hydrological dynamics of hillslopes, particularly subsurface stormflow (SSF), are highly complex and variable in space and time. Frequently, available studies are often limited to single slopes or few storm events. As a result, the transfer of these findings to other slopes or catchments is associated with great uncertainties. Thus, for upscaling and model validation, a quantification of the hydrological dynamics of hillslopes and the factors influencing the spatial and temporal patterns of subsurface stormflow is urgently needed. Closely related to the hydrological dynamics of hillslopes is the export of organic carbon from the soils to the adjacent stream. However, the spatial sources of carbon are still largely unclear because the exact flow paths of SSF within the slope are not well known. In order to address this knowledge gap, we took a hydro-biogeochemical approach, that measures the water-soluble organic matter (WSOM; concentration, absorbance and fluorescence) along 480 locations on 100 hillslopes, in four contrasting catchments – varying from low to high mountain ranges (Sauerland, Ore Mountains, Black Forest, Alps). This enables us to derive empirical relations among different landforms (i.e., convergent, divergent and planar slope shapes, flow path lengths and valley shapes), bedrock and soil properties, and to quantify the spatial variability and stability of subsurface hydrological process patterns (e.g., flow directions, transit times, hydrochemical and biochemical composition). Distributed sampling of WSOM along the soil profile (6 WSOM samples per profile; both during wet and dry conditions) will help to assess the vertical and lateral subsurface flowpaths of water in the unsaturated and saturated zone, and the spatial discretization of source areas for SSF. We will use an array of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and methods (TOC-Analyzer, Fluorescence Spectrometry) to analyze WSOM. First results will show depth profiles of WSOM in the four contrasting catchments from the low to high mountain ranges (Sauerland, Ore Mountains, Black Forest, Alps). By these depth profiles source areas of SSF can be detected.

How to cite: Fasching, C. and Chifflard, P.: Subsurface stormflow source area identification using depth profiles of the water-soluble organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13933, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13933, 2023.

Peter Chifflard, Theresa Blume, Stefan Achleitner, Bernhard Kohl, Markus Weiler, Stefan Hergarten, Florian Leese, Luisa Hopp, Andreas Hartmann, Christian Reinhardt-Imjela, and Ilja van Meerveld

Where does water go when it rains? Where are floods generated and how? What controls stream water quality during events? These questions are important to many fields from engineering and flood protection to water and ecosystem management and prediction of impacts of global change. The most elusive processes in the process-ensemble underlying these questions is subsurface stormflow (SSF), the fast event response triggered by lateral subsurface flow. SSF is prevalent and a more important process than generally accounted for because a basic understanding based on systematic studies across scales and sites is still lacking. However, only with systematic studies will it be possible to really advance our understanding by discovering general principles of SSF functioning and to provide protocols and best practices for its assessment, both experimentally and with respect to modelling.

In many natural landscapes, SSF, i.e. any subsurface flow that occurs in response to a precipitation event, plays a major role in runoff generation: either by contributing directly to streamflow or by producing saturated areas or return flow, which then is the underlying cause of saturation excess overland flow. Therefore, much of what we see as event response in the hydrograph might be the direct or indirect result of SSF. It is likely that the discharge signal of SSF, including the indirectly triggered response in the stream, is larger than we generally assume. While its importance is probably largest in the headwaters, headwaters make up 70% of the stream network and greatly influence the supply and transport of water and solutes downstream. However, SSF is elusive and poorly accounted for as measurements are difficult for several reasons: the inaccessibility of the subsurface, the large spatial variability and heterogeneity, the variable sources and the fact that it is a threshold-driven process that only occurs during certain events. Thus, systematic studies of SSF are lacking, mainly due to difficulties of quantification.

We suggest such a systematic study of SSF in different environments, across scales, and using a well-designed and replicated selection of approaches including novel approaches. This will be followed by a systematic evaluation of methods and possible proxies as well as model intercomparison, evaluation and improvement. Thereby, we will focus on 4 challenges: 1) Development of novel experimental methods,2) Spatial patterns of SSF, 3) Thresholds and cascading effects of SSF, 4) Impacts of SSF.

Whereas standard single research projects investigate part of this puzzle at a specific location, this Research Unit provides the unique opportunity of fitting a large number of puzzle pieces together. This Research Unit will have a strong emphasis on experimental work in four contrasting catchments from the low to high mountain ranges (Sauerland, Ore Mountains, Black Forest, Alps) that then directly feeds into a collaborative modelling effort, which in turn influences experimental design in an iterative process.

How to cite: Chifflard, P., Blume, T., Achleitner, S., Kohl, B., Weiler, M., Hergarten, S., Leese, F., Hopp, L., Hartmann, A., Reinhardt-Imjela, C., and van Meerveld, I.: Fast and Invisible: Conquering Subsurface Stormflow through an Interdisciplinary Multi-Site Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14388, 2023.

Chi San Tsai, Jiaqi Liu, Yuka Ito, and Tomochika Tokunaga

Land subsidence is mainly caused by over-exploitation of groundwater, and it has been resulting in several problems along the coastal areas in Japan such as damages to buildings and facilities, changes of stream slopes, and increased risks of river flooding during high tides or storm surges. At the south bank of the Nabaki River in the Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan, some inland areas have become below the mean sea-level due to land subsidence. To prevent flooding in these areas, the local authority has constructed pumping stations and ditch networks at both sides of the tidal river since 1960s. The former can discharge the unnecessary water out to keep the land surface areas dry while the latter contributes to the agricultural productions by efficiently discharge water out. However, the pumping and discharging behaviours result in lowering groundwater levels that may cause further seawater intrusion. Here, a numerical model was developed by using the HydroGeoSphere code to investigate how the land subsidence and mitigating measures affect the quality of near-surface groundwater resources. The model solved coupled surface-subsurface flow and mass transport processes with the variable-density effect. Different scenarios were designed to compare the situations with and without land subsidence and pumping activities. The simulation results showed that, although the pumping stations and ditch systems performed effectively for preventing flooding associated with land subsidence, this system can enhance seawater intrusion to the inland aquifer from the tidal river. The results suggest that the pump stations and ditch systems built for preventing floods in subsidence areas should be carefully evaluated for their potential impacts on the groundwater flow regime and water quality. 

How to cite: Tsai, C. S., Liu, J., Ito, Y., and Tokunaga, T.: The impact of land subsidence and mitigating measures on near-surface groundwater salinities at the south bank of the Nabaki River, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15520, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15520, 2023.

Hamed Sharif and Ali Ameli

Identifying a catchment’s streamflow generation mechanisms could inform the hydrologic functioning of the catchment, and how the catchment responds to the changes in climate and land-use. This study focuses on identifying the dominant streamflow generation mechanism and its drivers at more than 2,000 natural catchments located in North and South America, Europe, and Oceania. First, in a given catchment, we use a suite of diagnostic tools to infer the relative contribution of different streamflow generation mechanisms from precipitation and streamflow observations and simulated time series of subsurface storage. Then, in a large sample hydrology framework, we explore the major physical and climatic drivers of streamflow generation mechanisms. In this study, we made progress in differentiation among, seemingly similar, but naturally different subsurface mechanisms of streamflow generation (e.g., subsurface stormflow, transmissivity feedback, groundwater flow) as well as in identifying the drivers of these mechanisms. Our study extracts generalizable process understanding by combining conventional hydrologic science tools with modern data learning techniques.

How to cite: Sharif, H. and Ameli, A.: Data-guided exploration of streamflow generation mechanism: A global-scale analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4085, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4085, 2023.

Guilherme Nogueira, Daniel Partington, and Jan H. Fleckenstein

Exchange between stream water (SW) and groundwater (GW) is an important mechanism controlling water quality in river-corridors. Different works have already recognized the complex interactions between hydrological and geological characteristics for SW-GW exchange fluxes (EF). However, it remains unclear how EF and subsequent SW-GW mixing are affected by different discharge events (e.g., peak discharge magnitude and event duration) that take place within different geological settings (e.g., highly permeable sand units juxtaposed to low permeable silt units). Here, to assess the combined effects of geological heterogeneity and discharge events on the EF patterns and subsequent SW-GW mixing in riparian aquifers, we combined a fully-coupled 3D numerical model with a mixing cell routine using 35 binary sedimentary geological settings (covering five different sand to silt ratios in the alluvial aquifer material) and eight different hydrological scenarios. Our results indicate that geological heterogeneity at the reach-scale has secondary effects on EF patterns and on the resulting net EF, mainly affecting the EF magnitudes. While EF magnitudes increased with increasing sand fractions (and hydraulic conductivity (K) values), including geological heterogeneity in the model generally enlarged SW infiltration, resulting in slightly higher net EF in comparison to the equivalent K homogenous cases. In general, SW-GW mixing under baseflow conditions decreased with increasing sand fractions. Furthermore, mixing was higher in the equivalent homogenous cases (e.g., similar K values) in comparison to the heterogeneous cases. On the other hand, the increase in SW-GW mixing due to discharge events was larger in sand units, as well as in the generated heterogeneous cases in comparison to their equivalent homogeneous cases. The results also indicated that more intense discharge events (higher peak discharge) promoted SW-GW mixing more than longer events presenting similar cumulative discharge values. Our work extends the knowledge on SW-GW mixing, critical for river restoration strategies and for downstream management of dam-regulated rivers, and sheds some light on potential future research direction in integrated SW-GW assessments and modelling.

How to cite: Nogueira, G., Partington, D., and Fleckenstein, J. H.: Combined Effects of Geological Heterogeneity and Discharge Events on Groundwater and Surface Water Mixing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10343, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10343, 2023.

Jiaqi Liu, Philip Brunner, and Tomochika Tokunaga

Tsunami disasters cause not only human casualties and economic losses by short-term seawater flooding but also long-term salinization issues to groundwater resources due to seawater infiltration into coastal unconfined aquifers. The two processes, seawater flooding and infiltration, have been commonly simulated in a separate manner using tsunami models and groundwater models, respectively. Thanks to many recent advances in fully integrated hydrological modeling techniques, simulating surface and subsurface flow processes across various time scales within one conceptual framework is now feasible. Here, we present numerical simulations of the coupled processes of seawater flooding and infiltration based on a coastal urban area of Niijima Island, Japan, under the future Nankai Trough earthquake and tsunami scenarios. The HydroGeoSphere code was used to solve 2-D surface flow by St Venant equation and 3-D subsurface flow by Richard’s equation. The baseline simulation showed that road networks acted as fast paths for seawater flooding, while bare lands and building areas were the primary locations for seawater infiltration into the subsurface. The occurrence of seawater ponding was found to be controlled by both topographic variations at the land surface and the saturation condition of the soil medium in the subsurface. Moreover, the type of topographic data used in the model (DEM or DSM) and the equivalent hydraulic conductivity applied to building restructures showed significant effects on the simulated intensity of surface flow and the amount of seawater infiltration. These findings indicated that surface-subsurface interactions and the properties of both surface and subsurface domains are important factors to be considered for improving infrastructure safety evaluation and water resources management in tsunami-prone areas.

How to cite: Liu, J., Brunner, P., and Tokunaga, T.: Simulating tsunami flooding and seawater infiltration using coupled surface-subsurface flow models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10604, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10604, 2023.

Roger Moussa, Samer Majdalani, Jean-Baptiste Charlier, and Martin Le Mesnil

Lateral flow L(t) representing surface-subsurface flow exchange is a major process during flood events, which can be either gains (positive) or losses (negative) to the channel. The inverse problem consists of evaluating L(t) knowing the inflow I(t) and the outflow O(t) on a channel. However L(t) and the corresponding solute concentration are very difficult to measure on real channels, and we are always not sure to which extent the evaluated L(t) is close to the real one. This paper aims at evaluating L(t) and the corresponding solute concentration in a channel using the analytical solution of the inverse problem of the Hayami diffusive wave equation (DWE) with L(t) uniformly distributed along the channel, used in the MHYDAS model (Moussa et al., 2002). Applications are shown on an experimental channel (4 m) and on six natural river channels (5 to 20 km). First, we conceived and built a novel 4 m experimental channel (Majdalani et al., 2019) where I(t), O(t) and L(t) and are highly controlled at 1 second time step and we realize 62 experimental hydrograph scenarios corresponding to different shapes of I(t) and L(t). We validate the hypotheses of both the DWE Hayami model and the corresponding inverse model (with very high criteria functions values for a large majority of scenarios) which reflects the ability of the DWE inverse model to reproduce complex lateral flow hydrograph and solute concentration dynamics (Moussa and Majdalani, 2018). Second, we apply the methodology on two French karst rivers in order to evaluate surface-subsurface flows during flood events (Le Mesnil et al., 2022): three river reaches in the Loue catchment in a temperate/mountainous climate, and three river reaches in the Cèze catchment in a Mediterranean climate. Results show that flood process seasonality is mainly related to karst aquifer saturation rate, while intra-site variability is linked to karst area extension and river morphology. Results are encouraging to extend this approach to a variety of sites, notably those affected by significant surface water-groundwater interaction and groundwater flooding. Such approach, by providing discretized information on flood processes, could help refining lumped hydrological models, or facilitate the use of semi-distributed ones. The coupled experimental-modelling approach proposed herein opens promising perspectives regarding the evaluation of lateral flow on real channels.



Le Mesnil M., Charlier J.-B., Moussa R., Caballero Y., 2022. Investigating flood processes in karst catchments by combining concentration-discharge relationship analysis and lateral flow simulation. Journal of Hydrology 605 (2022) 127358, 14 pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127358

Majdalani S., Moussa R., Chazarin J.-P., 2020. A novel platform to evaluate the dampening of water and solute transport in an experimental channel under unsteady flow conditions. Hydrological Processes, 34, 956-971. Article ID: hyp13624. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13624

Moussa R., Majdalani S., 2019. Evaluating lateral flow in an experimental channel using the diffusive wave inverse problem. Advances in Water Resources, vol 127, 120–133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.03.009

Moussa R., Voltz M., Andrieux P., 2002. Effects of the spatial organization of agricultural management on the hydrological behaviour of a farmed catchment during flood events. Hydrological Processes 16 : 393-412 (DOI: 10.1002/hyp.333).

How to cite: Moussa, R., Majdalani, S., Charlier, J.-B., and Le Mesnil, M.: Evaluating surface-subsurface lateral flow interaction and solute concentration in a river channel using the diffusive wave inverse problem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13578, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13578, 2023.

Rodrigo Rodrigues and Carlos Costa

The occurrence of floods dates back to the history of human civilization, and in recent years it has been increasing significantly. To minimize the risks and mitigate the damage caused by extreme events, an efficient warning system must exist. In Brazil, river discharge data are produced by means of fluviometric stations maintained by government agencies. A promising solution is the application of tools that employ image-based approaches, where it is possible to determine the surface velocity of the riverbed from a particle image velocimetry (VIP) analysis. To correct the topography of the riverbed, LIDAR sensors and structure-of-motion photogrammetry (EDM) techniques can be employed in association with the tool applied to determine surface velocity fluxes. After the generation of raw runoff data there will be a calibration and treatment of the obtained data. In this context, the objective of the project is to develop ground platforms capable of performing real-time estimates of river discharge. It is expected that after the development of the data collection platform it will be possible to apply the tool in the areas of sedimentology, hydrology, water quality simulation, urban macrodrainage, power generation, among others. 

How to cite: Rodrigues, R. and Costa, C.: Development of a ground platform to measure runoff data in rivers in the brazilian semiarid region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15840, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15840, 2023.

Sujeong Lim, Claudio Cassardo, and Seon Ki Park

Soil moisture is a key variable in the hydrologic cycle and affecting to weather and climate, thus accurate soil moisture prediction is necessary in the land surface modeling. In this study, we use UTOPIA (University of Torino land surface Process model for Interaction in the Atmosphere) that is a one-dimensional land surface model representing the interactions at the interface between atmospheric surface, vegetation and soil layers. Soil texture estimated by percentages of clay, silt, and sand is the dominant factor to predict soil moisture. However, it is hard to measure the accurate soil information due to insufficient and uncertain observation. Therefore, we have implemented the micro-genetic algorithm (micro-GA) within UTOPIA to optimize the percentages of clay, silt, and sand estimating the soil texture and hydraulic parameters by evaluating the soil moisture performance against in-situ observation. As a global optimization algorithm, the micro-GA evolves to the best potential solution based on the natural selection or survival of the fittest. Compared to the control experiments using a soil database or in situ observation, optimization results show that the optimal soil texture and hydraulic parameters lead to an improvement in soil moisture prediction.

How to cite: Lim, S., Cassardo, C., and Park, S. K.: Optimization of Soil Texture and Hydraulic Parameters Using the Soil Moisture Observation in Land Surface Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17547, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17547, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | vHall HS

Chairpersons: Peter Chifflard, Katya Dimitrova Petrova, Oliver S. Schilling
Elke Bozau and Tobias Licha

Extreme weather periods in the Harz Mountains with heavy rain events (e.g., July 2017) and long dry periods (September 2016, May – November 2018, September 2020) trigger extreme changes in surface runoff. However, such events do not lead to unknown, unpredictable chemical changes of the spring water in the Upper Harz Mountains (Bozau et al., 2013 and 2021). In order to obtain more information on the chemical evolution and to predict drying out events, spring waters of several catchment areas of the Harz Mountains were monitored. Every spring has a typical runoff pattern combined with specific chemical variations. The order of drying out during long droughts depends on the catchment size of the individual spring and did not change in the observation period.

Since February 2020, the specific electrical conductivity (SEC) of the spring "Innerstesprung" near Clausthal has been systematically measured at least once a week. This spring has its source in fractured Paleozoic greywacke, flows at the surface for about 30 m in a little artificial channel and then passes into the reservoir lake "Entensumpf". The measured SEC data are compared with daily precipitation rates. Drying out and first flush events show specific SEC trends. Furthermore, frozen snow covers are reflected by the SEC data. The SEC values of the spring water range between 55 and 100 µS/cm. Minimum values are typical for long rainy periods and snow melt in February. Only in 2017 (with about 300 mm precipitation during one week of July) 57 µS/cm were found in summer time. The maximum values of SEC are measured immediately before the drying out of the spring. Furthermore, a special effect of SEC enrichment after the first flush event has been observed. An impact of the enhanced deforestation which started in 2020 was not seen during the monitoring period. The spring runoff, precipitation and evaporation rates during the drying out events can be used for the calculation of the catchment areas. Furthermore, water-rock interactions along the flow path of spring water were investigated by batch tests.


Bozau, E., Stärk, H.-J., Strauch, G., 2013. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of spring water in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Geochemistry, 73, 283-292.

Bozau, E, Bauer, G., Licha, T., Lojen, S., 2021. Hydrochemical response of spring and mine waters in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany) after dry periods and heavy rain events. ZDGG, 172(1), 73-82.

How to cite: Bozau, E. and Licha, T.: Runoff characterisation by SEC measurements in spring water, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3, 2023.

Vikrant Maurya, Manika Gupta, Juby Thomas, Prashant Kumar Srivastava, Dharmendra K. Pandey, Naresh Chandra Pant, and Atul Kumar Sahai

Soil Moisture (SM) is a key variable in the quantification of the water and the energy-balance fluxes occurring within the atmosphere and the surface. Recent advances in microwave remote sensing provide an unprecedented opportunity to monitor surface soil moisture globally but at a coarse (~25-40 km) spatial resolution. Although hydrological models based on water and energy fluxes are also used for estimation of the high spatial resolution soil moisture at regional scale to understand the surface hydrological processes, agricultural applications, and the water resource management remains a challenge as it depends upon hydraulic parameters. Therefore, the study focuses on the assessment of the impact of the downscaled SM derived from different microwave datasets on optimized soil hydraulic parameters and eventually its effect on discharge at the basin scale. The aim is achieved in two steps: firstly, the coarse scaled SM products from different microwave datasets (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR-2) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP)) are downscaled to 1km spatial resolution using a disaggregation algorithm. Secondly, effective soil hydraulic parameters are optimized with dual input of downscaled SM and the discharge for the Kosi Basin. The results show that there is a significant impact of the optimization of soil hydraulic parameters on the hydrological fluxes and discharge. The effective soil hydraulic parameter derived from the downscaled product of SMAP L3 shows a promising result in simulation of SM from hydrological model in addition to that the optimization technique using GA in the hydrological models ensures a better process representation and spatial prediction.

How to cite: Maurya, V., Gupta, M., Thomas, J., Srivastava, P. K., Pandey, D. K., Pant, N. C., and Sahai, A. K.: Assessment of the impact of soil hydraulic parameters based on various Microwave datasets on estimation of hydrological fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6098, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6098, 2023.