HS2.3.2 | Fate and transport processes of pathogens and emerging contaminants at multiple scales
Fate and transport processes of pathogens and emerging contaminants at multiple scales
Convener: Julia Derx | Co-conveners: Margaret Ellen StevensonECSECS, Fulvio Boano, Sondra Klitzke, Yakov Pachepsky
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room 2.44
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 14:00
The occurrence of pathogens and an exponentially increasing number of contaminants in freshwater and estuary environments pose a serious problem to public health. This problem is likely to increase in the future due to more frequent and intense storm events, the intensification of agriculture, population growth and urbanization. Pathogens (e.g., pathogenic bacteria and viruses) are introduced into surface water through the direct discharge of wastewater, or by the release from animal manure or animal waste via overland flow or groundwater, which subsequently presents potential risks of infection when used for drinking, recreation or irrigation. Contaminants of emerging concern are released as diffuse sources from anthropogenic activities or as discharges from wastewater treatment plants (e.g., trace organic contaminants). So far, the sources, pathways and transport mechanisms of fecal indicators, pathogens and emerging contaminants in water environments are poorly understood, and thus we lack a solid basis for quantitative risk assessment and selection of best mitigation measures. Innovative, interdisciplinary approaches are needed to advance this field of research. In particular, there is a need to better understand the dominant processes controlling fecal indicator, pathogen and contaminant fate and transport at larger scales. Consequently, we welcome contributions that aim to close these knowledge gaps and include both small and large-scale experimental and modelling studies with a focus on:
- The development and application of novel experimental and analytical methods to investigate fate and transport of fecal indicators, pathogens and emerging contaminants in rivers, groundwater and estuaries
- Hydrological, physically based modelling approaches
- Methods for identifying the dominant processes and for transferring fecal indicator, pathogen and contaminant transport parameters from the laboratory to the field or catchment scale
- Methods accounting for concentrations of pathogens or contaminants at or below the limits of detection
- Investigations of the implications of contamination of water resources for water safety management planning and risk assessment frameworks

Session dinner

We organise a session dinner which will take place the evening of our session: Thursday 27.04.2023 at 7 pm. We have reserved tables at Café-Restaurant Resselpark, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 1, 1040 Vienna, (www.restaurant-resselpark.at). We would be happy to meet you there.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 2.44

Chairpersons: Julia Derx, Sondra Klitzke, Yakov Pachepsky
Part 1
On-site presentation
Jack Schijven, Harold van den Berg, and Saskia Rutjes

A novel microbial risk analysis of groundwater as part of the Dutch guideline document for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) of drinking water consumption encompasses 1) vulnerability assessment of groundwater production sites, 2) calculating the protection zone against microbial contamination to remain below an infection risk of 1/10,000 persons/year, 3)  assessment of contamination sources within the protection zone, and 4) QMRA for identified contamination sources. Protection zones are based on a standard virus contamination scenario and may be computed using a required minimal travel time, a hydrological model that includes a first order decay term for virus inactivation and attachment, or the computational tool QMRAwell. QMRAwell is designed for unconfined and (semi)confined sandy aquifers with a forced groundwater gradient due to pumping. QMRAwell can also be used to conduct  QMRA.

How to cite: Schijven, J., van den Berg, H., and Rutjes, S.: Protection of groundwater against microbial contamination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11053, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11053, 2023.

On-site presentation
Monica Emelko, Omar Chowdhury, Xiaohui Sun, Allie Kennington, Philip Schmidt, Uldis Silins, and Micheal Stone

Climate change-associated wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity, causing increasingly variable or deteriorated water quality, and challenging in-plant treatment processes beyond design and operational response capacities, to the point of service disruptions. Recent work has shown that the wildfire impacts on drinking water treatability can extend far downstream and be long-lasting. Notably, very little information regarding the impacts of severe wildfire on groundwater supplies is currently available.

Wildfire transforms fuels (i.e. biomass, soil organic matter). Pyrogenic carbonaceous material formed after wildfire includes particulate ash and biochar, which often contains toxic polyaromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins and furans, as well as some heavy metals. These mobile materials may be incorporated into soil profiles (change the soil properties, e.g., hydrophobicity, pH), redistributed, or removed from a burned site by wind and water erosion to source water. While surface water treatment technologies may have some capacity to remove these contaminants from surface water, the subsurface fate and mobility of these toxic particles has not been documented and is not understood. Moreover, the implications of potential changes in dissolved organic carbon on pathogen transport in these systems has not been documented. Because groundwater-based drinking water supplies do not typically require treatment beyond disinfection, it is possible that contaminated particles could enter drinking water wells after wildfire. Moreover, NOM-associated changes in water quality may increase the risk of pathogen transport through the subsurface.

Here, the impacts of wildfire on the transport E. coli and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in various porous media environments (e.g., particle properties, solution chemistry, organic matter character) were evaluated. Column tests were conducted using laboratory prepared wildfire ash-impacted water and wildfire impacted surface water collected after the 2017 Kenow Wildfire in Waterton, Alberta, Canada. These investigation demonstrate that under certain conditions potential post-fire shifts in water quality can substantially enhance particle/microbe transport in porous media, thereby underscoring the need to evaluate microbial risks to groundwater supplies after severe wildfire.

How to cite: Emelko, M., Chowdhury, O., Sun, X., Kennington, A., Schmidt, P., Silins, U., and Stone, M.: Wildfire Threats to Groundwater Supplies: Implications for Pathogen and Particulate Contaminant Transport in Porous Media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10824, 2023.

On-site presentation
Francesco Bregoli, Leo Posthuma, Nikola Rakonjac, Caterina Zillien, Peter Vermeiren, Erwin Roex, Sjoerd van der Zee, Erwin Meijers, and Ad Ragas

Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) can threaten aquatic ecosystems and human health. Both rural and urban areas are main sources of CECs to the environment. In rural areas, veterinary pharmaceuticals (VPs) are used to prevent diseases and protect the health of farm animals. The excrements of medicated animals are spread as manure to agricultural lands, where, after rainfall, VPs can be mobilized and reach surface waters through runoff. In urban areas, pharmaceuticals excreted by humans are collected in sewage systems and are only partially removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Eventually, pharmaceuticals can reach surface waters through discharge of WWTP effluent. Currently, most of the predictive models only consider one source type, e.g. WWTPs or agricultural land. This limits their prediction performance since many CECs are being emitted by multiple source types. Therefore, the aim of this study is to integrate urban and rural sources of CECs in one regional water quality assessment.

Here, we predicted the concentration of CECs in the Eem river basin, the Netherlands, given land-use data combined with hydrological modeling. This allows for integrated evaluation of rural and urban emissions. These emissions were predicted with models developed within the context of the SUSPECt project (https://cec-partnership.nl/web/index.php/projects/suspect). CECs exposures were predicted with the Dutch National Water Quality Model where WWTPs emissions were included as point sources and rural emissions as diffuse sources. The temporal resolution of the model hydrology is seasonal. This is key to analyze the temporal variation of concentration due to manuring of agricultural lands which mainly occurs in Spring.

Predicted concentrations were successfully compared to measured concentrations taken in the SUSPECt project and from the database of the KIWK project (www.kennisimpulswaterkwaliteit.nl) for 6 compounds: carbamazepine and fipronil (only urban sources) and trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, permethrin and dexamethasone (urban and rural sources).

How to cite: Bregoli, F., Posthuma, L., Rakonjac, N., Zillien, C., Vermeiren, P., Roex, E., van der Zee, S., Meijers, E., and Ragas, A.: Regional Scale Modelling of Pharmaceutical Pollution in Rivers by Integrating Rural and Urban Sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5660, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5660, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dustin Knabe, Aronne Dell'Oca, Alberto Guadagnini, Monica Riva, and Irina Engelhardt

Induced bank filtration is a known method for sustainable drinking water production in regions with limited groundwater resources. However, this method is at risk from surface water contaminations, e.g., by pathogens. Numerical models simulating pathogen fate in groundwater are typically too complex to be used as standard tools by waterworks managers or environmental agencies. To mitigate this problem, we present a methodology for the construction of easy-to-use reduced order models as surrogates for complex numerical reactive transport models for pathogens and pathogen indicators in induced bank filtration.

First, a streamlined one-dimensional numerical model was set up for the reactive transport of pathogens and pathogen indicators in induced bank filtration. Processes in the model include advection-dispersion, inactivation, attachment to and detachment from the sediment as well as straining and the presence of a clogging layer. Model parameters are divided into two groups: Group A includes site specific parameters for which values are typically available (with limited uncertainty) for management- and engineer-level users (e.g., grain size, distance of extraction well to the river); Group B includes process parameters which are typically affected by high uncertainty (e.g., inactivation and detachment coefficients).

We rely on an extensive dataset for coliforms and somatic coliphages collected over a 16-month period at an active induced bank filtration site. Stochastic inversion is used to assess uncertainty for model parameters of Group B (constrained on the dataset), while those of Group A are set to the values of the specific site. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce the dimensionality of model parameter space and correlation amongst the uncertain parameters of Group B. A surrogate model is then constructed through generalized polynomial chaos expansion (gPCE). In this, the value range of Group A parameters is based on typical scenarios for induced bank filtration sites, while the range of the PCA-reduced Group B parameters is set to the uncertainty identified in the stochastic inversion.

The surrogate model allows to evaluate, at significantly reduced computational cost, the removal of coliforms and somatic coliphages in induced bank filtration based on user-defined values for parameters of Group A, but also including the uncertainty stemming from parameters of Group B. The surrogate model estimates for removal are in good agreement with observed removals for coliforms and somatic coliphages at the monitored site and with other (albeit limited) datasets from induced bank filtration sites found in the published literature. At this stage, the obtained surrogate model can be considered as a prototype. The assessment of its full potential requires additional extensive validation against other field sites. In general, surrogate models together with the overall methodological framework we propose, can be seen as a promising tool to assist informed decisions about pathogen transport at induced bank filtration sites.

How to cite: Knabe, D., Dell'Oca, A., Guadagnini, A., Riva, M., and Engelhardt, I.: Estimating Pathogen Removal in Bank Filtration – A Methodology for the Construction of Surrogate Models to Assist Decision Making, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7060, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7060, 2023.

Part 2
On-site presentation
Ekaterina Sokolova, Viktor Begion, M. M. Majedul Islam, and Mia Bondelind

Anthropogenic activities in a watershed may pose human health risks due to faecal contamination of surface waters. Thus, socioeconomic development is important when predicting future microbial water quality. Moreover, climate change alters meteorological conditions, thereby affecting flow regimes as well as fate and transport of microorganisms. In this study, possible risks due to socioeconomic development and climate change were assessed for the drinking water source Lake Vomb in Sweden by means of water quality modelling. The hydrological model ArcSWAT and the hydrodynamic model MIKE 3 FM were used to simulate fate and transport of two microorganisms, i.e., Cryptosporidium and E. coli, from the watershed to the water intake. The hydrological model and the hydrodynamic model were calibrated and validated using observed data on water flow and water temperature, respectively. The water quality in the watershed and in the lake was simulated for a baseline scenario and for future scenarios in the second half of this century. The future scenarios were formulated based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The modelling results illustrated the effects of climate changes and of socioeconomic development. The results were also interpreted in the context of infection risks to drinking water consumers using quantitative microbial risk assessment. This study clearly illustrates that socioeconomic development is important to include when investigating future microbial water quality.

How to cite: Sokolova, E., Begion, V., Islam, M. M. M., and Bondelind, M.: Fate and transport modelling of microbial water quality: impacts of climate change and socioeconomic development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14533, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14533, 2023.

On-site presentation
Chaojie Li, Émile Sylvestre, Tim Julian, and Tamar Kohn

The presence of waterborne enteric viruses in lake recreational water sites is not desired, as they may have a negative impact on human health. However, their concentrations, fate and transport in lakes remain poor understood. To date, the health risks posed by enteric viruses in surface water was typically assessed via monitoring of fecal indicators, such as E. coli, whereas a direct assessment of fate and transport of waterborne viruses is less common. In this study, we propose a coupled water quality and quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model to study the transport, fate and infection risk of four common enteric viruses, using Lake Geneva as a study site. The measured virus load in raw sewage entering the lake was characterized, fitted with different distributions and then used as the source term in the water quality simulations. A Eulerian transport model was employed to model virus transport while considering spatially and temporally varying inactivation of viruses. Eventually, the probability of infection was quantified by linking the virus concentrations at a popular beach with QMRA. The model framework was then applied to model current situations as well as future scenarios under climate change. In the simulations of year 2019, it was found that environmental stressors noticeably reduce the infection probability exerted by viruses with low background inactivation in summer, but effects in the winter are minor. Norovirus appeared to be the most abundant species and also led to the highest infection probability, which was at least 10 times greater than that of the other viruses studied. In addition, the model highlighted the role of the wind field in conveying the contamination plume and hence in determining infection probability. The simulations for the future revealed an increase of virus inactivation rates in summer times due to higher water temperature as well as increased radiation levels due to reduced cloud coverage. The enhanced inactivation in summer could compensate for the higher virus loading caused by population growth. In contrast, in winter minor temperature changes and inconsequential radiation variation would not offset the increased virus loading. However, even in the winter cases the future infection risks would not undergo significant change compared with the current situation.  The proposed model framework is flexible and could be relatively easily refined and adapted for other locations and scenarios. This study highlights the potential of combining water quality simulation and virus-specific risk assessment for a safe water resources usage and management.

How to cite: Li, C., Sylvestre, É., Julian, T., and Kohn, T.: Risk assessment of waterborne virus in Lake Geneva: the present and the future, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4946, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Liping Pang, Laura Heiligenthal, Aruni Premaratne, Kyrin Hanning, Phillip Abraham, Richard Sutton, John Hadfield, and Craig Billington

Synthetic DNA tracers are a promising tool for tracking water contamination pathways. However, quantitative data are lacking on their degradation and adsorption in environmental matrices. Laboratory experiments were conducted to exam the degradation of multiple DNA tracers in stream water, groundwater, and domestic and dairy-shed effluent, and adsorption to stream sediments, soils, coastal sand aquifer media and alluvial sandy gravel aquifer media. The selected DNA tracers were double stranded 302 base pair (bp) and 352 bp in lengths. Their internal amplicons used for qPCR detection were almost the same, but the 352 bp tracers had longer non-amplified flanking regions.

Overall, 352 bp tracer degradation was significantly slower than that of the 302 bp tracers (p = 0.018). Results of thermodynamic analysis indicated that the 352 bp tracers had greater tracer stability. These findings are consistent with our previous field observations that 352 bp tracer reductions were consistently lower than 302 bp tracer reductions in stream water, groundwater, and soils. These findings suggest that longer non-amplified flanking regions may better protect DNA tracers from environmental degradation. In general, the DNA tracers degraded more quickly in the stream water and effluent samples than in the groundwater samples, and fast DNA tracer degradation was associated with high bacterial concentrations.

The two sets of DNA tracers differed little in their adsorption to stream sediment-stream water or aquifer media-groundwater mixtures (p > 0.067). However, the 352 bp tracers adsorbed significantly less to soil-effluent mixtures than the 302 bp tracers (p = 0.005). Compared to their adsorption to the aquifer media-groundwater and stream sediment-stream water mixtures, DNA tracer adsorption to soil-effluent mixtures was relatively less. A plausible explanation is that DNA tracers may compete with like-charged organic matter for adsorption sites, thus were less adsorbed to environmental media in the presence of organic matter.

Our study findings provide insights into the fate of DNA tracers in the aquatic environment and may assist with the future design of DNA tracers for environmental studies. The DNA tracer degradation rates established in this study for a range of environmental conditions could be used to inform the design of future field investigations, such as injection concentrations, sampling distances and experimental durations.

How to cite: Pang, L., Heiligenthal, L., Premaratne, A., Hanning, K., Abraham, P., Sutton, R., Hadfield, J., and Billington, C.: DNA tracer degradation and adsorption in environmental matrices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1765, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1765, 2023.

On-site presentation
Muhammad Zeeshan, Marco Scheurer, Christina Förster, Christine Kuebeck, Aki Sebastian Ruhl, and Sondra Klitzke

Nitrification and urease inhibitors (NUI) are used in conjunction with nitrogen (N) fertilizers on agricultural soils to improve the efficiency of N fertilizers and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. After application, NUI might transfer to aquatic environments through leaching or surface runoff. Nowadays, NUI such as 1,2,4-triazole, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole (3,4-DMPP) and dicyandiamide (DCD) are frequently found in surface waters with concentrations in the magnitude of µg/L. The fate of NUI in bank filtration (BF) is currently poorly known. BF is a sustainable water treatment system providing high quality water by efficiently removing numerous organic micropollutants from the source water. Herein, sorption and degradation of NUI in simulated BF under near-natural conditions was investigated. Besides, the effect of NUI on the microbial biomass of slowly growing microorganisms and the role of microbial biomass on NUI removal was investigated. Duplicate sand columns (length 1.7 m), fed with surface water were spiked with a pulse consisting of four nitrification (1,2,4-triazole, DCD, 3,4-DMPP and 3-methylpyrazole) and two urease inhibitors (n-butyl-thiophosphoric acid triamide and n-(2-nitrophenyl) phosphoric triamide). The average spiking concentration of each NUI was 5 µg/L. The flow velocity was adjusted to 0.2 m/d. Breakthrough curves of tracer (sodium chloride) and the NUI appeared at same time; therefore, sorption may be ruled out. Additionally, experimental and modeled breakthrough curves of NUI suggested no retardation for any of the inhibitors. Therefore, biodegradation was identified as the main elimination pathway for all substances and was highest in zones of high microbial biomass. N-butyl-thiophosphoric acid triamide was completely removed within a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 hours and proved to be a highly degradable substance. Nitrification inhibitors showed 50% mass recovery (except for 3,4-DMPP) after an HRT of 4 days. A slight effect of NUI on microbial biomass was observed. This study highlights that hydraulic retention time and microbial biomass are key indicators for the degradation of NUI.

How to cite: Zeeshan, M., Scheurer, M., Förster, C., Kuebeck, C., Ruhl, A. S., and Klitzke, S.: The fate of nitrification and urease inhibitors in simulated bank filtration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9942, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9942, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Margaret Ellen Stevenson, Fulvio Boano, Julia Derx
Part 1
On-site presentation
Rebecca Serbe, Ferry Schiperski, Lara Stelmaszyk, Claudia Stange, and Traugott Scheytt

Karst aquifers are vulnerable to contaminations due to their specific characteristics which allow for a rapid recharge and high velocities within the saturated zone. Contaminants such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) can enter the groundwater and reach springs at high concentrations (Auckenthaler et al., 2002). This poses a potential threat, especially considering that drinking water treatment is less effective against microbial contaminations (Auckenthaler & Huggenberger, 2003) or missing, particularly in developing countries. Potential input of such contaminants is related for example to spills and leaks of waste water or application of manure. Many small-scale laboratory studies have been performed to understand the mobility of virus and bacteria, yet only little is known from large scale field tracer tests.

We performed tracer tests using different non-pathogenic bacteria, bacteriophages, and extracellular DNA as surrogates for pathogens and ARGs together with uranine within the catchment of the Gallusquelle karstic spring. The average flow velocities in the groundwater system were about 30 and 87 m/h during our tracer tests. Tracers were injected as instantaneous input (10 minutes input time). Periodical sampling for the biological tracers started with the first detection of uranine about 80 to 90 hours after injection. Bacterial and eDNA tracers were analysed using qPCR methods while bacteriophages were additionally analysed using a culture-based method (plaque assay) to count active phages. First data indicates that all tracer materials were successfully injected into the groundwater and detected at the Gallusquelle spring. Results of the first tracer test suggest that all used tracer materials were transported over at least 3 km within the system. Furthermore, active bacteriophages of the second tracer test were transported over 9 km from a stormwater detention basin to the spring within 90 hours. 1D-transport modelling revealed much lower mass recovery for these active phages compared to the soluble tracer uranine (about 1% as maximum compared to approximately 31% for uranine).


Auckenthaler, A., Raso, G. & Huggenberger, P. (2002): Particle transport in a karst aquifer: natural and artificial tracer experiments with bacteria, bacteriophages and microspheres. Water Sci. Technol., 46, 131-138

Auckenthaler, A. & Huggenberger, P. (2003): Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. In: Auckenthaler, A. & Huggenberger, P. [eds.]: Pathogene Mikroorganismen im Grund- und Trinkwasser. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 184 S.

How to cite: Serbe, R., Schiperski, F., Stelmaszyk, L., Stange, C., and Scheytt, T.: Transport of bacteria, bacteriophages, and extracellular DNA as surrogates for pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in a karst aquifer (Gallusquelle, South-West Germany), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11903, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11903, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pierre Genthon, Roman Thibeaux, Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher, Caroline Tramier, Malia Kainiu, Marie-Estelle Soupé-Gilbert, Kavya Wijesuriya, and Cyrille Goarant

Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira shed in the urine of mammals, able to survive in water and soils and remobilized during rainy events. Pathogenic Leptospira (PL) concentrations were measured together with hydrological variables in the upper Thiem river, near the Touho village, a hot spot for leptospirosis in the main island of New Caledonia (a small tropical island itself a hot spot for leptospirosis). Two hundred twenty-six water samples were collected at the outlet of as 3 km2 sub-watershed, which is frequented by invasive mammals (rodents, deer and wild pigs) known to be animal reservoirs for leptospirosis. The main features of our results highlight that (i) samples collected at the beginning of a rain event occurring after a dry period may contain high PL concentrations (ii) PL concentrations at the heart of a wet period exhibit significant correlation with rainfall, water level and suspended matter concentration (SMC) (iii) elevated PL concentration may be observed a few days after the main flood event and within weakly turbid waters, (iV) the largest PL concentrations were observed in the middle and at the end of a wet rain season. Comparison of PL concentrations with hydrological data (rainfall, water level, SMC, soil moisture) reveals that they cannot be explained by a linear combination of hydrological variables. Indeed, nonlinear machine learning models provided a fair fit to observed data (99% of explained variance on their decimal logarithm and a mean ratio of 2.5 between raw observed data and modeled values). Comparison of identical machine learning models of water levels, SMC and PL concentration shows that the remaining error in PL concentration data does not only result from the limited dataset but rather from the intrinsic characteristics of the Leptospira signal. Our results may help to refine recommendations for leptospirosis control towards local populations. Further studies in larger watersheds draining in more populated areas will be conducted to confirm and extend these findings

How to cite: Genthon, P., Thibeaux, R., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Tramier, C., Kainiu, M., Soupé-Gilbert, M.-E., Wijesuriya, K., and Goarant, C.: Hydrological driver for leptospiroses abundance in a small tropical catchment ? Example from the New Caledonian leptospirosis hot-spot, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1646, 2023.

On-site presentation
Shreya Ganguly and Sayantan Ganguly

Chromium (VI) [Cr(VI)] is abundantly used for several industrial applications especially in stainless steel production and as an anti-corrosive agent in ceramics, textile industries and tanneries. Despite its versatile uses, Cr (VI) is a major environmental threat and is a known carcinogen. Therefore, proper precaution must be implemented while working with Cr (VI) or while disposing it after use. Due to improper handling and lack of proper care, Cr(VI) is still found in industrial wastewaters or landfill sites. The Cr(VI) in landfills can leach into the ground during rainfall and can risk the contamination of the groundwater causing a health catastrophe when consumed. This study focuses on effective Cr(VI) remediation by the process of adsorption. Magnetite particles synthesized by co-precipitation method at various temperatures (room temperature of 25οC, 60οC and 90οC) are used as an absorbent for achieving maximum removal efficiency of Cr(VI) from water. An initial concentration of 10mg/l at pH 7.2 and time of contact 10 minutes is taken as the starting parameters for Cr(VI) for the batch adsorption studies. The surface morphology, chemical composition and the magnetic properties of the magnetite particles are determined from FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope), EDS (Energy-Dispersive  Spectroscopy) and VSM (Vibrating Sample magnetometer) characterization methods, respectively. The synthesis of the magnetite particles at various temperatures can affect both its physical (mainly pore size, shape, texture etc.) and magnetic properties and therefore can pose significant changes on the adsorption efficiency. The effect of the magnetite particle dose, pH of Cr(VI), time of contact between the magnetite particles and Cr(VI) and the effect of the change in the concentration of Cr(VI) are predicted in this study. A special focus is given on determining the variation in the magnetic properties of the magnetite particles due to different temperatures of synthesis. In case of any such noteworthy change in the magnetic properties, the alteration in the individual adsorption capacities of the iron-oxide particles are highlighted in this study. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models are used to predict the adsorption mechanisms.

Keywords: Adsorption; Magnetite particles; Characterization; Magnetic properties; Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.

How to cite: Ganguly, S. and Ganguly, S.: Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium by magnetite particles synthesized at various temperatures: effect of magnetic properties of the particles on individual adsorption mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-160, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ursula Karges, Christine Kübeck, Tim aus der Beek, Sebastian Sturm, Richard Beisecker, Theresa Seith, Muhammad Zeeshan, and Sondra Klitzke

Applications of nitrification and urease inhibitors (NUI) with nitrogen fertilisers on agricultural soils are intended to improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilisers and also to prevent nitrogen emissions from the fertilisers. However, the deliberate release of chemicals into the environment carries a certain degree of risk due to spreading in the water systems. Both sensitive ecosystems and water supplies may be affected. Processes that need to be considered for a reliable assessment regarding the fate and distribution of these substances in the different compartments are manifold. So far, reliable predictions in literature are scarce and regulatory approaches are based on limited information on substance fate.

Yet, two out of the ten NUIs currently approved in Germany, have been found in surface waters, prompting further investigation. In this context, no analytical method has been established so far for some of the other NUIs, thus there is no information available on the occurrence of these substances. In order to gain transparency on the actual environmental fate and implications for drinking water production of these NUI has been analyzed In addition to legal approval procedure different processes and scenarios relevant to their fate were investigated in the INHIBIT project.

Following a comprehensive literature review, experimental investigations were carried out to further evaluate the environmental behaviour of these substances on an empirical basis. Initially, a multi-method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 1H-1,2,4-triazole (triazole), dicyandiamide (DCD), 3,4-Dimethylpyrazol-phosphate (DMPP), 3-Methylpyrazole (3-MP), N-(n-butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and N-(2-nitrophenyl)phosphoric triamide (2-NPT) in soil pore water. Experiments conducted in this research project provided essential empirical information on the hydrolysis stability, degradation behaviour and sorption tendency in soils for selected NUI. In addition, vessel, column, lysimeter and practical field application tests were carried out to obtain empirical information on the leaching risk of these substances via the transport pathway unsaturated zone-leachate-groundwater. Furthermore, the indirect input pathway via infiltrating surface waters (bank filtration) was investigated. Studies were carried out on different soils and using different parameters in order to depict different site conditions.

Results indicated a high hydrolysis stability for the nitrification inhibitors (NI) DCD, DMPP, 3-MP and triazole. The hydrolysis stability of the urease inhibitors (UIs) NBPT and 2-NPT is strongly pH-dependent. While NBPT is particularly unstable in an acidic environment, 2-NPT shows the lowest stability in a more alkaline environment. Sorption tendency to soils of all compounds was low. Microbial degradation of NI in soils was lower compared to urease inhibitors (UIs). Overall, the NI triazole, DCD, 3-MP and DMPP were found to be potentially relevant substances for drinking water production. The NI active substances DCD and triazole were additionally monitored in several surface waters and were frequently detected, in some cases at very high concentrations of several µg/L. These findings underline the relevance of these substances for water resources.

How to cite: Karges, U., Kübeck, C., aus der Beek, T., Sturm, S., Beisecker, R., Seith, T., Zeeshan, M., and Klitzke, S.: Nitrification and urease inhibitors - From fields to drinking water resources?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13821, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13821, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ottavia Zoboli, Marianne Bertine Broer, Oliver Gabriel, Jos van Gils, Sibren Loos, Steffen Kittlaus, and Matthias Zessner

The number of trace pollutants released by anthropogenic activities is increasing exponentially, their distribution in the environment is often ubiquitous and tracking their fate in river systems via monitoring would require a prohibitive financial effort due to high analytical costs. In this context, models are an irreplaceable tool to identify and quantify emissions loads and to estimate concentration levels in unmonitored catchments. Within the Interreg project Danube Hazard m3c, a novel combined approach has been applied in the Danube River Basin. Firstly, the pathway-oriented MoRE model (Modeling of Regionalized Emissions) was applied at the mesoscale in seven largely diverse river catchments (sub catchments of 40-650 km2) located in four different countries. This semi-empirical and relatively data intensive model could be robustly applied thanks to a rarely available data basis, which was achieved via a targeted and harmonized measurement campaign carried out in multiple environmental and engineered compartments for selected trace pollutants representative of larger groups of substances with comparable patterns of diffuse and point emissions, namely agricultural biocides, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and contaminants of both natural and anthropogenic origin. The high parametrization efforts of the MoRE model yield a quite accurate analysis of emission pathways (e.g. wastewater treatment plant discharges, groundwater and interflow, soil erosion) and estimation of contaminants concentration in the rivers. In a second step, the system understanding gained through MoRE was utilized to improve the performance of the DHSM (Danube Hazardous Substance Model, based on the EU SOLUTIONS model), also applied in the same seven catchments for comparison. This second tool is a source-oriented fate process-based model, with only limited regional data requirements (primarily hydrological data) and which thus requires a much easier parametrization. The parallel application of the two models in the test catchments revealed major differences in the identification of emission pathways, e.g. diffuse emissions of industrial chemicals (PFOS and PFOA) and pharmaceuticals, and in the estimation of emission loads of metals from hotspots, e.g. from mining sites. As last step, the improved version of DHSM was applied to the whole Danube River Basin to quantify the relevance of different sources and pathways of emissions for the selected indicator contaminants and to estimate the risk of exceedance of the environmental quality standards in unmonitored surface water bodies. An early application of the DHSM for 17 target contaminants revealed Danube River Basin-wide emissions ranging between 0.1 and about 4,000 tonnes per year, with the share of point sources ranging between < 1% to >95%. This contribution focuses on the enhanced system understanding and improved modelling performance gained through the novel combined application of both approaches and will include final updated and validated basin-wide emission estimates.

How to cite: Zoboli, O., Broer, M. B., Gabriel, O., van Gils, J., Loos, S., Kittlaus, S., and Zessner, M.: Coupling targeted monitoring, pathway-oriented data intensive modelling and fate process-based modelling to estimate emission loads and concentrations of trace pollutants in the Danube River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7290, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7290, 2023.

Part 2
On-site presentation
Heloisa Ehalt Macedo, Bernhard Lehner, Jim Nicell, Usman Khan, Eili Klein, and Günther Grill

Treated and untreated domestic wastewaters that are discharged into surface waters often contain a variety of chemical substances, including residuals of pharmaceuticals that are not fully metabolized by the human body. These substances may be harmful to the health of aquatic ecosystems and to humans who rely on them as a source of water supply. Despite growing concerns and their frequent detection in wastewaters and surface waters, the concentrations of pharmaceuticals are not regularly monitored in water bodies. As an alternative to comprehensive monitoring campaigns that tend to be very resource intensive, contaminant fate models may be used to provide information to support the development of targeted local monitoring schemes in regions of highest exposure to pharmaceuticals in the environment as well as the prioritization of substances for further investigation.

In this work, a global contaminant fate model (called HydroFATE) was developed with the objective of estimating the concentration of contaminants of emerging concern (including pharmaceuticals) in the global river network at a high spatial resolution (500 m). The contaminant emission is calculated based on consumption per capita and population density. Then, the contaminant loads of treated or untreated wastewaters are reduced in the model either by centralized or decentralized wastewater treatment, by natural attenuation in soils and runoff, and/or by decay processes in rivers and lakes. HydroFATE’s structure is based on a vector routing structure, which besides its spatial precision being higher than in global pixel-based models, it is also fast to process. This key aspect allows for more complex analyses, including repeated execution of multiple substances and different scenarios in a short period of time, making HydroFATE a capable tool to inform on the prioritization of substances.

The model’s performance was validated by comparing predicted concentrations in river reaches worldwide against literature reports of measured concentrations of 22 broadly consumed antibiotics for which at least sparsely monitored data existed. The sensitivity of the model’s predictions was tested by altering key model parameters. This validation process showed that HydroFATE is generally able to predict aquatic concentrations measured worldwide to within one order of magnitude, which is judged to be sufficient for the intended purposes of the model.

Finally, HydroFATE was applied to estimate the concentrations of the 40 most widely used antibiotics in households worldwide and to compare these concentrations, both individually and cumulatively, to established no-effect thresholds of environmental exposure. It was estimated that a total of 8,500 tonnes of antibiotics per year are discharged into the river system. We found that 6.0 million km of rivers worldwide may have environmental exposure levels that exceed the no-effect concentration of antibiotic pollution during low streamflow conditions, with the largest extent of these rivers being in Southeast Asia, the most densely populated region in the world. The main contributors of exposure were found to be the widely and heavily used antibiotics amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, and cefixime.

How to cite: Ehalt Macedo, H., Lehner, B., Nicell, J., Khan, U., Klein, E., and Grill, G.: Modelling multitudes of pharmaceuticals in the global river system at high spatial resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16837, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16837, 2023.

On-site presentation
Julia Costescu, Louise Bracken, Laura Turnbull-Lloyd, Sim Reaney, and Damian Crilly

The near ubiquitous presence of pharmaceutical compounds in environmental waters represents an emerging cause for concern, but gaps remain in our understanding of how human and veterinary pharmaceuticals enter and travel through river catchments. A more holistic approach is needed in order to develop effective management strategies that conform to the catchment-based approach, although this is complicated by the patchy nature of available monitoring data for river water and by the significant seasonal variation in concentrations which makes comparisons even within datasets tenuous. Here, an exploration of pharmaceutical concentrations across the Aire catchment in the UK aims to provide insight into how the underlying connectivity of the catchment system, conceptualized as a source-pathway-receptor model, may determine observed patterns of contamination. To account for temporal variations of inputs and flow, samples collected on two separate occasions (corresponding to low and high flow conditions, respectively) were used to create two spatial snapshots for contamination with nine representative compounds. The snapshots were then used to explore spatial patterns in the catchment and what factors – topographic, physico-chemical, or related to potential sources and pathways for pharmaceutical pollution – may influence them. For the first snapshot, conducted in low flow conditions, none of the locations had concentrations above the limit of detection for five of the nine target analytes (Atenolol, Diclofenac, Erythomycin, Iopromide and Sulphadiazine). Results for the detected compounds have emphasized the difference in spatial patterns based on use category: as opposed to the veterinary use compound (Cypermethrin), the human use compounds (Carbamazepine, Lidocaine and Sucralose) showed significant correlation to contributing area, as well as to population served by the wastewater treatment plants upstream of the sampling sites and corresponding estimates for amounts of prescribed active ingredient. Sucralose also produced strong correlations to Carbamazepine and Lidocaine, supporting its use as a proxy for contamination with human pharmaceuticals, alongside the more frequently cited Carbamazepine. Ultimately, this research will inform the development of a graph representation of the system, used to assess the relative contribution of different pathways as they connect to the river channel and to inform as to the best intervention points within the catchment.

How to cite: Costescu, J., Bracken, L., Turnbull-Lloyd, L., Reaney, S., and Crilly, D.: Understanding the connectivity of pharmaceutical pollution in river catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17381, 2023.

On-site presentation
Guanghai Gao, John O'Sullivan, Aisling Corkery, Liam Reynolds, Niamh Martin, Laura Sala-Comorera Sala-Comorera, Gregory O’Hare, and Wim Meijer

Dublin Bay is a shallow bay located on the east coast of Ireland in Irish Sea. The water body is bounded to the west by Dublin City and to the east by the Irish Sea, with its northern and southern extents being defined by Howth Head and Dalky, respectively.  The southern side of the Bay includes the designated bathing waters of Sandymount Strand and the non-designated (but monitored) bathing waters of Merrion Strand. The water quality of these bathing areas remains vulnerable to numerous microbial pollution inputs, and these continue to present risks to recreational and economic activities that underpin much of the ecosystem service provision in the area, particularly during the bathing water that extends from June to September each year. Microbial pollutants are known to derive from agricultural diffuse sources in upland catchments and from point discharges from the wastewater drainage network, specifically during wet weather events when combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are active.  However, while accepted as being problematic in the overall pollution ‘mix’, concentrations of faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) from the faeces of dogs (dog fouling) and from local bird communities are less well understood – Dublin Bay was designated a 'biosphere reserve' by UNESCO in 2015 and remains home to numerous species of seabirds, many of which are present in internationally important numbers.

Here we present an assessment of the significance of FIB inputs from dogs and birds in their contribution to total faecal pollution in Dublin Bay.  The extent of dog fouling was assessed through five daily ‘beach sweeps’ on both Sandymount and Merrion Strands from 2019 to 2021. Eighty-one dog fouling events (30 and 51 on Sandymount and Merrion Strands, respectively) were observed, equating to an average of six fouling ‘events’ per day at Sandymount and 10 ‘events’ per day at Merrion. Laboratory testing was undertaken to determine average Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci concentrations in the dog faeces.  BirdWatch Ireland (an independent bird protection organisation in Ireland) data from the Dublin Bay Birds Project (2013 to 2016) was used to quantify E. Coli and enterococci pollution loadings to Dublin Bay bathing waters deriving from the presence of both migratory and non-migratory bird populations during the bathing water season.

A coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model was integrated with sediment-bacteria interaction model which was further developed to simulate the inputs from dogs and birds. The model was then calibrated and validated with extensive water quality and ADCP (current speed and direction) measurements collected in nearshore areas around Dublin Bay to simulate the transport and fate of FIB in the study area.  The model included the freshwater (river) inputs carrying diffuse agricultural pollutants to the Bay, and the known point source pollution releases from within wastewater drainage network.  A dynamic decay rate, which included the effects of  temperature and light intensity was included in the model.

This research (Acclimatize) was part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme.

How to cite: Gao, G., O'Sullivan, J., Corkery, A., Reynolds, L., Martin, N., Sala-Comorera, L. S.-C., O’Hare, G., and Meijer, W.: Understanding the impacts of dogs and birds on faecal pollution of bathing waters in Dublin Bay, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10140, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10140, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ahmad Ameen, Sophia D. Steinbacher, David Lun, Gerhard Lindner, Julia Derx, Regina Sommer, Katalin Demeter, Rita Linke, Günter Blöschl, Alfred P. Blaschke, Alexander K. T. Kirschner, and Andreas H. Farnleitner

Introduction: Inland navigation has seen explosive growth over the past few decades, leading to increasing concerns about its environmental and health impacts. Coastal waters are usually monitored for wastewater contamination by maritime traffic, but little is known about faecal pollution caused by the inland waterways transport in large rivers. The Danube River in Europe is a very popular destination for cruise ship trips. The extent to which the faecal pollution in the Danube is caused by shipping traffic in general and the growing number of cruise ships specifically is still largely unknown. The Danube River Information Service (DoRIS) has been established to track ship traffic and provide data for monitoring in Austria. This database allows the estimation of the faecal pollution potential of ships with a high level of spatial and temporal resolution for the first time.

Methodology: An approach was developed to investigate the potential contribution of various ship categories to faecal pollution in the Danube River (Lower Austria) by combining water quality monitoring data with ship traffic data. The ship traffic data was extracted from DoRIS using a Python-based programming language code and sorted into three categories (cruise, passenger, and freight ships). Water quality monitoring was conducted at 11 transects along a 223-kilometre Danube River reach in Lower Austria. In collaboration with local authorities, each river transect was sampled at 5 points across the profile for one year at monthly intervals. The faecal indicator bacterium E. coli along with physio-chemical water quality parameters was analyzed for all samples. Theoretical faecal impact scenarios were developed using data on average daily ship traffic and factors such as ship type, onboard wastewater treatment facilities, onboard passenger capacity, and seasonal fluctuations of cruise tourism. To evaluate the influence of local and regional shipping traffic on the faecal pollution dynamics, a statistical correlation analysis was performed using data from the entire river reach and ship berthing stations.

Results: The faecal impact scenario analysis, revealed that the shipping industry had the same degree of maximum pollution potential as treated municipal wastewater. In case of improper onboard wastewater treatment, faecal pollution can be substantial. According to water quality monitoring, 94% of the samples had low to moderate faecal pollution, while none were classified as high. As a result, no significant increase in E. coli concentrations was detected throughout the 223 km long river stretch. However, at one of the 11 river transects, significant variations in the E. coli concentration were detected. After conducting a correlation analysis using statistical parameters for the whole river reach, we found no significant correlation between E. coli concentrations and any of the investigated ship counting metrics or ship types. Nonetheless, E. coli concentration was found to be significantly higher at one of the cruise ship berthing stations.

Acknowledgement: The research was funded by Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft (WA2) and the GFF Niederösterreich mbH (LS19-016 Future Danube). We would like to thank collaboration partners from the government of Lower Austria and the Austrian shipping inspectorate.

How to cite: Ameen, A., Steinbacher, S. D., Lun, D., Lindner, G., Derx, J., Sommer, R., Demeter, K., Linke, R., Blöschl, G., Blaschke, A. P., Kirschner, A. K. T., and Farnleitner, A. H.: Navigating the Danube: A data-driven approach to evaluate the impact of inland shipping on faecal pollution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4369, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4369, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nico Hachgenei, Guillaume Nord, Lorenzo Spadini, Nicolas Robinet, Christine Baduel, and Céline Duwig

Livestock-breeding relies on a large array of pharmaceuticals. Many of them may pose a risk to aquatic life if they reach surface water bodies.  Depending on their physicochemical properties, some pharmaceuticals present strong sorption coefficients and are thus not expected to reach surface water bodies under most conditions. Mediterranean climate is characterized by a dry summer followed by intense storm events. We studied the effect of this climatic condition on the risk of transfer of pharmaceutical residues to streams at the catchment-scale. The study area is the 42km2 Claduègne catchment in the French Ardèche department. It is characterized by extensive agricultural land-use under Mediterranean climate.

Surveys with local livestock farmers were conducted in order to identify the commercial pharmaceutical products and the active ingredients systematically used in the study area as well as their application rate, frequencies and seasonal patterns. Stream water was analyzed on high frequency (up to 3h-1) during flood events and compared to some samples outside of flood events. A total of 32 liquid water samples were collected and analyzed for 3 veterinary pharmaceuticals systematically used in the study area as well as 14 molecules of various use. They were concentrated via solid phase extraction and analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer. The concentration values where below the limits of detection (0.1 - 1 ng L-1) most of the time, but peaked at high concentrations for short periods during flood events. The concentration reached up to 355 times the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) for Fenbendazole FBZ, the antiparasitic used in pork in the region. This indicates that rapid transfer processes during flood events represent an elevated risk of transfer of these molecules toward streams. Parallel transit time modelling revealed high event water fractions during flood events in the studied catchment.

We conclude that under these climatic conditions, special care should be taken after treatment application to avoid pastures that are hydrologically connected to surface water bodies. In addition, the results suggest that low-frequency monitoring is not sufficient to detect these high concentration levels that exist during very short durations of a few hours or less.

How to cite: Hachgenei, N., Nord, G., Spadini, L., Robinet, N., Baduel, C., and Duwig, C.: Transfer patterns of pharmaceuticals used in agriculture into streams under Mediterranean climate at the catchment-scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15047, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Fulvio Boano, Margaret Ellen Stevenson, Sondra Klitzke
Yakov Pachepsky, Dana Harriger, Christina Panko Graff, Matthew Stocker, and Jaclyn Smith

Fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), Escherichia coli, and enterococci are used to define regulatory thresholds for microbial water quality of streams and bodies of water and water body waters used for recreation and irrigation. Bottom sediments serve as secondary habitats for FIB that can enter water columns and alter microbial water quality, notwithstanding waste management at surrounding lands. Therefore, monitoring of indicator bacteria in bottom sediments is important. The discovery of persistent spatial patterns of environmental variables has been beneficial in environmental monitoring. Such patterns often termed temporal stability manifestation, helped substantially decrease the number of monitoring locations by estimating the spatial variation across the observation area according to the established spatial patterns. Temporal stability of indicator bacteria concentrations was observed in water columns of streams and ponds but was so far never researched for bottom sediments.

This work aimed to investigate the temporal stability of E. coli and enterococci concentrations along a reach of the Conococheague creek in the  USGS Conococheague-Opequon Subbasin). Three monitoring sites - TP, I81, and SS  were established where the creek collected the surface runoff from the forested headwater, agricultural, and mixed urban and agricultural areas, respectively. Sediment samples were taken collected weekly continuously for three years. FIB concentrations were measured by membrane filter method for E. coli using the mTec agar and enterococci using the mEI agar. The temporal stability was quantified using the mean relative differences (MRD) of concentrations. To obtain the relative differences for each location, the ratios of logarithms of concentration at each location and the average logarithm of concentrations across all locations were decreased by one for each observation time. MRDs were the relative differences for each location averaged over all observation times.

The sediment was sandy. Annual amplitudes of concentrations of both FIB in sediments were about three orders of magnitude in the range from 1 to 7000 colony forming units (g dry weight)-1. The sine function with the maximum in July and minimum in February gave a reasonable approximation of the annual dynamics at all locations over three years. The MRD values were equal to -0.198± 0.023, -0.012±0.019, and 0.210±0.021 for E. coli and -0.160±0.023, 0.000±0.017, and 0.165±0.024 for enterococci (mean standard error) at TP, I81, and SS locations, respectively. When converted to absolute values, concentrations were on average about 60% higher at SS than at I81, and 60% lower at TP than at I81. Values of MRD over warm (April-September) and cold (October-March) seasons followed the same pattern as the above annual values, with the range of MRD slightly larger over the cold season and somewhat smaller over the warm season as compared with the annual values.

Qualitative metrics also indicated the prevalence of specific spatial patterns. In particular, E. coli (enterococci) concentrations at TP, I81, and SS were smaller than at two other sites in 65% (63%),  28%(24%), and 6%(13%)  of observation times, respectively. 

Overall, three years of observations showed that persistent spatial patterns were present and manifested themselves against the backdrop of persistent temporal oscillatory annual patterns.

How to cite: Pachepsky, Y., Harriger, D., Panko Graff, C., Stocker, M., and Smith, J.: Temporal stability of Escherichia coli and enterococci concentrations in sandy bottom sediment of a Pennsylvania creek, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3673, 2023.

Katarzyna Styszko, Justyna Pamuła, Elżbieta Sochacka-Tatara, and Agnieszka Pac

Evidence of the causal-empirical link between man-made chemicals present in industrial and household products, often leakage into the environment, and the effects on public health is growing, although still limited. These include, among other things, air pollutants in the environment associated with the highest prevalence of asthma, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in urban populations. There is strong evidence of health risks posed by human exposure to organic air pollutants such as PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) from combustion processes (solid fuels, coal and biomass) and communication. Generally, PAHs are formed during incomplete combustion and pyrolysis of organic material in a wide range of temperatures, up to over 1200 ° C. After entering the body, PAHs are transported to the alveoli and then spread throughout the body with the blood. The biological effects that PAHs cause in the human body are short-term, chronic, or long-term health effects, i.e. carcinogenicity, immunotoxicity, or developmental toxicity, genotoxicity. After entering the human body, PAHs undergo a complicated metabolism process and are excreted in the form of OH-PAHs with urine and faeces.

The purpose of the study was to analyse selected OH-PAHs in influent and effluent wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Analysed PAH metabolites are: 1- and 2-hydroxynaphthalene, 2- and 9-hydroxyfluorene, 9-hydroxyphenenthrene, 1-hydroxypyrene, and 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene. The wastewater samples came from the largest WWTP in Kraków. OH-PAH concentration levels were determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), preceded by the extraction of analytes into the solid phase and their derivatization.

The concentrations of the analyzed compounds were at the level of ng/L. Regardless of the season of sampling for analysis (summer and winter), the highest concentrations, even up to 400 ng/L, were found in 2-hydroxynaphthalene and 9-hydroxyfluorene in influents. 1-hydroxypyrene, which according to literature reports is considered a marker of exposure to PAHs, was observed for influent and effluent samples only in winter at the level of only a few ng/L.


Keywords: Hydroxy derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Biomarker, Wastewater

Acknowledgments: A Research project financed by program “Initiative for Excellence – Research University” for the AGH University of Science and Technology. The research was supported  by Research Subsidy AGH

How to cite: Styszko, K., Pamuła, J., Sochacka-Tatara, E., and Pac, A.: Occurence of selected hydroxy derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wastewater treatment plant, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3691, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3691, 2023.

Malte Zamzow, Wolfgang Seise, Hans-Christoph Selinka, and Frank Schumacher

For assessing the health risk at recreational waters resulting from wastewater discharges from urban catchments, knowledge about the dynamics of the ratio between faecal indicator bacteria and pathogenic viruses is essential. Differences in wastewater concentrations, decay rates, and relevant exposure concentrations may influence how reliable concentrations of faecal indicator bacteria truly reflect existing health risk. Full-scale experiments on decay rates of pathogenic viruses in natural surface waters, especially fresh waters, are largely missing.

In the present study, we quantified the decay rates of faecal indicator bacteria and pathogenic viruses in a natural surface water. To this end, we performed two Lagrangian sampling campaigns after combined sewer overflows (CSO) along a river section in Berlin, Germany. During the campaigns the same body of contaminated water was resampled while travelling through the city. Organic micro-pollutants (Gabapentine, Acesulfame), and inorganic ions (Cl-, SO42-) were analysed to function as conservative tracer substances. Wastewater and stormwater amounts were estimated in each sample. Furthermore, all samples were analysed for humane Norovirus GII, Adenovirus 40/41, somatic coliphages, f-specifc coliphages, intestinale enterococci, and E.coli. Decay rates were derived by relating the pathogens to the estimated fraction of wastewater. The observation time was 5 and 2 days for the first and second CSO event, depending on the flow of the river. Decay rates indicate a significant variability between organisms but also between sampling campaigns as a result of different physical-chemical conditions. While the oxygen was completely consumed in the wastewater plume of the first event, this was not the case during the second event, which still allowed pathogen removal by grazing of heterotrophic zooplankton. Our results contribute to the general understanding of pathogens and faecal indicators in surface waters.

How to cite: Zamzow, M., Seise, W., Selinka, H.-C., and Schumacher, F.: Quantifying in-situ decay-rates of faecal indicators and pathogenic viruses in a river section in Germany., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7243, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7243, 2023.

Matthew Russell

Natural and constructed wetlands are now frequently used across the United States for mitigating nitrate losses to both surface and groundwater. Though the use of wetlands as a treatment approach for nitrate in runoff is well known, other active contaminants regularly co-occur with nitrate, potentially affecting the efficacy of nitrate-N removal. For example, veterinary pharmaceuticals have been observed in runoff originating from fields that receive livestock facility animal waste. In 2022, two mesocosm experiments were conducted to evaluate the combined effects of 4 common-use veterinary antibiotics (VAs) (chlortetracycline, sulfamethazine, lincomycin, monensin) on nitrate-N reduction efficiency. We hypothesized veterinary antibiotics would significantly impact nitrate-N removal through changes in denitrification processes within wetland ecosystems. To test this hypothesis, we simulated two pulse-flow storm events (2.5mg N03-N/L, 7.5 mg N03-N/L) and quantified the combined effects of trace-level antibiotics (1.0 mg/L) on the nitrogen cycle in fully saturated treatment wetlands. Results from previous experiments we conducted suggest nitrate reduction rates in treatments receiving antibiotics (CA= -1.04, FTWA= -1.31) remove nitrate more efficiently than those without (C= -0.01, FTW= -0.52). Plant uptake of VAs was also assessed, with results indicating that accumulation of VA compounds in wetland plants occurs and is primarily limited to the below ground biomass (Above ground= 0.59mg per plant, Below ground=206.66mg per plant) and the antibiotic species. Findings from these experiments will provide new insight into whether antibiotic residues in wetland environments affect proposed mitigation strategies for controlling nitrogen losses from fertilized crops and managing nitrate contamination of ground and surface water.

How to cite: Russell, M.: Assessing the impact of Veterinary Antibiotic species on Treatment Wetland Nutrient Removal at the Mesocosm Scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8135, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8135, 2023.

Modeling mobile-immobile transport of pathogens in an urban stream – a stochastic approach
Fulvio Boano, Julia Derx, Rita Linke, Regina Sommer, Julia Walochnik, Gerhard Lindner, Alfred Paul Blaschke, Andreas Farnleitner, and Sílvia Cervero-Aragó
Ali AA Obeid, Thomas James Oudega, Ottavia Zoboli, Claudia Gundacker, Alfred Paul Blaschke, Matthias Zessner, Ernis Saracevic, Nicolas Devau, Margaret E. Stevenson, Nikola Krlovic, Meiqi Liu, Zsuzsanna Nagy-Kovács, Balázs László, Gerhard Lindner, and Julia Derx

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are chemicals used for many domestic and industrial purposes related to their physicochemical properties. However, those same properties make them mobile and persistent in the environment, and on top of that, they are toxic and can affect human health in the short and long term, as they are bio-accumulative. Many processes govern the transport of PFAS in the surface waters and groundwater, e.g., sorption, biodegradation, co-transport, and transformation. Monitoring PFAS at different locations can help understand these processes and provide datasets to calibrate and validate reactive transport models simulating PFAS fate and transport. This study compares PFAS presence and distribution in river water and groundwater at two Danube river sites. One site is characterized by a steady water level in the river and natural flow from the river to the groundwater, with a clogging layer at the aquifer-river interface. In contrast, the other site has a more dynamic water level in the river, several pumping wells affecting water infiltration rates, and lacks a clogging layer.

Samples were collected monthly for 12 months at the static study site and 8 months at the dynamic study site. Targeted analysis for 32 PFAS compounds has been carried out using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS). The concentrations of the compounds were generally less than 20 ng/l, and most of the compounds were lower than the limit of quantification/detection. The results show that 3H-perfluoro-3-[(3-methoxypropoxy) propanic acid] (ADONA) had the highest concentration at the two sites, both in the river and groundwater. The longer chain PFAS exhibited a slight reduction in concentration from the river towards groundwater due to, most likely, sorption, while the shorter chain did not. The 6:2 FTS precursor was detected in the river but not in the groundwater. For some substances, the concentrations were higher in the groundwater compared to the river, indicating either background water influence, a transformation of PFAS, different transport routes (e.g., accumulation over time), or longer flow paths. Longer chain lengths, greater than 9 carbon atoms, were never detected above the limit of quantification in the river and groundwater. More PFAS compounds were detected at the dynamic study site than at the static one, even though, it is located further downstream, indicating nearby PFAS sources or/and influents along the river course. It is worth mentioning that large wastewater treatment plants are discharging their effluent downstream of the static site, in addition to sewer overflows from large cities in between. The PFAS concentrations in the river and groundwater during one high-flow event showed little difference compared to the ones during basic monthly monitoring at both study sites, however, another high flow event is needed to confirm this observation.

How to cite: Obeid, A. A., Oudega, T. J., Zoboli, O., Gundacker, C., Blaschke, A. P., Zessner, M., Saracevic, E., Devau, N., Stevenson, M. E., Krlovic, N., Liu, M., Nagy-Kovács, Z., László, B., Lindner, G., and Derx, J.: Occurrence and Distribution of PFAS in the River and Groundwater at Two Danube Sites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11264, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11264, 2023.

Development of low-cost material for the remediation of inorganic contaminants by using PRB
Roohmoney Roohmoney and Sumedha Chakma
Julia Derx, Rita Linke, Regina Sommer, Peter Strauss, Alba Hykollari, Alexander Faltejsek, Jack Schijven, Alfred Paul Blaschke, Alexander Kirschner, and Andreas Farnleitner

Water contaminated with human and animal enteric pathogens puts public health at serious risk. All countries and regions of the world require highly robust and effective water management and treatment systems to guarantee safe water and protect public health. To this end, we need accurate predictions of the origin of pathogens , how they move through the environment and where they end up.

This study is part of a four-year project and aims to develop new bacterial overland transport - BOT models to provide answers to the above questions. The project takes a holistic, quantitative approach to transfer BOT model parameters onto large scales. Small-scale precipitation experiments are conducted in the laboratory and larger-scale experiments are conducted using a rainfall simulation under real environmental conditions. The state-of-the-art combination of quantitative, microbiological, and molecular methods and parameters will provide the scientific basis for more accurate predictions of BOT, which eventually may be extended to viruses and protozoa in the future.

How to cite: Derx, J., Linke, R., Sommer, R., Strauss, P., Hykollari, A., Faltejsek, A., Schijven, J., Blaschke, A. P., Kirschner, A., and Farnleitner, A.: Upscaling bacterial overland transport – a multi-parametric approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12147, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12147, 2023.

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall HS

Chairperson: Julia Derx
Sophia Schmalhorst, Sandra Kühn, Martin Kaupenjohann, and Sondra Klitzke

Urease inhibitors (UI) are organic trace substances, which are applied along with urea fertilizers to reduce NH3 emissions from agricultural fields. Due to the recent amendment to the German fertilizer act (DüngG) which now dictates the use of UI, increasing amounts of these substances will be applied to arable soils.  So far, little is known about the fate of UI in soils and there is only few data on the leaching of UI from soil to groundwater, especially with respect to field data. However, first studies have proven traces of UI in surface and ground waters, raising concern among drinking water suppliers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the fate of two different UI, i.e. N-(2-Nitrophenyl) phosphoric acid triamide (2-NPT) and N-(n-Butyl)thio-phosphoric triamide (NBPT) in two agricultural soils, addressing the following questions:

  • How long do UI remain in the topsoil following application?
  • Which portion will be translocated to deeper soil layers?


On two agriculturally used fields in the state of Brandenburg (Germany) with sandy soils, which differ in their topsoil total carbon concentration (Berge 0.96 %, Ribbeck 1.39 %) and pH (Berge 5.9, Ribbeck 7.6), 2-NPT (as urea prills) and NBPT (as a mixture with urea solution) were applied along with urea. Soil samples were taken from the topsoil at 0-5 cm depth (using a soil sampling ring with a volume of 100 cm³) and from 5-15 cm and 15-30 cm depth (using a Pürckhauer sampler) of 4 different plots each prior to the application of the substances. Afterwards, samples from the topsoil were taken 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 21 days following the application. On the last day of the sampling period, samples from 5-15 cm and 15-30 cm depth were taken in addition. Samples were stored at -18°C until analysis.

Based on recovery tests by spiking the study soils with UI, the field-moist samples (sieved to 2 mm) were extracted according to the following procedure: 20 ml extraction solution (50 Vol.-% Acetonitrile/50 Vol.-% H20 for 2-NPT and 0.1 M KCl for NBPT) were added to 10 g soil, then shaken on a horizontal shaker (30 min, 120 rpm). After centrifugation (30 min, 3830 g), the supernatant was filtered through cellulose acetate filters (0.45 µm) and transferred to vials. The extracts were adjusted to neutral pH using dilute NaOH solution and stored in the refrigerator until measurement by HPLC-MS.

The concentration on 1 day of 2-NPT in the Berge topsoil amounted to 353 ± 151 µg/kg and in the Ribbeck topsoil 302 ± 148 µg/kg. NBPT was not found in any of the two soils. Whilst 2-NPT was no longer detectable in the Ribbeck topsoil after 10 days, 2-NPT decreased much slower in the Berge topsoil, reaching concentrations of 15.4 ± 15.7 µg/kg after 21 days. None of the inhibitors could be detected in deeper soil layers. Results will be discussed in the context of the site-specific soil parameters and the local precipitation data.

How to cite: Schmalhorst, S., Kühn, S., Kaupenjohann, M., and Klitzke, S.: The fate of urease inhibitors in two agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7592, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7592, 2023.

Matthew Stocker, Jaclyn Smith, and Yakov Pachepsky

Irrigation ponds provide a substantial amount of water for crop production.  An increasingly large body of evidence has linked microbial impairment of these resources to foodborne outbreaks. Therefore, monitoring the microbial quality of irrigation ponds is especially prudent for food safety and reducing the incidences of illnesses and deaths resulting from contamination events. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is used worldwide as an indicator for microbial contamination of water resources as concentrations are usually indicative of pathogen presence and/or cases of illnesses.

Algae and cyanobacteria (collectively henceforth referred to as phytoplankton can comprise large fractions of the overall biomass in waterbodies. Phytoplankton are important in water quality monitoring because they directly affect water quality metrics such as dissolved oxygen and pH as well as potentially producing toxic compounds. The interaction between E. coli concentrations and phytoplankton in environmental waters has received relatively little attention and has not been studied in ponds providing water for irrigation. The objective of this work was to see if phytoplankton can be used as predictors of E. coli concentrations in irrigation ponds.

Two irrigation ponds in Maryland, USA were sampled and sensed eleven times on the permanent spatial grid during the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons. A YSI sonde was used to measure water quality variable (WQV) concentrations of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), specific conductance (SPC), temperature(C) , turbidity (NTU), phycocyanin, Chlorophyll a (CHL),and dissolved organic matter (FDOM). Total carbon (TC), and total nitrogen (TN) were measured in the laboratory. Phytoplankton functional groups (PFG) were green algae, diatoms, cyanobacteria, and dinoflagellates. Identification and enumeration of PFG was performed with laboratory microscopy.  The random forest (RF) algorithm was used to predict E. coli concentrations and rank variables by importance using three predictor sets including water quality variables (WQV)+PFG, PFG only, and WQV only on the 2017, 2018, and 2017+2018 datasets.

For both ponds, the WQV predictor set alone provided the best model performance metric results (R2= 0.671 and 0.812, and RMSE= 0.321 and 0.374 log concentrations for Ponds 1 and 2, respectively). The combined phytoplankton and WQV predictor sets provided very close results to the WQV results alone and in all the phytoplankton variables alone as predictors showed the worst performance. The top predictors in the PFG+WQV for Pond 1 were CHL, TN, pH, NTU, and FDOM which was similar to the WQV only set. Flagellates ranked among the most important predictors in the PFG+WQV (6th) and PFG predictor sets (1st). In Pond 2, the top predictors in the PFG+WQV were TC, C, pH, DO, and TN. Diatoms were found to be the leading predictor in the PFG-only dataset in Pond 2.

Results of this work indicate that in studies of water bodies the effect of phytoplankton on E. coli concentrations is well represented by the water quality variables, and concentrations of the phytoplankton groups per se do not add information for improvement of the prediction of microbial water quality evaluated by E. coli concentrations using the usually very efficient machine learning predictive random forest algorithm.  

How to cite: Stocker, M., Smith, J., and Pachepsky, Y.: Can data on major phytoplankton functional group concentrations improve the estimation of E. coli concentrations in agricultural pond waters?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8294, 2023.

Jaclyn Smith, Matthew Stocker, and Yakov Pachepsky

Cyanotoxins in agricultural irrigation waters pose a potential human and animal health risk. Cyanotoxins can be transported to crops and soil during irrigation where they can remain in the soils for extended periods and be absorbed by root systems. While studies have reported spatial and temporal distributions for cyanotoxins in various freshwater sources, little has been reported for agricultural irrigation ponds. This research aimed to determine if persistent spatial and temporal patterns of the cyanotoxin microcystin occur in agricultural irrigation ponds. The study was performed at a working irrigation pond in Maryland, USA, during the 2022 summer sampling campaign consisting of 6 sampling dates over a fixed spatial 10-location grid. Concentrations of microcystin were determined using ELISA microcystin-ADDA kits. Ten water quality parameters were obtained using fluorometry and in-situ sensing. Relative differences (RDs) between a sampling location’s microcystin concentration and average concentrations across the pond were computed for each sampling date. Mean relative differences (MRDs) were computed for each sampling location for all sampling dates. Positive (negative) MRDs were found in locations where concentrations were predominantly larger (smaller) than the pond’s average. Persistent spatial patterns of microcystin concentrations were established. The pond’s flow conditions and bank proximity to sample locations were indicative of the MRD values signs and amplitude. The highest absolute values of the Spearman correlation coefficients were found between microcystin and pH (-0.777), and microcystin and phycocyanin (0.669). The lowest absolute values for correlation coefficients were found for colored dissolved organic matter (0.226) and chlorophyll-a (0.289). Correlations between microcystin relative differences and water quality relative differences were generally low and not statistically significant. Results of this work show that microcystin concentrations can exhibit stable spatial and temporal patterns in irrigation ponds, indicating that water quality sampling for cyanotoxins and placement of water intake should not be arbitrary. Research of the spatiotemporal organization of other cyanotoxin concentrations as well as understanding the degree of site-specificity of cyanotoxin concentration relationships with water quality parameters presents an interesting research avenue.

How to cite: Smith, J., Stocker, M., and Pachepsky, Y.: Spatiotemporal variability of microcystin concentrations in water of an irrigation pond in Maryland, USA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8436, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8436, 2023.