HS10.4 | Stable isotopes to study water and nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
Stable isotopes to study water and nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
Convener: Giulia Zuecco | Co-conveners: Jana von Freyberg, Magali Nehemy, Natalie Orlowski, Jesse Radolinski
| Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:12 (CEST)
Room 2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Fri, 14:00
Fri, 14:00
Stable isotopes are powerful tools for tracing fluxes of water and associated nutrients in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. They are increasingly used by various disciplines to better understand the functioning of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. While new methods allow measurements at high spatial and temporal resolution, studies applying tracer methods are now tackling complex interactions between soil processes, plant physiology and ecology, and variable atmospheric drivers. As such, methodological developments and changes are happening quickly and have a strong bearing on process understanding and interpretation of findings. This session aims to address the current state of the art for methods, applications, and process interpretations using stable isotopes in the critical zone and to foster interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome experimental and modeling studies that present methodological developments and applications of isotope tracers to improve the actual knowledge of the water and nutrient exchanges at the soil-plant-atmosphere interfaces. Studies that seek to cross disciplinary boundaries and reveal new eco-hydrological process understanding are especially welcome.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Giulia Zuecco, Natalie Orlowski, Jana von Freyberg
On-site presentation
John Marshall, Marco Lehmann, Frank Hagedorn, Matthias Saurer, Kerstin Treydte, and Arthur Gessler

Tree roots are responsible for the bulk of water and nitrogen (N) uptake by forests, but the detailed mechanism of resource uptake and their role in the spatial exploitation of water and nitrogen resources is incompletely understood. Theory and empirical evidence suggest that there are two processes delivering N to root surfaces for uptake: 1) convection of dissolved N carried in soil water as it is drawn toward the roots and 2) diffusion of dissolved N in still water toward the low concentrations at the root surface.  Quantifying these processes has, however, been difficult, particularly in forest trees. Recently paper by Henriksson et al. Our objective here was to make a similar comparison in an irrigation experiment.

We applied highly labelled 2H2O and 15N on a small area at the beginning of the growing season a similar and tracked 2H and 15N in tissues of adjacent trees and shrubs, aiming to assess not only correlations between the water and N tracers at the end of the season, but also the dynamics of label passage and accumulation through repeated measurements. Synchronicity of the nitrogen accumulation with the water label passage would strengthen evidence for the role of water uptake in nitrogen uptake.

We found that the 2H-label in water, as measured in extracted water, passed through the system as a pulse, disappearing by late in the season. In contrast, the 15N label, as measured from leaf tissue, accumulated toward an asymptotic maximum. Among tree individuals, the rate of 15N increase was correlated with the plant-water 2H2O labelling at any point in time, supporting the notion that the 15N uptake was predominantly driven by water uptake. No difference was detected between the irrigated and the non-irrigated plots, perhaps because high rainfall overrode any irrigation effects.

Next steps will be to also compare the cumulative δ2H of the wood in the new growth ring to the δ2H of the xylem water that passed through individual trees. If the correlation is strong, we will map the patterns of water and N uptake around the labelled plots to provide a detailed spatial description of the correlated water and N uptake processes. When combined with the current study, these results will show the spatial and temporal extent to which root water uptake facilitates nitrogen delivery to the roots.

How to cite: Marshall, J., Lehmann, M., Hagedorn, F., Saurer, M., Treydte, K., and Gessler, A.: Seasonal dynamics of 2H2O passage and 15N accumulation in a dual-label pulse-chase experiment in a mature, irrigated Scots pine forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7157, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7157, 2023.

On-site presentation
Laura Lee Kinzinger, Judith Mach, Simon Haberstroh, Maren Dubbert, Markus Weiler, Natalie Orlowski, and Christiane Werner

Understanding the interactions within the soil-plant-atmosphere-continuum becomes more important considering the eco- and hydrological impacts of climate change. Especially stand specific flow pathways and the characteristic timescales of water movement potentially provide important information on drought resilience of different forest ecosystems. This study analysed tree stand specific water uptake dynamics through water stable isotopy at high temporal resolution for two isotopic labelling events (7mm with δ2H +1000 ‰ and 23mm with δ2H +800‰) during the 2022 drought in south-west Germany. Measurements in pure and mixed tree stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica, n=18) and Norway spruce (Picea abies, n=18) included sap flow, in-situ water isotopy of soil and xylem water, radial stem growth and microclimatic conditions. Our central hypothesis is that species identity and water competition between tree species are major drivers for ecohydrological flux dynamics. The results of the two labelling events showed differences in label water uptake of the two tree species and the transit times of the label in the system. The labelling events showed different transit times in the tree xylem depending on the label intensity. P. abies showed a slightly higher uptake of shallow soil water label in mixed stands than in pure patches. When labelled water infiltrated into deeper soil layers water was taken up faster by F. sylvatica in mixed forest patches than in pure forest patches and showed a generally slower uptake in P. abies than in F. sylvatica. The faster response time in water uptake during the second labelling was supported through an increase in measured sap flux and modelled branch water potential. Those dynamics of water isotopy measured in a high temporal resolution allow for a better understanding of root water uptake dynamics and water use strategies but also show species interaction effects on ecohydrological fluxes.

How to cite: Kinzinger, L. L., Mach, J., Haberstroh, S., Dubbert, M., Weiler, M., Orlowski, N., and Werner, C.: Interspecific interaction and species identity effects on water uptake of beech and spruce trees by using stable isotope labelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-294, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ann-Marie Ring, Dörthe Tetzlaff, Maren Dubbert, and Chris Soulsby

Urban green spaces are highly valuable in supporting the climate and infrastructure of cities through rainwater retention, evaporative cooling and shading. Investigating the diurnal and seasonal ecohydrological process dynamics in the urban soil-plant-atmosphere continuum is crucial to understand what types of landcover might best balance water re-distribution for a particular urban landscape providing cooling effects whilst not compromising groundwater recharge.

Stable water isotopes are very useful tools to investigate these complex interactions between soil properties, plant physiology and atmospheric drivers. In 2022, we conducted an experimental study looking at the complex patterns of the urban soil-plant-atmosphere interface at high temporal resolution at an urban tree stand and a grassland in Berlin, Germany during an entire growing season. To assess atmospheric moisture demand and vegetation water dynamics, we performed novel in-situ and real-time sequential measurements in the field at different heights in tree xylem and in the atmosphere. This was complemented by destructive sampling of soil water isotopes from multiple depths and eddy flux measurements at an open field near the sites.

We could identify clear evaporative and drought signals in the different water cycle components, including the extensive summer drought across continental Europe in July and August 2022. Results showed faster and larger responses to precipitation inputs in the upper soil moisture signal at the grassland. Atmospheric fluxes indicated clear evaporative losses just above the grass (15 cm height). Underneath tree canopies, upper soils responded more slowly to precipitation inputs and the atmospheric profile showed more homogenous spatio-temporal distribution of water vapour signals. Xylem water dynamics revealed contrasting diurnal and seasonal variations in different tree species and tree heights. Plant water sources were mostly drawn from deeper soil (70 cm) horizons. During the extended period of water scarcity in August, drought signals came from enriched atmospheric water vapour and low sap flux.

This knowledge of the water dynamics under different drought-stressed urban vegetation is extremely useful for the development of isotope aided ecohydrological models and allows science-based evidence for sustainable urban planning tackling climate change and urban densification.

How to cite: Ring, A.-M., Tetzlaff, D., Dubbert, M., and Soulsby, C.: High-resolution water and stable isotope dynamics in drought-stressed urban vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-110, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-110, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yating Li and Günter Hoch

Low temperature is the main driver behind the upper elevational and higher latitudinal distribution range of trees. As the limit for tree growth in general, the alpine treeline is traditionally in the focus of most studies on the effect of low temperature limits of trees, but all other tree species that reach their distribution limits below the treeline have species-specific low-temperature limits, as well (Körner, 2021). Restricted water uptake and deteriorated hydraulic relations at low root zone temperatures might be one of the drivers for the species-specific cold distribution limits of trees. Negative cold soil effects on the hydraulic conductivity of trees can thus potentially amplify the direct effects of cold temperatures on growth and contribute to the cold limit of temperate tree species. Thus, we put forward two hypotheses: (1) the natural cold distribution limit of temperate tree species is related to their capacity to take up water at cold root temperatures; (2) cold root temperatures lead to drought-like water limitations that are more severe in low- compared to high-elevation species. In this study, we investigated the low temperature sensitivity of root water uptake and transport in seedlings of 16 European broadleaved and conifer temeprate tree species, which reach their natural upper elavation distribution limits at different distances to the alpine treeline acsross a ca. 1500 m elevational range. We tested the temperature sensitivy of root water uptake and whole tree water transport by exposing the seedlings to three different constant root temperatures (15, 7 and 2°C) while all seedlings received the same warm abovground temperatures. To quantify the negativ low temperature effects on water transport, we used 2H-H2O pulse labelling of the source water in hydroponic systems. The result showed a correlation of the thermal distance to treeline of the natural upper distribution limits of each species with its relative water uptake at 7°C root temperature revealed a moderate but significant linear relationship, whereby water uptake and transport tends to be more limited the larger the species’ thermal distance to treeline (i.e. the lower the high elevation distribution limit). In contrast, 2°C root temperatures strongly reduced water uptake, with consequently no significant correlation between relative water uptake and the species-specific distribution limits. We concluded low root temperatures lead to species-specific restrictions of water uptake and drought-like stress with reduced water potentials and stomatal conductance. Furthermore, species that reach their upper distribution at higher elevations are less sensitive to low root temperatures and vice versa. Low temperature-caused hydraulic restrictions might thus contribute to the cold distribution limits of temperate tree species.

How to cite: Li, Y. and Hoch, G.: Physiological drought-like water limitation at low root temperature in temperate tree species with different elevational distribution limits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15149, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15149, 2023.

On-site presentation
Matthias Beyer, Malkin Gerchow, Alberto Iraheta, Kathrin Kuehnhammer, Paul Koeniger, Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo, David Dubbert, Maren Dubbert, Ana Claudia Callau-Beyer, and Christian Birkel

Analyzing water stable isotopes in soils and plants is a key method to identify the water sources for transpiration. However, the spatial representation of such studies is often limited and typically data from one or only a few soil water isotope profiles are used for analyzing plant water sources for much larger areas.   

Contrary, it is well known from soil sciences that soil physical and hydraulic properties are highly heterogeneous, even over small areas. Only few studies have investigated the spatial variability of soil water isotopes, despite its potential importance for water uptake depth analysis. Goldsmith et al., (2018) showed that vegetation can have a substantial influence on the spatial pattern of soil water isotopes in a tropical cloud forest. We extend the hypothesis that vegetation does not only have an influence on soil water isotopes in wet environments, but also under dry conditions: The isotopic enrichment of soil water isotopes under steady-state dry conditions is controlled by vegetation (canopy parameters). 

In order to test this hypothesis, we undertook a spatial sampling of ten soil water isotope depth profiles (at 6 depths up to 2m depth) and ~60 evergreen and deciduous trees at the peak of dry season in February 2019 in a tropical dry forest in the northwest of Costa Rica. We then correlated the spatial patterns of water content and isotopes of the soil with 12 vegetation indices and surface (leaf/soil) temperature derived from UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicles; drones) overflights (Jan-Apr 2019) in order to investigate if spatial patterns of soil water isotopes can be predicted using additional information. Finally, we interpolated (external drift kriging) the soil water isotope values using the highest correlated vegetation indices in order to provide a spatially distributed map of soil water isotope depth profiles.

Our findings indicate that i.) soil water isotopes are (highly) spatially heterogeneous, even under steady-state conditions (no rain); ii.) this heterogeneity is particularly pronounced for the near-surface soil (first 50 cm) and diminishes with soil depth; iii.) there is a significant correlation between soil water isotopes and multiple vegetation indices. Surprisingly, the highest correlations (0.82 for water content, 0.75 for 𝛿2H and 0.62 for 𝛿18O, all for 10 cm soil depth) were found for indices based on color infrared (CIR) and the red-edge triangular vegetation index (RTVI), and not NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).  We proved the theoretical concept (more vegetation cover = lower soil temperatures = less fractionation) to hold true by correlating the soil surface temperatures at each sampling location to the water isotope values (R² = 0.75 for both 𝛿2H and 𝛿18O at the soil surface).

This research demonstrates that classic approaches of assigning one or few soil water isotope profiles for characterization of water uptake depths of larger areas are highly error-prone. Vegetation and soil water isotopes affect each other and need to be incorporated into spatial analyses. The interpolated soil water isotope depth profiles we provide can act as a baseline for more robust spatial investigations of soil water uptake depths in highly heterogeneous environments.

How to cite: Beyer, M., Gerchow, M., Iraheta, A., Kuehnhammer, K., Koeniger, P., Sanchez-Murillo, R., Dubbert, D., Dubbert, M., Callau-Beyer, A. C., and Birkel, C.: Vegetation controls spatial patterns of soil water isotopes in a tropical dry forest and UAV’s can help to predict them, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10902, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10902, 2023.

On-site presentation
Laurent Pfister, Bernd Schöne, Turk Guilhem, Gey Christoph, Thielen Frankie, Hissler Christophe, Barnich François, and Leonard Loic

With the intensification of the hydrological cycle, the identification and assessment of factors controlling catchment climate resilience are key. A major obstacle to the design and implementation of precautionary measures against ‘once in a lifetime’ flood events is the still very limited understanding of the hydrological mechanisms involved. Along similar lines, the clustering of extreme events remains elusive until this day.

Stable isotopes of O and H in streams and precipitation are cardinal tools for investigating questions related to water source, flowpaths and transit times. However, their spatial and temporal variability remain largely unknown – essentially due to the limited availability of long historical time series of O-H isotope signatures in stream water, as opposed to the multi-decadal records in precipitation.

Based on their quality as natural archives of in-stream environmental conditions, freshwater mussels have been recently used for complementing stream water δ18O isotope records. Their potential is far from being exhausted, with nearly 1200 freshwater bivalve species inhabiting a large variety of river systems and lakes around the globe. Their average life span is ca. 10 years, even though many species can live much longer (up to 200 years for the freshwater pearl mussel). Here, we introduce an innovative avenue for pushing the boundaries in hydrological time series reconstruction even further. Our proof-of-concept work from the Our River (Luxembourg) is geared towards widening the portfolio of analysed proxies in shells, eventually extending the high-resolution (seasonally to annually resolved) reconstruction from stream water δ18O to river discharge.

Note that the newly gained knowledge on multi-decadal and centennial changes in streamflow generation is of direct relevance for freshwater mussel population dynamics – an issue that is at the heart of all past and ongoing projects for the protection of freshwater molluscs.

How to cite: Pfister, L., Schöne, B., Guilhem, T., Christoph, G., Frankie, T., Christophe, H., François, B., and Loic, L.: Reconstructing the history of flowing waters and stream water isotopes from freshwater mussels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14839, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14839, 2023.

On-site presentation
Paolo Nasta, Tiantian Zhou, Christine Stumpp, Jirka Simunek, and Nunzio Romano

The temporal origin of root water uptake and drainage provides insights into the impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on plant resilience and aquifer vulnerability. In-situ and virtual tracer experiments provide information on rainfall partitioning and transit times, which help to enhance the understanding of the hydrological response of a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) to climate variability and contaminant transport. A virtual tracer experiment was carried out in a 150-cm-thick soil lysimeter planted with winter rye in Austria. Water flow and tracer transport dynamics were simulated in the SPAC using HYDRUS-1D, previously calibrated with hydrochemical measurements. The root water uptake (τR) and drainage (τD) transit times (τ) were assessed by identifying arrival times when a prescribed percentage of the tracer mass breakthrough curves was reached. The estimates of τR and τD were compared to those derived from a particle tracking algorithm that simulates the particle trajectories subject to convective transport. The tracer-based arrival times were in close agreement with those determined using particle tracking when 50% of the tracer output flux was reached. On average, it took 19 or 234 days for water originating from rainfall in the growing season to be taken up by roots (21%) or exit as drainage (36%), respectively. In contrast, in the dormant season, 10% of rainfall water was taken up by roots after 245 days, while 79% became drainage after 241 days. The results from each daily event can be aggregated at any desired temporal resolution to investigate the effects of climate seasonality on water balance and timing. The temporal origin of water can be explored in other plots using the standard guidelines proposed in this study.

How to cite: Nasta, P., Zhou, T., Stumpp, C., Simunek, J., and Romano, N.: Assessing the temporal origin of root water uptake and drainage water using a virtual tracer experiment in HYDRUS-1D, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4203, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4203, 2023.

On-site presentation
Loujain Alharfouch, Pilar Llorens, Juan J. Hidalgo, Rafael Poyatos, Pauline Saurat, and Jérôme Latron

How, why, and what water flows through the soil-plant continuum are quite complex questions that are not yet well understood quantitatively. Soil and plant-induced heterogeneity, soil evaporation, and root water uptake are some of the main controlling factors of water flow dynamics in the soil-plant continuum. Coupling these processes is thus of quite importance to advance our understanding of subsurface mixing and soil-plant interaction and, especially, water sources used by trees. In this study, we combine hydrological and stable water isotopes (2H and 18O) field data in an integrated flow and transport model to investigate which water sources are used up by trees under different wetness conditions.

We conducted a field experiment on two sets of three Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) in a forested plot within the Vallcebre research catchments (NE Spain). The experiment was carried out from May to September 2022. We monitored throughfall, sap flow, and dial stem diameter variation, as well as soil water potential and soil water content (in vertical profiles down to 70cm) at high temporal (5min) resolution. Furthermore, we sampled weekly water from the different water pools (throughfall, soil water (bulk and mobile), groundwater, and xylem water (twigs)) for isotopic analysis. The analysis of these data helped in clarifying the interaction between the different water pools and the effect of soil water potential and soil water content dynamics on the isotopic signals in the soil-plant continuum.

To further analyze the field data, we developed a numerical model using R-SWMS to simulate the flow in the vadose zone by solving Richards equation coupled with root water uptake, soil evaporation, and isotopic fractionation. To achieve this, we created a 3-D heterogeneous soil matrix that contains a root system. Field data (soil water retention and conductivity curves, initial water content, environmental conditions) from this and previous studies conducted in the catchment were used as the input data. The root system and its hydraulic properties were determined from theoretical values from literature. The isotopic fractionation during evaporation was modelled using the Craig-Gordon model. The model was used to estimate root water uptake distribution, soil water potential, soil water content, and isotopic composition distribution.


How to cite: Alharfouch, L., Llorens, P., Hidalgo, J. J., Poyatos, R., Saurat, P., and Latron, J.: Stable isotope-based understanding of water fluxes in the critical zone at the forest plot scale under Mediterranean climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-166, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-166, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kevin Li, Sylvain Kuppel, and James Knighton

Plant water use in hydrologic, land-surface, and earth system models is frequently estimated by a series of equations reliant on unknown model parameters controlling plant hydraulic function. Estimating these plant hydraulic traits is critical for accurate simulation of terrestrial water storage, flow paths, tree resistance to drought, and ultimately, ecosystem response to climate change. Despite the prevalence of δXYLEM observations, few studies have used δXYLEM to estimate plant traits numerical ecohydrologic models We calibrated EcH2O-iso, an isotopic-enabled, fully distributed ecohydrologic model, with δXYLEM observations of 30 Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) trees across seven months. Calibrated values for maximum stomatal conductance, canopy light interception, and rooting depths were validated with independent datasets of latent heat flux, canopy light interception, and δXYLEM from a nearby hemlock stand. Results indicate significant correlations between tree diameter (DBH), topographic position, and the calibrated values of several vegetation traits. Our results demonstrate that δXYLEM data can be used to accurately parameterize plant traits; however, the locations and sizes of the sampled trees should be considered when upscaling measured or calibrated plant-traits from individual trees into larger horizontal scales.

How to cite: Li, K., Kuppel, S., and Knighton, J.: Integrated Xylem Water Isotopic Observations and Process-based Ecohydrological Model Simulations Reveal Species-Level Plant Hydraulics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7685, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7685, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Natalie Orlowski, Giulia Zuecco, Jana von Freyberg
Nicola Giuliani, Agnese Aguzzoni, Francesco Comiti, Daniele Penna, and Massimo Tagliavini

Climate change will likely increase crop water demand and reduce the availability of water for irrigation. A deeper knowledge on water uptake dynamics and its translocation inside plants would help optimize irrigation management. Stable isotopes are widely used in ecohydrological studies to track the origin of plant water and to determine the contribution of different water sources to the plants’ requirements. Despite the extensive literature dealing with water relations in fruit orchards, very little is known about the time interval between the irrigation water supply and the presence of irrigation water inside the tree. The present study addressed the following questions: 1. What is the time interval between irrigation and the arrival of irrigation water at different tree heights? 2. To which extent can irrigation water uptake and transport be accelerated by increasing the portion of soil volume receiving drip irrigation water?

To address our goals, we set up a field experiment in summer 2021 in an apple orchard and an ancillary pot experiment in the lab. In the field experiment, we tested the effect of different drip irrigation layouts on the extent and rapidity of water uptake by mature apple trees. Trees were irrigated using deuterium-enriched water (δ2H = 12050 ‰) using 1, 2 or 4 drippers per tree (each dripper delivered 3 L in one hour). Shoot and fruit samples were collected in the bottom (1.5 m) and top (3 m) part of the canopy at regular intervals following the irrigation event. Soil was sampled at different depths and distances from the dripper after the irrigation. In the pot experiment, the soil was saturated with labelled water (δ2H = 1779 ‰) and xylem samples were collected at different time intervals and heights along the apple tree trunk. Water was extracted by cryogenic vacuum distillation and analyzed by IRMS. A two end-member mixing model allowed to quantify the fraction of labelled irrigation water in soil and trees. Irrigation flow velocity within the tree was estimated by the first sampling time at which the shoot δ2H value at a given height was significantly different from the values before the irrigation. Irrigation water could be detected in potted trees at 0.5 m after 1 h and at 1 m after 2 h; in field-grown trees, labelled water first appeared in the shoots in the bottom and top part of the canopy after 2 h and 4-6 h, respectively. By increasing the number of drippers per tree, the fraction of irrigation water in the shoots increased accordingly (ranging from 1% to 3% of total water after 32 h). However, uptake and transport velocity were unaffected by the number of drippers, ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 m h-1. No irrigation water was detected in the fruits.

How to cite: Giuliani, N., Aguzzoni, A., Comiti, F., Penna, D., and Tagliavini, M.: Estimating uptake and internal transport dynamics of irrigation water in apple trees using deuterium-enriched water, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6740, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6740, 2023.

Francisco Javier Muñoz Gálvez, Jose Ignacio Querejeta Mercader, Cristina Moreno Gutiérrez, Wei Ren, Gonzalo González Barberá, Enrique García de la Riva, and Iván Prieto Aguilar

Global warming and changes in precipitation regimes resulting from climate change are altering plant water availability and water use efficiency, which compromises key ecosystem services such as vegetation productivity, ecosystem carbon storage, and ecohydrological regulation. The study of plant water sources and leaf-level water use strategies is particularly important for the management and conservation of Mediterranean ecosystems, which are threatened by increasing climatic aridity. We investigated the water use strategies of 66 woody plant species distributed across 10 sites along a steep 600 km aridity gradient in  south-eastern and central Iberian Peninsula. We used soil and plant water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) to quantify the proportion of water extracted from different soil layers, as well as leaf stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O and Δ18Oenrichment above source water) as proxies for water use efficiency and stomatal regulation. Our results indicate that water extraction depth along the soil profile is strongly constrained by plant species size and height. Bayesian models revealed that small and medium size shrubs use a much greater proportion of shallow soil water than large shrubs and trees, a pattern that is remarkably consistently across study sites and species. Mixed models revealed strong associations between leaf δ13C, Δ18Oenrichment and xylem water δ18O across sites, indicating that woody species with tighter stomatal regulation achieve higher water use efficiency and generally extract water from deeper soil layers. This conservative water use strategy is much more common in larger woody species than in smaller ones. Our findings demonstrate the coexistence of sharply contrasting water use strategies in Mediterranean plant communities.  Small and mid-size woody species are heavily reliant on shallow soil water and exhibit a highly acquisitive and profligate water use strategy that enables them to take rapid advantage of an ephemeral resource (topsoil water) after rainfall pulses, although they are less efficient in the use of water at leaf level. On the other hand, large shrubs and trees that use more stable deeper water sources exhibit a much more conservative water use strategy. 

How to cite: Muñoz Gálvez, F. J., Querejeta Mercader, J. I., Moreno Gutiérrez, C., Ren, W., González Barberá, G., García de la Riva, E., and Prieto Aguilar, I.: Plant water use strategy is strongly constrained by species size in Mediterranean ecosystems , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6442, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6442, 2023.

Aksara Putthividhya, Sasin Jirasirirak, and Somkiat Prajamwong

There is increasing global interest in employing nature-based solutions (NbS) to help reduce risks to economies and society, including floods, drought, and water pollution reduction that are likely to become worse under future extreme climate.  Thai government has implemented flood retention system since 2017 along Yom and Chao Phraya rivers and their tributaries to create “room for the river”.  This flood retention scheme concept, already in place, consistently serves as a potential NbS for reducing disaster risks and impacts as well as for adaptation to those impacts, however, evidence on the benefits of the approach is still quite limited.  This study therefore aims to provide and enhance an evidence-based quantitative and qualitative indicators for NbS monitoring and evaluation stemmed from available and reliable data using a dynamic surface water-groundwater isotope composition assessment as the stable isotope fingerprinting technique has been demonstrated to be invaluable in helping understand basin-scaled functioning and are widely used in catchment hydrology.  The study area is located in the downstream of Yom river basin known as Bang Rakam model where the lowland has been used as flood retention area to prevent overflowing from Yom river into agricultural zones and reduce flood risks in lower Chao Phraya basin and Bangkok city further downstream.  Local precipitation, surface water, and groundwater along the main Yom river courses and their tributaries are directly samples (inside and outside of the Bang Rakam area). Massive precipitation isotopic composition database from existing IAEA monitoring network (GNIB) along with local Bangkok precipitation isotopic signature are compared with precipitation from Chiang Mai province to better identify the rainfall isotopic compositions. In addition to the isotopic differentiation of precipitation in the area, its impacts on isotopic characteristics of surface water and groundwater are additionally explored. LMWLs (Local Meteoric Water Line) for local rainfall in Bangkok and Chiang Mai are generated with some seasonal variation due to rain out effect. Surface water is influenced by evaporation at some degree, revealing that rainfall may not be the primary source of surface water. Yom river’s isotope values are far more D and 18O-enriched compared to Ping’s and Nan’s, reviewing the mixing of groundwater with river water and/or the source of surface water may come from dry-period precipitation. The isotopic similarity with the more depleted δD and δ18O of groundwater samples suggests the potential mixing of groundwater with river water by different mixing processes (54% from river water and 46% from rainfall). Isotopic composition analyses of groundwater samples collected from the Bang Rakam area are more depleted (up to 25%) in heavy isotopes compared to those from groundwater baseline.  A shift in groundwater origin (61% from river water and 39% from rainfall) suggests the direct enhancement of groundwater recharge from flood water retention in lowland area along Yom river.  d-excess stable isotope analyses are beneficial to identify the relative contributions of the wet and dry seasonal sources to the groundwater recharge. The results indicate that groundwater sources are composed of ~ 71.4% wet seasonal sources and ~28.6% dry seasonal sources.

How to cite: Putthividhya, A., Jirasirirak, S., and Prajamwong, S.: Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature-Based Solution (NbS) Approach Implementation for Flood Risk Reduction using Evidence-Based Dynamic Groundwater Isotope Compositions Assessment in Lowland Catchment of Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16502, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16502, 2023.

Diego Todini, Giulia Zuecco, Chiara Marchina, Daniele Penna, and Marco Borga

*Corresponding author, email: diego.todini@iusspavia.it


Stable isotopes are tracers used for the investigation of water flow paths, the quantification of the relative contribution of water sources to stream runoff or root water uptake, as well as to determine the spatial and temporal origin of water exploited by plants for transpiration. Previous studies have shown that uncertainties associated to samplings, soil and plant water extraction methods and the spatial variability in the isotopic composition of the water sources in a catchment can hamper the understanding of water cycling and the interactions between soil and plants.

In this work, we used isotopic data collected during four growing seasons in a small forested catchment in the Italian pre-Alps to i) investigate the spatial and temporal variability of the isotopic composition of the sampled water sources, ii) determine the seasonal origin of the water sources, and iii) quantify the contribution of soil water to the root water uptake of beech and chestnut trees.


The ecohydrological monitoring took place in the 2.4-ha Ressi catchment. Elevations are comprised between 598 and 721 m a.s.l., and the climate is temperate humid. The catchment is covered by a deciduous forest, with beech, chestnut, hazel and maple as the main tree species.

Water samples for isotopic analysis were taken monthly from bulk precipitation, approximately bi-weekly from stream water, shallow groundwater and soil water by two suction lysimeter cups in the riparian zone. Plant water and bulk soil water samples were extracted by cryogenic vacuum distillation bi-weekly during summer. All water samples were analysed by laser spectroscopy, except plant water that was analysed by mass spectrometry.


Results show that stream water, groundwater and soil water extracted by suction lysimeters were isotopically similar to precipitation, and on average they had an autumn or spring origin. Bulk soil water obtained by cryogenic vacuum distillation showed an evaporation signature, particularly on the hillslope sites where soil moisture was lower. At greater depths, bulk soil water extracted by cryogenic vacuum distillation was slightly less evaporated and less enriched in heavy isotopes compared to soil water extracted from shallow layers. Plant water was more similar to soil water extracted by cryogenic vacuum distillation, and mainly had a summer origin. Riparian trees tended to take up more water from shallow soil layers, whereas hillslope trees had a slightly larger preference for deep bulk soil water, particularly during the driest months.

Our results suggest that, in the study area, trees likely use more bulk soil water than the mobile soil water, groundwater and stream water, and the preference for more shallow or deep soil water is likely due to the different rooting depth of the vegetation in the hillslope and the riparian zone.


Keywords: stable isotopes; soil water; plant water; forested catchment; cryogenic vacuum distillation.

How to cite: Todini, D., Zuecco, G., Marchina, C., Penna, D., and Borga, M.: Which water do beech and chestnut trees prefer? Insights from a stable isotope approach in a small pre-alpine catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-698, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-698, 2023.

Chiara Marchina, Giulia Zuecco, and Diego Todini

Stemflow has a relevant role in forested catchments because it affects the amount of precipitation reaching the soil, and how water infiltrates and interacts with soil particles. The role of stemflow in various subsurface processes depends on the infiltration area and its size is currently a topic of interest and debate within the ecohydrological community. Stemflow infiltration area is generally estimated based on the ratio between stemflow input rate and the mean soil infiltration capacity, whereas direct observations of stemflow infiltration areas are rare. Direct observations of stemflow infiltration areas are usually made by the application of dye tracers, which have proven to be useful for monitoring double-funneling. On the contrary, few direct observations are based on the application of isotopically-labelled water to assess stemflow infiltration area and subsurface flow paths. 

Therefore, in this study, we present a simple experiment carried out in a forested catchment in the Italian pre-Alps to simulate stemflow by using isotopically-labelled water and to quantify stemflow infiltration area and volume. The experiment was conducted during a dry period to observe better changes in the isotopic signal in the soil water. Stemflow was simulated with a rainfall depth and intensity similar to typical summer storms in the catchment, and by using water with an isotopic composition very different compared to the composition of soil water during summer months. The isotopically-labelled water was applied to a beech tree monitored by electrical resistivity tomography during different wetness conditions, as well as during this stemflow experiment.

Soil samples collection for isotopic analysis was carried out after the experiment, at different distances from the stem and at different depths (e.g., 0-15, 15-30, and 30-45 cm). Soil moisture was also measured at 0-6 and 0-12 cm depths at different distances from the stem. Preliminary results showed a rapid infiltration of stemflow along the root system of the beech tree and the usefulness of isotopically-labelled water to simulate stemflow and trace double-funneling.  

Keywords: stable water isotopes; soil water; stemflow; forested catchment.

How to cite: Marchina, C., Zuecco, G., and Todini, D.: A simple experiment to trace stemflow infiltration and subsurface flow paths based on stable water isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17210, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17210, 2023.

Pilar Llorens, Francesc Gallart, Juan Pinos, Carles Cayuela, and Jérôme Latron

The stable isotope composition of the water entering the hydrological system is frequently used as natural tracer for plant, soil and catchment hydrology studies in forested areas. For these studies is important to know how the isotopic composition of precipitation is modified when rainfall passes through the canopies, therefore, the modelling of these processes would be very useful. However, it has been described as a complex task due to the complexity of the insufficiently known mechanisms involved. As an alternative way, we propose to test a set of hypotheses that try to simplify the main driving mechanisms. The hypotheses being tested are: i) The enriched isotopic composition of stemflow is in dynamic equilibrium with that of air moisture; ii) Dripping water has the same isotopic composition than stemflow; and iii) Throughfall isotopic composition is a mixing of those of free throughfall and stemflow. The measured event and intra-event isotopic composition of rainfall, throughfall and stemflow measured in a Scots pine plot during several years at the Vallcebre Research Catchments (South-Eastern Pyrenees), combined with Rutter and Gash models, previously tested in the studied plot, are being used to test these hypotheses.

How to cite: Llorens, P., Gallart, F., Pinos, J., Cayuela, C., and Latron, J.: Testing simplifying hypotheses for modelling forest throughfall and stemflow water stable isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8979, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8979, 2023.

A new method for sampling water in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum for stable isotope analyses
Michael Staubwasser, Mohammed El-Shenawy, and Daniel Herwartz
Daniel Herwartz, Mohammed El-Shenawy, Michael Staubwasser, Alvaro Zύñiga-Reinoso, and Reinhard Predel

Animals and plants metabolize carbohydrates to acquire energy. The most common oxidant is air O2, which comprises a distinct negative Δ’17O anomaly. Vertebrate bones and teeth inherit this anomaly providing a tool to approximate metabolic rates, aridity or paleo atmospheric compositions. In order to directly trace the Δ’17O anomaly in invertebrates, plants or soil water, we have developed a technique to quantitatively extract water from any organic tissue without heating or freeze drying. The method is based on water transfer from the organic matrix to initially dry, hygroscopic CaCl2 salt in closed containers and is presented in detail by El-Shenawy et al. (this conference).

A sprouted potato is examined as an example for respiration by plant roots. Clear negative Δ’17O anomalies derived from air O2 are observed within the water extracted from the tribes and especially the small fruits that only develop after prolonged time of spouting in a dark cabinet. Apparent evaporation trajectories evolve in δ18O vs. d-excess space, but these are mostly artifacts due to production of metabolic water with high δ18O within the potato and the tribes. Clearly, the production of such metabolic water within plants and soils must be accounted for, especially when interpreting δ18O vs. d-excess trajectories as evaporation slopes.

We examined Insect body water from lab reared beetles and silverfish as well as free ranging specimens form the Atacama Desert in Chile. A large interspecies range in δ18O vs. Δ’17O is observed, which is mainly interpreted to reflect variable water acquisition strategies. Metabolic water derived from air O2 can make up large proportions of body water in some species, but not others. Respective body water mass balance models are presently constructed and will be presented.

How to cite: Herwartz, D., El-Shenawy, M., Staubwasser, M., Zύñiga-Reinoso, A., and Predel, R.: Tracing metabolic water in living tissues using triple oxygen isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11570, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall HS

Chairpersons: Jesse Radolinski, Magali Nehemy, Natalie Orlowski
Junyou Wang and Ziyong Sun

Within arid and semi-arid ecosystems, water availability is crucial in determining the growth and distribution of plants due to intense evaporation and limited precipitation. Ecological water conveyance has now become an important measure to mitigate the ecological degradation of plants in arid and semi-arid regions. However, different from water conveyance during growing seasons, there has been little research directly exploring the response of water use strategies of plants to ecological water conveyance during the non-growing season. In this context, whether and how non-growing season water conveyance can be used by lakeshore plants in the following growing seasons are interesting issues. Previous studies in regional scale and simple site scale have shown that plant growth can be influenced by ecological water conveyance during non-growing seasons in regional scale and simple site scale. However, the mechanisms of storage and transformation of water conveyed during the non-growing season and the extent and scope of the impact of non-growing season water conveyance are still unclear. To deepen the understanding of plants' adaptation to water conveyance during non-growing seasons, a comprehensive approach of water availability exploration and stable isotope (D, 18O) tracer model (MixSIAR) was used to analyze the water use strategies of typical plants (Phragmites australis, Nitraria tangutorum, Haloxylon ammodendron, and Peganum harmala L.), and the Qingtu Lake was taken as the study area, which is the terminal lake of the Shiyang River, China. Results indicate that water extraction depths of plants tend to deepen with the increase of the distance from the lake, and for the central areas, Phragmites australis mainly use almost saturated soil water or lake water nearby; for the transitional areas, the depth of water extraction by Phragmites australis, Nitraria tangutorum, and Peganum harmala L. was significantly changed from different depths of soil water during the growing season; for the almost no influence areas, the depths of water extraction by Phragmites australis, Nitraria tangutorum, and Haloxylon ammodendron were more evenly distributed over the whole soil profile, with no significant change during different seasons. Combining the monitoring data of water table depth, soil temperature, volumetric soil water content, and the survey data of soil texture, we realized that: water conveyance during the non-growing season in late summer and early autumn rapidly forms recharge for groundwater and soil water, while the soil texture characteristics of sandy and clay distributed in mutual layers and the seasonal freeze-thaw phenomenon from late November to early April create conditions for the storage of this water, thus providing support for water needs of the plant sprouting in spring and plant growth in summer. Our results provide insight into the storage and transformation mechanisms of non-growing season water conveyance for plant uptake and utilization in arid regions and have practical implications for the scientific management of ecological water conveyance in arid regions.

How to cite: Wang, J. and Sun, Z.: How does water conveyance during non-growing seasons affect the water use strategy of lakeshore plants in arid northwestern China?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4197, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4197, 2023.

Saranya Puthalath, Sreelash Krishnan, Akhil Thulaseedharan, Abdur Rahman, Amzad Laskar, and Sanjeev Kumar

Understanding the route of precipitation through the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum is significant for partitioning evapo-transpiration (ET) into its components. The δ18O of water has been used in the present study to understand the eco-hydrological connectivity in the tropical humid Western Ghats, India. We conducted spatially distributed sampling of stream water, xylem, groundwater, root, and soil pore water. The results suggest that the vegetation mostly accessed water from the intermediate soil layer and not from the streams. Though the shallow roots exhibited enriched isotopic signatures due to the availability of evaporated soil water, the xylem water exhibited rather depleted signatures suggesting that the dominant uptake happened from the layers beneath the topsoil. While a significant Isotopic elevation effect (-0.09/100 m elevation) was observed in the stream water, the xylem water elevation effect was not significant. The major discontinuity of the Western Ghats, the Palghat Gap, exhibited the circulation of 18O enriched water in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum due to the evaporative enrichment of source water and the subsequent abstraction by trees. The calculated leaf water enrichment at the evaporative site of the leaf (∆Le) and the ET fluxes recorded in the weighing lysimeters as well pointed towards the isotopic enrichment in the Palghat Gap. Additionally, the lysimeter ET flux and the mixing model-based partitioning of ET show the transpiration component to be 88%.

How to cite: Puthalath, S., Krishnan, S., Thulaseedharan, A., Rahman, A., Laskar, A., and Kumar, S.: Isotopic exploration of eco-hydrological connectivity in the riparian zones of Southern Western Ghats, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10743, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10743, 2023.